RNC Data Depacker V2.1 by ])-R0C/bODYcOUNT dK! ---------------------------------------------This little tool allows the user to depack all of the files that have been crunched using RNC's Propack utility. Version one of this tool was quite useful when it was released over a year ago, but since then there have been some RNC files that have managed to evade this decruncher by being crunched using the FAST(Method 2) algorithm. I've been busy coding games and haven't had time to do any ripping for the method 2 algorithm, but low and behold in one of the EX4 coverdisks there it was all nicely intact. So, I updated this utility to allow method 2 crunched files to be depacked. Since the sources in EX4 also had CRC checks with them I decided to incorporate them also, as it wasn't difficult to do. This utility should now depack correctly both method 1 and method 2 RNC packed files. It should not care if a file is locked or not (except with a key) and should report it's progress while decrunching. Another feature added to this program is the ability to enter a decryption key as a third parameter. This must be a hex longword and must start with a dollor sign like standard hex. The command line for depack is as follows... Depack [<Input file>] [Output file] [$Decryption key] As you can see from the above command line, the input filename is the ONLY essential piece of information depack requires. If the output filename is omitted then the input file will be overwritten. If the decryption key is omitted then the file is depacked with a key of 0 (normal). Here are a few examples for the lame brains out there.... Eg. Depack Logo.RNC Logo.iff The above example will depack the file Logo.RNC to a file called Logo.iff Eg. Depack Logo.RNC $00000929 This example will depack Logo.RNC and decrypt it with the key $00000929. The input file will be overwritten. As you can see the command line looks for a dollar sign to identify the decrpytion key. Please don't try and fuck things up by using files starting with dollor signs etc. as I didn't do shitloads of checks to serious arse-holes. By the way, if any invalid character are found in the decrpytion key then a zero will be substituted for the invalid character. The decryption key is not case sensitive. Eg. Depack Logo.RNC Logo.iff $bc00343y This will depack the file Logo.RNC to a file called Logo.iff and decrypt it with the key $bc003430. As you can see the Y in the above decryption key is invalid and is therefore substituted by a zero when used by depack. Anyway, I think that's about it for this edition... it and be merry.... Hope you all enjoy