Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog Tara de Jong BSc April 2012 Supervisor: Frank van Steenbeek, PhD student, Genetics Lab support: Frank Riemers Manon Vos Department of Clinical Sciences of Companion Animals Research Project Veterinary Medicine – Utrecht University Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog Contents Summary ............................................................................................................ 3 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 4 Objective ............................................................................................................ 8 Hypotheses ......................................................................................................... 8 Conservation of the AHR gene................................................................................ 9 Materials and methods .......................................................................................... 14 Results ............................................................................................................... 19 Discussion ........................................................................................................... 25 Conclusion........................................................................................................... 26 References .......................................................................................................... 27 Attachment 1.1 RNA isolation protocol .................................................................... 29 Attachment 1.2 cDNA synthesis protocol ................................................................. 31 Attachment 1.3 PCR amplification protocol .............................................................. 32 Attachment 1.4 SAP/ExoI purification protocol ......................................................... 33 Attachment 1.5 Big Dye Terminator Cycle sequencing protocol .................................. 34 Attachment 1.6 Ethanol precipitation protocol .......................................................... 36 Attachment 1.7 qPCR protocol ............................................................................... 37 Attachment 1.8 Western blotting protocol ............................................................... 38 Attachment 2.1 Sequencing results ........................................................................ 41 Attachment 2.2 Sequencing results ........................................................................ 44 Attachment 2.3 Sequencing results ........................................................................ 46 Attachment 2.4 Sequencing results ........................................................................ 51 Attachment 2.5 Genorm results and meltcurves ....................................................... 54 Attachment 2.6 Sequencing results ........................................................................ 56 Attachment 2.7 Sequencing results ........................................................................ 59 2 Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog Summary Introduction: the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor is best known for its function in regulating xenobiotic metabolism and dioxin toxicity. [1] AHR activation by environmental contaminants is considered to be an adaptive response, which could decrease the toxicity of these environmental contaminants. On the other hand, activation of AHR could also mediate the toxicity of environmental contaminants. AHR mRNA is expressed in a variety of human tissues. Highest expression is detected in the placenta and in liver, while in pancreas, heart and lung expression is also relatively high. [2] Research has shown that AHR-deficiency in mice resulted in a loss of teratogenesis caused by 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) and susceptibility to chemical carcinogenesis by benzo(a)pyrene. [10] So AHR plays a role in tumour promotion/initiation, while recent evidence suggests AHR also plays a role in tumour progression. [3] On the other hand, AHR deficient mice have a reduced body weight, display reduced fecundity and are defective in development of both liver and immune system. In these mice fetal vascular structures are found in the eyes, kidneys and liver. [1] Objective: to study the conservation of the AHR gene and investigating whether there is more than just one transcript of the AHR gene in the dog. Hypotheses: two hypotheses were formulated, namely: - The AHR gene is highly conserved. - There are multiple transcripts of the AHR gene in the dog Conservation: the protein coding transcripts of human, dog, mouse, rat, horse, chicken, rabbit and zebrafish were compared by blasting them in NCBI Blast. Both nucleotide sequences and aminoacid sequences were compared. Query coverages ranging from 47% to 91% were found taking both methods into account. Materials and Methods: cDNA from liver tissue was used for the detection of other AHR transcripts by using different primersets to perform PCR, gel electrophoresis and sequencing. Based on these sequences primers specific for the new transcript were designed. cDNA from liver, brain tissue, bone tissue, mammary tissue, placenta, pancreas, adrenal gland, uterus, ovary, kidneys and leucocytes was used to perform PCR, gel electrophoresis and qPCR to detect the presence of this new transcript (and original transcript) in these tissues. The original transcript was also sequenced. All sequencing results were blasted to the dog genome and the annotated original transcript of the AHR gene. Last, western blotting was performed to see if both the original and new transcript are translated to proteins in liver cells. Results: a smaller transcript was detected in our liver cDNA samples. Based on the found sequences specific primers were designed to confirm the existence of the new transcript. A part of exon 2 and 7 and exon 3 till 6 are not present in the new transcript. The qPCR data showed differences between the original and new transcript in certain tissues. The sequencing results for the original transcript showed that the annotated intron 10 is coding. The western blotting showed many non-specific bands so more research needs to be done before these bands can be distinguished from bands of the AHR transcripts. Discussion: even though the existence of another transcript has definitely been proven and the presence in many tissues has been detected, the relative level of expression remains to be measured in the different tissues. The possibility of this transcript undergoing nonsense mediated decay also needs further research. For a more complete picture of the conservation of the AHR gene, more species’ nucleotide sequence and aminoacid sequence could be compared. Conclusion: the first hypothesis, that the AHR gene is a highly conserved gene, should be rejected as query coverages ranging from 47% to 91% were found taking both comparing methods into account. Even though 91% is high, 47% is very low so the AHR gene is not highly conserved. The second hypothesis, that there are multiple transcripts of the AHR gene in the dog, should be confirmed based on our sequencing results and qPCR data. The new transcript probably consists of exon 1, 2, 7, 8, 9 and 10, with a premature stop codon in exon 7. Furthermore, the original transcript of the dog consists of 11 exons, instead of the annotated 12 exons. 3 Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog Introduction The Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (AHR) is best known for its function in regulating xenobiotic metabolism and dioxin toxicity. The role of AHR is not always protective though, as stimulation of AHR by certain high affinity AHR agonists can lead to cancer, immunosuppression, liver damage and fetal malformation. [1] AHR activation by environmental contaminants is considered to be an adaptive response, which could decrease the toxicity of these environmental contaminants. On the other hand, activation of AHR could also mediate the toxicity of environmental contaminants. This goes for 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), for example. [2] According to a phylogenetic survey, AHR arose over 450 million years ago. Functional orthologs of AHR were detected in several species in various environments, which indicates the selective advantage of expressing AHR in an environment not yet polluted by chemical anthropogenic compounds. What might this selective advantage be then? A small hint comes from the fact that AHR is being expressed in a variety of tissues and at different phases of vertebrate development which are inconsistent with AHR being expressed only as a metabolic response to environmental chemicals. So AHR’s function goes beyond just being a regulator of xenobiotic metabolism. [1] AHR is expressed in a variety of human tissues as described above. Highest expression is detected in the placenta and in liver, while in pancreas, heart and lung expression is also relatively high (Figure 1). Endogenous ligands of AHR are arachidonic acid metabolites (such as prostaglandinG2 and lipoxin4A) and heme metabolites (for example bilirubine), although none of these have proven to be high-affinity ligands. The same goes for nonligand activators of AHR, such as stress, cAMP and modified low-density lipoprotein, which are factors not proven to be highaffinity activators. [2] Over 400 exogenous AHR ligands are known, for example environmental pollutants and dietary compounds. [3] Fig. 1. An overview of AHR expression in the different tissues. [4] The following table refers to literature in which the expression of AHR in the concerning tissue is described in more detail: 4 Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog Tissue Placenta Liver Pancreas Heart Lung Cerebellum Kidneys Skin Literature [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [6] [7] [8] Table 1.1 You AHR what you eat [9]: AHR’s role in the intestinal immune system The statement of vegetables being good for your health has been commonly accepted, while not many people have given a good thought about the underlying mechanisms. Research has shown that the consumption of cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage is important in the intestinal and dermal immune system. Intraepithelial lymphocytes in skin and intestine express high levels of AHR. These lymphocytes are involved in promoting epithelial repair and limiting bacterial invasion of epithelial cells via the gut. In a research investigating the amounts of intraepithelial lymphocytes in AHR deficient mice, it was found that these lymphocytes were absent in the intestine and numbers were reduced in the skin. Neither the development of the lymphocytes’ precursor cells, nor the migration of these cells to the intestine and skin was affected. It was the maintenance of these cells when they had arrived