SELECTED PAST PUBLICATIONS ISI-CITED JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS before 2005 1 Reference Abstract Link Field of Research Interdisciplinary / Yousif A. El-Imam & Zuraidah Mohd Don (2005). Rules and Algorithms for Phonetic Transcription of multidisciplinary Standard Malay. IEICE - Transactions on Information and Systems. Volume E88-D Issue 10, October 2005. Pages 2354-2372. Oxford University Press Oxford, UK Phonetic transcription of text is an indispensable component of text-to-speech (TTS) systems and is used in acoustic modeling for speech recognition and other natural language processing applications. One approach to the transcription of written text into phonetic entities or sounds is to use a set of well-defined context and language-dependent rules. The process of transcribing text into sounds starts by preprocessing the text and representing it by lexical items to which the rules are applicable. The rules can be segregated into phonemic and phonetic rules. Phonemic rules operate on graphemes to convert them into phonemes. Phonetic rules operate on phonemes and convert them into context-dependent phonetic entities with actual sounds. Converting from written text into actual sounds, developing a comprehensive set of rules, and transforming the rules into implementable algorithms for any language cause several problems that have their origins in the relative lack of correspondence between the spelling of the lexical items and their sound contents. For Standard Malay (SM) these problems are not as severe as those for languages of complex spelling systems, such as English and French, but they do exist. In this paper, developing a comprehensive computerized system for processing SM text and transcribing it into phonetic entities and evaluating the performance of this system, irrespective of the application, is discussed. In particular, the following issues are dealt with in this paper: (1) the spelling and other problems of SM writing and their impact on converting graphemes into phonemes, (2) the development of a comprehensive set of grapheme-to-phoneme rules for SM, (3) a description of the phonetic variations of SM or how the phonemes of SM vary in context and the development of a set of phoneme-to-phonetic transcription rules, (4) the formulation of the phonemic and phonetic rules into algorithms that are applicable to the computer-based processing of input SM text, and (5) the evaluation of the performance of the process of converting SM text into actual sounds by the above mentioned methods. Doi:10.1093/ietisy/e88-d.10.2354 2 Reference Abstract Link Applied linguistics Tong-Fredericks, C. (1984). Types of oral communication activities and the language they generate: A comparison, System, 12(2), 133-146. DOI: 10.1016/0346-251X(84)90023-X The study aims to compare the language generated by different kinds of oral communication activities. In the experiment reported on, three different kinds of oral communication activities were performed by each of the six pairs of students working simultaneously; the language produced by them was tape-recorded and transcribed. The language generated was first compared in terms of speed of speaking, frequency of turns taken and frequency of self-correction. Looking more closely, it appears that when engaged in the first kind of activity, i.e. a goal-directed, problem-solving oral communication activity, students generated language markedly wider in terms of communicative function but narrower in range of form and lexis. When doing the other two kinds of activity, i.e. role-play and ‘authentic’/‘natural’ interaction on the other hand, students seem to pay more attention to accuracy and range of form and lexis. The relative degree to which a student draws on his communicative and linguistic resources seems to be related to the communication needs of the particular kind of activity engaged in. JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS 2009 Azirah Hashim. (2009). Not plain sailing: Malaysia's