A. Full Papers

Institute of Biomedical Sciences
Academia Sinica, Taipei 11529, Taiwan, R.O.C.
(02) 2652-3907 (Work, Taipei)
886-2-2782-9143 (Fax)
Age: 61
Date of birth: Jan 5, 1948
Married (Denise) with two children (Grace and Ray)
Sabbatical leave at Dr. S.G. Rhee’s Lab of Cell Signaling, 8/99-2/00
NHLBI, NIH, Bethesda, MD
Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Physiology, School of Medicine
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Ph.D., University of Nevada, School of Medicine
Reno, Nevada, USA
M.S., University of Wisconsin,
Wisconsin, USA
B.S., Fu-Jen Catholic University,
Taipei, Taiwan.
Deputy Director, Institute of Biomedical Sciences,
Academia Sinica, Taipei
1997- present
Research Fellow and professor
Institute of Biomedical Sciences
Academia Sinica, Taipei
2003- present
Adjunct Professor
Department of Biochemistry
National Yang-Ming University, Taipei
1987- 1996
Associate Research Fellow and associate professor
Institute of Biomedical Sciences,
Academia Sinica, Taipei
1985- 1987
Research Associate
Thrombosis Research Center, Temple University
Philadelphia, PA, USA
1982- 1985
Postdoctoral Research Fellow,
Dept. of Physiology, School of Medicine, Univ. of Penn
Philadelphia, PA, USA
1978- 1982
Research and Teaching Assistant,
Department of Biochemistry, University of Nevada, Reno, NV
1977- 1978
Research Associate,
Tago Immunochemical Reagents Co. Berlingame, CA, USA
1972- 1973
Research Assistant, Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Teaching specific topic in Department of Biochemistry, National Yang-Ming
University, Taipei, 1999Teaching endothelial cells in Department of Pharmacology, National Taiwan
University, Taipei, 1998Teaching in course “Signal transduction” in Institute of Life Sciences, National
Defense Medical Center, Taipei, 1993-.
Teaching in course Experimental Pharmacology (3 h) in Pharmacology Institute,
National Taiwan University, School of Medicine. 1996- .
Teaching Advanced Clinical Hematology at Institute of Medical Technology at
National Taiwan University, Taipei, 1992-1997.
Teaching Biochemistry at department of Chemistry, National Chung Shing
University, Taichung. 1989
Teaching Biochemistry to medical students at Chang Kung Medical College,
Taipei, Taiwan. 1987
Teaching cardiovascular physiology (microcirculation course) to students at
Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan 1987
Teaching Biochemistry to graduate and undergraduate students at University of
Nevada, Reno, NV. 1978-1982
Areas of Interest:
Thrombosis, fibrinolysis and atherogenesis
Vascular biology
Oxidative stress and signaling pathways
Response of cells to hemodynamic forces in cardiovascular system
Cellular and molecular mechanisms of cardiac growth and development
Recent and Past Research Support:
1. Department of Education Program for Promoting Academic Excellence
of Universities, Taiwan (4 years project) April, 2002-April, 2006, NT
$1,250,000/year. “Program Project on Vascular Biology”.
2. Genomic and Proteomic Program, Academia Sinica
Study of the Anti-inflammation Mechanism in Endothelial Cells: the Role
of PGI2 and NO, 2005-2007, (NT$2,220,000/year).
3. National Science Council, Taiwan, ROC. 2002-2005 (3 years project).
Principal Investigator, NT$125,000/per year
“Study of the signaling mechanism in hypoxia/reperfusion-induced
endothelial responses.”
4. National Science Council, Taiwan, ROC. 1999-2001 (3 years project).
Coordinator and Principal Investigator, NT $ 115,000/year
“Molecular and Cellular Responses of Endothelial Cells to Hemodynamic
Forces.” In PPG “Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Atherogenesis.”
National Science Council, Taiwan, ROC. 1995-1998 (3 years project).
Coordinator of Program Project and Principal Investigator, NT$1,000,000/yr.
“Molecular and Cellular Responses of Endothelial Cells to Hemodynamic
Forces.” in PPG “Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Atherogenesis.”
National Science Council, Taiwan, ROC. 1993-1995.
Principal Investigator, NT $900,000/yr.
“Effects of Mechanical Strain on the Release of Vasoactive Substances from
Human Endothelial Cells.”
5. National Science Council, Taiwan, ROC. 1989-1992
Principal Investigator, NT $880,000/yr.
“Studies of Fibrinolytic Activities of Platelets and Perturbed ECs.”
6. National Science Council, Taiwan, ROC. 1987-1989
Principal Investigator, NT $867,000/yr.
“Studies of Fibrinolysis, Thrombosis and Blood Coagulation.”
7. American Heart Association, 1986-1987
Southeast Pennsylvania Chapter
Principal Investigator, US $16,000
“Studies of Plasma Factor V Receptor.”
8. NIH, 3P01-HL19373-09S1A1
Co-investigator, Department of Physiology,
Univ. of Penn. US $100,315 for 1985 and 105,284 for 1986 of Project IA“Granular Pneumocytes Metabolism: Phospholipid Synthesis, Secretion and
Recycling” in Program Project “ Cellular and Molecular Aspects of
respiratory Physiology.”
Deputy Director, Inst. of Biomed. Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, 9/2000-3/2004.
Organizing Member of the Symposium on Recent Advances in Free Radicals and
Oxidative Stress in Taipei, Oct 24-25, 2003.
Organizing Committee Member of the Taipei Satellite Symposium of XIIIth
International Symposium on Atherosclerosis, Taipei, 9/24-9/26, 2003
Organizing Committee member of the 1st Congress of Asian-Pacific Society of
Atherosclerossis and Vascular Diseases at Taipei, Taiwan. March 14-18, 1998.
Central Committee member of Lipids and Atherosclerosis Soc., Taiwan, 1994-present.
Coordinator, Cardiovascular Div., Inst. of Biomed. Sciences, Academia Sinica,
Taipei, 1989-1993, 1997-1998
Member of Organizing Committee of Sino-Japanese Symposium on
Fibrinolysis, Thrombosis and Platelets, Taipei. Oct 2-5, 1992
Organizer of the Molecular Cardiology workshop held at IBMS, Taipei, 1991,
1993, 1994, 1995, 1996.
Co-chairman of Symposium of Local Executive Committee of
International Scientific Symposium on Fibrinogen, Thrombosis, Coagulation
and Fibrinolysis at Taipei, Taiwan, 1989
Academic Achievement Award, Taiwan Society of Lipids and Atherosclerosis, 2005
National Science Council, Outstanding Research Award.
Invited as a section Chair at 6th Endothelome Conference in Otaru, 2/22, 2003
Sapporo, Japan
National Science Council, Outstanding Research Award.
A member Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences, American Heart
2002Invited as a section chair at 4th Endothelome Conference in Kumamoto2/3, 2001
Invited as a section chair at 3rd Endothelome Conference in Osaka. 2/19, 2000
Invited lecture at 2nd Endothelome Conference in Fukoka, Japan. 1/31, 1999
Invited as a committee member in Endothelome Conference in
Kurashiki, Japan (1st conference at 2/7, 1998, hosted by Eisai Co.) 1998-2005
Reviewer for Basic Research Grant Programme for Science Foundation Ireland
Reviewer for Pysiological Genomics
Reviewer for Circulation.
Reviewer for Circulation Research.
Reviewer for Arterio. Throm. & Vas. Biol.
Reviewer for Amer. J. of Physiol.
