Cloning Plan number:______ Plasmid number: Construct name: Description: Project: Date of cloning: Lab book ref: Map of plasmid target: Oligos Ordered from: Oligo 1: Oligo 2: Outline of work Insert preparation: 1: Use oligos shown to amplify gene xyz1 from the E.coli K-12 genome (genomic prep number 7). A 1.2 kb band is expected. (insert conditions/data/comments here) 2: Clean up PCR reaction using PCR purification kit, and check concentration and purity by spec measurement and agarose gel) (insert conditions/data/comments here) Vector preparation 1: Digest pUC18 (plasmid prep 42) with BamHI, then dephosphorylate with SAP followed by heat inactivation at 65°C for 15min. (insert conditions/data/comments here) 2: Run the pUC18 digest on an agarose gel. A 2.6kb band is expected. In parallel, run a sample of uncut pUC18 to check that the digest has occurred. Isolate the band using a gel extraction kit. (insert conditions/data/comments here) Ligation and transformation Insert ligation and transformation conditions and outcome Clone identification Number of clones picked, isolation of plasmid DNA and digest or PCR to check for positive clones. Quality control checks Digests Initial digest Restriction mapping 1 Restriction mapping 2 Sequencing analysis Sequenced by: Primers: Result: Protein expression Host strain: Induction conditions: Expected protein band: Observed protein band: Activity assay Enzymes Expected bands Obtained bands