library card - USDA Forest Service

Morin et al.: 1
March 31, 2004
United States
Department of
Forest Service
Mapping Host Species Abundance
of Selected Exotic Pests in the
Eastern United States
Northeastern Research Station
Research Paper NEDate 2004
Randall S. Morin, Andrew M. Liebhold, Eugene
R. Luzader, Andrew J. Lister, Kurt W.
Gottschalk, and Daniel B. Twardus
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March 31, 2004
Forests of the eastern United States seem to be particularly vulnerable to forest pest
invasions having suffered devastating effects by notorious forest pests such as chestnut
blight, gypsy moth, and beech bark disease over the last century. In this study we used
existing data to predict the geographical extent of future damage caused by three exotic
pests. The three alien pests considered here were beech bark disease, an insect-fungus
complex involving the beech scale insect (Cryptococcus fagisuga) and the exotic canker
fungus Nectria coccinea var. faginata or the native Nectria galligena, hemlock woolly
adelgid (Adelges tsugae), and gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar). The geographic
distributions of host species of the three pests were mapped in 1 km2 cells by
interpolating host basal area per ha from 93,611 forest inventory plots located throughout
the eastern U.S.A. These interpolated surfaces were adjusted for forest density by
multiplying values by an estimate of forest density derived from existing land cover map
data (30 m2 cells). These maps of host species abundance can be used in the future to
plan efforts to mitigate damages caused by these three exotic pests.
We would like to thank the USDA Forest Service Special Technology Development
Program for funding the project.
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March 31, 2004
The Authors
RANDALL S. MORIN is research analyst, ANDREW M. LIEBHOLD is research
entomologist, EUGENE R. LUZADER is computer specialist, and KURT W.
GOTTSCHALK is research forester with the USDA Forest Service’s Northeastern
Research Station. Morin, Liebhold, Luzader and Gottschalk are located in Morgantown,
West Virginia.
ANDREW J. LISTER is research forester with the USDA Forest Service’s Northeastern
Research Station in Newtown Square, PA.
DANIEL B. TWARDUS is forest health specialist with Northeastern Area, State and
Private Forestry, in Morgantown, West Virginia.
The map on the cover is an estimated surface of percent forest cover.
Manuscript received for publication _____________.
???, 2004
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March 31, 2004
First-Grade Headings
Literature Cited
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Second-Grade Headings
Beech Bark Disease
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid
Gypsy Moth
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Invasions by exotic insects and diseases are one of the most important threats to the
stability and productivity of forest ecosystems around the world (Liebhold et al. 1995a,
Vitousak et al. 1996, Pimentel et al. 2000). The forests of the eastern U.S.A. seem to be
particularly vulnerable to these invasions; over the last century they have suffered
devastating effects by notorious forest pests such as chestnut blight, gypsy moth, and
beech bark disease (Mattson 1997) with cascading effects throughout invaded ecosystems
(Redman and Scriber 2000). One of the most important steps in the development of
effective strategies for management of alien species is to evaluate the risk of future
impacts from specific exotic organisms (Reichard and Hamilton 1997, Byers et al. 2002).
The generic activity, “risk assessment” is considered an important component to
management of exotics both before and after their arrival in new habitats (Liebhold et al.
A risk assessment for an alien species that has not yet been established typically is
comprised of three components: 1) estimates of the probability of arrival and subsequent
establishment in the alien habitat; 2) estimates of the geographical extent that the species
is likely to achieve in it’s new habitat; and 3) estimation of the ecological, economical,
and sociological impact that is likely to be caused by the species. When an alien species
has already become established but is still expanding its range, step 1 is obviously not
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Maps representing the geographic extent of estimated future disturbance caused by exotic
pests are a critically important part of risk assessment (Rouget et al. 2002). Prediction of
disturbance risk in forest ecosystems is often limited both by the lack of data and models
for predicting the geographic extent of impacts caused by specific pest species. In this
paper, we addressed this deficiency by developing statistical models that predict forest
pest host species abundance from interpolated forest inventory plots distributed across the
eastern United States. The three alien pests considered here were beech bark disease, an
insect-fungus complex involving the beech scale insect (Cryptococcus fagisuga) and the
exotic canker fungus Nectria coccinea var. faginata or the native Nectria galligena,
hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae), and gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar). These
species have become established in North America and are currently expanding their
ranges. These estimates of host species abundance will be useful for both long-range
planning of population management activities and implementing cultural practices to
minimize impacts.