Reviewer for Annals Biomedical Engineering
Reviewer for BBA-Mol. Cell. Res.
Reviewer for Proceeding of National Academic Sciences, USA.
Reviewer for Thrombosis Res.
Reviewer for J. of Biomedical Science
1995- present
Reviewer for Chin. J. of Physiol.
National Science Council Research Award, Taiwan.
Committee member of Lipids and Atherosclerosis Society, Taiwan.
Chinese Cell Biology Society
New York Academy of Sciences
American Physiology Society
American Heart Association Fellowship Award
Society of Chinese Bio-scientist in America
NIH Research Service Award
Sigma Xi
President of Chinese Student
Association, Univ. of Nevada
PUBLICATIONS of the Principal Investigator:
A. Full Papers
1. Reitz, R. C., Wang, L. and Schilling, R. J. “Effect of ethanol ingestation on the unsaturated fatty
acids from various tissues” Prog. Lipid Research (20) 209-213, (1981).
2. Wang, D. L., Dillwith, J. W., Ryan, R.O., Blomquist, G. J. and Reitz, R. C. “Characterization of
the Acyl-CoA desaturate in the housefly: Correlation with alkene synthesis” Insect Biochemistry
12(5) 545-551, (1982).
3. Wang, D. L. and Reitz, R. C. “Ethanol Ingestion and Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids: Effects on the
Acyl-CoA Desaturases” Alcoholism: Clinical and experimental research. 7(2) 202- 226, (1983).
4. Wang, D. L. and Reitz, R. C. “ Studies on the half-life and the localization of the Acyl-CoA
desaturase in the housefly” Lipids 18(9) 595-601, (1983).
5. Claypool, W. D., Wang, D. L., Chander, A. and Fisher,A. B. “A hydrophobic aproprotein in rat
lung surfactant augments liposome uptake by isolated granular pneumocytes” J. Clin. Invest. 74(3)
677-684, (1984).
6. Claypool, W. D., Wang, D. L., Chander, A. and Fisher, A. B. “Hydrophobic surfactant
aproprotein augmentation of phospholipid recycling.” Exp. Lung Research 6(3-4) 215-222, (1984).
7. Annamalai, A. E., Rao, A. K. Chiu, H.C., Wang, D. L. and R. W. Colman. “Epitope mapping of
functional domains of human factors Va with human and murine antibodies. Evidence for the
interaction of heavy chain with FXa and Ca+2.” Blood 70(1) 139-146, (1987).
8. Wang, D. L., Annamalai., A. E. and Colman, R. W. “Human platelet factor V is cross-linked to
actin by factor XIIIa.” Thrombosis Research (57) 39-57, (1990).
9. Wu, C. H., Chi, J. C., Jerng, J. S., Lin, S. J., Jan K. M., Wang, D. L., and Chien, S.
“Transendothelial Macromolecular Transport in the Aorta of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats.”
Hypertension (16) 154-161, (1990).
10. Chang, Y. N., Hsu, H.T.C., Hung M. S., Chang C. L., Li J. G. and Wang D. L.. “Effects of Platelet
PGE1 on Deformability.” The Chinese J. of Physiology. 33(1) 31-40, (1990).
11. Hung M. S., Chang C. T., Lin C. F. and Wang D. L. “Platelet Adherence to Thrombin Pretreated
Human Endothelial Cells.” In: Recent Advances in Haemostasis and Cardiovascular Research, Liu
CY and Chien S, eds. Adademia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC 81-85, (1990).
12. Ma, S. F., Hsu H.T.C., Wang D. L. and Liu C. Y. “Studies on the Endothelial Cell Morphological
Changes by Fibrin Using Immuno-flourescence Methods.” In: Recent in Advances Haemostasis and
Cardiovascular Research, Liu CY and Chien S, eds. Academia Sinica, Taipei, Tiawan, ROC 75-80,
13. Wang, D. L., H.T.C. Hsu, C.L. Chang and S. Chien. “ Effects of PGE1, Cytochalasin D and
Colchicine on Platelet Deformability.” In: Recent Advances in Haemostasis and Fibrinolysis. (Eds
C.Y. Liu & S. Chien), Advances in Exp. Med. and Biol. Vol. 281, Plenum Press. New York. 319-331,
14. Liu, H. M., Wang, D. L. and Liu, C. Y. “Interactions Between Fibrin, Collagen and Endothelial
Cells in Angiogenesis.” In: Fibrinogen, Thrombosis, Coagulation and Fibrinolysis. (Eds C.Y. Liu &
S. Chien), Advances in Exp. Med. and Biol. Vol. 281, Plenum Press. New York. 319-331, (1992).
15. Wang, D. L., Y. N. Chang, H.T.C. Hsu, S. Usami and S. Chien. “Prostaglandin El and Dibutyryl
Cyclic AMP Enhance Platelet Resistance to Deformation.” Thrombosis Research (65) 757-768,
16. Wang, D. L., Chen, J. J., N. L. Shin., Huang, W. Y. and Liew, C. C. “Endothelin Stimulates
Cardiac - and - Myosin Heavy Chain Gene Expression.” Biochem. Biophy. Res. Comm. 183(3)
1260-1265 (1992).
17. Liu, C. Y., Pan Y. T. and Wang D. L., “The Reaction of Thrombin with Fibrinogen/Fibrin and
The Effects of Insulin on Fibrinolytic Activity of Endothelial Cells.” In: Hemosatsis and Circulation.
A. Takada and A. Budzynski, eds. Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, 28-32, (1992).
18. Wang, J. J. and Wang, D. L. “Immuno-Electron Microscopic Studies of Endothelium in
Cardiovascular System.” J. Formosan Med. Assoc. 91 (suppl 3) 262-269 (1992).
19. Chen, J. J., Wang D. L., Shih, N. L. and Liew, C. C. “Regulation of Human Cardiac Myosin
Heavy Chain Genes: The Effect of Catecholamine.” Biochem. Biophy. Res. Comm. 188(2) 547-553
20. Wang, J. J., Cheng, C. H., Chen, N. K., Hwu, J. S., Wang, D. L. and Chang, J. P.
“Ultrastructural and Enzyme-cytochemical Studies of Hepatocytes in Rat and Human Hepatoma and
Aflatoxin B1-treated Rat Liver.” Acta Histochem Cytochem. 26(2) 147-156. (1993).
21. Wang, D. L., Tang, C. C., Chen, S. H., Wung B. S. and Wang J. J. “Cyclic Strain Increases
Endothelin-1 Gene Expression and its Secretion from Endothelial Cells.” Biochem. Biophy. Res.
Comm. 195(2) 1050-1056, (1993).
22. Wang, J. J., Cheng, C-H and Wang, D. L. “von Willebrand Factor is Secreted and Distributed in
Two Sides of Thrombin-treated ECs in Vitro.” J. Med. Sci. 1495, 305-316, (1994).
23. Wang, D. L., Pan, Y. T. and Liu, C. Y. “Identification of a Functionally Active Plasminogen
Activator in Human Platelets.” Thrombosis and Haemostasis 71(4) 493-498, (1994).
24. Wang, D. L., Wung, B. S., Peng, Y. C. and Wang, J. J. “Mechanical Strain Increases Endothelin1Gene Expression via Protein Kinase C Pathway in Human Endothelial Cells.” J. Cell. Physiol. (163)
400-406, (1995).