language choice for policy and education. AILA Review 22, 36-51. Azirah Hashim. (2009). Internationalization of higher education: Partnerships in research and practice in language and linguistics studies, Journal of Humanities, Yonsei University, Vol. 89, 39-55. David, M.K., Govindasamy, S. & Nambiar, M. (2009) Levels of Politeness in Malaysian Parliamentary Discourse. In M.S.Thirumalai et al (Eds.) Language in India, 9. [online-journal] Nambiar, M., Koran, L., Doshi, A., Ghazali, K., Hooi M.Y., & Kan, N.H. (2009). Generic narrative grade descriptors for quality assurance in tertiary institutions: A conceptualization process. Journal of Institutional Research, 7(2), 5-18. Norizah Hassan & Azirah Hashim. (2009). Electronic English in Malaysia: features and language in use. English Today 100, 25(4), 39-46. De Rycker, A., & De Knop, S. (2009). Integrating cognitive linguistics and foreign language teaching: Historical background and new developments. Journal of Modern Languages/Jurnal Bahasa Moden, 19, 29-49. Yee, W. M. T., Ponmalar, A., & David, M. K. (2009). Filial Responsibility of Malaysian Youth Towards Elderly Parents. The Indian Journal of Social Work, 70(4), 647-664. Yoong, D. (2009). Mixing Them Together: Interdiscursive Elements in Contemporary Animes and Mangas. La Trobe Papers in Linguistics (Online journal) 12. Retrieved from 2008 Kulwindr Kaur a/p Gurdial Singh. (2008). Strategies and Approaches in Translating Punjabi Terms. Journal of Modern Languages, 18, 163-178. Zuraidah Mohd Don, Knowles, G. and Janet Yong (2008). How Words Can Be Misleading: A Study of Syllable Timing and "Stress" In Malay. The Linguistics Journal, 3(2), pp. 66-81. 2007 Azirah Hashim. (2007). The Use of Malaysian English in creative writing. Journal of Asian Englishes, Dec., 30-45. Kulwindr Kaur a/p Gurdial Singh. (2007). Parallelism between Language Learning and Translating. Journal of Modern Languages, 17, Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press. (ISSN NO.1675-526X). Also in Translation Journal, 9(3), July 2005 and in, 2005 2006 Govindasamy, S. & Nambiar, M. (2006) Malay ESL college students’ spoken discourse: The use of formulaic expressions. Multilingua, 25, 59-76. Azirah Hashim. (2006). A Malaysian response to 'The traffic in meaning' By Claire Kramsch, UC Berkeley. In Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 26(1),105-109. David, M. K., Jan, J. M., Kow, Y. C., & Yoong, D. (2006). Function and role of laughter in Malaysian women s and men s talk. Multilingua 25, 77-99. David, M. K. (2006). Prologue. Multilingua. Special issue: Spoken discourse in Malaysia, 25, 1-7. Kuang, C.H., David, M.K. and Zuraidah Mohd Don(2006). Requests:Voices of Malaysian Children. Multilingua, 25, 27-42. Kulwindr Kaur a/p Gurdial Singh. (2006). Scientific and Technical Translation: Problems and Ways to Overcome Them (English to Malay). Translation Watch Quarterly, 2 (2), 28-43. Victoria, Australia: Translation Standards Institute. Kulwindr Kaur a/p Gurdial Singh. (2006). Language Use and Empowerment in the Field of Translation. Jurnal Bahasa Jendela Alam 4, 470-483. De Rycker, T. (2006). The impact of international business games on improving cultural awareness and writing proficiency: An evaluation of the 'Course in International Business Writing' (1994-2004). Scripta Manent, 2(2), 3-13. Yoong, D., & David, M. K. (2006). Talking to older Malaysians: A case study. Multilingua 25, 165-182. Zuraidah Mohd Don & Knowles, G. (2006). Prosody and turn-taking in Malay broadcast interviews. Journal of Pragmatic, 38, 490-512. 2005 Tan, R.S.K. (2005). How some bilingual pre-school children negotiate their play. Journal of Modern Languages, 16, 163179. Govindasamy, S. & Nambiar, M.