Beech bark disease, also known as beech scale Nectria canker, is an insect-fungus
complex involving the beech scale insect (Cryptococcus fagisuga) and the exotic canker
fungus Nectria coccinea var. faginata or the native Nectria galligena that kills or injures
American beech (Fagus grandifolia) (Houston 1994). The disease results when a Nectria
fungus infects the bark through feeding wounds caused by beech scale insects. Around
1900, the beech scale insect was accidentally introduced to Nova Scotia from Europe. It
has since spread southwestward into New England, New York, Pennsylvania, and West
Virginia (Manion 1991). Fungal invasion occurs about 3 to 5 years after the scale insects
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appear. Extensive mortality often occurs in the year that Nectria becomes evident; some
trees may survive for several years.
The hemlock woolly adelgid is a destructive exotic insect pest of forest and ornamental
hemlock trees. It was first observed in the United States in the 1950s in Virginia. In the
eastern USA, hemlock woolly adelgid feeds only on the foliage of eastern hemlock
(Tsuga canadensis) and Carolina hemlock (Tsuga caroliniana), a less common species of
hemlock found in isolated areas of the southern Appalachians. Heavy infestations have
killed trees in as little as four years, but some trees have survived infestations for more
than 10 years (McClure et al. 2001).
The gypsy moth was accidentally introduced in 1868 or 1869 near Boston, Massachusetts,
and outbreaks began to occur in the area about 10 years later (Liebhold et al. 1992). The
range of the gypsy moth has been gradually expanding, and defoliating populations are
typically found 5-6 years following establishment in a new area (Liebhold et al. 1994,
Sharov and Liebhold 1998). The gypsy moth is a polyphagous insect. North American
populations feed on over 300 different shrub and tree species, and there is considerable
variation among tree species in their susceptibility to defoliation (Leibhold et al. 1995b).
The most preferred gypsy moth hosts are in the genera Quercus, Populus, and Larix.
Gypsy moth is an outbreak pest species that has been acknowledged as the most
destructive forest defoliating insect in the United States (Davidson et al. 1999, Sharov et
al. 2002).
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The geographic distributions of suitable habitats for beech bark disease, hemlock woolly
adelgid, and the gypsy moth were mapped by interpolation of host species abundance
estimated from 93,611 forest inventory plots located throughout the eastern U.S. The
data were extracted from the Eastwide Database (Table 1), which at the time the project
was executed was the most recent available source of USDA Forest Service Forest
Inventory and Analysis data for the 37 states in the study. Host abundance for beech bark
disease was measured as basal area/ha of American beech, host abundance for hemlock
woolly adelgid was measured as basal area/ha of eastern and Carolina hemlock, and host
abundance for gypsy moth was measured as the total basal area/ha of tree species
preferred by gypsy moth. A host species was considered preferred if it had a high
preference rating (Liebhold et al. 1995b).
We used the ordinary kriging procedure (Deutsch and Journel 1998) to interpolate a
surface of basal area/ha for the host species of each disease or insect. Kriging is a
geostatistical method that provides estimates for unsampled locations by computing
weighted averages of sampled values from nearby locations (Isaaks and Srivistava 1989,
Cressie 1993). The weights are determined based on the semivariogram, a statistical
model of the relationship between spatial autocorrelation and distance between pairs of
sampled values. In this analysis, we generated maps from the plot data by calculating
kriged estimates on a grid of 1x1 km cells. Variography and kriging were performed
using the GSLIB software library (Deutsch and Journel 1998).