25. Shyu, K. G., Chen, J. J., Shih, N. L. Wang, D. L. Chang, H., Lien, W. P. and Liew, C. C.
“Regulation of Human Cardiac Myosin Heavy Chain Genes by Cyclical Mechanical Stretch in
Cultured Cardiomyocytes.” Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 210(2) 567-573, (1995).
26. Shyu, K. G., Chen, J. J., Shih, N. L., Chang, H., Wang, D. L., Lien, W. P. and Liew, C. C.
“Angiotensinogen Gene Expression is Induced by Cyclical Mechanical Stretch in Cultured Rat
Cardiomyocytes.” Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 211(1) 241-248, (1995).
27. Wang, D. L., Wung, B. S., Shyy, Y. J., Lin, C-F, Chao, Y-J., Usami, S. and Chien, S. “Mechanical
Strain Induces Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1 Gene Expression in Endothelial Cells: Effects of
Mechanical Strain on Monocytes Adhesion to Endothelial Cells.” Circ. Res. 77(2) 294-302, (1995).
28. Wung, B. S., Cheng, J. J., Chao, Y. J., Lin, J. and Wang, D. L. “Cyclical Strain Increases
Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1 Secretion in Human Endothelial Cells.” Am. J. Physiol. 270 H14621468, (1996).
29. Pang, J. H., Chen Y. L., Jiang M-J, Wang F-W, Wang D. L. and Chau L-Y. “Increased Ferritin
Gene Expression in Atherosclerotic Lesions.” J. Clin. Invest. 97(10) 2204-2212, (1996).
30. Cheng J. J., Chao Y. J., Wung B. S. and Wang D. L. “Cyclic Strain-induced Plasminogen
Activator Inhibitor-1 Release from Endothelial Cells Involves Intracellular Reactive Oxygen
Species.” Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 225(1):100-105, (1996).
31. Cheng, J. J., Wung, B. S., Chao, Y. L. and Wang, D. L. “Mechanical Strain Augments
Endothelial Cell Adhesion to Monocytes by Increasing ICAM-1 expression.” Hypertension 28(3):386391, (1996).
32. Wung B. S., Cheng J. J., Chao, Y. J. and Wang D. L. “Cyclic Strain-Induced Monocyte
Chemotactic Protein-1 Gene Expression in Endothelial Cells Involves Reactive Oxygen Species
Activation of Activator Protein-1.” Circ. Res. 81(1):1-7, (1997).
33. Chiu, J. J., Wung, B. S., Hsieh H. J. and Wang D. L. “ Reactive Oxygen Species are Involved in
Shear Stress-Induced Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 Expression in Endothelial Cells.”
Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. (17):3570-3577, (1997).
34. Cheng J. J., Wung, B. S., Chao, Y. L. and Wang D. L. “Cyclic Strain-Induced Reactive Oxygen
Species Involved in Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 Gene Induction in Endothelial Cells.”
Hypertension. 31(1):125-130, (1998).
35. Chiu J-J, Wang D. L., Chien S., Skalak R. and Usami S. “Effects of Disturbed Flows on
Endothelial Cells.” J. Biomech. Eng. 120(1):2-8, (1998).
36. Hsieh H. J., Cheng C. C., Wu S. T., Chiu J. J., Wung B. S. and Wang D. L. “Increase of Reactive
Oxygen Species (ROS) in Endothelial Cells by Shear Flow and Involvement of ROS in Shear-Induced
c-fos Expression.” J. Cell. Physiol. 175(2):156-162, (1998).
37. Cheng T. H., Shih H. L., Wang D. L. and Chen J. J. “Reactive Oxygen Species Modulate
Endothelin-1-Induced c-fos Gene Expression via Ras Pathway in Cardiomyocyte.” Cardiovascular
Res. 41(3):654-662, 1999.
38. Wung B. S., Cheng J. J., Shyy Y. J., Chao Y. J. and Wang D. L. “The Modulation of Ras-RafERK Pathway by Reactive Oxygen Species is Involved in Cyclic Strain-Induced Early Growth
Response-1 Gene Expression in Endothelial Cells.” Circ. Res. 84:804-812, 1999.
39. Chiu J. J., Wung B. S., Hsieh H. J., Lo L. W. and Wang D. L. “ Nitric Oxide Regulates ShearStress-Induced Early Growth Response-1 Expression via the Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase
Pathway in Endothelial Cells.” Circ. Res. 85: 238-246, 1999.
40. Cheng J. J., Wung B. S. and Wang D. L. “Cyclic Strain Induces Redox Changes in Endothelial
Cells” Chinese J. Physiol. 42(2):103-111, 1999.
41. Shih N-L, Cheng T-H, Loh S-H, Cheng P-Y, Wang D.L. ,Chen Y-S. , Liew C-C and Chen J-J.
“Reactive Oxygen Species Modulate Agniotension II-Induced β-Myosin Heavy Chain Gene
Expression via Ras/Raf/ERK Pathway in Neonatal Rat Cardiomyocytes.” Biochem, Biophys. Res.
Comm. 283 (1):143-148, 2001.
42. Lo L-W., Cheng J.J., Chiu J. J., Wung B. S., Lu Y. C. and Wang D. L. “Endothelial exposure to
hypoxia induces Egr-1 exposure involving PKCα-mediated Ras/Raf/ERK1/2 pathway.” J. Cell.
Physiol., 188:304-312, 2001.
43. Chang Y. L., Shen J. J., Wung B. S., Cheng J. J. and Wang D. L. “Chinese Herbal Remedy
Wogonin Inhibits Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1 Gene Expression in Human Endothelial Cells.”
Mol. Pharmocol. 60:507-513, 2001.
44. Cheng J. J., Wung B. S. Chao Y. J. and Wang D. L. “Sequential Activation of Protein Kinase C-
and - Contributes to Sustained Raf/ERK1/2 Activation in Endothelial Cells under Mechanical
Strain.” J. Biol. Chem. 276(33):31368-31375, 2001.
45. Cheng T-H, Shih N-L, Chen S-Y, Loh S-H, Cheng P-Y, Tsai C-S, Liu S-H, Wang D.L. and Chen
J-J. “Reactive Oxygen Species Mediates Cyclic Strain-Induced Endothelin-1 Gene Expression via
Ras/Raf/Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase Pathway in Endothelial Cells.” J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol.
33(10):1805-14, 2001.
46. Wung B. S. Cheng J.J., Shyue S.K. and Wang D. L. “NO Modulates Monocyte Chemotactic
Protein-1 Expression in Endothelial Cells under Cyclic Strain.” Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol.
21:1941-47, 2001.
47. Cheng J-J, Chao Y-J and Wang D.L. “Cyclic Strain Activates Redox-Sensitive Proline-Rich
Tyrosine Kinase (PYK2) in Endothelial Cells” J. Biol. Chem. 277 (50): 48152-57, 2002.
48. Ni C-W., Wang D.L., Lien S-C., Cheng J-J., Chao Y-J, And Hsieh H-J. “Activation of PKC-
and ERK1/2 participates in shear-induced endothelial MCP-1 expression that is repressed by nitric
oxide” J. Cell. Physiol. 195:428-434 (2003).
49. Ni C-W., Hsieh H-J, Chao Y-J and Wang D.L. “Shear Flow Attenuates Serun-Induced STAT3
Activation in Endothelial Cells.” J. Biol. Chem. 278 (22):19702-08, 2003.
50. Cheng T.H., Chen P-Y, Shih N-L, Chen I-B, Wang D.L. and Cheng J-J. “Involvement of reactive
oxygen species in angiotensin II-induced endothelin-1 gene expression in rat cardiac fibroblast.” J.