at their objective site which was affected. In just a few days intraepithelial lymphocytes disappeared from the intestine and skin. In agreement with intraepithelial lymphocytes being involved in epithelial repair it was found that AHR deficient mice were more susceptible to epithelial injury than wild-type mice, as they showed accelerated illness after being exposed to an epithelial damaging agent. Moreover, the AHR deficient mice also show a small increase in intestinal colonization of the gram-negative genus Bacteroides, which was associated with a reduced expression of Regllly, an anti-bacterial protein expressed in intraepithelial lymphocytes and epithelial cells. Cell-intrinsic AHR signaling originating within the lymphocytes themselves appears to be necessary for the maintenance of intraepithelial lymphocytes (Figure 2) Yet it is still unknown which target genes are activated by AHR and how this leads to the maintenance of intraepithelial lymphocytes in the epithelium of intestine and skin. 5 Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog Fig. 2. Cell-intrinsic AHR signaling in an intraepithelial lymphocyte. Visible is that certain compounds (in this example indole-3-carbinol) in cruciferous vegetables are converted to high-affinity AHR ligands after being exposed to stomach acid. After the binding of this ligand to AHR, translocation to the nucleus occurs and the complex functions as a transcription factor, activating gene expression. [9] The evolutional explanation for the ingestion of food being linked to the intestinal immune defense could be the conservation of energy in times of food scarcity. As the ingestion of food is accompanied with the ingestion of many likely pathogenic environmental bacteria, is seems logical the intestinal immune system adjusts. The question raised by the discovery of consumption of cruciferous vegetables being linked to your intestinal and dermal immune system is if there are other dietary ligands for AHR. It seems logical more dietary AHR ligands exist given the variety of most mammalian diets. It would be remarkable if a part of the intestinal and dermal immune system would only depend on cruciferous vegetables, but further investigation will tell. [9] How does AHR operate? Normally, AHR is located in the cytoplasm where it forms a complex with several proteins, like Hsp90, XAP2 and p23 proteins. [10] The binding of toxic components, for example polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH’s) such as benzo(a)pyrene, leads to receptor dimerization with another protein called aryl hydrocarbon nuclear transclocator (ARNT) [1] This heterocomplex translocates to the nucleus where it now can bind the xenobiotic responsive element (XRE) on the DNA. Doing so, the complex acts as a transcription factor as it activates gene expression and in this case for genes encoding phase I and phase II xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes (Figure 3). This way, the organism is protected from exposure to certain toxic environmental contaminants. Fig. 3. Schematic illustration of how AHR operates. [10] 6 Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog AHR-related factor (Ahrr), which normally is located within the nucleus and bound to ARNT, competes with AHR. Like AHR it binds to ARNT and this Ahrr/ARNT complex can also bind the XRE. In contrast with the AHR/ARNT complex, the Ahrr/ARNT complex acts as a transcriptional repressor. [10] The same pathway is activated when halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons, such as 2,3,7,8tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) bind AHR. The heterocomplex again binds the XRE on the DNA in the promoter region of genes encoding Cytochrome P4501A1 (CYP1A1), 1A2 and 1B1. Unfortunately, the CYP1A1, 1A2 and 1B1 enzymes metabolically activate procarcinogens to ultimate carcinogens, causing tumour promotion. As AHR also upregulates the expression of DNA polymerase ĸ, which replicates the DNA in an error-prone manner, this also leads to tumour promotion. It may not be a surprise that research has shown that AHR-deficiency in mice resulted in a loss of teratogenesis caused by TCDD and susceptibility to chemical carcinogenesis by benzo(a)pyrene. [10] On the other hand, mice expressing a continuous active AHR are more susceptible to stomach tumours. [11] So AHR plays a role in tumour promotion/initiation, while recent evidence suggests AHR also plays a role in tumour progression. [3] In adult tissues the inhibition of somatic cell proliferation is continuously repressed by cell-cell contact. This constantly active mechanism is also referred to as contact-dependant inhibition of growth. [12] Cell-cell contact is not only a regulator of proliferation, but also of cell differentiation and cell motility, thus tumour progression (and also tumour promotion) is triggered by a loss of cell-cell contact. Increasing evidence suggests that activation of AHR leads to deregulation of cell-cell contact and thus promotes tumour progression. [3] For example, AHR expression is higher in invasive than non-invasive tumour tissue. [13, 14] Also, the level of AHR expression correlated with malignancy in lung tumours. [15] Moreover, increased invasion and poor prognosis in human urothelial tumours is associated with AHR expression being upregulated. [16] TCDD, a high-affinity AHR ligand, induces a release from contact inhibition in the rat liver oval cell line WB-F344. [17, 18] As exposure of this cell-line to other AHR ligands, such as PAH’s also induces a release from contact inhibition, this supports AHR being involved in tumour initiation and progression. [19-22] The TCDD-dependant release from contact inhibition seems to be a common phenomenon as it is observed in several cell lines. [23] In the human breast cancer epithelial cell line MCF-7 a down regulation of E-cadherin (a transmembrane protein playing an important role in cell-adhesion), loss of cell-cell adhesion and increased mobility of the cells was found after exposure to TCDD. [24] This also supports the idea of AHR being involved in tumour progression. The other side of the story is that AHR deficient mice display reduced fecundity and are defective in development of both liver and immune system. The cause of the reduced hepatocyte size turned out to be portosystemic shunting due to a patent ductus venosus. [1] Fetal hepatic necrosis caused by compromised perfusion also contributed to the liver defect in AHR deficient mice. [2] Other fetal vascular structures were found in the adult mice, for example a persistent arteria hyaloidea in both eyes and an immature sinusoidal structure in the kidneys. This has led to the idea that AHR functions as a regulator of genes encoding proteins which are involved in the remodeling of fetal vascular structures. Not all fetal structures are persistent in AHR-deficient mice though, as the ductus arteriosus was closed normally. [1] 7 Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog Objective The objective of my research is to study the conservation of the AHR gene and to find out whether there is more than just one transcript of the AHR gene in the dog. The original transcript of the dog will also be sequenced and these results will be compared to the annotated data. Hypotheses The first hypothesis related to the outcome of this research is: The AHR gene is highly conserved. The second hypothesis is: There are multiple transcripts of the AHR gene in the dog. 8 Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog Conservation of the AHR gene Comparing the different species’ nucleotide sequence In human, five transcripts of AHR are known (Figure 4) Three of these transcripts are noncoding transcripts that do not contain an open reading frame. One transcript is thought to undergo nonsense mediated decay, a process which detects nonsense mutations and prevents the expression of truncated or erroneous proteins. The protein coding human transcript consists of 2547 basepairs (without the untranslated region or UTR) and consists of 11 exons. Fig. 4. Overview of the five transcripts of the AHR gene in humans. [25] In the dog, only one transcript of the AHR gene is annotated (Figure 5) This transcript is a protein coding transcript which consists of 2535 basepairs (without the UTR) and is thus about the same size compared to human transcript. This transcript consists of 12 exons. Fig. 5. The one known protein coding transcript of the AHR gene in the dog. [25] In mice, four transcripts of the AHR gene are known (Figure 6) One of these is a noncoding transcript containing intronic sequence. Another transcript is thought to undergo nonsense mediated decay. The other two transcripts are protein coding transcripts, one consists of 2649 basepairs (without UTR) and 13 exons, while the other consists of 2418 basepairs (without UTR) and 11 exons. Fig. 6. The four known transcripts of the AHR gene in the mouse. [25] In the rat, two transcripts of the AHR gene are known (Figure 7) Both these transcripts are protein coding. One of the transcripts consists of 2562 basepairs (without UTR) and 11 exons, while the other consists of 1857 basepairs (without UTR) and 7 exons. [25] 9 Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog Fig. 7. The two known transcripts of the AHR gene in the rat. [25] In horses, one transcript of the AHR gene is known (Figure 8) This transcript is protein coding and consists of 1887 basepairs (without the UTR) and 11 exons. Fig. 8. The protein coding transcript in the horse. [25] In chickens, one transcript of the AHR gene is known (Figure 9) This transcript is protein coding and consists of 2520 basepairs (without the UTR) and 10 exons. Fig. 9. The protein coding transcript in the chicken. [25] In rabbits, one transcript of the AHR gene is known (Figure 10) This transcript is protein coding and consists of 2544 basepairs (without the UTR) and 11 exons. Fig. 10. The protein coding transcript in the rabbit. [25] In zebrafish, three protein coding transcrips are known (Figure 11) One of these transcripts consists of 2427 basepairs (without the UTR) and 12 exons, while the other transcripts consist of 2424 basepairs, 11 exons and 2373 basepairs and 10 exons respectively. Fig. 11. The protein coding transcripts in zebrafish. [25] 10 Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog For comparing the protein coding transcripts between different species to estimate the degree of conservation of the AHR gene, NCIBI’s align two sequences was used. All species’ protein coding transcripts were compared: Human Dog Mouse Rat Horse Chicken Rabbit vs vs vs vs vs vs vs dog, mouse, rat, horse, chicken, rabbit and zebrafish mouse, rat, horse, chicken, rabbit and zebrafish rat, horse, chicken, rabbit and zebrafish horse, chicken, rabbit and zebrafish chicken, rabbit and zebrafish rabbit and zebrafish zebrafish When the protein coding human transcript was compared to the canine transcript