(2005) The Malaysian print media: The role of newspapers in mediating language policy. Journal of Communication Practices, 2(2), 3-23. Kulwindr Kaur a/p Gurdial Singh. (2005). The Translation Strategies and Approaches Used by Translators of Scientific Texts from English to Malay. Journal of Modern Languages16, 221-235. Nambiar, M. (2005) Testing Oral Interaction: The Malaysian Experience. Australian Language and Literacy Matters, 2(3/4), 31-34. De Rycker, T. (2005): What works for me: Sash windows. Business Issues: IATEFL "Business English Special Interest Group" Newsletter, 2, 14-15. Yousif, El-Imam & Zuraidah Mohd Don. (2005). Rules and algorithms for Phonetic Transcription of Standard Malay. IEICE Transactions on information and system. Oxford Journal, 8, 2354-2372. 2004 Azirah Hashim. (2004). Aspects of Content and Language in The Malaysian Arbitration Act. Hermes Journal of Linguistics. 77-98. David, M.K., & Zuraidah Mohd Don. (2004). Deconstructing Advertisements: Uncovering Ideological Bias. Literacy Across Cultures, 12(2), 2-9. Knowles, G., & Zuraidah Mohd Don. (2004). “The notion of lemma: headwords, roots and lexical sets”. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 9(1), 69-82. De Rycker, T. (2004). Lists, boxes or maps? Recording and retrieving collocations in an ELT/ESP context". Belgian Journal of English Language and Literatures New Series, 2, 315-328. Yamaguchi, T. (2004). Contrastive wa in Japanese: The author’s Dialogical Voices and Pragmatic Acts. Language Sciences, 26, 467-483. 2003 Govindasamy, S. & Nambiar, M. (2003) Social Networks: Applicability to Minority Communities in Multilingual Settings. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 161, 25 – 45. Yamaguchi, T. (2003). Reanalysis of Contrastive -wa in Japanese: Perspectives from Newspaper Articles. Pragmatics, 13(3/4), 423-450. Yamaguchi, T. and Pétursson, M. (2003). The Speaker and the Perfective Auxiliaries hafa and vera in Icelandic. Language Sciences, 25, 331-352. Zuraidah Mohd Don. (2003). Dialect - dialect codeswitching: a study of Kelantanese in a multilingual context”. Multilingua, 22, 21-40. Zuraidah Mohd Don. (2003). Kelantanese in a new ethnolinguistic environment. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 3, 55-79. Zuraidah M. D., & David, M. K. (2003). Gendered Discourse: Ramifications for English Language Teaching. Australian Language Matters, 1(4), 2-9. 2002 Kulwindr Kaur. (2002). A Think-Aloud Protocol of the Translation Process of a Scientific Text from English Into Malay. Jurnal Bahasa Moden [Journal of Modern Languages] 14, 167-188. 2001 De Rycker, T. (2001). My favorite assignment Analyzing tables, graphs, and charts: A four-step approach. Business Communication Quarterly, 64(4), 72-82. Yamaguchi, T. (2001). The Passive Constructions in Japanese: A Cognitive Perspective. Word 52(2), 227-256. Fauziah Taib, Jariah Mohd Jan, Jawakhir Mior Jaffar & Khatijah Shamsuddin. (2001). Reading Comprehension Among PreSchollers: A Step Towards Creating Future Thinkers. Jurnal Pembacaan Jilid 4, 98-110. 2000 Yousif A. El-Imam & Zuraidah Mohd Don. (2000). Text to speech conversion of standard Malay. International Journal of Speech Technology, 3(2), 129-146. Before 1999 Nambiar, M. (1993) Early Reading Instruction: Big Books in the ESL Classroom. The English Teacher. 22, 27-37 Nambiar, M. & Goon, C. (1993). Assessment of Oral Skills: A comparison of scores obtained through Audio Recordings to those obtained through Face to Face evaluation. RELC Journal, 24(1), 15-31. David,M., &Taib, Fauziah. (1995). Core Component In Business English: A Cultural Awareness. Language Reporter, 10(2), 110-117. Nambiar, M. & Sargunan, R. (1997). Oral Testing in ESP: The Hidden Factors. ESP Malaysia, 5(1), 39-58. Ramiah, M. & Nambiar, M. (1993) Do undergraduates understand what they read: An investigation into Comprehension Monitoring of ESL students through the use of Textual Anomalies. Journal of Education Research. 15, 95-106. BOOKS 2009 Rajeswary , S., Khor, E.,Khatijah, S. & Menon, S. (2009). Report Writing for Business and Professional Purposes. Kuala Lumpur: Mcgraw Hill. 2008 Knowles G., & Zuraidah Mohd Don. (2008). Natural Data in Linguistics Descriptions: The Case of Adverbs and Adverbial. Malaysia: DBP. Yamaguchi, T. (2008). Basic Japanese Vocabulary: An Explanation of Usage (2nd ed.), Subang Jaya, Selangor: Pelanduk Publications. 