Am. Coll. Cardiol. 42(10):1845-1854, 2003.
51. Chen S. H., Wang D. L. “Nitric oxide inhibiting MMP–2 Expression is mediated via the induction
of activating transcription factor (ATF3) in endothelial cells” Mol. Pharmacol. 65(5):1130-40, 2004.
52. Ni C-W, Hsieh H-J, Wang D.L. “Interleukin-6-induced Jak2/STAT3 signaling pathway in
endothelial cells is suppressed by hemodynamic flow” Am. J. Physiol. (Cell Physiol.), 287:C771-780,
53. Wung B.S, Ni C-W, Wang D.L. “ICAM-1 induction by TNF- and IL-6 is mediated by distinct
pathways via Rac in endothelial cells” J. Biomed. Sciences. 12(1):91-101, 2005.
54. Cheng S.C., Lu M-K, Cheng J-J., Wang D.L. “Antiangiogenic activities of polysaccharides
isolated from medicinal fungi.” FEMS Microbiology Letters 249:247-254, 2005.
55. Cheng J.J. Hwang N-K, Chang T-T, Wang D.L., Lu M-K., “Study for anti-angiogenic activities
of polysaccharides isolated from Antrodia cinnamomea in endothelial cells” Life Sciences 76:30293042, 2005.
56. Cheng T. H., Shih N. L., Chen S.Y. , Lin J. W., Chen Y. L., Chen C.H., Lin H., Cheng C. F., Chiu
W.T., Wang D. L., and Chen J. J. “Nitric Oxide Inhibits Endothelin-1-Induced Cardiomyocyte
Hypertrophy through cGMP-mediated Suppression of Extracellular-Signal Regulated Kinase
Phosphorylation” Mol Pharmacol 68: 1183-1192, 2005
57. Cheng S-C, Chang Y-L, Wang D.L. and Cheng J-J “Chinese herbal remedy magnolol
suppressing IL-6-induced gene expression is mediated via the inhibition of STAT3 activation in
endothelial cells” British J. Pharmcol. 148:226-232, 2006.
58. Li Y-H, Hsieh C-Y, Wang D. Ling, Chung H-C, Liu S-L, Chao T- H, Shi G-Y and Wu H-L.
“Remodeling of carotid arteries is associated with increased expression of thrombomodulin in
mouse transverse aortic constriction model” Thrombosis Haemostasis. 97:658-664, 2007.
59. Tsai Y-C, Hsieh H-J, Liao F, Ni C-W, Chao Y-J, Hsieh C-Y and Wang D.L. “Laminar flow
attenuates interferon-induced inflammatory responses in endothelial cells” Cardiovascular Res.
74:497-505, 2007
60. Tsai C-T, Wang D. Ling, Chiang F-T, Chen W-P, Hwang J-J, Hsu K-L, Tseng C-D, Lai L-P,
Tseng Y-Z and Lin J-L. “Angiotensin II increases expression of 1C subunit of L-type calcium
channel through a reactive oxygen species and cAMP responses element binding protein dependent
pathway in HL-1 myocytes” Circ. Res. 100:1476-1485, 2007
61. Chen S-C, Wang B-W, Wang D.L., Shyu K-G. “Hypoxia induces discoidin domain receptor-2
expression via the p38 pathway in vascular smooth muscle cells to increase their migration”
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 374:662-667, 2008.
62. Chen S-C, Liu Y-C, Shyu K-G, and Wang D. L. “Acute hypoxia to endothelial cells induces
ATF3 expression that is mediated via nitric oxide. Atherosclerosis 201:281-288, 2008
63. Chen Y-Y, Chu H-M, Huang Y-F, Pan K-T, Teng C-H, Wang D.L, Wang A, H-J, Khoo K-H,
Meng T-C. “Cysteine S-nitrosylation protects protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B against oxidationinduced permanent inactivation.” J. Biol. Chem. 283:35265-35272, 2008
64. Chen S-C, Huang B., Liu Y-C, Shyu K-G, Lin P-Y. and Wang D. L. “Acute hypoxia enhances
proteins’ S-nitrosylation in endothelial cells” Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 377:1274-1278,
65. Chen S-C, Cheng J-J, Wu S-E, Shen H-C, Shyu KG and Wang D.L. “Cyclic strain-induced
thrombomodulin expression in endothelial cells is mediated by nitric oxide, but not hydrogen
peroxide”. Acta Cardiol. Sin. 24:144-50, 2008
65. Chung-Yu Hsieh, Huai-Yu Hsiao, Wan-Yi Wu, Ching-Ann Liu, Yu-Chih Tsai, Yuen-Jen Chao,
Wang D. L. and Hsyue-Jen Hsieh. Regulation of shear-induced nuclear translocation of the Nrf2
transcription factor in endothelial cells. J. Biomedical Sciences 16:22 (2009)
66. Chen S-C, Wu S-E, Wang D. L. The Inhibition in Tumor Necrosis Factor--induced Attenuation
in Endothelial Thrombomodulin Expression by Carvedilol Is Mediated by Nuclear Factor-B and
Reactive Oxygen Species. J. of Thromb. and Thrombolys. (in press). 2009
67. Huang B., Chen S-C and Wang DL. Shear Flow Enhances Proteins’ S-nitrosylation in
Endothelial Cells. Cardiovascular Res. (in press). 2009
68. S. Liu, Chao Y-J, Wang DL. “Nitric oxide-mediated S-nitrosylation of protein tyrosine
phosphatases in endothelial cells under flow” Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. (submitted).
69. Huang B, Liao C-L, and Wang DL “S-nitrosoproteins in Endothelial Cells Revealed by Biotin
Switch Method Coupled with Western blot-based Two-dimensional Gel Electrophoresis”J. of
Proteomics Res. (submitted).
Conference Papers and Invited Lectures:
1. Wang, D. L. and Reitz, R. E. “Effect of Chronic Ethanol Ingestion on the Hepatic Acyl-CoA
Desaturase.” Fed. Proc. 39(3) 541, (1980).
2. Wang, D. L., Dilwith, J. W., Blowquist, G. T. and Reitz, R. E. “Characterization of the Fatty
Acyl-CoA Desaturase in the Housefly.” Fed. Proc. 40(6) 1778, (1981).
3. Wang, D.L. and Reitz, R. E. “Studies on the Half-life and Localization of the Acyl-CoA
Desaturase in the Housefly.” Fed. Proc. 41(4) 1441, (1982).
4. Wang, D. L., Chander, A. and Fisher, A. B. “Characterization of Hydrophobic Apoproteins and
its Augmentation of Phospholipid Recycling.” Fed. Proc. 43(6) 1643, (1984).
5. Wang, D. L., Chander, A. and Fisher, A. B. “Amino Acid composition of Low MW Hydrophobic
surfactant Apoproteins.” Fed. Proc. 44(4) 1024, (1985).
6. Wang, D. L., Huh, M. and Colman, R. W. “Human Platelet Factor V is crosslinked to Actin by
Factor XIIIa.” Fed. Proc. 46 422, (1987).
7. Hsu., H.T.C., Wang, D. L., Sung, P.K.L., Li, J. G., Chang, C. L., Hsiao, H. C. and Chein, S.
“Studies on Viscoelastic Properties of Platelets.” Fifth Symposium on Recent Advances in
Biological and Medical Sciences. Academia Sinica. Aug. 24, (1988).
