ASH COMPREHENSIVE HYPERTENSION CENTER APPLICATION FORM *ASH Comprehensive Hypertension Centers are located in either academic medical centers or in large multi-specialty clinics. These centers may exist independently or as part of larger divisions or departments. INSTITUTIONS APPLYING FOR DESIGNATION AS AN ASH DESIGNATED COMPREHENSIVE HYPERTENSION CENTER MUST (1) DOWNLOAD THE APPLICATION FORM* AT; (2) type in and complete the information on the form; (3) submit as a hardcopy file with any supporting documentation (CVs, certificates, procedure and protocol documents) (5) pay the non-refundable application fee of $4,500. Centers will be invoiced for travel expenses for an on-site review if applicable. PART I HYPERTENSION CENTER INFORMATION Institution/Organization Division/Department Mailing Address: Number and Street City Website Title Apt./Mail Stop/Room/Box Number State Postal Code Phone Country Fax Email MEDICAL DIRECTOR (Please provide CV) Name Title Phone Email Designated Hypertension Specialist: Yes No Year in which last designated or re-designated _____ Academic Appointment: Yes No Current member of the American Society of Hypertension, Inc. (ASH): Yes Fellow of the American Society of Hypertension (FASH): Yes No Attended most recent ASH Annual Scientific Meeting: Yes No No Support Staff with direct treatment roles (MDs, DOs, APRNs, PAs,PharmDs).(Please list and provide CV’s for each) 1 PART II Please answer the following questions and submit supporting document(s): 1. Describe the goals of why your Center wishes to be designated as an ASH Comprehensive Hypertension Center? 2. Describe how the Center is organized as a hypertension center by the parent organization, encouraging collaboration with other disciplines, e.g., nephrology, cardiology, etc. Does the Center exist as a stand-alone entity or is it part of a larger division or department? To whom does the Center Medical Director report, e.g. Department Head, Division Head, Dean? Are personnel assigned to the Center on a full- or part-time basis? (i.e, physicians, medical support staff, management personnel) Does the Center have its own budget? Does the Center have the capacity to submit proposals for research funding? What percentage of the Center is devoted to the management of patients referred for or primarily coded for Hypertension? What is the annual volume of patients referred for or who are primarily coded for Hypertension? Describe how the Center is recognized, locally or regionally, as a referral and treatment resource for resistant and secondary hypertension, and alternative therapies. Is the Center able to manage hypertension without referring patients further? What is your mechanism for cross-referrals? 3. Indicate which of the following the Center performs in order to perform extensive multi-specialty examination and treatment to assess complicated hypertension problems. If a specific risk assessment, diagnostic tool or intervention is not performed at your Center, please indicate your reasons why. Cardiovascular risk assessment: o quantitative echocardiography o exercise testing o ankle-brachial index o carotid doppler o evaluation of autonomic function Diagnostic Evaluation: o Renal angiography o Renal vein renin sampling o Doppler renal ultrasound o CT Angiography o MR Angiography o Adrenal vein sampling for Aldosterone Interventions: o Renal angioplasty with/without stenting o Laparoscopic adrenalectomy o Sleep Lab 2 4. Describe practice protocol for certifying Center personnel in recording blood pressure. Does the Center have dedicated personnel to measure blood pressure, using the same methods every time? What is your training protocol? Are you aware of the guidelines by several national and international societies and organizations in this regard? Which ones do you use? Note: Guidelines can be found on the ASH website, ASH recommends using The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC7) Complete Report: "Accurate Blood Pressure Measurement in the Office" (page 18, table 4) 5. How does the Center select its stationary equipment? (cf.: provides information which equipment is independently validated) How does the Center maintain its equipment? How does the Center educate patients about home selfmonitoring? Does the Center provide exercise tests for hypertensive patients? Please provide written procedures/guidelines for all of the above. 6. Provide copies of any educational materials given to patients. Provide any formal links you provide to your hypertensive patients for reference. 7. Provide written Center protocol for: Performing 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure recording o Which APBM machine do you use? Why did you choose this specific machine? Interpreting 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure recording (please provide a sample report) 8. Describe how the Center performs ongoing quality improvement in accord with standardized quality performance guidelines, reporting of NCQA indicators, patient outcomes, criteria. Please provide procedural documents for training of new and ongoing personnel. Do you have an EMR? What kind of EMR system do you use? Do you use your EMR system to improve your delivery of care? Describe how you use it. Do you have a formal process of assessment of quality metrics related to hypertension and blood pressure control? Describe this process. What percentage of patients in your Center achieve blood pressure control (treated to goal)? Does the Center participate in a Hypertension Patient Registry? If so, what registry? 3 9. List the hypertension educational activities in which Center personnel participate on a regular annual basis and who attended. 10. List Center participation in research activities: Investigator-initiated research Multi-center trials and observational studies. If not, are you interested in participating in a multi-center trial or observational study? Basic Science Studies 11. Does the Center participate in teaching hypertension to medical students, house officers and fellows? Does the Center have a formal hypertension training program for fellows? o How many fellows participate? Does the Center offer rotation for Nephrology, Cardiology and Endocrinology fellows? How do you train your non-physician personnel (Nurses, PharmDs, Physician Assistants, office assistants) in hypertension management? 12. List the scholarly articles recently published within the last five (5) years by Center personnel related to the field of hypertension and related disorders. ********************************************************************************************* Please submit the completed application, with any supporting documentation, along with the application fee of $4,500 (check or money order payable to the American Society of Hypertension, Inc.). Centers will be invoiced for travel expenses for an on-site review if applicable. Please note that this application fee is non-refundable. * Designated Centers file an annual report during the period of designation (annual reporting fee: $500). ASH Designated Hypertension Centers American Society of Hypertension, Inc. 45 Main Street, Suite 712, Brooklyn, NY 11201 Telephone (212) 696-9099 • email: 4