2007 Yamaguchi, T. (2007). Japanese Linguistics: An Introduction. London/New York: Continuum Yamaguchi, T. (2007). Japanese Language in Use: An Introduction. London/New York: Continuum. 2006 Knowles, G., & Zuraidah Mohd Don. (2006). Word class in Malay: a corpus based approach. Kuala Lumpur: DBP. Kulwindr Kaur Sidhu. (2006).Translating Scientific Texts English to Malay. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press Kulwindr Kaur Sidhu. (2006). Pengucapan Awam dan Kemahiran Persembahan [Public Speaking and Presentation Skills]. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti. Yamaguchi, T. (2006). Japanischer Wortschatz für Anfänger. Ein systematisches Lehrbuch [Japanese Vocabulary for Beginners. A systematic coursebook]. Hamburg, Germany: Helmut Buske Verlag. 2005 Azirah Hashim. (2005). How to write a thesis: From start to finish. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Kulwindr Kaur Sidhu. (2005). Public Speaking and Presentation Skills. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press. 1997 Kulwindr Kaur Sidhu. (1997). Exclusive – Koleksi Kertas UPSR Bahasa Inggeris [Exclusive – A Collection of English Papers for Primary School Achievement Test]. Shah Alam, Selangor: Mahir Publications Sdn. Bhd. EDITED BOOKS 2009 David, M.K., (Eds.) (2009). Code-Switching in Malaysia. Frankfurt : Peter Lang. 2008 De Knop, S., & De Rycker, T. (Eds.)(2008). Cognitive approaches to pedagogical grammar: A volume in honour of René Dirven. (Applications of Cognitive Linguistics 9). Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter. Zuraidah Mohd Don et al. (2008). Enhancing the Quality of Higher Education through Research: Shaping Future Policy. Putrajaya: Ministry of Higher Education. 2007 Prescott, David, Kirkpatrick, A., Azirah Hashim & Martin, I. (Eds.) (2007). English in Southeast Asia: Varieties, literacies, literatures. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press. 2006 Azirah Hashim & Norizah Hassan (eds.) (2006). English in Southeast Asia. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya. David, M. K., Ain Nadzimah Abdullah & Hafriza B. (eds.). (2006). The Power of Language and the Media. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. Zuraidah Mohd Don (2006). English in a Globalised Environment: Investigating an Emerging Variety of English. Kuala Lumpur: University Malaya Press 2004 David, M. K. (Ed.). (2004). Teaching of English in Second and Foreign Language Settings: Focus on Malaysia. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. 2002 David, M. K. (Ed.). (2002). Methodological and Analytical Issues in Language Maintenance and Language Shift Studies. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. CHAPTER IN BOOK 2009 David, M.K., & Francisco, P.D. (2009). Learning about cross-cultural encounters: Authentic texts in extensive reading (ER) programmes at university level. In Andrzej Cirocki (Ed.), Extensive Reading in English Language Teaching (pp. 483-502). Munich: LINCOM. David, M. K., & Yoong, D. (2009). Code switching in eldercare. In M. K. David, J. McLellan and A. N. Abdullah (Eds.). Code switching in Malaysia (pp. 135-168). Frankfurt: Peter Lang. David, M.K., & Yoong, D. (2009). Applying Knowledge of Psycholinguistics in Language Teaching and Learning. In M. Vyas (Ed). Teaching English as a second language: A new pedagogy for a new century (pp. 221-235). New Delhi: Prentice Hall India. David, M.K., & Yoong, D. (2009). Code switching: Talking down to older people? In E. Lavric, F. Fischer, C. Konzett, J. Kuhn and H. Wochele (Eds.). People, products, and professions: Choosing a name, choosing a language (pp. 33-46). Frankfurt: Peter Lang. David, M.K., & Francisco, P.D. (2009). Learning about cross-cultural encounters: Authentic texts in extensive reading (ER) programmes at university level. In Andrzej Cirocki (ed), Extensive Reading in English Language Teaching (pp. 483-502). Munich: LINCOM. Moody, A. and Azirah Hashim. (2009). Lexical