8. Wu, S. H., Hsu, H.T.C., and Wang, D. L. “On the Possible Expression of Coagulation Factor
XIIIa on Activated Platelet Surface.” Fifth Symposium on Recent Advances in Biological and
Medical Sciences. Academia Sinica. Aug. 35, (1988).
9. Hsiao, H. C., Chiu, H. C., and Wang, D. L. “Human Coagulation Factor V Purification by
Immunoaffinity Method.” Fifth Symposium on Recent Advances in Biological and Medical
Sciences. Academia Sinica. Aug. 38, (1988).
10. Hsiao, H. C. and Wang, D. L. “Comparison of Platelet Stability among Various Platelet
Preparations.” Fifth Symposium on Recent Advances in Biological and Medical Sciences.
Academia Sinica. Aug. 37, (1988).
11. Hsu, M. L., Chang, C. S., Wang, D. L. and Liu, C. Y. “A Simple Method for Purification of
Fibrinogen from Blood Plasma.” Fifth Symposium on Recent Advances in Biological and
Medical Sciences. Academia Sinica. Aug. 38, (1988).
12. Wang, D. L., Hsiao, H. C., Mao, N., Hsu, H.T.C. and Usami, S. “Thrombin Increases Platelet
Adhesion to Endothelium.” Fed. Proc. March, 306, (1989).
13. Hsu, H.T.C., Wang, D. L., Hsiao, H. C., Sung, K.L.P., and Chien. S. “ Viscoelastic Properties of
Platelets and Effects of PGE1.” Microcirculation. March, (1989).
14. Wu, C. H., Chi, J. C., Jeng., J. S., Wang, D. L., Jan, K. M. and Chein, S. “Enhanced
Endothelial Turnover and Macromolecular Transport in the Aorta of Spontaneous
Hypertensive Rats.” Fed. Proc. March, 1221, (1989).
15. Hsu, M. L., Ma, S. F., Chang, C. S., Wang, D. L. and Liu, C. Y. “Methods for Simple
Purification and Essential Characterization of Intact Fibrinogen from Human Blood.” Fed.
Proc. March, 1209, (1989).
16. Wang, D. L., Hung, M. S., Wu, S. F., Hsiao, H. C. and Hsu, T. C. “Platelet adherence to
thrombin-pretreated endothelial cells.” Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 62(1) 417, (1989).
17. Ma, S. F., Wang, D. L., Chiu, H. C. and Liu, C. Y. “Effects of fibrinogen and fibrin on
endothelial cells.” Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 62(1) 438, (1989).
18. Liu, H. M., Pan, W. H., Wang, D. L., and Liu, C. Y. “The role of fibrinogen and fibrin in the
generation of new blood vessels in a wound chamber.” Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 62(1)
477, (1989).
19. Hung, M. S., Hsiao, H. C., Hui, H.T.C., Usami, S. and Wang, D. L. “Platelet adherence to
thrombin pretreated human endothelial cells.” International Scientific Symposium on
Fibrinogen, Thrombosis, Coagulation and Fibrinolysis. Academia Sinica. Taiwan. 97, (1989).
20. Hsu, H.T.C., Wang, D. L., Sung, K.L.P. and Chien, S. “Effects of PGE1, Cytochalasin D and
Cochicine on the visoelastic properties of platelets.” International Scientific Symposium on
Fibrinogen, Thrombosis, Coagulation and Fibrinolysis. Academia Sinica. Taiwan. 97, (1989).
21. Liu, H. M., Wang, D. L. and Liu, C. Y. “Interaction between fibrin, collagen and endothelial
cells in angiogenesis.” in International Scientific symposium on Fibrinogen, thrombosis,
Coagulation and Fibrinolysis. Academia Sinica, Taiwan. 109, (1989).
22. Ma, S. F., Hsu, H.T.C., Wang, D. L., Chiu, H. C. and Liu, C. Y. “Studies on the endothelial cell
morphological changes by fibrin using immunofluorescence methods.” International Scientific
Symposium on Fibrinogen. Thrombosis, Coagulation and Fibrinolysis. Academia Sinica,
Taiwan 112, (1989).
23. Wu, C. H. Chi, J. C., Jerng, J. S., Lin S. J. Jan K. M., Wang, D. L. and S. Chien.
“Transendothelial macromolecular transport in the aorta of spontaneously hypertensive rats.”
in International Scientific symposium on Fibrinogen, Thrombosis, Coagulation and
Fibrinolysis. Academia Sinica, Taiwan, 109, (1989).
24. Wang, D.L., Hung, M. S., Chang, C. T., Lin, C. F. and Usami, S. “Platelet adherence to
thrombin pretreated human endothelial cells and subendothelial matrix.” Fed. Proc. April,
A1030, (1990).
25. Chang, Y. N., Hsu, H T C , Hung M. S., Chang, C. L. and Wang, D. L. “Platelet Deformability:
Effects of PGE1 and Dibutyryl cAMP” 1st World Congress of Biomechanics, La Jolla, CA,
Aug 24, (1990).
26. Wang, D. L. (Invited speaker), Hsu, H.T.C. and Chang, Y. N. “PGE 1 and dbcAMP enhance
platelet resistance to deformation.” First Chinese Japanse Symposium on Blood Coagulation,
Fibrinolysis and Platelet. Hangzhou, China. Oct 16-18, (1990).
27. Chang, C. T., Hung, M. S. and Wang, D. L. “Increase platelet adhesion to subendothelial
matrix of endotoxin pretreated endothelial cells.” 1st APS-CPS Joint meeting at Nov 2-5, at
Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. (1990).
28. Pan, Y. D., Wang, D. L. and Liu C. Y. “Further studies on fibrin-induced morphological
changes and plasminogen activator/von willebrand factor release of human endothelial cells.”
1st APS-CPS Joint meeting at Nov 2-5, at Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. (1990)
29. Wang, D. L., Chang, C. T., Hung M. S. and Usami, S. “Subendothelial matrix from endotoxintreated endothelial cells increase platelets adhesion.” FASEB J. 5(5) A1438, (1991).
30. Pan, Y. T., Ma, S. F., Wang, D. L. and Liu, C. Y. “Comparative studies of fibrin-induced
morphological changes and plasminogen activator/von Willebrand factor release of human
endothelial cells under various conditions. “FASEB J. 5(4) A523, (1991).
31. Wang, D. L., Chang, C. T. and Hung, M. S. “Pretreatment of endothelial cells with thrombin or
endotoxin alters the reactivity of these extracellular matrix towards platelets.” Thrombosis and
Haemostasis 65(6) 959 (1991).
32. Pan, Y. T., Wang, D. L. and Liu, C. Y. “Studies on the effects of fibrin and insulin on the
release of plasminogen activator, plasminogen activator inhibitor and von Willebrand factor
from HUVEC.” Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 65(6)881(1991).
33. Wang, D. L., Chen, J. J., Shin, N. L. and Liew, C. C. “Endothelin stimulates cardiac - and myosin heavy chain gene expression.” FASEB J. (1992).
34. Wang, J. J., Hung M. S., Wu, S. H., Cheng C. H. and Wang D. L. “Immunocytochemical
demonstration of von Willebrand factor secretion from thrombin-treated endothelial cells.”
FASEB J. (1992).
35. Wang, D. L. (Invited speaker), Pan, Y. T. and Liu, C. Y. “Demonstration of a functionally
active plasminogen activator in human platelet.” 2rd Sino-Japanse Symposium on
Coagulation, Fibronolyisis and Platelets, Oct 2-5, Taipei, Taiwan. (1992).
