COUNTRY REPORT 2013 Rabies diagnostics and surveillance (SEARG) Country report for Presented by Please provide all the information requested in the format guide below and feel free to add additional information or clarifications 1. Rabies diagnostics Please provide a brief discussion of rabies diagnostics. In each case (animal/human rabies), please state the laboratory location, infrastructure, capacity and type(s) of diagnostic method used 1.1 Animal rabies 1.2 Human rabies 2. Submission forms and Storage of samples 2.1 Please attach an example of any submission forms that are submitted with samples for rabies testing at your laboratories 2.2 Please describe the strategy for the storage of tested samples in the different laboratories. 3. Number of tests and cases: Animal rabies For animal specimens investigated in your laboratory, please indicate the numbers examined (2010-2012) and those found as either rabies positive or negative. 2010 2011 2012 2010 2011 2012 Number of dogs tested Dogs rabies positive Dogs rabies negative Number of other domestic animals tested Animals rabies positive Animals rabies negative Number of wildlife tested Wildlife rabies positive Wildlife rabies negative Total number of positive rabies cases 4. Number of tests and cases: Human rabies 4.1 Please complete the Table below Total number of human rabies deaths confirmed by laboratory tests Total number of human rabies deaths diagnosed on clinical grounds only Total number of people bitten by dogs (dog bite registers) 4.2 Please provide any other relevant information on cases, including the source of exposure, age distribution etc. a. Please indicate the number of people bitten by suspected dogs. # 5. Vaccine use in the control of rabies a. Is rabies a notifiable disease in humans and animals in your country? Please specify. b. Please describe your national policy and regulations regarding rabies, including measures for disease control in animals and humans. c. Use of veterinary vaccines (doses/amount) according to vaccine type. 2010 2011 2012 Nerve Tissue Vaccines produced Nerve Tissue Vaccines administered Cell culture vaccines produced Cell culture vaccines imported Cell culture vaccines administered Total $ (USD) spent on veterinary vaccines d. Use of human vaccines (doses/amount) according to vaccine type. 2010 Nerve Tissue Vaccines produced Nerve Tissue Vaccines administered Cell culture vaccines produced Cell culture vaccines imported Cell culture vaccines administered Total number of persons who received Pre Exposure Prophylaxis Total number of persons who received Post Exposure Prophylaxis Total $ (USD) spent on human vaccines 2011 2012 e. Use of rabies immunoglobulin (doses/amounts) 2010 2011 2012 Equine rabies immunoglobulin produced/imported Human rabies immunoglobulin produced/imported Equine rabies immunoglobulin administered (# of patients) Human rabies immunoglobulin administered (# of patients) Total cost of RIG (USD) 6. Please report any post exposure treatment failures 7. Any other comments or information, including existing national or regional rabies research projects, collaborations or control programmes 8. How does the 2013 country situation compare with the situation as reported in 2011 (SEARG, Maputo)? Any trends analysis would be meaningful. 9. Contact Information Please provide the following contact information as of 2013 for up to four persons most directly concerned with rabies in your country – including aspects such as rabies research, diagnosis, surveillance, treatment and control. Please provide full names, current position, contact numbers, email address(es)