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Forest susceptibility maps were then adjusted for forest density. During the period of
data collection for this study, the FIA plots were in effect located randomly, and tree data
were in general only collected in forested areas. Therefore, it was necessary to adjust host
abundance estimates in each cell for the proportion of the cell area that was forested.
This was accomplished using a region-scale land cover dataset (National Land Cover
Data) that was acquired from the Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium as a
raster matrix of 30x30 m cells that were classified based on their land cover
( (Vogelmann et al. 2001). These data were
aggregated to a 1x1 km resolution to estimate percent forest cover for each cell (Figure
1). Next, the kriged host abundance maps were multiplied by the forest density map to
generate forest susceptibiltiy maps adjusted for percent forest cover.
When combined with current range maps, the host density maps allow the current range
and potential range of these three exotic pests to be estimated (Table 2). A 1 km2 pixel
was included in the range estimates if it was estimated to contain any host basal area.
Beech Bark Disease
American beech basal area/ha was estimated (Figure 2) and then mulitiplied by the forest
density map (Figure 1) to create a beech abundance map adjusted for forest density
(Figure 3). The greatest concentration of beech is in the Adirondack Mountain region of
New York though smaller concentrations existed in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont,
West Virginia, and northern Pennsylvania. Beech also exists at very low levels over a
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large range extending through most forested regions of the eastern U.S.A. The current
range and historical spread of the beech scale insect is shown in Figure 4. Our estimates
indicate that beech bark disease currently occupies only about 27% of its potential range
(Table 2).
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid
Hemlock basal area/ha was estimated using ordinary kriging (Figure 5) and then
mulitiplied by the forest density map (Figure 1) to create a hemlock abundance map
adjusted for forest density (Figure 6). Hemlock is widely distributed throughout the
northeastern U.S. and the northern portion of Michigan and Wisconsin. Elsewhere, its
distribution is limited to the higher elevations of the Appalachian Mountains. The current
range and historical spread of hemlock woolly adelgid is shown in Figure 7. Our
estimates indicate that hemlock woolly adelgid currently occupies nearly 26% of its
potential range (Table 2).
Gypsy Moth
Basal area of species preferred by gypsy moth was estimated using ordinary kriging
(Figure 8) and then mulitiplied by the forest density map (Figure 1) to create a preferred
species abundance map adjusted for forest density (Figure 9). Of the three pest species,
gypsy moth hosts were the most widely distributed. In addition, maximum host densities
(>20 m2/ha) were much higher than hosts for the other two species. The current range
and historical spread of gypsy moth is shown in Figure 10. Our estimates indicate that
hemlock woolly adelgid currently occupies only 23% of its potential range (Table 2).
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The planning of forest pest management activities can be significantly improved with
reliable mapped estimates of future disturbances. The methods developed here and maps
of host abundance presented here should prove useful for future efforts of this nature.
Specifically, these maps may be used to help guide land managers make decisions about
where pest surveys and silivicultural manipulations should be located.
Beech bark disease has already invaded those areas with the greatest concentration of
beech but vast portions of the range of beech remain to be invaded in the future. In fact
only about 27% of the native range of beech has been invaded (Table 2). American beech
is most abundant in the Adirondacks and in the central and northern Appalachians.
Elsewhere it is widely distributed at low levels throughout the northeast and southeast
US. The fact that beech is still abundant in many regions where beech bark disease has
already invaded illustrates that while it can cause considerable mortality, beech bark
disease generally does not totally eliminate beech from stands (Houston 1994, Morin et
al. 2001). The estimated American beech abundance map (Figure 3) highlights eastern
Kentucky, northern Ohio, and northern Indiana as the highest risk areas that are currently
In contrast to beech bark disease, hemlock woolly adelgid has only recently begun to
move into areas with a large eastern hemlock component. Only about 26% of the native
range of eastern and Carolina hemlock have been invaded (Table 2). Estimated hemlock
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abundance was highest in a large portion of New England, as well as New York and
northern Pennsylvania (Figure 6).