36. Wang, D. L., Pan Y. T. and Liu, C. Y. “Demonstration of a functionally active plasminogen
activator in human platelets” Exp. Biol. at New Orleans, March 28-April 1, USA. (1993).
37. Chen, J. J., Wang, D. L., Shih, K. H. and Liew, C. C. “The effect of catecholamine on the
regulation of cardiac myosin heavy chain genes.” Exp. Biol. at New Orleans, March 28-April 1,
USA. (1993).
38. Wang, D. L., Pan, Y. T., Wang, J. J., Cheng, C. H. and Liu, C. Y. “Demonstration of a
functionally active tPA-like plasminogen activator in platelets.” Thrombosis and Haemostasis
69(6)1232, XIV Congress of the Internation Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, New
York, N.Y., USA. (1993).
39. Wang, D. L., Peng, Y. C., Wung, B. S., Usami, S. and Wang J. J. “Mechanical strain increases
endothelin-1 gene expression via protein kinase C pathway in human endothelial cells.” Exp.
Biol. at Anaheim, CA, The FASEB J. vol 8(4):A36, (1994).
40. Chen, J. J., Wang, D. L., Shih, N. L. and Liew, C. C. “Regulation of human cardiac myosin
heavy chain genes: The effect of angiotensin II. The FASEB J. vol 8(4)A311, (1994).
41. Wang, D. L., Wung, B. S., Peng, Y. C., Lin, C. F. and Shyy, Y. J. “Mechanical Strain Induces
Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1 Gene Expression Via Protein Kinase C Pathway in Human
Endothelial Cells.” APS Conference in Mechanotransduction and the Regulation of Growth
and Differentation. Florida, Oct. 5-8, in THE PHYSIOLOGIST 37(4) A6.20, (1994).
42. Wang, D. L. “Mechanical Strain Increases Monocyte Adhesion by Inducing Monocyte
Chemotatic Protein-1 Gene Exspression in Endothelial Cells.” in American Heart Association
Scientific Conference on the Functional and Structural Aspects of the Vascular Wall. in Salt
Lake City, Utah. Feb 1-4, (1995).
43. Wang, D. L. (Invited Speaker), “Effects of Mechanical Forces on Human Vascular Endothelial
Cells” at Symposium on New Horizon in Atherosclerotic Research, Veteran General Hospital,
Taipei, March 11, (1995).
44. Wang, D. L. (Invited Speaker), “Mechanical Stretch on Gene Expression in Endothelial Cells.”
The 6th SCBA International Symposium at Vancouver, Canada. June 24-29, (1995).
45. Wang, D. L. (Invited Speaker), “Mechanical Strain-Induced Gene Expression Involves Free
Radical Generation.” 1st annual meeting of Society of Lipids and Atherosclerosis, Veteran
General Hospital, Taipei, Oct 15, (1995).
46. Wang, D. L., Cheng, J. J., Wung, B. S. and Chao, Y. J. “Cyclic Strain-Induced Cell Adhesion to
Endothelial Cells Involves Reactive Oxygen Intermediates.” (Oral) Exp. Biol. at Wash D.C.,
4/14-4/17, 1996.
47. Chiu, J. J., Wang, D. L., Chien, S., Skalak, R. and Usami, S. “Effects of Disturbed Flows on
Leukocyte Adhesion to Endothelial Cells.” (Oral) Exp. Biol. at Wash D.C., 4/14-4/17, 1996.
48. Wang, D. L., Cheng, J. J., Wung, B. S. “Mechanical Strain-Induced PAI-1 Release from
Endothelial Cells Involves Intracellular Reactive Oxygen Species.” International Congress on
Fibrinolysis and Thrombolysis at Barcelona, Spain. 6/24-6/28, 1996.
49. Wang, D. L. Wung B. S. and Cheng J. J. “Cyclic Strain-Induced Monocyte Chemotactic Protein1 (MCP-1) Gene Expression Involves Reactive Oxygen Species Activation of AP-1.”
Microcirculation, vol 4(1):167, 1997 at Vascular Biology meeting at New Orleans, 4/3-6, 1997.
50. Hsieh, H. J., Cheng C. C., Wu S. T., Chiu J. J. and Wang D. L. “Increase of Reactive Oxygen
Species (ROS) in Endothelial Cells by Shear Flow and Involvement of ROS in Shear-Induced cfos Expression.” Microcirculation vol 4(1):167, 1997 at Vascular Biology meeting at New
Orleans, Louisiana, April 3-6, 1997.
51. Wang, D. L., Wung B. S., Cheng J. J. and Shyy Y. J. “ Cyclic Strain-Induced Monocyte
Chemotactic Protein-1 Gene Expression in Endothelial Cells Involves Reactive Oxygen Species
Activation of AP-1.” FASEB J. vol 11(3):A287, 1997 at New Orleans, 4/6-9, 1997.
52. Wang D. L., Wung B. S., Cheng J. J. and Chiu J. J., “Reactive Oxygen Species is Involved in the
Mechanical Strain-Induced Gene Expression in Vascular Endothelial Cells.” 7th SCBA
International Symposium at Toronto, Canada, July 6-11, 1997.
53. Wang D. L., Chiu J. J. and Wung B. S. “Reactive Oxygen Species are Involved in the ShearInduced ICAM-1 Expression in Endothelial Cells.” 17th International Congress of Biochemistry
and Molecular Biology at San Francisco, CA, USA. Aug 24-29, 1997.
54. Wang D. L. (Invited speaker) “Hemodynamic force-induced redox changes modulate endothelial
responses” at Res. Inst. of Angiocardiology and Cardiovascular Clinic at Kyushu Univ.,
Fukuoka, Japan. 2/ 9, 1998.
55. Wang D. L. (Invited speaker) “Hemodynamic forces-induced redox changes modulate endothelial
gene expression” at Symposium on Dyslipoproteinemia and Cardiovascular Dysfunction, Nat’l
Taiwan Univ. College of Medicine, March 1, 1998.
56. Wang D. L. (Invited speaker) “Hemodynamic forces-induced redox changes modulate endothelial
responses.” Atherosclerosis S39, Vol 136 (suppl.), 1998 at The 1st Congress of Asian-Pacific
Society of Atherosclerosis and Vascular Diseases at Taipei, Taiwan, March 14-18, 1998.
57. Wang D. L. (Invited lecture) “Hemodynamic forces-induced redox changes modulate signaling
pathways in endothelial cells.” at Chang Kung Medical College, TaoYeung, Taiwan at 3/27,
58. Wang, D. L., Wung, B. S., Cheng, J. J. and Chao, Y. J. “Cylic strain-induced reactive oxygen
species modulate early growth response-1 gene expression via Ras-Raf-ERK pathway in
endothelial cells.” April 18-22, at Exp. Biol. 98’. at San Francisco, CA.
59. Chiu, J. J., Wung B. S., Hsieh H. J. and Wang D. L. “Nitric oxide modulates shear stress-induced
egr-1 gene expression in endothelial cells.” April 18-22, at Exp. Biol. 98’, at S. F., CA.
60. Wang D. L. (Invited speaker) “Hemodynamic forces-induced redox changes modulate endothelial
responses.” April 30, 1998 at Inst. of Biochem., National Yang-Ming Medical College., Taipei.
