2005-2006 LPN COURSE SYLLABUS I. COURSE NAME: LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSING (8357) II. INSTRUCTOR: DEBBIE JOHNSON R.N., BSN, MEd Education: Surry Community College- Associate degree Nursing University of North Carolina- Charlotte- Bachelor of Science of Nursing Radford University- Master of Science in Education Licensure: RN-Multi-State Privileges American Red Cross- First Aid and CPR instructor American Heart Association- CPR instructor School phone: 276- 728-2125 Fax: 276-728-9067 Home phone: 276-755-4701 Website: www.radford.edu/~ljohnson2/debbie Email CCHS: dkjohnso@ccpsd.k12.va.us Email WCC: wcjohnd2@wcc.vccs.edu III. TEXTBOOK: TEXTBOOK OF BASIC NURSING BY ROSDAHL WORKBOOK TO ACCOMPANY BASIC NURSING TABER'S MEDICAL DICTIONARY IV. OBJECTIVES: SEE COMPETENCY LIST AND COURSE DESCRIPTIONS www.radford.edu/~ljohnson2/debbie V. UNITS OF INSTRUCTION: SEE INDIVIDUAL COURSE DESCRIPTIONS www.radford.edu/~ljohnson2/debbie VI. PRECLINICAL COURSES: FALL SEMESTER PNE 155 BODY STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION PNE 141 NURSING SKILLS I PNE 116 NORMAL NUTRITION SPRING SEMESTER PNE 142 NURSING SKILLS II PNE 173 PHARMACOLOGY I TOTAL CREDITS (WCC): 10 HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS WILL RECEIVE HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT AND COLLEGE CREDIT ON SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF ALL COURSES IF ENROLLED IN WCC. ADULT STUDENTS WILL RECEIVE COLLEGE CREDIT ON SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF ALL COURSES FOR WHICH THEY HAVE REGISTERED AND PAID FEES. TUITION COSTS: HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS’ TUITION PAID BY CARROLL COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS. ADULTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN TUTITION PAYMENT. SUPPLEMENTARY ASSIGNMENTS: FIELD TRIPS- HOSPITAL, NURSING HOME, RADFORD UNIVERSITY CADAVER LAB, HOSA LEADERSHIP CONFERENCES, CAREER AND TECHNICAL WEEK ACTIVITIES, AND OTHER ASSIGNMENTS AS DETERMINED BY INSTRUCTOR. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS/COST TO STUDENTS: STUDENT UNIFORMS: FEMALES- 1 SCHOOL APPROVED DRESS UNIFORM MALES- 1 SCHOOL APPROVED UNIFORM Uniforms should be ordered from the WCC bookstore. Students must go to the bookstore to order these uniforms. Date when uniform needs to be ordered will be given in class. Uniforms cost approximately $60.00. Uniforms must be school approved. Also, students are required to have white nursing shoes, name tag and white hose. LIABILITY INSURANCE: All students must have liability insurance. COST: Approximately $17.50. HOSA: Students are strongly encouraged to join the Health Occupations Students of America club and Skills USA. COST: (HOSA 12.00, Skills USA $11.50.) HOSA is the primary Career and Technical organization. HOSA members will have an opportunity to attend State Leadership Conference, which will be held this year in Roanoke, Virginia. Cost of the trip will be approximately $135.00. The club will sponsor a fund raising sale to help defray some of the cost of the trip. Skills USA members are also involved in many club activities during the school year. State Skills USA will be held at Richmond, Virginia. In order to attend state Skills USA a student must compete and win at the district competition. HEPATITIS VACCINE: All students in the LPN program will be given information regarding the hepatitis B vaccine. The hepatitis vaccine can be obtained from a private doctor or the health department. Students may receive the hepatitis B at the health department free of costs if under 18 or if over 18 at a cost of approximately $33.00 per injection (3 injections required) BOOKS: Adults must purchase textbooks. High school students may buy their books. If not bought this year, they must be bought in the beginning of the clinical phase. Cost of textbooks for CCHS students are as follows: Rosdahl $75.00, Workbook $20.00, Taber's Dictionary $37.00. Books can be purchased at the WCC bookstore, but they may be priced higher. Make checks payable to: CCHS OTHER FEES: Laboratory Fees: $15.00 Supplies Fees: $35.00 (non CCHS students only) Parking Fee: $10.00 (high school students who drive). Parking is available to adults for a fee on a first- come, first serve basis next to the baseball field. Adult students will also need to pay Wytheville Community College tuition for both years. Tuition will be payable for all students for the second year of the program. Books and fees need to be paid as soon as possible. The following is a summary of fees and books monies due: HOSA $ 12.00 Liability $ 17.50 Instructional $ 5.00 Lab $ 15.00 Book $ 75.00- If students write in book, they must buy book. Total: $ 124.50 Total /VICA $ 136.00 Total, no book $ 49.50 EVALUATION PROCEDURES: NURSING SKILLS AND WRITTEN/ ORAL TESTS----------70% QUIZZES----------------------------------------------------------------15% ASSIGNMENTS, DAILY WORK----------------------------------15% NURSING SKILLS WILL BE GRADED AS S+, S, OR S-. THESE WILL BE TRANSLATED INTO THE FOLLOWING NUMERICAL GRADES: S+ = 94, S= 87, S- = 76. A STUDENT MUST PERFORM A SKILL UNTIL THEY HAVE RECEIVED A GRADE OF AT LEAST S-. Important: A student must receive a grade of “C’ in each nursing course in order to continue in the college practical nursing program, to receive a cap, to go to clinicals and to take state boards. Additionally, the student must demonstrate satisfactory performance in nursing skills and demonstrate satisfactory attitudes necessary for functioning as a member of the health care team. CLASSROOM RULES: No book bags at desk. Book bags should be stored at nursing lockers in back of room. Students must be in their seats and ready to work when the bell rings. Bring all material to class. Only one person speaks at a time. Show respect and listen to others. Classroom Management Plan Incentives for following rules: 1. Praise 2. Homework passes, drop lowest quiz grade Consequences for Disregarding Rules 1. Verbal warning 2. Written warning 3. To office If you have any questions, please call me at the school. (728-2125) Debbie Johnson R.N. Instructor Please sign below indicating you/your parents have reviewed the LPN syllabus and return this form to school by Monday. Student signature_______________________ Parent signature ________________________ Date_________________________________