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Gebruik de Little Explorers picture dictionary (beeldwoordenboek ) om onderstaande vragen te beantwoorden
die allemaal over australia gaan.. Om het woord op te zoeken klik je op de eerste letter.
Voorbeeld. Wil je weten wat CONTINENT is klik op letter C en dan op Co.
Scroll naar beneden met je muis tot je het woord gevonden hebt.
Vul met potlood het gevonden antwoord op je blaadje in.
Use the Little Explorers picture dictionary to answer the following questions.
1. Is Australia a continent? _______________
2. Is Australia a country? _______________
3. Is Australia an island? _______________
4. What is the capital of Australia? ___________________
5. What are the two oceans that surround Australia? _______________________
and __________________________
6. This Australian animal's name starts with a "B." It is a pouched mammal with a
pointy snout and pointy ears. What is it called? _______________
7. This animal's name starts with a "C." It is a large, flightless bird from Australia. It
has a helmet-like crest on its head. What is it called? _______________
8. This animal's name starts with a "C." It is an Australian bird with a feathery crest
and a hooked bill. What is it called? _______________
9. This animal's name starts with a "D." It is a wild Australian dog. What is it called?
10. This animal's name starts with a "D." This primitive Australian mammal lays eggs
and has a poisonous spike on its leg. What is it called? _______________
11. This Australian animal's name starts with an "E." This primitive, spiny mammal
lays eggs and is also called the spiny anteater. What is it called? _______________
12. This animal's name starts with an "E." It is a large, flightless bird from Australia.
What is it called? _______________
13. This Australian animal's name starts with an "F." This lizard has a large flap of
skin on its neck that it can raise to scare its enemies. What is this animal called?
14. This animal's name starts with a "G." This large, frightening fish is found off the
coast of Australia and other places around the world. What is it called?
15. This Australian animal's name starts with a "K." It is a pouched mammal that hop
and use its muscular tail as a third "leg." What is it called? _______________
16. This Australian animal's name starts with a "K." It is a pouched mammal that
mostly eats eucalyptus leaves. What is it called? _______________
17. This animal's name starts with a "K." It is an Australian bird that sounds like it is
laughing. What is it called? _______________
18. This word starts with an "M." It is the name given to mammals that give birth to
under-developed young; most of them have pouches in which the young live for a
while. What is this word? _______________
19. This animal's name starts with a "N." It is a termite-eating mammal from Australia
that doesn't have a pouch. What is it called? _______________
20. This animal's name starts with a "Q." It is the name of a plant-eating pouched
mammal from Australia. What is it called? _______________
21. This animal's name starts with a "Q." It is the name of a small, meat-eating
pouched mammal from Australia. What is it called? _______________
22. This animal's name starts with an "S." zoek bij Su-Sy This small Australian animal
glides from tree to tree using two flaps of skin between its arms and legs like wings.
What is this animal called? _______________
23. This animal's name starts with a "T." It is a meat-eater that is nocturnal (most
active at night). What is it called? _______________
24. These animals start with a "W." They are similar to kangaroos. What are they
called? _______________
25. This animal's name name starts with a "W." It is a large, burrowing, pouched
mammal from mainland Australia and Tasmania. What is it called?
26. Schrijf hieronder de namen van tenminste 5 andere Engelse woorden die je hebt
gevonden en die met Australië te maken hebben
1. :....................................................=..........................................
2. :.....................................................=..........................................
3. :......................................................=.........................................
4. :.......................................................=........................................
5. :........................................................=.......................................
Klaar? Doe de kruiswoordpuzzel over landen waar ze Engels spreken op
Moeilijk? Klik op HINT en je krijgt de eerste letter cadeau.
Zet de letters in de goede volgorde om de juist landennaam te vinden.
Controleer jezelf door op vakje ANSWER te klikken.
Lees het tekstje over Kids face curfew in Australia op de BBC website
1. Hoe laat moet een kind van 13 thuis zijn? …………………………………..
2. Hoe laat moet een kind van 16 thuis zijn? …………………………………..
3. Wat denkt de politie dat deze kinderen gaan doen? …………………………………………………….
4. Klik op MORE INFO
5. Wat is een curfew? ………………………………………………………………………………………
6. Lees WHAT DO YOU THINK OF CURFEWS? Met welk kind ben je het eens en waarom?
7. Met welk kind ben je het ONEENS en waarom?
afsluiten: klik op het kruis rechtsboven om internet explorer af te sluiten klik linksonder op start en klik op
afmelden. (of afsluiten als er na jullie geen klas meer komt en de PC uit moet)
1. ja
2. ja
3. ja
4. The capital of Australia is Canberra
5. It is surrounded by the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
6. Bandicoots are marsupials with pointy snouts.
7. The Cassowary is a large, flightless bird from Australia
8. Cockatoos are birds that have a large, feathery crest and a hooked bill. They are from Australia
9. The dingo is a wild dog from Australia
10. The Duck-billed Platypus is a primitive mammal from Australia that lays eggs and has a poisonous
spike on its leg.
11. The echidna is a primitive, spiny, egg-laying mammal from Australia
12. The emu is a large Australian bird that cannot fly
13. The Frilled Lizard is a lizard with a huge neck frill that it can raise to scare its enemies.
14. The Great White shark is a large, meat-eating fish.
15. The kangaroo is a pouched mammal that hops and uses its muscular tail as a third leg.
16. The koala is an Australian marsupial (a pouched mammal) that eats mostly eucalyptus leaves.
17. The kookaburra is an Australian bird whose call sounds like laughing.
18. Marsupials are mammals whose young are born very immature.
19. The numbat is a pouchless marsupial from Australia. It eats termites.
20. The Quokka is a plant-eating marsupial from Australia,
21. The Quoll is a cat-sized carnivorous marsupial from the island of Tasmania and mainland Australia.
22. sugar glider This small marsupial (also known as the lesser flying phalanger) glides from tree to tree in
23. Tasmanian devils are nocturnal (most active at night),
24. Wallabies are small to medium-sized marsupials that are similar to kangaroos.
25. The wombat is a large, burrowing marsupial from the islands of Australia