61. Wang D. L. (Invited for oral presentation), Chiu J. J., Heieh H.J., and Wung B.S. “Nitric oxide
modulates shear stress-induced Egr-1 expression vaia the Ras/Raf-1/ERK pathway in endothelial
cells.” 8/23-27, 1998 at Xth International Vascular Biology Meeting at Cairns, Queensland,
62. Wung B.S., Cheng J.J. and Wang D.L. “Cyclic strain-induced reactive oxygen species modulate
early growth response-1 (Egr-1) gene expression via the Ras/Raf-1/ERK pathway in endothelial
cells” Aug 23-27, 1998 at Xth International Vascular Biology Meeting at Cairns, Queensland,
63. Wang D.L. (Invited Speaker) “Reactive oxygen species modulate hemodynamic forces-induced
gene expression in endothelial cells” Oct 23, 1998, at Chung-San Medical College, Taichung,
64. Wang D.L. (Invited Speaker) “Hemodynamic forces regulate gene expression in vascular
endothelial cells” Oct. 26, 98’ at Across Taiwan Strait Cardiovascular Conference, Fu-Jiang,
65. Wang D. L. (Invited Speaker) “Hemodynamic forces-induced endothelial responses involve
reactive oxygen species as second messengers” At 2nd Endothelome Conference held on Jan 30,
1999 in Fukuoka, Japan.
66. Wang D.L. (Invited Speaker) “Reactive oxygen species as signaling molecules modulate
hemodynamic forces-induced endothelial responses” In 14th Joint Annual Conference of
Biomedical Sciences in Taiwan. April 10, 1999, in National Yang-Ming University, Taipei.
67. Wang D. L. “Protein kinase C- and - isoforms mediate cyclic strain-induced ERK1/2
activation in endothelial cells” April 17-21, 1999 at Exp Biol. 99’ at Wash. D.C.
68. Chiu J.J., and Wang D.L. “Nitric oxide regulates shear stress-induced Egr-1 expression via
Ras/Raf-1ERK pathway in endothelial cells” April 17-21, 1999 at Exp. Biol. 99’ at Wash D.C.
69. Lo L.-W. and Wang D.L. “Hypoxia-induced Egr-1 expression in endothelial cells involves the
activation of PKC and Ras/Raf-1/ERK pathway” April 17-21, 1999 at Exp. Biol. 99’ at Wash.
70. Wang D.L. “Redox changes mediate hemodynamic forces-induced endothelial responses” In
Laboratory of Biochemistry and Cell Signaling, Building #3, NHLBI, NIH, Bethesda, MD. 9/24,
71. Wang D. L. (Invited Speaker) “Redox Status modulate endothelial responses under
hemodynamic condition” in Dept of Cellular Injuries of Walter Reed Army Research Institute at
Wash. D. C. in Jan 10, 2000.
72. Wang D.L. (invited as a chairman for a section) at 3 rd Endothelome Conference in Osaka, Japan
Feb 19, 2000.
73. Wang D.L. (Invited speaker) “Reactive oxygen species and nitrogen species modulate redoxsensitive gene expression in endothelial cells. ” March 26, 2000, in Taiwan Exp. Biology meeting
in National Yang Ming University in Taipei, Taiwan.
74. Wang D.L. “NO inhibiting cyclic strain-induced MCP-1 expression in endothelial cells involves
Rac-dependent NADPH oxidase.” 6/25-29, 2000 at XIIth International Symposium on
Atherosclerosis at Stockolm, Sweden.
75. Wang D.L. (Invited Speaker) “NO as a signaling regulator in endothelial cells” in School of
Medicine, National Cheng-Kung University, School of Medicine, Tainan, May 25, 2000.
76. Wang D.L. (invited speaker) “NO attenuates redox-sensitive gene expression in endothelial cells
under hemodynamic condition”. The First International Symposium on Vascular Molecular
Biology in International Convention Center, Taipei, Sept 9, 2000.
77. Wang D.L. (Invited Speaker) “NO attenuates redox-sensitive responses in vascular endothelial
cells.” in workshop on Free Radical Chemistry and Its Biomedical Implications. “ Oct 26, 2000 at
Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
78. Wang D.L. (Invited speaker) “NO attenuates redox-sensitive responses in vascular endothelial
cells” in the US-Taiwan Neuroscience Symposium on Nitric oxide in Morial Convention Center,
New Orleans, Nov 4, 2000.
79. Wang D.L. Cheng J.J. Chao Y.J. “Mechanical strain activates redox-sensitive proline-rich
tyrosine kinase 2 (PYK2) in endothelial cells.” In Experimental Biol. at Orlando, Fla, March 31April 4, 2001.
80. Wang D.L. (invited speaker) “Endothelial responses to hemodynamic forces” at Across Taiwan
Strait Cardiovascular Conference at Lung-San, Jiang-Shi Province, China. 9/20, 2001.
81. Ni C-W, Lien S.C. Hsieh H.J. and Wang D.L. “Nitric oxide inhibiting shear stress-induced MCP1 expression in endothelial cells involves PKCε and ERK1/2 pathway” in Experimental Biology
2002, New Orleans, LA. 4/20-4/24, 2002.
82. Chen H.H., Wang D.L. “Nitric Oxide attenuating endothelial migration involves the inhibition of
matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) gene expression” in Experimental Biology 2002, New
Orleans, LA. 4/20-4/24, 2002.
83. Wang D.L. “Nitric oxide attenuates endothelial migration via the inhibition of matrix
metalloproteinase 2 gene expression.” In the XII international Vascular Biology Meeting in
Karuizawa, Japan, 5/12-16, 2002.
84. Wang D.L. (invited seminar speaker) “Redox-resoponses of endothelial cells under hemodynamic
forces” in National Research Institute of Chinese Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan, 9/25, 2002.
85. Wang D.L. (Invited Speaker) “Endothelial redox-responses under hemodynamic forces” in
Veteran General Hospital in Taichung, Taiwan, 10/3, 2002.
86. Wang D.L. “Hemodynamic forces trigger redox-sensitive responses in endothelial cells.” In
Kung-ming Medical College in Kung-ming, China, 10/17, 2002.
87. Ni C-W., Chao Y-J., Wang D.L. “IL-6-induced STAT3 activity is suppressed by shear flow via
src-homology tyrosine phosphatase (SHP2) in vascular endothelial cells.” In Experimental
Biology meeting at San Diego, CA, 4/11-15, 2003.
88. Wang D.L., Ni C-W. “Shear flow inhibits the serum-induced STAT3 activation in endothelial
cells.” in Experimental Biology meeting at San Diego, CA, 4/11-15, 2003.
89. Hsuan-Hsu Chen and Wang D.L. “Nitric oxide inhibitingMMP-2 expression is mediated via the
induction of ATF3 in endothelial cells. “ in Experimental Biology Meeting at San Diego, CA,
4/11-15, 2003.
90. Wang D.L. (Invited seminar speaker) “Oxidative responses in endothelial cells under
hemodynamic forces”. In Chang Gung College of Medicine, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan. 6/13, 2003
91. Wang D.L., “Nitric Oxide Inhibiting MMP-2 expression is mediated via the induction of
activating transcription factor 3 (ATF3) in Endothelial Cells.” in FASEB Summer Research
Conferences. At Vermont Academy, Saxtons River, Vermont, 8/9-8/14, 2003.
92. Wang, D.L., “Shear flow attenuates interleukin 6-induced STAT3 activation in endothelial cells”
in XIIIth International Symposium on Atherosclerosis (ISA), Kyoto, Japan. 9/28-10/2, 2003.
93. Wang D.L. “Shear flow attenuates interleukin 6-induced STAT3 activation in endothelial cells”
in ISA Satellite Symposium in Kobe (Vascular Remodeling in Atherosclerosis and Restenosis),
Japan, 10/3-10/4, 2003.