a query coverage of 87% was found. This means 87% of the human transcript shows similarities with the canine transcript. Almost the entire canine transcript showed similarities with the human transcript, so almost all 2535 basepairs were found in the human transcript, except for 30 gaps here and there. When the protein coding human transcript was compared to the protein coding transcripts in the mouse a query coverage of 77% was found when compared to the biggest and smallest transcript. When the human transcript was compared to the protein coding transcripts in the rat query coverages of 76% and 70% were found when compared to the biggest and smallest transcript respectively. Furthermore, query coverages of 86%, 70% and 82% were found when the human transcript was compared to the equine transcript and the protein coding transcripts in chicken and rabbit respectively. Last, the human transcript was compared to the three protein coding transcripts in zebrafish. Interestingly, a query coverage of 69% was found for all three comparisons Overall, fairly high percentages are observed when the human transcript is compared to the other transcripts. When the canine transcript was compared to both protein coding transcripts of the mouse a query coverage of 76% was found when compared to the biggest and smallest transcript. When the canine transcript was compared to both protein coding transcripts in the rat query coverages of 76% and 71% were found when compared to the biggest and smallest transcript respectively. Query coverages of 88%, 71%, and 81% were found when the canine transcript was compared to the equine transcript and the transcripts in chicken and rabbit respectively. Last, the canine transcript was compared to the three protein coding transcripts in zebrafish. A query coverage of 67% was found for all three comparisons. For a small overview of the query coverages found by comparing all species’ protein coding transcript I refer to table 1.2 Species Hm Dg M1 M2 R1 R2 Hr Ch Rb Zf1 Zf2 Zf3 Bp 2547 2535 2649 2418 2562 1857 1887 2520 2544 2427 2424 2373 Hm x 87 77 77 76 70 86 70 82 69 69 69 Dg 87 x 76 76 76 71 88 71 81 67 67 67 M1 77 76 x x 89 87 74 74 77 68 68 68 M2 77 76 x x 90 87 75 74 77 68 68 68 R1 76 76 89 90 x x 75 74 77 67 67 67 Table 1.2 11 R2 70 71 87 87 x x 71 70 72 68 68 68 Hr 86 88 74 75 75 71 x 73 79 70 70 70 Ch 70 71 74 74 74 70 73 x 73 69 69 69 Rb 82 81 77 77 77 72 79 73 x 69 69 69 Zf1 69 67 68 68 67 68 70 69 69 x x x Zf2 69 67 68 68 67 68 70 69 69 x x x Zf3 69 67 68 68 67 68 70 69 69 x x x Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog Inscription: Bp = basepairs (without UTR) Hm = human Dg = dog M1 = mouse 1 M2 = mouse 2 R1 = rat 1 R2 = rat 2 Hr = horse Ch = chicken Rb = rabbit Zf1 = zebra fish 1 Zf2 = zebra fish 2 Zf3 = zebra fish 3 The query coverages found range from quite low to fairly high, as 70% is considered quite low, while 90% fairly high. For a small overview of the query coverages found I refer to table 1.2 Mouse 1 and rat 1 refer to the biggest protein coding transcript in these species, whereas the number 2 refers to the smallest protein coding transcript in these species. The same goes for the zebrafish, 1 refers to the biggest, while 3 refers to the smallest protein coding transcript. Comparing the different species’ aminoacids Another method to estimate the degree of conservation of the AHR gene is to compare the different species’ aminoacid sequence. Again, the protein coding transcripts of human, dog, mouse, rat, horse, chicken, rabbit and zebrafish were compared. The human protein coding transcript consists of 848 aminoacids. When the human transcript was compared to the canine aminoacid sequence a query coverage of 84% was found. Query coverages of 71% and 72% were found when the human transcript was compared to the biggest and smallest transcript of the mouse respectively. When compared to the biggest and smallest transcript of the rat query coverages of 72% and 57% were found respectively. When compared to the transcripts of horse, chicken and rabbit query coverages of 80%, 64% and 78% were found. Last, the human transcript was compared to the biggest, middle and smallest transcript of zebrafish. A query coverage of 52% was found for all three comparisons. The canine protein coding transcript consists of 844 aminoacids. A query coverage of 70% was found when compared to the biggest and smallest transcript of the mouse. When compared to the biggest and smallest transcript in the rat query coverages of 72% and 58% were found respectively. Query coverages of 83%, 66% and 76% were found when compared to the transcripts of horse, chicken and rabbit. Last, the canine aminoacid sequence was compared to the three transcripts in zebrafish. A query coverage of 52% was found for all three comparisons. For a small overview of the query coverages found by comparing all different species’ aminoacid sequences I refer to table 1.3. Species Hm Dg M1 M2 R1 R2 Hr Ch Rb Zf1 Zf2 Zf3 Table 1.3 AA 848 844 882 805 853 618 628 839 847 808 807 790 Hm x 84 71 72 72 57 80 64 78 52 52 52 Dg 84 x 70 70 72 58 83 66 76 52 52 52 M1 71 70 x x 90 84 66 60 70 50 50 51 M2 72 70 x x 91 85 67 62 71 50 50 51 R1 72 72 90 91 x x 67 61 70 49 49 49 12 R2 57 58 84 85 x x 58 46 55 58 58 58 Hr 80 83 66 67 67 58 x 63 73 47 47 47 Ch 64 66 60 62 61 46 63 x 63 52 52 52 Rb 78 76 70 71 70 55 73 63 x 51 51 51 Zf1 52 52 50 50 49 58 47 52 51 x x x Zf2 52 52 50 50 49 58 47 52 51 x x x Zf3 52 52 51 51 49 58 47 52 51 x x x Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog Inscription: R2 = rat 2 Hr = horse Ch = chicken Rb = rabbit Zf1 = zebra fish 1 Zf2 = zebra fish 2 Zf3 = zebra fish 3 AA = Amino-acids Hm = human Dg = dog M1 = mouse 1 M2 = mouse 2 R1 = rat 1 The query coverages found range from low to fairly high (46%-91%) Interestingly, nearly all query coverages found by comparing the different species’ aminoacid sequences are lower than the query coverages found by comparing the different species’ basepairs. The only exception is when the biggest transcript of the rat is compared to both transcripts in the mouse. But, just a difference of 1% is found between these query coverages. An explanation could be due to the fact that when the first or second basepair of a codon changes, the whole aminoacid changes. When basepairs are compared, one differing basepair at the beginning of a codon would still lead to a query coverage of 66,7%, while no similarity would be found if aminoacids would be compared. In many cases the query coverages found by comparing the different species’ aminoacid sequences differed more than 10% compared to the query coverages found by comparing the different species’ basepairs. This goes for all comparisons made with zebrafish and most comparisons with the smallest transcript in the rat and chicken. As the aminoacids ultimately determine the shape of the protein more value should be given to the query coverages found by comparing the different species’ aminoacid sequences. Based on the aminoacid sequences human, horse and dog are much alike, the same goes for mouse and rat. Low query coverages were found for all comparisons including the three transcripts of zebrafish. The same goes for the chicken. Including the transcript of the rabbit two fairly high query coverages were found (compared to humans and the dog), while the other query coverages found are quite low. Based on these results the conclusion could be drawn that the AHR gene is not very conserved. 13 Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog Materials and methods Experimental design 6 liver samples were used for performing RNA isolation and cDNA synthesis. This cDNA together with cDNA from 6 other liver samples were used for the detection of other transcripts of the AHR gene. Primers were ordered specific for each exon of the original transcript. These primers were used in different combinations to find out whether transcript differences could be detected and if so out of which exons it consists. The cDNA liver samples combined with different primersets were used for amplification, gel electrophoresis and if a product was visible the Big Dye Terminator Cycle Sequencing was performed to find the exact sequences of these bands. Before sequencing PCR products were diluted or a SAP/ExoI purification was performed. The sequences were blasted in NCBI to the dog genome to check whether the used primersets were specific enough and thus matched AHR. This way, the sequence of the original transcript was found and compared to the sequence on NCBI. Sequences from another transcript was also detected and compared to the original transcript. cDNA from other tissues was used to see whether this new transcript and original transcript could be detected in these tissues. cDNA from tissues of different parts of the brain, bone tissue, mammary tissue, placenta, pancreas, adrenal gland, uterus, ovary, kidneys and leucocytes was used to perform PCR and for most tissue samples also qPCR. Last, Western blotting was performed to see if both the original and new transcript could be made visible and are thus translated to proteins in liver tissue. Tissue samples 12 Liver samples from healthy GDL beagles were used during this research. These samples were named 4,5 and 8-17. cDNA from different parts of the brain was used for the detection of the AHR transcripts. 19 brain samples were used in total, which consisted of 10 cortex samples (2 samples from the cranial lobus temporalis, the lobus occipitalis, the lobus frontalis, the lobus parietalis and from the middle lobus temporalis) and 2 samples from the gyrus dentatus (hippocampus), 2 samples from the thalamus, 2 samples from the cerebellum, 2 samples from the ammon’s horn (hippocampus) and 1 sample from the hypothalamus. All brain samples originate from healthy labradors or beagles. Besides liver and brain samples cDNA from many other tissues were used also. cDNA from the following (normal) tissues was used: pancreas, adrenal gland, uterus, ovary, kidneys, leucocytes, placenta, mammary tissue (2 samples), bladder tissue, colonic tissue, cervical tissue and bone tissue (2 samples) The bone tissue came from a Miniature Poodle and a Great Dane. 15 liver protein samples were used to perform Western blotting. 6 of these samples came from healthy beagle dogs, 6 from Irish Wolfhounds (intrahepatic shunt cases), 2 from Cairn terriers (extrahepatic shunt cases) and 1 from a Golden retriever (intrahepatic shunt case) RNA isolation RNA isolation was performed using a portion of frozen liver tissue. Disruption was performed using a mortar and pestle followed by homogenization using a QIAshredder homogenizer. A volume of 350ųl buffer RLT was used in step 3 of the protocol (see attachment 1.1) In step 5 1 volume of 50% ethanol was added to the cleared lysate. After step 6 of the protocol, the optional on-column DNase digestion was performed with the RNase-Free DNase Set. This way elimination of genomic DNA contamination was guaranteed. Instead of 10ųl DNase stock solution and 70ųl buffer RDD in step D2 of the optional on-column DNase digestion procedure 45ųl of DNAase stock solution and 315ųl of buffer RDD was used. The samples were eluated in 50ųl RNase-free water. The protocol used was from the Qiagen RNeasy® Mini Handbook Fourth Edition. After collection concentration of RNA was measured with the Nanodrop. 