Lesson Plan TCLP teacher’s name: Wenjuan Sheng Grade level: 9 to 12 Language level: BEGINNERS Lesson title: Pinyin Step 1—Desired Results Lesson goals What should students know, understand, and be able to do as a result of the lesson? 1. Students should be able to pronounce all the initials and finals of Pinyin. 2. Students should be able to pronounce syllables with correct tones. 3. Students learn how to pronounce the main cities’ names in China and find the location on the map. Essential Questions What leading questions can you ask of students to get them to understand the Big Ideas? How to pronounce Pinyin correctly? How to name main cities in China? Lesson Objectives Identify General Learner Outcome (GLO) Students will be able to: 1.Pronounce all the initials, such as b, p, m, f… 2.Pronounce all the finals, such as an, ang, en, eng... 3.Pronounce cities’s name in China. 4.Point out the location of those cities on a map of main cities written in Pinyin. Step 2—Assessment Evidence Performance task — What will students do to show what they have learned? Performance criteria — How good is good enough to meet standards? Students will be able to pronounce finals and initials of Pinyin. Students can pronounce syllables with correct tones. Students can point out the location of main cities in China on the map according to teacher’s pronunciation. Step 3—Learning Plan Please be prepared to demonstrate at least one of these activities during your workshop presentation. You will have 15 minutes for your demonstration 1 Materials needed Textbook Audio clip of Pinyin Map of China written in Pinyin Multimedia Learning activities Step by step instructions from start to finish (including amount of minutes needed per activity), and detailed enough for another teacher to follow. What teaching methods/activities will you be using? 1. Students read the textbook to get a general idea of what Pinyin’s function is. Students are divided into groups of four, they are required to read each paragraph by turns and talk about what they have learned. 2. Students try to pronounce correct initials after the audio clip. Students pay attention to the difference of “ j , q, x” in English and Chinese. 3. Students try to pronounce correct finals after the audio clip. Students pay attention to the similarity and difference of vowels, for example, ü, üe, un 4. Students start to pronounce the whole syllables, adding tones to it. Tones are the hardest part of Pinyin for American students, because there is no complicated tones in English. 1) Add the four tones to the same syllable and practice it. 2) Compare the four tones to different sounds familiar to the students. 5. Students practice cities’ name by using Pinyin, and try to find the cities and provinces on the map. Shanghai, Hubei, Sichuan, Shenzhen, Shijiazhuang, Xianggang, Taiwan… 6. After students get familiar with the names of provinces and cities on the map, they do a game called Flyswatter to check whether they can identify all the syllables when they listen to and see them. Students are divided into two groups and each student in each group take turns to come to the front to play the game. Teacher or students pronounce the names of cities and provinces, while students playing the game will point out the exact place as soon as they can. Students who find the cities or the provinces first will win one point. The group who get the most points will win the game. Step 4—Reflection What happened during my lesson? What did my students learn? How do I know? What did I learn? How will I improve my lesson next time? (THIS SECTION CAN BE FILLED IN AFTER YOU HAVE CONDUCTED YOUR LESSON AT THE WORKSHOP) 2