innovation in the language of advertising: Using the multimodal corpus of Asian Magazine advertising. In Ooi, V.B.Y, Pakir, A., I.S.Talib, Tan, P. & Kenerman, I.J., (Eds.), Perspectives in Asia Lexicology and Beyond (pp. 69-86). Singapore: Kernerman Dictionary. Knowles, G. and Zuraidah Mohd Don (2009).Grammatical class, tags and lemmas: a corpus-based study of the Malay lexicon. In Ooi, V. et al (Eds.), Perspectives in Lexicography: Asia and Beyond. (pp. 39-50). KDictionaries. Yamaguchi, T. (2009). Literal and Figurative Uses of Japanese EAT and DRINK Verbs. In J. Newman (Ed.), The Linguistics of Eating and Drinking. Typological Studies in Language, Amsterdam/Philadelphia (pp. 173-193). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 2008 Azirah Hashim. (2008). Powers of the court in the Malaysian Arbitration act. In Bhatia, V., Candlin, C. and Engberg, J. (eds.) Legal discourse across cultures and systems (pp. 169-180). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. Kulwindr Kaur a/p Gurdial Singh. (2008). Strategies and Approaches in Translating Cultural Punjabi Terms. In Abdullah Hassan et al, Persidangan Penterjemahan Antarabangsa ke-11: Membina Kepustakaan Bahasa Melayu [The 11th International Translation Conference on Translation: Enriching the Repository of Knowledge in Malay]. (pp. 508 – 517). Shah Alam, Selangor. PTS Publications & Distributors Sdn. Bhd. De Knop, S., & De Rycker, T. (2008). By way of introduction. In S. De Knop & T. De Rycker (Eds.), Cognitive approaches to pedagogical grammar: A volume in honour of René Dirven. (Applications of Cognitive Linguistics 9) (pp. 1-4). Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter. 2007 Azirah Hashim. (2007). The use of Malaysian English in creative writing, Journal of Asian Englishes, Dec., 30-45. Harlina Mohd Ali, Jawakhir Jaafar & Syed Sobri Zubir. (2007). Levels of realization: Metaphors in architectural creativity. REVUE: Documentations of Architecture 3 (Jan 2004/Aug2007), pp 6-19. Department of Architecture Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA. Azirah Hashim and Norizah Hassan. (2007). English Language media in Malaysia: an analysis of newspaper discourse pertaining to the general elections (pp.316-335). In Prescott, David, Kirkpatrick, A., Azirah Hashim & Martin, I. (Eds.), English in Southeast Asia: Varieties, literacies, literatures (pp. 316-335). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press. De Rycker, T. (2007). A task-based approach to improving students' data-reporting skills in writing for academic or business purposes. In K. Pelsmaekers & C. Rollo (Eds.), Economically speaking: Essays in honour of Chris Braecke (pp. 13-29). Antwerpen/Apeldoorn: Garant. Tan, R.S.K. & Azirah Hashim. (2007). Malaysian English. In Nakano Michiko (Ed.).On Demand International Course Book. World Englishes and Miscommunications (pp.45-57). Tokyo: Waseda University Press. 2006 Jawakhir Mior Jaafar. 2006. Getting Talk to Understand: Talk Management Strategies among Family Members. Chapter 7 in Language Choices and Discourse of Malaysian Families in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Maya Khemlani David (Ed.). Petaling Jaya: SIRD. Kulwindr Kaur. (2006). Adjacency Pairs: Questions and Answers in Interviews. In Azirah Hashim and Norizah Hassan (Eds.), Varieties of English in Southeast Asia and Beyond (pp. 153-171). Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press. Yoong, D. (2006). Boycotting an international tourism company: A critical discourse perspectives. In M. K. David, H. Burhanudeen, A. N. Abdullah (Eds.). The power of language and the media (pp. 146-161). Frankfurt: Peter Lang. Zuraidah Mohd Don & Lean, Mei Li. (2006). Metaphors of embodiment and media reporting of AIDS. In David, M.K. et al. The Power of Language and the Media (pp. 43-54). Frankfurt: Peter Lang. Fauziah Taib. (2006). Kata dan Frasa Kerja. In Asmah Haji Omar (Ed.). Bahasa Mah Meri (pp.101-112). Kuala Lumpur: University Malaya Press. Fauziah Taib. (2006). Kata dan Frasa Adverba. In Asmah Haji Omar (Ed.). Bahasa Mah Meri (pp. 125-128). Kuala Lumpur: University Malaya Press. Fauziah Taib, Khatijah Shamsudin & Sathiadevi Kanagasabai. (2006). Kata dan Frasa Sifat. In Asmah Haji Omar (Ed.). Bahasa Mah Meri (pp.113-124). Kuala Lumpur: University Malaya Press. 