14 Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog cDNA synthesis After RNA isolation cDNA synthesis was performed using 10µl of RNA template, containing 0.5µg RNA. For the exact protocol I refer to attachment 1.2. Primers Before a PCR would be performed, the right annealing temperature would be determined via a gradient between 55°C and 65°C. The right annealing temperature for the primersets 1 forward, 9 reverse; 2 forward, 5 reverse and 2 forward, 9 reverse was 58°C. All the forward primers were based on the sequence at the beginning of the relative exon, while all the reverse primers were based on the sequence at the end of the relative exon. A gradient was also run on primerset break4 forward, 9 reverse. The right annealing temperature for this primerset was 55°C. 61°C was the right annealing temperature for the RPS19 and 2 forward, 3 reverse primerset. The following table displays the sequences of the primers used during this research: Primer 1 forward 2 forward 6 forward 10 forward Break1 forward Break2 forward Break3 forward Break4 forward 3 reverse 5 reverse 9 reverse 10 reverse 11 reverse RPS19 forward RPS19 reverse RPS5 forward RPS5 reverse GAPDH forward GAPDH reverse GUSB forward GUSB reverse HNRPH forward HNRPH reverse B2M forward B2M reverse Sequence 5’–ATC ACC TAC GCC AGC CGC AA-3’ 5’-CCA GCT GAA GGA ATC AAG TC-3’ 5’-GGT GTC TGC TGG ATA ATT CG-3’ 5’-GGC TCC TTC CTG ACA ATA GA-3’ 5’-TTC CAA GCG ACA TAG AGA TCC GAA C-3’ 5’-TCC AAG CGA CAT AGA GAT CCG AAC C-3’ 5’-CCA AGC GAC ATA GAG ATC CGA ACC A-3’ 5’-CGA CAT AGA GAT CCG AAC CA-3’ 5’-TTG CAG ATG CAG ACC TTC TC-3’ 5’-TCA CCT CGG TCT TCA GTA TG-3’ 5’-TCA TGC CAC TCT CTC CTG TC-3’ 5’-TTC TAT TGT CAG GAA GGA GC-3’ 5’-CAT GGC ATA GCA TCA ATC TC-3’ 5’-CCT TCC TCA AAA AGT CTG GG-3’ 5’-GTT CTC ATC GTA GGG AGC AAG-3’ 5’-TCA CTG GTG AGA ACC CCC T-3’ 5’- CCT GAT TCA CAC GGC GTA G-3’ 5’-TGT CCC CAC CCC CAA TGT ATC-3’ 5’-CTC CGA TGC CTG CTT CAC TAC CTT-3’ 5’-AGA CGC TTC CAA GTA CCC C-3’ 5’- AGG TGT GGT GTA GAG GAG CAC-3’ 5’-CTC ACT ATG ATC CAC CAC G-3’ 5’-TAG CCT CCA TAA CCT CCA C-3’ 5’- TCC TCA TCC TCC TCG CT-3’ 5’- TTC TCT GCT GGG TGT CG-3’ Table 1.4 PCR amplification PCR amplifications were performed in a Gene Amp PCR-system 9700 or a MJ Research Dyad Disciple Peltier Thermal Cycler. For the exact protocol I refer to attachment 1.3. Gel electrophoresis After amplification with PCR, the presence and size of the products were confirmed by gel electrophoresis. 1.5% agarose gels were used, containing 0.04ųl of ethidium bromide per ml 0.5 x TBE or 1 x TAE. Each time 10ųl of the PCR products was used with a 2ųl of loading buffer. For estimating the size of the products, a 10ųl of Promega 100-bp molecular size standard ladder and/or a 1 Kb molecular size standard ladder was used also. Gel electrophoresis was run in a Bio- 15 Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog Rad Power Pac 300 performing under 80-90V in a buffer of 0.5 x TBE or 1 x TAE. The gels were visualized under UV light. If bands were to be excised from the gel, 20ųl of mQ would be added, this would be centrifuged stored in the refrigerator for a day or two. SAP/ExoI purification SAP/ExoI purifications were run in a Gene Amp PCR-system 9700 or a MJ Research Dyad Disciple Peltier Thermal Cycler. For the exact protocol I refer to attachment 1.4. Big Dye Terminator Cycle Sequencing The Big Dye Terminator Cycle was run in a Gene Amp PCR-System 9700 or a MJ Research Dyad Disciple Peltier Thermal Cycler. Sequencing itself was run in a genetic analyzer 3130xl. The programs used for collecting and examining the data are Sequencing Analysis 5.2 and DNAstar LaserGene 8 Seqman. For the exact protocol I refer to attachment 1.5. Ethanol precipitation Instead of performing Sephadex purification previous to sequencing ethanol precipitation could be performed. For the exact protocol I refer to attachment 1.6. qPCR qPCR was run in a Bio-Rad MyiQ2 Icycler. Genorm was used for the ultimate selection of the reference genes. For the exact protocol I refer to attachment 1.7. Western blotting Western blotting was performed using a precast Tris-HCL gel (15%). All samples were diluted to a concentration of 2 mg/ml. 10 ųl of each sample was used. Non-fat dry milk was used in our blocking solution. A shaker was used in the washing steps. For the exact protocol I refer to attachment 1.8. Experiments PCR followed by nested PCR At first PCR with an elongation time of 1.5 min, gel electrophoresis and the big dye terminator cycle sequencing was performed using the primerset 1 forward, 9 reverse with a total expected size of 800-900 bp on six liver samples. This way the original transcript could be sequenced and possibly another transcript could be detected. After gel electrophoresis 8 smaller bands compared to the original transcript were found indeed and thus excised and used performing a nested PCR with a shorter elongation time of 20s. In this PCR the primerset 2 forward, 5 reverse was used. One of these PCR products was then used in performing the big dye terminator cycle sequencing. 2 forward, 9 reverse The next step was to try the primerset 2 forward, 9 reverse on six liver cDNA samples performing PCR (elongation time 20s), gel electrophoresis and the big dye terminator cycle sequencing. After gel electrophoresis the samples 4, 5, 8 and 9 showed two bands, the bigger one is probably the original transcript and the small band the smaller transcript we are trying to detect. These smaller bands were excised from the gel so they could be sequenced. Based on these sequences break primers were designed. Break primers As mentioned earlier, the break primers sequences were based on the different overlap between exon 2 and 7 we found using the 2 forward, 9 reverse primerset. As only the primerset break4 16 Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog forward, 9 reverse gave good sequencing results the other primersets will not be mentioned further. 8 Liver samples were used. The break4 forward primer was thus based on the sequence of sample 4, primerset 2 forward, 9 reverse and binds right before and the overlap of exon 2 and 7 itself. As the break4 forward, 9 reverse primerset produced the same sequence (with the same overlap between exon 2 and 7) as it was based on, this primerset was tried on all 12 samples. Again, PCR (elongation time 15s), gel electrophoresis, SAP/ExoI purification and the terminator cycle sequencing were performed. As the same overlap between exon 2 and 7 was found in 10 samples, the next step was to try this primerset on cDNA samples from other tissues to see if we could find the same sequence (which is probably an AHR transcript) in other tissue besides liver tissue. Other tissues As described before cDNA from brain tissue, pancreas, adrenal gland, uterus, ovary, kidneys, leucocytes, placenta, mammary tissue and bone tissue was used to perform PCR (elongation time 15s) and gel electrophoresis. The primersets used were the break4 forward, 9 reverse primerset (for detection of the small AHR transcript), 2 forward, 3 reverse primerset (for detection of the original transcript) and a RPS19 primerset (to check the reaction) on all 30 cDNA samples. Exon 10 and 11 of the original transcript Besides detecting other transcripts than the original transcript, the original transcript was sequenced. A part of the original transcript had already been sequenced by using the primerset 1 forward, 9 reverse. As mentioned earlier, the original transcript of the dog exists out of 12 exons, while the biggest human transcript exists out of 11 exons. When blasting the original transcript of the dog to the biggest human transcript the first 9 exons of the dog are very similar to the first 9 exons of the human transcript. When blasting exon 10 of the dog (696 basepairs) to the human exon 10 (1243 basepairs) exon 10 of the dog is very similar to the first part of the human exon 10, while exon 11 (535 basepairs) of the dog is very similar to the second part of the human exon 10. When blasting exon 10 and 11 of dog to the human exon 10 at once in NCBI the following graphic is showed: Fig. 12. Exon 10 and 11 of the dog blasted to the human exon 10. [21] Moreover, taking a look at the intron between exon 10 and 11 in the dog, the length of this intron is very short (27 basepairs), while the sequence does not start with GT and does not end with AG like other introns. Also interesting is the CAG repeat in this intron, which is not present in the human transcript. - Intron between exon 10 and 11 in the dog: acagcagcagcagcagcagcagcagct This all has led to the idea of this intron not being an intron and thus exon 10 and 11 in the dog being just one exon. Therefore primers were designed to sequence exon 10 and 11 in the dog in six liver cDNA samples. PCR (elongation time 80s), gel electrophoresis and the terminator cycle sequencing were performed using the 10 forward, 11 reverse primerset. As the PCR product amplified via these primers is quite small, another PCR was performed using the 6 forward, 11 reverse primerset. This way the possibility of sequencing a piece of gDNA is excluded. The terminator cycle sequencing would then be performed using the 10 forward, 11 reverse primerset. 17 Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog When blasting exon 12 (147 basepairs) of the dog to the human exon 11 (144 basepairs without the UTR), a query coverage of 91% is found, so exon 12 of the canine transcript is very similar to exon 11 of the human transcript. qPCR and reference genes qPCR was performed to validate the existence of the new transcript by estimating the relative level of expression for both the original and new transcript (using the 2 forward, 3 reverse and break4 forward, 9 reverse primerset respectively) in several tissues. 