
South Dakota Chapter of ASPIRE
Quarterly Report
Date 1/18/12
Tina Ludens
Cody McMichael – Past President
Carol Gritts – Secretary/Treasurer
State News:
(Instructions: Examples include new initiatives, ongoing activities and meetings, changes in membership,
partnerships, fundraising, and professional development.)
 Britt Lorenz, NSU SSS Director and Tina Ludens (SD Chapter of ASPIRE President) are
coordinating SD TRiO Day at the state capitol on February 23rd.
 Cody McMichael, BHSU SSS Assistant Director and Tina Ludens are working to update
the format of the SD Fact Book.
 Tina Ludens submitted the 2011 Paul T. Spraggins State Initiative Grant Proposal to help
fund SD TRiO Day and SD Fact Book
 Planning is underway for the 2012 ND/SD Co-State meeting in Aberdeen, April 1-3rd.
State Activities/Accomplishments related to ASPIRE’s Strategic Plan:
(Instructions: Please report on the activities/accomplishments of the state chapter since the last report.)
 SD TRiO Day is set for February 23rd, 2012 at the capitol in Pierre SD. A luncheon
highlighting participants will follow. Invitations were sent to key SD officials.
Strategic Goal # 1: Advocate for programs and activities that ensure the continued existence of
TRiO and other educational opportunity programs, such as GEAR-UP.
 SD TRiO Professionals from across the state will gather in Pierre on February 23 rd to
share success stories and TRiO statistics in the President and Speaker Lobbies and at the
TRiO Day Luncheon.
 Tina Ludens, SD President, will attend the Annual COE Policy Conference in
Washington DC.
 SD Department of Education officials were invited and have accepted the invitation to
attend the TRiO Day Luncheon in Pierre for SD TRiO Day. Success stories and SD
TRiO program stats will be shared.
 A meeting between SD President, Tina Ludens, and Stacy Phelps, Director of the SD
Gear Up & SD CACG programs is in the process of being established.
Strategic Goal # 2: Strengthen the financial position of ASPIRE.
 SD Chapter of ASPIRE leadership encourages program staff to become regional
members of ASPIRE.
 SD Chapter of ASPIRE encourages personal contribution
Strategic Goal # 3: Provide professional development opportunities to the members of ASPIRE.
 SD TRiO Professionals will have professional development opportunities with the
upcoming SD TRiO Day in Pierre.
 Professional development opportunities have been assigned to South Dakota ASPIRE
members who volunteered their services and expertise on standing committees and
leadership positions of South Dakota ASPIRE.
Strategic Goal # 4: Continue to strengthen governmental relations work at the national, regional,
state, and local levels.
 The South Dakota TRIO Fact book will be distributed to all three legislative offices in
South Dakota and to state legislators during SD TRIO Day on February 23rd in the state
 SD President ensures COE alerts reach all SD ASPIRE membership.
 SD President will attend annual COE Policy Seminar in March, 2012
 Rocky Burkett, UB Coordinator, NSU has been named COE point person for the state.
 SD ASPIRE members attending TRIO Day in Pierre will invite local representatives to
 SD TRiO Day Coordinators Britt Lorenz and Tina Ludens are working to secure a TRiO
Day Proclamation for February 23rd.
 On the state level, several government officials have been invited to SD TRiO Day in
Strategic Goal # 5: Further develop and utilize communication capabilities and networking
 Phil Coghlan, NSU UB Assistant Coordinator, has been named media point person. Phil
has created a SD Chapter of ASPIRE Facebook page.
 Invitation to SD TRiO Day was extended to all SD ASPIRE membership.
 SD Chapter of ASPIRE directory was collected and distributed to all SD membership.
Strategic Goal # 6: Assist program participants and alumni to advocate for TRIO.
 Participants and alumni have attended are invited to attend SD TRiO Day to share their
success stories.
 SD will incorporate an outstanding TRiO participant and Alumni award at the ND/SD
Conference in April.
Strategic Goal # 7: Strengthen relationships with state associations.
 SD will host the SD/ND state conference in Aberdeen.
Committee Activities related to COE Board Initiatives:
(Instructions: Please report on activities related to initiatives that the COE Chair or Board have highlighted for the
year. Examples include Get 3 for TRIO and incorporating a service component into TRIO Day activities.)