Grantham Historical Society Presents a Walking Tour of Grantham

Grantham Historical Society Presents a Walking Tour of Grantham Village
Grantham, N.H. — June 15, 2007 — The Grantham Historical Society presents a walking tour
of Grantham Village — the historic neighborhood located around the intersection of Routes 10
and 114 — on Saturday, June 30, at 1 p.m. (Rain date will be Sunday, July 1.)
Ken Story, vice president of the historical society, will lead the two-hour tour, focusing on
Grantham Village, the commercial center of Grantham during the second half of the 19th century
and the early years of the 20th century. It was known as the Hollow or Holla’, then later as Cruel
Holla’ because of the poor soil and the snow and ice in the winter.
The tour will begin at the historic Grantham Methodist Church, and will proceed throughout the
historic core of the neighborhood. Significant historic properties will include the church/old town
hall, the library, the old Village School (now the home of the historical society) in addition to
historic residences such as the Plank House built circa 1800. The tour will also focus on several
sites upon which a number of important buildings formerly stood. Please note that the tour will
include the exteriors of these properties only.
The cost of the tour is $10 per person; children age 12 and under are free. All proceeds benefit
the Grantham Historical Society. Tickets will be available at the Grantham Methodist Church
beginning an hour before the start of the tour. Free parking is available at the church as well as
across the street at the Dunbar Free Library.
Grantham Historical Society, organized in 1993, is dedicated to preserving the history of
Grantham. In 1995, the Selectmen formally established the Town Archives and appointed a
town archivist. The archives are open every Friday afternoon from 1 to 4 p.m. at the old Village
School building on 34 Dunbar Hill Road. Visitors are welcome; no appointment is necessary.
GHS is on the Web at
Grantham Historical Society
(603) 863-0864
Ken Story
(603) 863-3208
Walking Tour of Grantham Village
Saturday, June 30, 1 to 3 p.m.
(Rain date: Sunday, July 1)
Join the Grantham Historical Society for a walking tour of Grantham Village (the neighborhood
located around the intersection of Routes 10 and 14). Meet at the Grantham Methodist Church
on Route 10; free parking available. Sponsored by the Grantham Historical Society.
Cost: $10 per person, under 12 free
Contact: Ken Story, (603) 863-3208