94. Wang D.L. (Invited Speaker) “Shear flow protects endothelial cells from cytokines-induced
responses” at International Symposium on Vascular Physiology at Tainan, Taiwan, Nov. 11-13,
95. Wang D.L. (Invited Speaker) “Signaling Responses in Endothelial Cells under Hemodynamic
Forces” in Department of Zoology, National Taiwan University, March 12, 2004.
96. Wang D.L. “Shear flow to endothelial cells attenuating IL-6-induced Stat3 activation involves
the phosphatase SHP-2” In Keystone Symposium of “Jaks and Stats: Development to Disease” in
Whistler, Canada, 4/15-4/20, 2004.
97. Wang D.L. (Invited Speaker) “the Protective Role of Nitric Oxide in Endothelial Cells” in
symposium of “Roles of Adhesion Molecules in Thrombosis, Inflammation and Tumor Metastasis
and Drug Development” in Taipei, 6/18, 2004.
98. Wang D. L. “Shear stress attenuates IFNgamma-induced responses in endothelial cells.” in First
Annual Symposium of the American Heart Association Council on Basic Cardiovascular
Sciences. July 14-18, 2004 at Dolce Skamania Lodge, Stevenson, Washington.
99. Wang D.L. (Invited speaker) “Signaling mechanisms in endothelial responses to hemodynamic
forces”. In Dept. of Chemistry, National Chung Shing University at Taichung, Oct/13, 2004
100. Wang D.L. “Atheroprotective effects of shear flow on endothelial cells.” In YangMing
Univ./IBMS Joint Symposium at Howard Resort Hotel at Shing Men Dam, TaoYuan, Oct. 15-16,
101. Wang D.L. (Invited Speaker) “Atheroprotective effects of shear flow on endothelial cells” at
Chung Sang University at Taichung, Nov/24, 2004.
102. Wang D.L. (Invited Speaker) “Shear flow attenuates cytokine-induced Jak/Stat activation in
endothelial cells“ at The Third International Congress on Cardiovascular Disease, Taipei. Nov
26-28, 2004.
103. Wang D.L. “Shear Stress attenuates IFN-induced inflammatory responses in endothelial cells”
at Keystone Symposium “The cellular Biology of Atherosclerosis” in Keystone, Colorado, Jan
22-27, 2005.
104. Wang D.L. “Shear stress attenuating IL-6-induced STAT3 activation is mediated by phosphatase
SHP2 in endothelial cells.” at Exp. Biol. 2005 in San Diego, CA. on 3/31-4/5, 2005.
105. Wang D.L. (Invited speaker for plenary lecture). “Steady laminar flow suppresses cytokineinduced responses in vascular endothelial cells: An atheroprotective effect”. Taiwan Society of
Cardiology at Taipei, 8/21, 2005.
106. Wang D.L. (Invited speaker, receipt for academic achievement award) “Hemodynamic Effects
on vascular endothelial cells” receipt of Academic Achievement Award from Taiwan Society of
Lipids and Atherosclerosis at Annual Meeting in Taipei, 10/1/05, 2005.
107. Wang D.L. (Invited Speaker). “Atheroprotective effect of shear flow on endothelial cells”. At
Symposium of Biotech, Ethics and Humanity in Tzui-Zi University, 10/6/05
108. Wang D.L. “Steady laminar flow attenuates IFN-induced Stat1 activity in endothelial cells”
Cell Research 15 (10) Suppl. P169, Oct. 2005. 2005 Annual Meeting of the International Society
for Interferon and Cytokine Research (ISICR) at Shanghai, China at 10/20-24, 2005.
109. Wang D.L. (Invited Speaker) “Fluid shear stress suppresses cytokine-induced STAT activation
in endothelial cells” at Mini-symposium on cytokine research, Taipei, Oct.25-26, 2005.
110. Wang D.L. (Invited Speaker) “Steady laminar flow suppresses cytokine-induced responses in
endothelial cells: an atheroprotective effect”. At Chinese Medical University in Tai-Chung, Nov.
12, 2005.
111. Wang D.L. “Steady shear flow suppresses cytokine-induced responses in endothelial cells.” At
The American Society for Cell Biology, in San Francisco, CA, 12/10-14, 2005.
112. Wang D.L. (opening lecture) “Cardiovascular Research: my career and its challenge” in Dept.
of Traditional Medicine at National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, March 2, 2006.
113. Tsai YC, Wang D.L. “Steady laminar flow exerts athero-protective effects on endothelial cells
stimulated by interferon-gamma. in Exp. Biol 06’, San Francisco, CA, April 1-5, 2006.
114. Wang DL., Tsai Y-C. “Laminar flow attenuates cytokine-induced STAT activation in
endothelial cells.” In XIV International Symposium on Atherosclerosis in Rome, Italy, 6/186/22, 2006.
115. Wang D.L. (invited speaker) “Nitric oxide mediates S-nitrosylation of protein tyrosine
phosphatase in endothelial cells under flow” in IBC Symposium on protein post-translational
modification, Academia Sinica, Taipei. 11/29-12/1, 2006.
116. Wang D.L. (invited speaker) “Nitric oxide as a second messenger in endothelial cells” in
Vascular Biology Symposium, Taichung, Taiwan on 1/13-1/14, 2007
117. Wang D.L. “S-nitrosylation of protein tyrosine phosphatase in endothelial cells under flow” in
Exp. Biol. 07’, Wash. D.C. 4/28-5/2, 2007
118. Wang D.L. (invited as a speaker and section chair for ROS/NO symposium) “Nitric oxide
modulates endothelial responses under flow” in 19th FAOBMB Seoul Conference in Seoul, Korea
on 5/27-30, 2007.
119. Wang D.L. “Increase S-nitrosylation of protein tyrosine phosphatase by nitric oxide in
endothelial cells under flow” at Lifesciences 7/9-7/12, 2007 at Glasgow
120. Wang DL. (invited speaker) “Atheroprotective effects of flow to endothelial cells: the role of
nitric oxide” Joint meeting of vascular biology in Asian Pacific regions, at Tainan, Taiwan
Oct/20-21, 2007.
121. Huang B, Wang D. L. ,“S-nitrosylated proteins in endothelial cells under shear flow revealed by
CyDye DIGE” at 16th symposium on recent advances in cellular and molecular biology at KentTing, Taiwan, 1/23-1/25, 2008.
122. Wang D. L. “Nitric oxide-mediated S-nitrosylation in endothelial cells under flow” at “Oxygen
Radicals” Gordon Conference at Ventura Beach Marriott, Ventura CA. 2/3-2/8, 2008
123. Wang D.L. “Increased S-nitrosylation of protein tyrosine phosphatases in endothelial cells
under flow”. At 33rd FEBS Congress and 11th IUBMB conference (6/28-7/3, 2008) at Athens,
124. Wang, D.L. (Invited speaker) “The atheroprotective role of nitric oxide in endothelial cells under
flow” at Beijing Joint Conference of Physiological Sciences 2008, in Beijing 10/ 19-22, 2008.
125. Wang D.L. (invited speaker) “Shear flow exerts atheroprotection by increasing S-nitrosylation
in endothelial cells” at NHRI Vascular Biology Conference. 10/ 31-11/1, 2008 at Zhunan, Miaoli.
126. Wang D.L. “Shear flow increases S-nitrosylation in endothelial cells” at Mechanotransduction
in Physiology and Disease at Keystone Symposium, Taos, New Mexico Jan 18-23, 2009