16 Samples were used, which included cDNA from pancreas, adrenal gland, uterus, ovary, kidneys, leucocytes, mammary tissue (2 samples), bladder, colonic tissue, cervical tissue, liver tissue (3 samples) and 2 negative control samples. qPCR was performed for 6 reference genes to create a reliable reference gene set, which was used for normalizing the results from the genes of interest. qPCR plates were run to acquire the values of the following reference genes: GAPDH, GUSB, HNRPH, B2M, RPS19 and RPS 5. Genorm was used to rank the stability of the reference genes. Length new transcript Besides measuring the relative expression of the new transcript in different tissues, thereby validating the existence of the new transcript and determining in which tissues this transcript is present, the total length of the new transcript was also determined by performing PCR using different primersets. PCR (elongation time 80s), gel electrophoresis and the terminator cycle sequencing were performed using the break4 forward, 10 reverse primerset. The break4 forward primer was also combined with a 11 reverse, 12 reverse and UTR reverse primer but no bands could be visualized after PCR and gel electrophoresis were performed. Confirmation new transcript The break1 forward, break2 forward and break3 forward were designed as an extra confirmation for the existence of the new transcript. These primers are based on the same sequence as the break4 forward primer was based on, but consist of more basepairs compared to the break4 forward primer and are thus more specific. This way, the possibility of our results being based on a improperly working primer is prevented. All three forward primers were combined with the 9 reverse primer. PCR (elongation time 30s), gel electrophoresis and the terminator cycle sequencing were performed using 6 cDNA liver samples for each primerset. Western blotting Taking a more thorough look at the new transcript shows a premature stop codon is present in exon 7. This had led to the idea that this transcript might undergo nonsense mediated decay and is thus not translated to protein but degraded. So Western blotting was performed as a control if our original transcript and our new transcript could be made visible and are thus translated to proteins in liver cells. The original transcript has a weight of 96kD, while if the new transcript would be translated it would have a weight of 12kD (150 basepairs/ 50 aminoacids) As primary antibody a polyclonal Anti-AHR antibody from a rabbit was used. Our secondary antibody was an anti-rabbit antibody. As our control a monoclonal primary tubulin antibody from a mouse was used (binds to an canine tubulin epitope, as well as other species’ tubulin epitopes), while an anti-mouse IgG antibody was used as secondary antibody. 18 Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog Results RNA isolation Liver sample RNA concentration ng/µl 98.9 272.5 98.6 54.0 162.0 284.3 4 5 8 9 10 11 Degree of contamination 2.13 2.06 2.11 2.12 2.09 2.06 Remains of ethanol 1.77 2.19 1.68 1.49 2.19 1.99 Table 1.5 PCR followed by nested PCR Each PCR product could be visualized on gel after gel electrophoresis, except our negative control, which showed no band as to expect. Moreover each sample showed at least two bands using the primerset 1 forward, 9 reverse. A bigger band of approximately 800-900 basepairs and a smaller band of about 300 basepairs was visible, which may be the smaller transcript we were trying to detect (Figure 13) In sample 4 and 11 we even found a third faint band of 100-200 basepairs. Unfortunately, these two faint bands are not visible anymore in figure 13. A part (up to exon 9) of the original transcript could be sequenced (for the exact sequences, see attachment 2.1) after the first PCR. In attachment 2.1, the 3 samples (sample 4, 8 and 11) showing the best sequencing results are displayed. After the nested PCR just one band could be visualized after gel electrophoresis (Figure 14) This band was from the excised band of 300 basepairs, sample 8. After sequencing only the 2 forward primer showed results. This could mean the small transcript consists out of at least exon 2, but probably not exon 5. For the exact sequence, see attachment 2.1. 1 kb ladder 1 kb ladder 4 5 8 9 10 11 nc 4 Fig. 13. On the left is the 1 kb ladder visible, then our six liver samples (from 4 to 11) and last our negative control. 100 bp ladder 5 8 9 10 11 4 11 Fig. 14. On the left again our 1 kb ladder, then our excised bands (first the six 300 basepairs bands, then the two 100-200 basepairs bands) and to the total right side a 100 basepairs ladder. 2 forward, 9 reverse In Figure 15 are the results of the gel electrophoresis visible. Only sample 4, 5, 8 and 9 show a smaller band besides the prominent bigger band. The smaller bands from sample 4, 5, 8 and 9 were sequenced. (for the exact sequences see attachment 2.2) Interestingly, the overlap between exon 2 and 7 differs between the found sequences. This could be due to difference in splicing, or perhaps the primers are not specific enough. 19 Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog 4 5 8 9 10 11 Samples 1 kb ladder 100 basepairs ladder Fig. 15. On the left is a 1 kb ladder visible, then our six liver samples (4 to 11), then a 100 basepairs ladder. The smaller bands which were excised from the gel so they could be sequenced are outlined in this figure. Break primers After gel electrophoresis all 12 samples showed one band of approximately 100-200 basepairs (Figure 16 and Figure 17) 10 samples showed sequencing results which confirmed the existence of a smaller transcript. For the exact sequences of these bands I refer to attachment 2.3. 100 bp 4 5 8 9 10 11 100 bp 12 13 Fig. 16. All six liver samples showed one band after PCR with primerset break4 forward, 9 reverse was performed. 14 15 16 17 8 9 10 11 nc 100 bp Fig. 17. All 10 samples showed the same band after PCR with the break4 forward, 9 reverse primerset. Our negative control is negative. Other tissues After gel electrophoresis all 30 samples showed bands the right size for all 3 primersets. To illustrate this see Figure 18, 19 and 20 where the PCR products from pancreas, adrenal gland, uterus, ovary, kidneys, leucocytes, bone tissue, placenta, hypothalamus and mammary tissue are visualized. Interestingly, if these bands happen to be transcripts of the AHR gene, this means mammary tissue also expresses AHR which is in contrast with Figure 1. 20 Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog 100 bp ladder pan ag ut ov kid leu 100 bp ladder bmp bgd Fig. 18. The first three bands are samples from pancreas (pan), primerset RPS19; 2 forward, 3 reverse and break4 forward, 9 reverse respectively (this goes for every tissue), the second three bands from adrenal gland (ag), then uterus (ut), ovary (ov), kidneys (kid), leucocytes (leu), bone tissue Miniature Poodle (bmp) and bone tissue Great Dane (bgd). 100 bp ladder 100 bp ladder mammary tissue samples hypothalamus Fig. 19. 2 samples of mammary tissue (primersets RPS19; 2 forward, 3 reverse and break4 forward, 9 reverse) placenta Fig. 20. The first three bands are samples from hypothalamus and the last three bands from placental tissue (primerset RPS19; 2 forward, 3 reverse and break4 forward, 9 reverse respectively) Exon 10 and 11 of the original transcript After gel electrophoresis four samples showed a band for the 10 forward, 11 reverse primerset (Figure 21) Sample 4 showed a very faint band, while sample 10 did not show any bands at all. So sample 5, 8, 9 and 11 were used to perform sequencing analysis. Unfortunately, all the 11 reverse sequences failed, but the 10 forward sequences showed the ‘intron’. The gel electrophoresis results for the 6 forward, 11 reverse primerset are visible in Figure 22. Only sample 16 did not show a band and was thus not used for the terminator cycle sequencing. For the exact sequencing results I refer to attachment 2.4. 21 Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog 100 bp 4 5 8 9 10 11 100 bp 12 13 14 15 16 17 Fig. 22. 5 samples showed a band after PCR using the 6 forward, 11 reverse primerset. Fig. 21. 4 samples showed a clearly visible band after PCR using the 10 forward, 11 reverse primerset. qPCR and reference genes Genorm ranks the reference genes; the most stable reference gene is the best reference gene to use. For the exact Genorm results and meltcurves for both the original and new transcript see attachment 2.5. Based on these results the optimal number of control genes for normalization should be 4 or 5 taking into account that RPS5 and RPS19 influence each other’s expression. The best reference genes to use (ranked in order of stability) should be RPS19 (and/or RPS5), HNRPH, GUSB and GAPDH. Table 1.6 shows the average level of expression of all 5 reference genes together and the relative level of expression of both the original and new transcript. Tissue Pancreas Adrenal gland Uterus Ovary Kidneys Leucocytes Mammary tissue 1 Mammary tissue 2 Bladder tissue Colonic tissue Cervical tissue Liver 1 Liver 2 Liver 3 Average (AVG) 5 reference genes 3.09 3.45 Original tr. (OT) Difference OT-AVG New tr. (NT) Difference NT-AVG Difference OT-NT 2.16 3.83 -0.93 0.38 2.29 3.82 -0.80 0.37 -0.13 0.01 3.57 3.96 3.44 3.46 3.31 3.54 3.45 3.61 3.68 4.18 -0.03 -0.51 0.17 0.22 0.87 3.38 3.45 3.58 3.71 4.15 -0.19 -0.51 0.14 0.25 0.84 0.16 0.00 0.03 -0.03 0.03 3.81 4.44 0.63 4.47 0.66 -0.03 3.41 3.08 -0.33 2.96 -0.45 0.12 2.45 2.04 -0.41 1.78 -0.67 0.26 3.87 3.96 0.09 3.99 0.12 -0.03 2.56 2.00 2.31 3.03 2.85 3.21 0.47 0.85 0.90 3.08 2.76 3.13 0.52 0.76 0.82 -0.05 0.09 0.08 Table 1.6 22 Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog Length new transcript After gel electrophoresis sample 5, 8, 9 and 11 showed a band for the break4 forward, 10 reverse primerset (Figure 23) These samples were used to perform sequencing analysis. The found sequences consisted of exon 7, 8, 9 and 10. For the exact sequences I refer to attachment 2.6. 100 bp 4 5 8 9 10 11 Fig. 23. 4 samples showed one band for the break forward, 10 reverse primerset. Confirmation new transcript After gel electrophoresis all samples showed a small band for each of the three primersets. All PCR products visible are around 250 basepairs long (Figure 24 and 25) The found sequences consisted of exon 2, 7, 8 and 9 and are similar to the sequences found using the break4 forward, 9 reverse primerset. For the exact sequences I refer to attachment 2.7. No differences were found between the three primersets. 100 bp 5 8 9 11 12 13 100 bp 5 8 9 11 12 14 Fig. 25. Unfortunately, only faint bands were visible after PCR and gel electrophoresis using the break3 forward, 9 reverse primerset. 100 bp 5 8 9 11 12 13 Fig. 24. All samples showed a band of approximately 250 bp after performing PCR and gel electrophoresis using the break1 forward, 9 reverse (above) and break2 forward, 9 reverse primerset (below) 23 Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog Western blotting After our primary anti-AHR antibody and our secondary anti-rabbit antibody had bound many nonspecific bands were visible (Figure 26) Our original transcript should be visible around 96kD, but unfortunately no clear band is visible. The same goes for the new transcript, which (if translated) should have been visible around 12kD. Tubulin on the other hand, which has a molecular weight around 50-55kD, could be visualized more easily, but the non-specific bands remained visible (Figure 27) In both figures, fully to the left is our ladder, then 6 samples from healthy beagles, next a ladder, 6 samples from Irish Wolfhounds, 2 from Cairn terriers, 1 from a Golden retriever and fully to the right a ladder. 