2005 David, M.K., & Govindasamy, S. (2005). The Construction of National Identity and Globalization in Multilingual Malaysia. In Amy Tsui and James W. Tollefson (Eds.). Language Policy, Culture, and Identity in Asian Contests (pp. 55-72). Lawrence Erlbaum: New Jersey. Davis K.W., De Rycker T., & Verckens, J.P. (2005). Manage your global writing: the case of the Belgian French fries. In K.W. Davis (Ed.), The McGraw-Hill 36-hour course in business writing and communication: Manage your writing (pp. 271276). (J. Chen, Trans.). Singapore: McGraw-Hill Education (Asia). 2004 David, M. K., & Zuraidah M. D. (2004). Analysis and Use of Advertisements in the Language Classroom. In Shameem Rafiq (Ed.), Analysis and Use of Advertisements in the Language Classroom (pp. 208-225). Kuala Lumpur, Melta-Sasbadi. Kaur, S. (2004). Information and Communications Technology in English Language Teaching in Malaysia. In David, M.K. (Ed.). Teaching of English in second and foreign language settings: Focus on Malaysia (pp. 59-77). Frankfurt: Peter Lang. Zuraidah Mohd Don. (2004). Malaysian University English Test (MUET): assessing English Language proficiency for academic purposes”. In David, M.K. (Ed.), English Language Teaching in Malaysia. (pp.150-162). 2003 Kulwindr Kaur a/p Gurdial Singh. (2003). Memes in Translation: A Think-Aloud Protocol Case Study". In Abdullah Hassan (Ed.). Terjemahan dalam Bidang Pendidikan [Translation in the Field of Education]. (pp. 553-564). Tanjung Malim:Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris. Tan, R.S.K (2003). Bilingual childrens, cognitive skills in encoding temporal information. In E. Morais (Ed.), Issues in Language and Cognition: Selected papers from the conference on language and cognition 2000 (pp.47-59). Kuala Lumpur: University Malaya Press. Zuraidah Mohd Don. (2003). The beauty mystique: language and gender inequality. In M. P. Ryan & R.Terborg (Eds.), Language and gender: Issues of Inequality (pp. 261-278. Mexico: UNAM, CELE. Zuraidah Mohd Don. (2003). Spoken discourse and the notion of the tone group: reality or myth?. In Morais et al. (Eds.), Issues in Language and Cognition (pp.154-172). Kuala Lumpur: UM Press. Zuraidah Mohd Don. (2003). “Linguistic contextualisation of conversational interaction”. In Knowles, G, Jamaliah Mohd Ali, Jariah Mohd Jan, Su'ad Awab and Zuraidah Mohd Don (Eds.), Language and the Real World: Making Llinguistics Relevant (pp. 167-186). Kuala Lumpur: UM Press. 2002 Azirah Hashim. (2002). Culture and identity in the English discourses of Malaysians. In Kirkpatrick, A. (Ed.), Englishes in Asia: Communication, identity, power and education (pp.75-94). Melbourne: Language Australia. David, M. K. & Nambiar, M. (2002) Exogamous Marriages and Out-migration: Language Shift of Catholic Malayalees in Malaysia. In David, M.K. (Ed).Methodological and Analytical Issues in Language Maintenance and Language Shift Studies. Duisburg papers on Research in Language and Culture (pp. 141-150). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. Nambiar, M. & Govindasamy, S. (2002) The Construct of Generation: Analytical Implications for LMLS Studies. In David, M.K. (Ed.).Methodological and Analytical Issues in Language Maintenance and Language Shift Studies. Duisburg papers on Research in Language and Culture (pp. 21-36). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. Newman, J. and T. Yamaguchi. (2002). Action and State Interpretations of ‘Sit’ in Japanese and English. In J. Newman (Ed.), The Linguistics of Sitting, Standing, and Lying. Typological Studies in Languages (pp. 43-59). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 2001 Kulwindr Kaur a/p Gurdial Singh. (2001). Creating Awareness of the Importance of Mastering Language Strategies in Education: A Case Study. In Jayakaran Mukundan (Ed.) Reflections, Visions & Dreams of Practice: Selected Papers from the International Education Conference 2001 (pp.301-323). Kuala Lumpur: ITC Learning. 2000 Zuraidah Mohd Don. (2000) “Hedging as a pragmatic phenomenon: transforming utterance form to maintain interpersonal relations”. In Wong, H. et al. (Eds.) Language and Globalization. (pp. 65-78). Kuala Lumpur: Longman. PROCEEDINGS 2009 Kan, N.H., & Tam, S.S. (2009). Learners’ questions while reading academic texts in the second language classroom. Proceedings of MICOLLAC 2009 held on the 6th Malaysia International Conference on Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (pp. 305-316). Kulwindr Kaur a/p Gurdial Singh. (2009). Translating Texts from English to Punjabi: The Practice of Three Translators. In Hasuria Che Omar, Haslina Haroon, & Aniswal Abd. Ghani (Eds.) The 12th InternationalConference on Translation- The Sustainability of the Translation Field (pp. 250-256). Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Translators Association. Yamaguchi, T. (2009). Causative/inchoative alternations in Icelandic. In Saxena, A. and Viberg, Å (Eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics (Studia Linguistica Upsaliensis) held on 1-3 Oct 2008 at the University of Uppsala, Sweden (pp. 127-140). 2008 Nambiar, M. & Govindasamy, S. (2008) The learning of endangered mother tongue languages of minority, immigrant communities in multilingual contexts: The case of Malayalam in Malaysia. In de Graaf, T, Ostler, N. and Salverda, R (Eds.), Endangered Languages and Language Learning (pp. 203-210). Leeuwarden, The Netherlands: Fryske Akademy and Mercator European Research Centre. 2006 De Rycker, T. (2006). A multi-skill strategy for helping students communicate numerical information. In Online proceedings of the International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching K.U.Leuven, 21-23 September 2005, Leuven, Retrieved from 2004 Kaur, S. & Muhammad Nadzri Abdul Aziz. (2004). Perceived Difficulties in the English Language Skills of Higher National Diploma Students. Issues, Practices and Challenges in Establishing a Language Learning Culture. Proceedings of the 1st International Language Learning Conference, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang.16-18 Dec 2004 (651-663). 2002 Yamaguchi, T. and Pétursson, M. (2002). Evidence from the Icelandic Perfect. 28th LACUS Forum held on the University of Toronto, Canada (pp. 347-56). Yamaguchi, T. and Xia, Q. (2002). A Closer Look at the Ditransitive Constructions in Mandarin Chinese. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Modern Chinese Grammar for the New Millennium held at the City University of Hong Kong (pp. 543-565). 2001 Jamaliah Mohd Ali, Fauziah Taib, Jariah Mohd Jan, & Khatijah Shansuddin. (2001). Penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris Di Kalangan Pelajar Melayu di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi: Satu Kajian Kes. Second CEDER Discourse (pp. 102-138). Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. 2000 Yamaguchi, T. (2000). Icelandic Auxiliaries hafa and vera. A Semantic Account. In A. K. Melby and A. Lommel (Eds.), 26th LACUS Forum held at the University of Alberta, Canada (pp. 305-320). REVIEW David, M.K. (2009). Book Review. Language in the Media. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 1-2. OTHER PUBLICATIONS Broadcast Yoong, D. (September 12, 2009). Singlish. Lingua Franca (Executive producer: Maria Zijlstra). Melbourne: Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved on September 12, 2009 from Report Tam, S.S. (Rep.) (2010). Future Direction of Language Education in Malaysia [A Study of Language Programme commissioned by the Ministry of Higher Education]. Bangi, Selangor: UKM Press. Dictionary Choi Kim Yok, Ainun Rozan Mohd. Zaid, Faridah Noor Mohd Noor, Fauziah Taib, Jariah Mohd Jan, Kamila Ghazali, et al. (2006). Kamus Mah Meri-Malay - English. Kuala Lumpur: City Reprographic Services.