Production Model Grading Rubric 5 pt Exceptional 4pts Proficient Construction Student’s model was neatly constructed and assembled. Student’s model was neatly constructed. Scale Student’s model was 100% accurate to the scale they said they built in. Student’s model was 80% accurate to the scale they said they built in. Set Dressings Large Props and Furniture 3pts 3pts 1-0 pts Some Proficiency Student’s model was constructed and assembled with some minor issues. Student’s model was 70% accurate to the scale they said they built in. Limited Proficiency Student’s model was constructed and assembles with some major issues. Student’s model was 50% accurate to the scale they said they built in. Does not meet expectations Student’s model was falling apart. Design could fit on our stage. Stage Measurements Materials Name ________________________ Student’s model was built entirely out of acceptable materials (wood, foam board, cardboard, balsa wood, etc). Student’s model had excellent set dressings (wallpaper, pictures, floor coverings, etc) Student’s model included all large props and furniture. Student’s model was built mostly (at least 75%) out of acceptable materials (wood, foam board, cardboard, balsa wood, etc). Student’s model had great set dressings (wallpaper, pictures, floor coverings, etc) Student’s model included most major props and furniture. Student’s model was less than 50% to the scale they said they built in. Design could not fit on our stage. Student’s model was built out of acceptable materials for at least ½ of the model. Student’s model was built out of acceptable materials for at less than ½ of the model. Student’s model was built out of unacceptable materials (playdough, modeling clay, legos, etc.) Student’s model had good set dressings (wallpaper, pictures, floor coverings, etc) Student’s model included ½ the major props and furniture. Student’s model had limited set dressings (wallpaper, pictures, floor coverings, etc) Student’s model included less than ½ the major props and furniture. Student’s model had little to no set dressings (wallpaper, pictures, floor coverings, etc) Student’s model did not have any major props and furniture. Use of Color Student’s model has an exceptional use of color. Student’s model has an excellent use of color. Student’s model has some color choices (more than ½ the items). Student’s model has limited color choices (less than ½ the items). Student’s model has no color applied (other than the natural colors of the materials) Demands of script Student’s model presents a set capable of meeting all the demands of the script. Student’s model shows a clear effort to meet the demands of the script but is inconsistent. Student’s model addresses the basic needs of the script. Student’s model ignores significant demands. Student’s model applies none of the demands the script requires. The style is clearly presented in detail and clarity. The style is clearly presented. Some elements of style have been clearly presented. The style of the set is not clearly defined. No style is evident. Student’s presentation would have landed them a job as the set designer of a production company. Student’s presentation could have landed them a job as the set designer of a production company. Style Presentation Notes: Student’s presentation would not have given them a job offer of a production company.