150 100 75 50 37 25 20 15 Fig. 26. Unfortunately, many non-specific bands were visible, instead of one (and possibly two) bands as we expected. 150 100 75 50 37 25 20 15 Fig. 27. A clear band around 55kD is visible, apart from al the non specific bands, which is probably our control tubulin. 24 Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog Discussion The existence of another transcript has definitely been proven with both our qPCR data and our sequencing results using the break1 forward, break2 forward, break3 forward combined with the 9 reverse primer. As for most tissues, except for liver and mammary tissue, just one cDNA sample was used for performing qPCR no conclusions can be drawn about the relative level of expression of this new transcript compared to the original transcript. But, as differences in the level of expression between the new and original transcript were measured, especially in pancreas, uterus, bladder and colon, this supports the existence of another transcript besides the original transcript of the AHR gene in the dog. An important note to include about our qPCR data is the fact that in each tissue sample both the original and new transcript consistently show a higher or lower level of expression compared to the relative level of expression of our reference genes. So more research needs be done using more samples per tissue to perform qPCR. This way, a conclusion could also be drawn about the relative level of expression of the new transcript compared to the original transcript in different tissues. By looking at the intensity of the bands in Figure 13, where the PCR products of the 1 forward, 9 reverse primerset are made visible, it is safe to say that the original transcript is expressed in higher levels than the new transcript in liver tissue, as these bands are far more intense. Interestingly, both the qPCR data and visible bands on gel after performing a PCR using cDNA from mammary tissue, colonic tissue, bladder tissue and cervical tissue support the presence of the new transcript in these tissues, which differs from Genecards’ results (Figure 1) As no AHR expression in retinal tissue was measured by Genecards, it would be interesting to perform PCR and qPCR using cDNA from retinal tissue as well. As exon 2, 7, 8, 9 and 10 were found in our sequencing results for the new transcript, it would be easy to say that the new transcript consists of exon 1 (same start codon as the original transcript), 2, 7, 8, 9 and 10. But, a measurement of the number of basepairs which is left out between exon 2 and 7 proved that 713 basepairs are left out, which means that a frameshift takes place. Therefore another stop codon takes effect, which referring to our data should be located in exon 7. This could mean that the new transcript undergoes nonsense mediated decay. So the new transcript could consist of exon 8, 9 and 10 also, but as a premature stop codon is present in exon 7, the mRNA will be degraded. This also explains why the bands of the original transcript were far more prominent than those of the new transcript. As its mRNA is degraded the new transcript will be found in lower concentrations. On the other hand, our qPCR data did not show big differences in the relative level of expression between the original and new transcript in liver tissue. To really prove this new transcript undergoes nonsense mediated decay further research needs to be done using a cell-line which expresses AHR and suppressing the nonsense mediated decay process. The results of our Western blotting showed no band for the new transcript, this could mean that indeed the small transcript is degraded before translated, or the concentration of this protein was just too low and could thus not be visualized. Another possibility is that the conditions were not optimal, as 12kD is below in the blot. Also, many non-specific bands were visible, so it is hard to distinguish these non-specific bands from our specific AHR and tubulin bands. A way to distinguish these bands is to incubate a piece from the gel with only the secondary antibody. All that would be stained would be non-specific. Also, it would be better if two different gels were used for the two transcripts as the molecular weight between the two transcripts differs 84kD, so the original transcript was at the top of the blot, while the new transcript was below in the blot, both not an optimal condition. Referring to sequencing the original transcript, the results would have been even better if overlap was found between the forward and reverse primer. Now, only the 6 forward and 10 forward primers gave good results, with the CAG-repeated ‘intron’ found in our cDNA, while the 11 reverse primer failed. Last, to get a more complete picture about the conservation of the AHR gene on genetic level, more species could be compared. Again, nucleotide sequence and aminoacid sequence could be compared. 25 Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog Conclusion The first hypothesis, that the AHR gene is highly conserved, would be fairly true if only the results of comparing the different species’ nucleotide sequences would be taken into account. The lowest query coverage found was 67% while the highest was 90%. As 67% is considered low, but 90% high, AHR would be a fairly conserved gene. The results of comparing the different species’ aminoacid sequence lead to a different conclusion as query coverages ranging from 47% to 91% were found. As 47% is very low the first hypothesis should be rejected. As the aminoacid sequence ultimately determines the shape of the protein these results count heavier than those of comparing the different species’ nucleotide sequence. Interesting is the fact that mouse and rat are much alike (84%-91%, taking both nucleotide sequence and aminoacid sequence into account) and human and dog (84%-87%), while the three transcripts of zebrafish were not very comparable to that of any species. The second hypothesis, namely that there are multiple transcripts of the AHR gene in the dog has definitely been proven. Our sequencing results and qPCR data are convincing enough to confirm this hypothesis. Not only did we prove the existence of another transcript besides the original transcript by performing PCR using the break1 forward, break2 forward, break3 forward and break4 forward, 9 reverse primersets and performing qPCR, we also detected the presence of this new transcript in the following tissues: pancreas, adrenal gland, uterus, ovary, kidneys, leucocytes, mammary tissue, bladder tissue, colonic tissue, cervical tissue and liver tissue. The level of expression of the new transcript compared to the original transcript still has to be measured. Based on our sequencing results, the new transcript consists of exon 1, 2, 7, 8, 9 and 10, but with a premature stop codon in exon 7. This has led to the idea that this transcript undergoes nonsense mediated decay and its mRNA is thus degraded in the cell. The results of the Western blotting support this hypothesis as the new transcript could not be visualized. But, as these results were not very convincing further research needs to be done to prove this hypothesis. Last, our sequencing results for the original transcript proved that the intron between exon 10 and 11 is not an intron. So exon 11 in the dog is part of exon 10. 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[28] Genorm 28 Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog Attachment 1.1 RNA isolation protocol Purification of Total RNA from Animal Tissues Things to do before starting β-Mercaptoethanol (β-ME) must be added to Buffer RLT before use. Add 10 μl β-ME per 1 ml Buffer RLT. Dispense in a fume hood and wear appropriate protective clothing. Buffer RLT containing β-ME can be stored at room temperature for up to 1 month. Alternatively, add 20 μl of 2 M dithiothreitol (DTT) per 1 ml Buffer RLT. The stock solution of 2 M DTT in water should be prepared fresh or frozen in single-use aliquots. Buffer RLT containing DTT can be stored at room temperature for up to 1 month. Buffer RPE is supplied as a concentrate. Before using for the first time, add 4 volumes of ethanol (96–100%) as indicated on the bottle to obtain a working solution. If performing optional on-column DNase digestion, prepare DNase I stock solution. Procedure 1. Excise the tissue sample from the animal or remove it from storage. Remove RNAlater stabilized tissues from the reagent using forceps. Determine the amount of tissue. Do not use more than 30 mg. 2. For unstabilized fresh or frozen tissues: If using the entire tissue, place it directly into a suitably sized vessel for disruption and homogenization, and proceed immediately to step 3. If using only a portion of the tissue, weigh the piece to be used, and place it into a suitably sized vessel for disruption and homogenization. Proceed immediately to step 3. 3. Disrupt the tissue and homogenize the lysate in Buffer RLT (do not use more than 30 mg tissue) according to step 3a, 3b, 3c, or 3d. Disruption using a mortar and pestle followed by homogenization using a QIAshredder homogenizer: Immediately place the weighed frozen tissue in liquid nitrogen, and grind thoroughly with a mortar and pestle. Decant tissue powder and liquid nitrogen into an RNase-free, liquid-nitrogen–cooled, 2 ml microcentrifuge tube (not supplied). Allow the liquid nitrogen to evaporate, but do not allow the tissue to thaw. Add the appropriate volume of Buffer RLT (see Table 1.4). Pipet the lysate directly into a QIAshredder spin column placed in a 2 ml collection tube, and centrifuge for 2 min at full speed. Proceed to step 4. Amount of starting material (mg) <20 20-30 Volume of buffer RLT (µl) 350 or 600 600 Table 1.1.1 Volumes of Buffer RLT for Tissue Disruption and Homogenization 4. Centrifuge the lysate for 3 min at full speed. Carefully remove the supernatant by pipetting, and transfer it to a new microcentrifuge tube (not supplied). Use only thissupernatant (lysate) in subsequent steps. 5. Add 1 volume of 70% ethanol* to the cleared lysate, and mix immediately by pipetting. Do not centrifuge. Proceed immediately to step 6. 29 Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog * Using 50% ethanol (instead of 70% ethanol) may increase RNA yields from liver samples. 6. Transfer up to 700 μl of the sample, including any precipitate that may have formed, to an RNeasy spin column placed in a 2 ml collection tube. Close the lid gently, and centrifuge for 15s at ≥8000 x g (≥10,000 rpm). Discard the flow-through. Reuse the collection tube in step 7. If the sample volume exceeds 700 μl, centrifuge successive aliquots in the same RNeasy spin column. Discard the flow-through after each centrifugation.