Gypsy moth is currently occupying less than one-quarter of its favorable habitat. The
currently uninfested areas that have the highest densities of host species are western
Virginia, southwestern West Virginia, north-central North Carolina, and eastern
Minnesota (Figure 9).
A limitation that might affect the accuracy of this information is that host species
abundance is a major factor that determines susceptibility, but it is not the only factor that
determines vulnerability of a forest to a pest. For example, local site characteristics, such
as climate and soils (e.g. Houston and Valentine 1977), also affect forest susceptibility.
The methodologies employed thus represents a first approximation of host species
abundance and these methods can be elaborated in the future to generate improved host
species abundance maps for these and other pests.
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Morin et al.: 19
March 31, 2004
Morin, Randall S.; Liebhold, A.M.; Luzader, E.R.; Lister, A.J.; Gottschalk, K.W.;
Twardus, D.B. 2004. Mapping Host Species Abundance of Selected Exotic Pests in the
Eastern United States. Res. Pap. NE-???. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station, ??? p.
Forests of the eastern United States seem to be particularly vulnerable to forest pest
invasions having suffered devastating effects by notorious forest pests such as chestnut
blight, gypsy moth, and beech bark disease over the last century. In this study we used
existing data to predict the geographical extent of future damage caused by three exotic
pests through 2025. The three alien pests considered here were beech bark disease, an
insect-fungus complex involving the beech scale insect (Cryptococcus fagisuga) and the
exotic canker fungus Nectria coccinea var. faginata or the native Nectria galligena,
hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae), and gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar). The
geographic distributions of host species of the three pests were mapped in 1 km2 cells by
interpolating host basal area per ha from 93,611 forest inventory plots located throughout
the eastern U.S.A. These interpolated surfaces were adjusted for forest density by
multiplying values by an estimate of forest density derived from existing land cover map
data (30 m2 cells). These maps of host species abundance can be used in the future to
plan efforts to mitigate damages caused by these three exotic pests.
Keywords: beech bark disease; hemlock woolly adelgid; gypsy moth
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Table 1. Year and number of forest inventory plots in each eastern state
Year # of Plots
1990 3575
1995 3090
1995 3822
1997 5789
1998 1586
1986 1976
1994 1548
1988 1921
1991 2233
1995 2587
Massachussets 1985
1993 9933
1990 11553
1994 2960
1989 4664
New Hampshire 1983
New Jersey
New York
1993 2850
North Carolina 1990 4558
North Dakota 1995
1991 1587
Pennsylvania 1989 2964
Rhode Island
South Carolina 1993 3358
South Dakota 1980
1999 2348
1992 1925
1992 3600
West Virginia 1989 2491
1996 5423
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Table 2. Current and potential ranges of beech bark disease, hemlock woolly adelgid, and
gyspy moth (areas in sq. km.)
Potential area
Current area of
of host habitat infested host habitat infested
beech bark disease
1,589,744 sq. km.
434,548 sq. km.
hemlock woolly adelgid 714,426 sq. km.
182,942 sq. km.
gypsy moth
3,637,478 sq. km.
851,753 sq. km.
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FIGURE 1.--Map of percent forest density from NLCD data
FIGURE 2.--Kriged map of estimated American beech basal area
FIGURE 3.--Kriged map of estimated American beech basal area adjusted for forest
FIGURE 4.--Map of beech bark disease range (2003)
FIGURE 5.--Kriged map of estimated hemlock basal area
FIGURE 6.--Kriged map of estimated hemlock basal area adjusted for forest density
FIGURE 7.--Map of hemlock woolly adelgid range (2003)
FIGURE 8.--Kriged basal area map of species preferred by gypsy moth
FIGURE 9.--Kriged basal area map of species preferred by gypsy moth adjusted for forest
FIGURE 10.--Map of gypsy moth range (2003)
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Figure 1
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Figure 2
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Figure 3
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Figure 4
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Figure 5
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Figure 6
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Figure 7
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Figure 8
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Figure 9
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Figure 10