Annex A: ARCHITECTURE - ACE Health and Safety Risk Assessment for Postgraduate Research Degree Projects Name: Alan Chandler (Programme Leader) School: Architecture (ACE) Students: Max 10 Director of Studies: Renee Tobe Thesis Title: Workshop 3 - Cement free - Jim Ross + Rob Houmoller, Alan Chandler Fieldwork location: AVA Workshops, atrium and external area to the West of the site Type of Fieldwork: Development of lime based construction techniques in Haiti for Article 25 Period of Fieldwork: Friday 21st September - Friday 5th October inclusive Hazard Severity: (rate high medium or low - 1 = low, 3 = high) Likelihood of Occurrence: (rate high medium or low - 1 = low, 3 = high) 1. Trip hazards on site HS:2 , LO:2 3. Mixing and Pouring Concrete HS:1, LO:2 5. Handling Bulk Materials (aggregates and sand etc) HS:1 , LO:2 7. Construction HS:3 , LO:2 9. Working at high level HS:2 , LO:2 11. Working in workshop and with tools on site HS:2 , LO:2 - 2. Digging Foundations and Formwork HS:1 , LO:2 4. Moving and Carrying Materials HS:1 , LO:2 6. Formwork Erection HS:2 , LO:2 8. Mixing Mortar/Cement HS:1 , LO:2 10. Working with Reinforcing steel bar (rebar) HS:2 , LO:1 - Potential Consequences for each hazard: (please continue on a separate sheet if necessary) TRIP HAZARDS ON SITE Risk of tripping or treading on objects and materials on site including tools and equipment left around the site. DIGGING FOUNDATIONS AND FORMWORK Small scale excavations risk of falling and potential collapsing of ground, woodworking risk from use of unfamiliar equipment. (see working in workshops below) MIXING AND POURING LIME Contact of liquid lime with skin also risk of inhaling dust and contact of dust with eyes. MOVING AND CARRYING MATERIALS Personal injury or strain to back and limbs due to incorrect posture or carrying/moving too much at once. HANDLING BULK MATERIALS (AGGREGATES AND SAND ETC) Personal injury or strain to back and limbs due to incorrect posture or carrying/moving too much at once. FORMWORK FABRICATION Risk of collapse during erection, risk of injury woodworking due to unfamiliar methods and equipment. (see working in workshops below) CONSTRUCTION Risk of structural collapse and falling materials and objects. MIXING MORTAR/LIME Contact of cement with skin also risk of inhaling dust and contact of dust with eyes. WORKING AT HIGH LEVEL Risk of falling, and risk of personal injury or strain from over reaching and over stretching. WORKING WITH REINFORCING STEEL BAR (REBAR) Risk of personal injury or strain to back or limbs when bending rebar and carrying or moving about site WORKING IN WORKSHOPS AND WITH TOOLS ON SITE Personal injury lack of experience using equipment and tools possibility of cuts Controls in place for each hazard in order of likely risk: (please continue on a separate sheet if necessary) TRIP HAZARDS ON SITE Implement strict regime to ensure site remains clean and tidy. DIGGING FOUNDATIONS AND FORMWORK Workshop induction for woodworking (see working in workshops below). Use of appropriate PPE (robust footwear) when digging foundations. MIXING AND POURING LIME Use of correct PPE (Eye wear, gloves and footwear), mix concrete outside in well ventilated area, induction in to safe use of equipment by experienced staff member and then continued monitoring. Ensure availability of water for rinsing skin and eyes, and location of first aid kit. COSHH information to be available. MOVING AND CARRYING MATERIALS Use of trolleys etc to move materials around, also site storage areas appropriately, only move small loads at a time when carrying. HANDLING BULK MATERIALS (AGGREGATES AND SAND ETC) Use of trolleys etc to move materials around, also site storage areas appropriately, only move small loads at a time when carrying. FORMWORK FABRICATION Workshop induction for cutting of materials and construction also ensure correct PPE during erection, ensure stability with cross bracing and tethering. CONSTRUCTION Ensure correct PPE (Hard hats, gloves and footwear), allow appropriate time for mortar/cement to set and dry correctly to reduce risk of collapse. MIXING MORTAR/CEMENT Use of correct PPE (Eye wear, gloves and footwear), mix cement outside in well ventilated area, induction in to safe use of equipment by experienced staff member and then continued monitoring. Ensure availability of water for rinsing skin and eyes, and location of first aid kit. WORKING AT HIGH LEVEL Use of correct PPE (Hard hats, gloves and footwear), restrict working so that never working from a height more than 1.5m from the ground. WORKING WITH REINFORCING STEEL BAR (REBAR) Do not attempt to carry alone, at least 2 people to carry and use correct PPE (Eye wear, gloves and robust footwear) when cutting or bending rebar. WORKING IN WORKSHOPS AND WITH TOOLS ON SITE Use of correct PPE (Eye wear and gloves and footwear when necessary), undertake workshop induction from workshop staff before using any equipment or tools. Please sign the following understanding: By signing this document you are indicating that you I agree to the assessment of risk in relation to have consulted the policy and have fully considered the this project. risks. Signature of Students: Signature of responsible staff : Date: Date: NOTES Risk Assessment Rating Risk = Hazard Severity x Likelihood of Occurrence Hazard Severity (HS) 1 = slight hazard - injuries where people may be unfit for normal activity for up to 3 days 2 = serious hazard - injuries where people may be unfit for normal activity for more than 3 days 3 = major hazard - death or major injury (see App 4 of UEL Code of Practice for Fieldwork) Likelihood of Occurrence (LO) 1 = where harm will seldom occur 2 = where harm will occur frequently 3 = where it is certain or near certain harm will occur Risk Categories 1/2 low risk 3/4/6 moderate risk 9 high risk