† Optional: If performing optional on-column DNase digestion (Eliminating genomic DNA contamination), follow steps D1–D4 after performing this step. Optional On-column DNase Digestion with the RNase-free DNase Set Things to do before starting Prepare DNase I stock solution before using the RNase-Free DNase Set for the first time. Dissolve the lyophilized DNase I (1500 Kunitz units) in 550 μl of the RNasefree water provided. To avoid loss of DNase I, do not open the vial. Inject RNasefree water into the vial using an RNase-free needle and syringe. Mix gently by inverting the vial. Do not vortex. D1. Add 350 μl Buffer RW1 to the RNeasy spin column. Close the lid gently, and centrifuge for 15s at ≥8000 x g (≥10,000 rpm) to wash the spin column membrane. Discard the flow-through. D2. Add 10 μl DNase I stock solution (see above) to 70 μl Buffer RDD. Mix by gently inverting the tube, and centrifuge briefly to collect residual liquid from the sides of the tube. D3. Add the DNase I incubation mix (80 μl) directly to the RNeasy spin column membrane, and place on the benchtop (20–30°C) for 15 min. D4. Add 350 μl Buffer RW1 to the RNeasy spin column. Close the lid gently, and centrifuge for 15s at _8000 x g (_10,000 rpm). Discard the flow-through. Continue with the first Buffer RPE wash step in the relevant protocol. 7. Add 700 μl Buffer RW1 to the RNeasy spin column. Close the lid gently, and centrifuge for 15s at ≥8000 x g (≥10,000 rpm) to wash the spin column membrane. Discard the flow-through. Skip this step if performing optional on-column DNase digestion. 8. Add 500 μl Buffer RPE to the RNeasy spin column. Close the lid gently, and centrifuge for 15s at ≥8000 x g (≥10,000 rpm) to wash the spin column membrane. Discard the flow-through. 9. Add 500 μl Buffer RPE to the RNeasy spin column. Close the lid gently, and centrifuge for 2 min at ≥8000 x g (≥10,000 rpm) to wash the spin column membrane. 10. Optional: Place the RNeasy spin column in a new 2 ml collection tube (supplied), and discard the old collection tube with the flow-through. Close the lid gently, and centrifuge at full speed for 1 min. 11. Place the RNeasy spin column in a new 1.5 ml collection tube (supplied). Add 30–50 μl RNase-free water directly to the spin column membrane. Close the lid gently, and centrifuge for 1 min at ≥8000 x g (≥10,000 rpm) to elute the RNA. 12. If the expected RNA yield is >30 μg, repeat step 11 using another 30–50 μl RNasefree water, or using the eluate from step 11 (if high RNA concentration is required). Reuse the collection tube from step 11. [27] 30 Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog Attachment 1.2 Bio-Rad cDNA synthesis protocol This protocol requires the Bio-Rad iScript cDNA Synthesis Kit. Reaction set up: Component Volume per reaction 5x iScript Reaction Mix iScript Reverse Transcriptase Nuclease-free water RNA template (100fg to 1μg Total RNA)* 4μl 1μl xμl xμl Total Volume 20 μl Incubate complete reaction mix: Time (min) 5 30 5 ∞ Temperature (°C) 25 42 85 4 31 5μl 15μl in total 10μl=0.5μg RNA Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog Attachment 1.3 PCR amplification protocol 25µl reaction Reaction set up: Component 10x PCR Buffer MgCl2 (50 mM) dNTP’s (1 mM) Primer F (10 µM) Primer R (10µM) Platinum Taq mQ cDNA Volume per reaction (µl) 2.5 1 5 1.25 1.25 0.25 12.75 1 Concentration 1x 2 mM 200 µM 0.5 µM 0.5 µM *** *** *** x Mix 2.5x x 5x 1.25x 1.25x 0.25x 12.75x *** Incubate complete reaction mix: Temperature (°C) 95 95 50-65* 72 72 20 Time 5 min 30s 30s 15s-1.5 min# 10 min ∞ * depends on the primerset # depends on polymerase and size cDNA 32 35-45 cycles Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog Attachment 1.4 SAP/ExoI purification protocol 14µl reaction Reaction set up: Component µl SAP (1U/µl) µl ExoI (20U/µl) mQ µl PCR product Total Volume per reaction (µl) 3.25 0.075 0.675 10 14 Incubate complete reaction mix: Time (min) 60 20 ∞ Temperature (°C) 37 75 12 33 x Mix 3.25x 0.075x 0.675x *** *** Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog Attachment 1.5 Big Dye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Protocol Reaction set up: Component Terminator Ready Reaction Mix (BDT) Template: PCR product (purified or diluted) Plasmid DNA: 100-200 bp 200-500 bp 500-1000 bp 1000-2000 bp Primer, 3.2 pmol 5x Sequence Buffer MilliQ Total Volume Volume per reaction (µl) 1 x Mix X 2 µl 2x 1-3 ng 3-10 ng 5-20 ng 10-40 ng 1 µl 2 µl 4 µl 10 µl X 2x 4x 10x Step 2 Mix well and spin briefly. Cycle sequencing on the Gene Amp PCR-System 9700 or MJ Research Dyad Disciple Peltier Thermal Cycler Step 1 2 3 4 5 Action Place the tubes in a thermal cycler: with heated lid. Repeat the following for 35 cycles: Rapid thermal ramp to 96°C 96°C for 30s Rapid thermal ramp to 50°C 50°C for 15s (depends on the annealing temperature in PCR) Rapid thermal ramp to 60°C 60°C for 1.5 min Rapid thermal ramp to 4°C and hold ready to purify Spin down the contents of the tubes in a microcentrifuge Proceed to Sephadex purification Sephadex purification: Dye Terminator Removal Using Multiscreen 96-Well Filtration Plates Step 1 2 Action Load dry Sephadex into all 96-wells of a Multiscreen MAHV plate using the column loader as follows: Add Sephadex G-50 to the Column Loader Remove excess resin off the top of the column loader with the scraper Place Multiscreen MAHV plate upside-down on the top of the Column Loader Invert both Multiscreen MAHV plate and the Column Loader Tap on top or side of the Column Loader to release the resin Using a multi-channel pipettor, add 300 µl MilliQ water to each well to swell resin. Incubate at room temperature for 3 hr. 34 Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog 3 4 5 6 7 -Once the mini-columns are swollen in Multiscreen plates, they can be stored in the refrigerator at 4C for up to two weeks, by tightly sealing the plates with parafilm Place a Centrifuge Alignment Frame on top of a Standard 96-well microplate, then place the MAHV plate on the assembly, without lid. Centrifuge at 1900 rpm for 5 min to pack the mini-columns Carefully add 10-20 milliQ water to the sequencing reactions (10 ul, sample), and pipet everything to the center of the columns Tape off the unused mini-columns Place the MAHV plate (without lid) on top of a sequencing plate (an MicroAmp Optical 96-Well Reaction Plate) and centrifuge at 1900 rpm for 5 min. (the position of the samples must correspond with empty wells in the sequencing plate!!) Proceed to Electrophoresis on the ABI Prism 3130xl Electrophoresis on the Prism 3130xl Step 1 2 Action Do NOT denaturate the samples Refer to the Protocol Sequence Sequence and Genescan; ABI3130XL. 35 Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog Attachment 1.6 Ethanol precipitation protocol - Add 10 µl mQ to a tube Add 5 µl 125 mM EDTA to the (same) tube Add samples Add 63 µl 100% EtOH to the EDTA Mix by turning the tube Incubate 15 minutes at room temperature Start working on ice Spin in centrifuge for 15 minutes at 4ºC to pellet DNA (10.000 rpm) Aspirate off the fluid using a pipette from glass Add 60 µl iced 70% EtOH to the precipitate and mix Spin in centrifuge for 5 minutes at 4ºC (10.000 rpm) Aspirate off the EtOH using a pipette from glass Air-dry the DNA in a laboratory bath and resuspend in 20 µl mQ Use this product for sequencing 36 Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog Attachment 1.7 qPCR protocol 25 µl mQ was added to each sample (4-fold dilution) added to S1. The following samples were added to S1: pancreas, adrenal gland, uterus, ovary, kidneys, leucocytes, liver (3 samples) Standard line: S1 will contain 7µl of each sample from the 4xcDNA dilution S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 Volume cDNA (µl) 63 15 S1 15 S2 15 S3 15 S4 15 S5 15 S6 mQ (µl) 45 45 45 45 45 45 60 Primer solutions New primers are dissolved in mQ to obtain a primary stock solution with a concentration of 100 pmol/µl. The working stocks are 10x dilutions of the primary stock obtaining a 10 pmol/µl concentration. Master mix (prepared in the UV cupboard using the SingleChannel pipette, speed 7): Samples mQ iQ SYBR green Supermix Forward Primer Reverse Primer 1x duplo 26 26 16x duplo 24x duplo 32x duplo 40x duplo 48x duplo 417 417 625 625 833 833 1042 1042 1250 1250 2.35 2.35 38 38 57 57 75 75 95 95 113 113 - After preparing the mastermix 54 µl of the mix is used for each reaction, this should be enough to ensure a 25µl volume per reaction (duplicates) - To each 2µl cDNA a volume of 54 µl master mix is added (SingleChannel pipette speed 7) - Mix by pipetting up and down several times. This can now be pipetted into a BioRad I-cycler plate in 25 µl duplicate (MultiChannel: PipetteAndMix 25 µl speed 10) Overview plate: A B C D E F G H 1 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 2 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 3 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 4 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 5 X9 X10 X11 X12 X13 X14 X15 X16 6 X9 X10 X11 X12 X13 X14 X15 X16 7 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 8 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 9 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 10 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 11 X9 X10 X11 X12 X13 X14 X15 X16 12 X9 X10 X11 X12 X13 X14 X15 X16 - When finished pipetting carefully put on a seal, with clean hands. If using the green 96-well tray make sure it is not contaminated with SYBRgreen mix, if you suspect it not to be clean rinse with tap water. Do NOT touch the seal. - When the plate is sealed, spin briefly. Do NOT touch the top of the plate. - Place it in the PCR machine, and start your run. Do NOT touch the top of the plate. 37 Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog Attachment 1.8 Western blotting protocol Gel-electrophoresis Materials: 0.5M Tris-HCl pH 6.8 Dissolve 12.11 g Tris (B24) in 150 ml mQ Adjust pH to 6.8 with 6-12M HCl and complement the volume to 200ml 2x sample buffer (8 ml) 2.0 ml 0.5M Tris-HCl pH 6.8 2.0 ml 10% SDS (RT) 1.2 ml 0.05% bromophenolblue () 2.8 ml glycerol (Sigma G 7757) () Add DTT (30 mg/ml) () to the sample buffer just before use. Electrode buffer (10x concentrated) 144 g glycine (Sigma G 7126) () 30 g Tris (B24) 100ml 10%SDS Dissolve in 800ml milliQ, adjust to a pH8.3 and complement the volume to 1L. Gels: either precast or selfcast. Procedure: 1. Dilute 50 ml 10x concentrated buffer with 450 ml milliQ just before use (needed for one tank i.e. 2 gels). 2. Cut the plastic cover from the bottom of the pre-cast gel and take out the comb gently in a straight upward line. 3. Place the gel cassettes in the electrode assembly 4. Place electrode assembly in clamping frame. 5. Close the two cam levers of the clamping frame. 6. Lower the inner chamber into the mini tank 7. Fill the inner chamber and part of the tank with 1x electrode buffer 8. Important! flush the wells with electrode buffer 9. Dilute the samples to the desired concentration (eg. approx. 