Directive of the Department of Foreign Languages

(Senate Decision dated 14.07.2009 and No. 07)
Purpose, Scope, Basis and Definitions
ARTICLE 1 – (1) The purpose of this directive is to organize procedures and principles
regarding purposes, fields of activity and duties of managing body of the Department of
Foreign Languages founded by associating with Rectorship of Atılım University.
ARTICLE 2 – (1) This directive covers decisions regarding purposes, fields of activity,
managing body and duties of managing body of the Department of Foreign Languages of
Atılım University.
ARTICLE 3 – (1) This directive was prepared by relying on Article 14 of Higher Education
Law (No. 2547) and Article 13 of Regulation on Academic Organization in Universities.
ARTICLE 4 – (1) In this directive:
Head signifies Head of the Department of Foreign Languages,
Department signifies the Department of Foreign Languages,
Rector signifies Rector of Atılım University,
Senate signifies Senate of Atılım University.
Purpose, Managing Bodies and Duties of the Department
Purpose of the Department
ARTICLE 5 – (1) Purpose of the Department is to provide to lecture Foreign Languages
lessons, which are proposed to teach in the (i) paragraph of Article 5 of Higher Education
Law (No. 2547), by fitting their purpose.
Managing Bodies
ARTICLE 6 – (1) Managing bodies of the Department are as follows:
Head of the Department
Co-head of the Department
Head of the Department
ARTICLE 7 – (1) Head of the Department is assigned among the instructors serving in the
Department by the Rector for one year. Head of the Department could establish commissions
and work groups with the purpose to provide regular conduction of education and training
activities. In order to coordinate these, Head of the Department could assign heads/leaders of
commission/work groups. In an attempt to assist Head of the Department for his/her studies,
to act as a representative in his/her absence, as a requirement a good few Co-heads of the
Department are assigned by the Rector. In the case of expiration of term of office or departure
from office, the term of office of Co-heads also ends.
Duties of Head of the Department
ARTICLE 8 – (1) Duties of Head of the department are:
a) To carry out studies on foreign language levels and needs of students by cooperating with
the Departments and Preparatory School,
b) To have curriculum prepared, implemented and updated,
c) To arrange education and training of foreign languages courses,
d) To make students place in courses appropriate for their levels
e) To have lessons given in accordance with the purpose,
f) To opt instructors who will instruct and recommend to the Rector for their assignment,
g) To determine duties and responsibilities of Co-heads, instructors and work groups serving
in the Department; to direct, audit, evaluate and provide feedback; to arrange the distribution
of course load,
h) To prepare activity report of the Department by every academic year and present this report
to the Rectorship,
i) To determine the problems related to foreign language teaching and offer solutions and
present them to the top management,
j) To enable instructors develop avocationally,
k) To follow researches, publications, seminars and conferences on foreign language teaching,
l) To hold meetings, seminars, conferences on foreign language teaching and to enable other
instructors to benefit from these,
m) To exchange correspondence in unit, related to the Rectorship and interdivisional,
n) To make web page design and update, and to audit it.
Co-heads of the Department
ARTICLE 9 – (1) There are at least two Co-heads in the Department.
 Responsible for Program and Material Development
 Responsible for Assessment and Evaluation
A – Duties of the Co-head responsible for Program and Material Development are:
a) To contribute to foreign language teaching by cooperating with the Co-head responsible for
assessment and evaluation,
b) To carry out studies on levels and needs of stufents,
c) To carry out works for preparation of foreign language courses contents,
d) To manage the process of choice of books and material pursuant to courses and contents,
e) To make extra course materials which are suited to courses prepare, to plan and direct
f) To carry on studies on following and continuous improvement of course contents presented,
g) To carry out studies on following efficiency of material and books,
h) To enable curriculum and semester, weekly programs to be prepared,
i) To provide examination, announcement and protection of personal materials used during
j) To discuss probable problems related to the program with those concerned, and conclude
k) To participate efficiently in group meetings.
B – Duties of the Co-head responsible for Assessment and Evaluation are:
a) To follow course contents by cooperating with the Co-head responsible for Program and
Material Development and instructors,
b) To make assessment and evaluation tools pursuant to courses and program prepare,
c) To provide determining criteria of assessment and evaluation,
d) To provide increase of assessment tools,
e) To determine exam dates, places and invigilators,
f) To enable assessment and evaluation tools to be implemented,
g) To organize standardization meetings,
h) To enable evaluation results to be delivered to those concerned and announced,
i) To enable tools applied to be developed,
j) To enable tools applied to be kept,
k) To enable petition of objection to be evaluated
l) To enable evaluations commissions to be established,
m) To enable make-up exams to be planned and implemented.
Leaders/Head of Work Groups:
Instructors who are assigned by the Head, responsible and assist to the Head and Co-heads on
the subject of following academic process and application of several (at least three) of
semester courses presented by the Department of Foreign Languages, coordinate, provide
Duties of Leaders of Group are:
a) To work in cooperation with instructors in the process of planning, implementing and
evaluation of the concerned course in different classes within the frame of general curriculum,
sustain directive duty,
b) To participate in and carry out studies on book choice and material development,
c) To prepare 15 week course plan, which will be applied in semester, together with the
instructors of group for which s/he is responsible,
d) To follow-up efficient teaching of courses, identify problem, and convey to the head and
the co-heads,
e) To discuss the problem occurred with those concerned, make comparison and develop
solution offer,
f) To participate in weekly group meetings, and take the minutes down and note the subjects
debated down,
g) To play active role in preparation of evaluation tools such as quiz, midterm, homework and
h) To carry out duty in exams as invigilator,
i) To participate in other works or duties which should be carried out in the unit.
Various and Final Provisions
ARTICLE 10 – (1) This Directive shall enter into force after adoption in Senate.
ARTICLE 11 – (1) The provisions of this Directive are executed by the Rector of Atılım