Quiz Review 6th grade ecology answers

Review for Quiz – Ecology Unit
1. What is the relationship between carrying capacity and limiting factors (biotic and
abiotic resources).
 If a limiting factor increases what happens to carrying capacity? The carrying
capacity will decrease
What is the difference between a biotic and abiotic resource? Biotic is living,
abiotic is non-living
When does a biotic or abiotic resource become a limiting factor? When it impacts
the size (carrying capacity) of a population
How does a decrease in a limiting factor affect competition between the
individuals of this species? The competition between the individuals will decrease
because the carrying capacity has increased
2. Describe the theory of natural selection. Natural selection states that the species with
traits that are favorable will survive and reproduce. This will continue to happen over
time, causing the species to adapt to its environment. Also known as survival of the
3. How did natural selection effect the population of moths in England? White moths
were camouflaged as they hid on the white birch trees compared to the black moths.
Therefore white moths had a higher survival rate. As the industrial revolution came the
white birch trees turned black because of air pollution. This caused the black moths to
have the advantage over the white moths.
4. How did the inherited trait of beak size slowly change in the descendents of the one
species of finches that flew to the island after 100,000 years? How many species resulted
from this one species? The beak size changed over time because they each adapted to a
new diet. 13 new species of finch resulted from 1 ancestor.
Why can so many species occupy one island? Lack of predators, numerous sources of
food, High carrying capacity
5. Is variation in a species a good or bad thing for the survival of the species? Why? It is
a good thing because there is a higher chance of survival of the species.
6. In California why are the northern snails slower than the southern snails? Lack of
predators allowed Northern Snails to live in deeper waters.
7. What unusual biotic factor allows the carrying capacity of the squirrel monkey to
increase? Another species of monkey would crack open the palm nut for the squirrel
monkey, giving it a greater source of food.
8. What is the difference between natural selection and selective breeding?
Natural Selection is allowing nature to take its course, species can choose their own mate.
Selective Breeding involves human choice in order to select a specific trait.
9. Give an example of how selective breeding have changed the Saluki dogs after 6,000
The traits that were selected were long legs, strong eye sight. The tribe only reproduced
with the strongest of these traits. This caused the species to be fast, agile, have stamina,
large heart, strong eye sight, and flexible spine.
10. Why are invasive species so harmful to the environment? Invasive species do not
have natural predators in a new environment, therefore they are allowed to take over in an
environment. (few limiting factors, greater carrying capacity)