2µg/µl). This solution is diluted with 2x sample buffer (containing DTT) (1:1). The average final concentration is approximately 1µg/µl. 10. Heat the samples at 95ºC for 2 min. 11. Pipet the samples in the slots. To at least one lane load 10 µl of the Precision plus Protein Standard (dual color) to follow the electrophoresis. For easy identification of left and right side of your gel, load the marker asymmetrically. Fill any unused slots with 1x sample buffer. 12. Run the gel on 100 – 150 Volts for as long needed to sufficient separation of your marker bands. (possible to max 200 Volts (max 0.04A) Lower voltage settings will give a nicer / straighter front Blotting Materials: Blotbuffer 1 liter (pH= 8.3) Prepare (fresh @ 4°C) 3.03 g Tris (25mM) (B24) 14.4 g glycine (192 mM) (B17) 200 ml methanol (chemical quality, Boom) Fill up with milliQ to 1 liter, this enough for 1 blotting system i.e. blotting 2 gels It is not necessary to adjust the pH. Procedure: 1. Cut the blot membrane to the dimension of the gel 38 Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog 2. 3. 4. When the electrophoresis is finished, decant the electrode buffer in to the mini tank. Dissemble the electrophoresis assembly Pour some blot-buffer in 3 glass containers and put the gaskets and the filter paper in one, the membrane in to another and the gels in to the third one, let them soak for at least 15 minutes, preferably 30 minutes. To remove the big glass-plate from the gel follow these steps Cut the plastic on one side on the white print, cut between the two glass plates. Put the side you just cutted down on the table. Using the same knife; gently slide it between the two glass plates and twist the blade so the 2 glass plates come apart. Slowly lift the big lass plate make sure the gel sticks to the small one Cut the slots from the top of the gel and the rim at the bottom, make sure you get rid of all pieces of gel Prepare the gel sandwich. Place the cassette with the black side down in a tray filled with some buffer On the black side place one soaked fiber pad On the fiber pad place a soaked filter paper On the filter paper place the gel, remove the air bubbles)* Place the membrane on the gel, remove the air bubbles)* Place a soaked filter paper on the membrane, remove air bubbles )* Complete the sandwich by adding a last soaked fiber pad )* Remove all air bubbles by gently rolling a glass rod over it; make sure all air is rolled out as this negatively influences the results. Close the cassette, lock it closed with white latch Place the cassette in the module (black to black). Repeat previous steps (6 till 8) for the other cassette. Place the module in the tank; add a stir bar, to help maintain even buffer temperature and ion distribution in the tank. Add a frozen ice cooling unit and fill the tank completely with cold blotting buffer Put on the lid, plug the cables into the power supply (black in black) Blot for 1 hour @ 100V. (check if there is any current) 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. After protein transfer 1. Remove cooling unit and blotting module from the tank 2. Open the cassettes and disassemble the sandwich 3. Mark orientation of the gel on the protein side of the blot 4. Proceed to the next step; immuno detection or dry your membrane on a piece of saran wrap placed between a sheet of filtration paper. 5. Clean all components with tap water and rinse with demi-water. 6. Dispose the blotbuffer in the proper waste vessel. Staining a blot with the ECL Advanced Detection kit Materials: 10x TBS pH 8.0: 24.22 g Tris (0.2M) (B24) 87.7 g NaCl (1.5M) (B20) Dissolve in 900 ml water Adjust pH to 8.0 with HCl. Fill it up to 1liter with milliQ Keep it at 4ºC. TBST-buffer (0.1 % Tween) (TBST0.1%) 100 ml 10x TBS (4°C) Add the volume to 1liter with milliQ Add 1 ml Tween 20 Keep it at 4ºC. 39 Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog ECL Advanced Western Blotting Detection Kit (Amersham RPN2135) TBST + 4% Blocking Solution Dissolve 4 g ECL Blocking Solution powder in 100 ml TBST. Working Solution. Mix detection solutions A and B in a ratio of 1:1, for 2 blot add 2.5 ml solution A to 2.5 ml of solution B. (Solution stable for 1 month if kept in the dark and at 4°C) Note that these concentrations and type of blocking are the ones mostly used. The blocking concentrations can vary between 1 and 5%. Other blocking proteins can be used, mostly used are BSA and non-fat dry-milk. Procedure: * Perform all the steps at room temperature and under constantly (gently) shaking. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Block the membrane 60 minutes in TBST0.1% + 4% Blocking (ECL). Or other concentration or blocking-protein-solution. Overnight incubation at 4°C in TBST0.1% + primary antibody (in 4% BSA) (re-use is possible). Wash 3 x 5 minutes in TBST0.1%, if you need stronger washing, to decrease background staining, increase the percentage of tween in your wash buffer Incubate 60 minutes in your HRP conjugated secondary antibody dissolved at the desired concentration in TBST0.1% Wash 3 x 5 minutes in TBST0.1% Drain of Wash buffer, place protein side up on piece of copier sheet. Place blot on sheet on the tray of the chemi-doc Incubate with the substrate solution Acquire image for 10 seconds look for the most intense band, measure it’s density using the density tools For the time of the next exposure calculate: 4000/(Average density)x 10 seconds Set this as the exposure time and click manual expose 40 Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog Attachment 2.1 Sequencing results PCR followed by nested PCR Sequencing results after the first PCR with primerset 1 forward, 9 reverse Sample 4, 1 forward primer ACTGTCAAGCCAATCCCAGCTGAAGnATCAAGTCAnATCCTTCCAAGCGACATAGAGACCnACTTAATACAG AGTTGGACCGTTTGGCTAGTCTGCTGCCTTTTCCACAAGATGTTATTAATAnGCTGGACAAACTTTCAGTGCT TAnnCTCAGTGTCAGTTACCTAAGGGCCAAGAGCTTCTTTGATGTTGCATTACAnTCCTCCCCAACTGACAGA AATGAAGTCCAGGAAAACTGTnGAACAAAATTCAGAGAAGGTCTGCATCTGCnnGAAGGAGAATTCTTATTA CAGGCTCTGAATGGnTTTGTGCTGGTTGTCACCACnGATGCTTTGGTCTTTTATGCTTCTTCTACCATACAAG ATTACCTAGGGTTTCAGCAGTCTGATGTCATACATCAGAGCGTATATGAACTTATTCATACTGAAGACCGAG GTGAATTTCAGCGTCAGCTACACTGGACATTAAACCCTTCACAGTGTACAGACTCTGGACAAGGAGTTGATG ACGCTAATGGGCTGCCACAGCCAGTAGTCTGTTATAACCCAGACCAGCTTCCTCCAGAAAACTCTTCCTTAA TGGAAAGGAGCTTCGTGTGCCGACTAAGGTGTCTGCTGGATAATTCGTCCGGTTTTCTGGCAATGAATTTCC A Exon Exon Exon Exon Exon Exon Exon Exon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sample 4, 9 reverse primer CTAAGGTGTCTGCnGGATAATTCGTCCGGTTTTCTGGCAATGAATTTCCAAGGGAGGTTAAnGTATCTTCnT GGACAGAnCAAGAAAGGGAAAGATGGnTCAATnCTGCCACCTCAGTTGGCTTTGTTTGCAATAGCTACTCCA CTTCAACCACCATCCATCCTTGnGATCCGAACCAAAAATTTCATCTTTAGAACCAAACACAAACTAGACTTTA CACCTACTGCnTGTGATGCCAAAGGAAAACnTGTTTTAGGCTATAnTGAAGCAGAGTnGTGCATGAGGGGAT CAGGATACCAATTTATTCATGCTGCTGATATGCTTATGT Combined and corrected the n’s when compared to the already known sequence of the original transcript: ACTGTCAAGCCAATCCCAGCTGAAGAATCAAGTCAAATCCTTCCAAGCGACATAGAGACCGACTTAATACAG AGTTGGACCGTTTGGCTAGTCTGCTGCCTTTTCCACAAGATGTTATTAATAAGCTGGACAAACTTTCAGTGCT TAGGCTCAGTGTCAGTTACCTAAGGGCCAAGAGCTTCTTTGATGTTGCATTACAGTCCTCCCCAACTGACAG AAATGAAGTCCAGGAAAACTGTAGAACAAAATTCAGAGAAGGTCTGCATCTGCAAGAAGGAGAATTCTTATT ACAGGCTCTGAATGGCTTTGTGCTGGTTGTCACCACAGATGCTTTGGTCTTTTATGCTTCTTCTACCATACAA GATTACCTAGGGTTTCAGCAGTCTGATGTCATACATCAGAGCGTATATGAACTTATTCATACTGAAGACCGA GGTGAATTTCAGCGTCAGCTACACTGGACATTAAACCCTTCACAGTGTACAGACTCTGGACAAGGAGTTGAT GACGCTAATGGGCTGCCACAGCCAGTAGTCTGTTATAACCCAGACCAGCTTCCTCCAGAAAACTCTTCCTTA ATGGAAAGGAGCTTCGTGTGCCGACTAAGGTGTCTGCTGGATAATTCGTCCGGTTTTCTGGCAATGAATTTC CAAGGGAGGTTAAAGTATCTTCATGGACAGAACAAGAAAGGGAAAGATGGTTCAATACTGCCACCTCAGTT GGCTTTGTTTGCAATAGCTACTCCACTTCAACCACCATCCATCCTTGAGATCCGAACCAAAAATTTCATCTTT AGAACCAAACACAAACTAGACTTTACACCTACTGCTTGTGATGCCAAAGGAAAACTTGTTTTAGGCTATACTG AAGCAGAGTTGTGCATGAGGGGATCAGGATACCAATTTATTCATGCTGCTGATATGCTTATGT Sample 8, 1 forward primer CCAnCTGAAGGAnTCAAGTCAnATCCTTCCAAGCGACATAGAGACCGACTTAATACAGAGTTGGACCGTTTG GCTAGTCTGCTnnCTTTTCCACAAGATGTTATTAATAAGCTGGACAAACTTTCAGTGCTTAGGCTCAGTGTCA GTTACCTAAGGGCCAAGAGCTTCTTTGATGTTGCATTACAGTCCTCCCCAACTGACAGAAATGAAGTCCAGG AAAACTGTnGAACAAAATTCAGAGAAGGTCTGCATCTGCAnGAAGGAnAATTCTTATTACAGGCTCTGAATG GnTTTGTGCTGGTTGTCACCACAGATGCTTTGGTCTTTTATGCTTCTTCTACCATACAAGATTACCTAGGGTT TCAGCAGTCTGATGTCATACATCAGAGCGTATATGAACTTATTCATACTGAAGACCGAGGTGAATTTCAGCG 41 Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog TCAGCTACACTGGACATTAAACCCTTCACAGTGTACAGACTCTGGACAAGGAGTTGATGACGCTAATGGGCT GCCACAGCCAGTAGTCTGTTATAACCCAGACCAGCTTCCTCCAGAAAACTCTTCCTTAATGGAAAGGAGCTT CGTGTGCCGACTAAGGTGTCTGCTGGATAAT Exon Exon Exon Exon Exon Exon Exon Exon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sample 8, 9 reverse primer GGATAATTnGTCCGGTTnTnTnGCAATGAATTTnCAAGGGAGGTTnAAGTATCTTCATGGACAGAnCnAGAAA GGGAAAGATGGTTCAATnnTGCCACCTCAGTTGGCTTTGTTTGCAATAGCTACTCCACTTCAACCACCATCCA nCCTTGAGATCCGAACCnAAAATTTCATCTTTAGAACCAAACnCAAACTAGACTTTACACCTACTGCnTGTGA TGnnAAAGGAAAACnTGTTTTAGGCTATAnTGAAnCnGAGTTGTGCATGAGGGGAnCAGGATnCCAATTTATT CATGCTGCTGATATG Combined and corrected the n’s when compared to the already known sequence of the original transcript: CCAGCTGAAGGAATCAAGTCAAATCCTTCCAAGCGACATAGAGACCGACTTAATACAGAGTTGGACCGTTTG GCTAGTCTGCTGCCTTTTCCACAAGATGTTATTAATAAGCTGGACAAACTTTCAGTGCTTAGGCTCAGTGTCA GTTACCTAAGGGCCAAGAGCTTCTTTGATGTTGCATTACAGTCCTCCCCAACTGACAGAAATGAAGTCCAGG AAAACTGTAGAACAAAATTCAGAGAAGGTCTGCATCTGCAAGAAGGAGAATTCTTATTACAGGCTCTGAATG GCTTTGTGCTGGTTGTCACCACAGATGCTTTGGTCTTTTATGCTTCTTCTACCATACAAGATTACCTAGGGTT TCAGCAGTCTGATGTCATACATCAGAGCGTATATGAACTTATTCATACTGAAGACCGAGGTGAATTTCAGCG TCAGCTACACTGGACATTAAACCCTTCACAGTGTACAGACTCTGGACAAGGAGTTGATGACGCTAATGGGCT GCCACAGCCAGTAGTCTGTTATAACCCAGACCAGCTTCCTCCAGAAAACTCTTCCTTAATGGAAAGGAGCTT CGTGTGCCGACTAAGGTGTCTGCTGGATAATTnGTCCGGTTTTCTGGCAATGAATTTCCAAGGGAGGTTAAA GTATCTTCATGGACAGAACAAGAAAGGGAAAGATGGTTCAATACTGCCACCTCAGTTGGCTTTGTTTGCAAT AGCTACTCCACTTCAACCACCATCCATCCTTGAGATCCGAACCAAAAATTTCATCTTTAGAACCAAACACAAA CTAGACTTTACACCTACTGCTTGTGATGCCAAAGGAAAACTTGTTTTAGGCTATACTGAAGCAGAGTTGTGC ATGAGGGGATCAGGATACCAATTTATTCATGCTGCTGATATG Sample 11, 1 forward primer ATCCCAGCTGAGGAnCAAGTCnATCCTTCCAAGCGACATAGAnnCnnACTTAATACAGAGTTGGACCGTTTG GCTAGTCTnCnGCCTTTTCCACAAGATGTTATTAATAAGCTGGACAAACTTTCAGTGCTTAGGCTCAGTGTCA GTTACCTAAGGGCCAAGAGCTTCTTTGATGTTGCATTACAGTCCTCCCCAACTGACAGAAATGAAGTCCAGG AAAACTGTAGAACAAAATTCAGAGAAGGTCTGCATCTGCAAGAAGGAGAATTCTTATTACAGGCTCTGAATG GCTTTGTGCTGGTTGTCACCACAGATGCTTTGGTCTTTTATGCTTCTTCTACCATACAAGATTACCTAGGGTT TCAGCAGTCTGATGTCATACATCAGAGCGTATATGAACTTATTCATACTGAAGACCGAGGTGAATTTCAGCG TCAGCTACACTGGACATTAAACCCTTCACAGTGTACAGACTCTGGACAAGGAGTTGATGACGCTAATGGGCT GCCACAGCCAGTAGTCTGTTATAACCCAGACCAGCTTCCTCCAGAAAACTCTTCCTTAATGGAAAGGAGCTT CGTGTGCCGACTAAGGTGTCTGCTGGATAATTCGTCCGGTTTTCTGGCAATGAATTTCCAAGGG Exon Exon Exon Exon Exon Exon Exon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sample 11, 9 reverse primer TCAGTTACCTAAGGTCAAGAAGCTTCTTTGATGTTGCATTACAGTCCTCCCCAACTGACAGAAATGAAGTCCA GGAAAACTGTAGAACAAAATTCAGAGAAGGTCTGCATCTGCAAGAAGGAGAATTCTTATTACAGGCTCTGAA 42 Transcript detection of the AHR gene in the dog TGGCTTTGTGCTGGTTGTCACCACAGATGCTTTGGTCTTTTATGCTTCTTCTACCATACAAGATTACCTAGGG 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