Definiciones de ethics en la web en inglés:

Definiciones de ethics en la web en inglés:
ethical motive: motivation based on ideas of right and wrong
the philosophical study of moral values and rules
Ethics is a philosophical book written by Baruch Spinoza. It was written in Latin.
Although it was published posthumously in 1677, it is his most famous work, and is
considered his magnum opus. (book)
Ethics is a major branch of philosophy, encompasses right conduct and good life. It is
significantly broader than the common conception of analyzing right and wrong. ...
Founded in 1890, is a journal published by the University of Chicago Press which
publishes scholarly work in moral, political, and legal philosophy from a variety of
intellectual perspectives, including social and political theory, law, and economics. ... (journal)
According to the Church of Scientology, "Ethics may be defined as the actions an
individual takes on himself to ensure his continued survival across the dynamics. It is a
personal thing. When one is ethical, it is something he does himself by his own choice." (Scientology)
The study of principles relating to right and wrong conduct; Morality; The standards that
govern the conduct of a person, especially a member of a profession
Rules of behaviour made and accepted by business to provide fair and moral practice.
the principles of conduct governing an individual or group; concerns for what is right or
wrong, good or bad.
The process of determining how one should hold the interests of various stakeholders,
taking into account moral values/principles
Conforming to an accepted standard of human behavior.
the branch of philosophy concerned with evaluating human action. Some distinguish
ethics, what is right or wrong based on reason, from morals, what is considered right or
wrong behavior based on social custom.
The process of determining right and wrong conduct.
the study of right and wrong in conduct.
The branch of philosophy that deals with moral issues. Key questions in ethics include:
What is it right (or wrong) to do? Do the intentions behind an action determine its
goodness or does the actual outcome of the action matter more? Are there any
universal ethical rules?
A science that indicates which response the IS should do to reach its objectives. [More
information on ethics.]
Let a retailer act in a trustworthy, fair, honest, and respectful manner with each of its
and The Cost of Discipleship, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
the principles or assumptions underpinning the way individuals or organisations ought
to conduct themselves.
These sections are small; but specialists will no doubt find in them a number of
interesting codices for collation. The most noteworthy manuscripts are: in ethics, the
unique "Ge' Ḥizzayon" of Abraham b. Jacob, and two copies of a Persian version in
Hebrew characters of Abraham b. ...
the study of the nature of good
The Wiccan Rede, "And it harm none, do what you will," is the central ethical code of
contemporary Paganism. Related to this is the Law of Return, the concept that
whatever you do comes back to you. Pagans seek to live in harmony not only with other
humans but with Nature as a whole. ...
Personal code of conduct based on respect for one's self, others, and your
Study of right and wrong, good and bad, moral judgment, etc.
The study of human values and moral conduct. See also Normative Ethics and
A set of principles and values that govern behavior to accord with a notion of morality.
See especially deontological ethics, teleological ethics and utilitarian ethics, and also
see autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, justice and suffering. ...
Moral framework in Buddhism as per two important kind of literature, Vinaya and Sila.
The first is the rule of conduct for the Samgha while the second is tyhe non codified
general maxims for proper human conduct.
Definitions and Concepts for Ethical Analysis
[Many discussions of ethics and ethical issues founder on disagreements about definitions. Ethics is
unique among disciplines in that practitioners often cannot agree on a common definition of their topic.
Ethics Scoreboard can't solve that problem, which is many centuries old. Here it attempts to put forth
definitions that explain what words mean when they are used on this website.]
Values: Those qualities of behavior, thought, and character that society regards as being intrinsically
good, having desirable results, and worthy of emulation by others.
Morals: Modes of conduct that are taught and accepted as embodying principles of right and good.
Morality: A system of determining right and wrong that is established by some authority, such as a church,
an organization, a society, or a government.
Ethics: The process of determining right and wrong conduct.
Ethical System: A specific formula for distinguishing right from wrong.
Unethical: An action or conduct which violates the principles of one or more ethical systems, or which is
counter to an accepted ethical value, such as honesty.
Non-ethical considerations: Powerful human motivations that are not based on right or wrong, but on
considerations of survival and well-being, such as health, security, love, wealth, or self esteem.
Non-Ethical Considerations: Defined above, non-ethical considerations are important because they are
often the powerful impediments to ethical conduct, and the cause of many conflicts of interest. Non-ethical
considerations are many and diverse, and include:
The need and desire for shelter, health, wealth, fame, security, self-esteem, reputation, power,
professional advancement, comfort, love, sex, praise, credit, appreciation, affection, or
The desire for the health, comfort, safety, welfare and happiness for one's family, loved ones,
friends, colleagues, an co-workers
The pursuit of vengeance or retribution
Hunger, lust, pain, ambition, prejudice, bias, hatred, laziness, fatigue, disgust, anger, fear
· …and many more
Ethical Dilemma: This is an ethical problem in which the ethical choice involves ignoring a powerful nonethical consideration. Do the right thing, but lose your job, a friend, a lover, or an opportunity for
advancement. A non-ethical consideration can be powerful and important enough to justify choosing it over
the strict ethical action.
Ethical Conflict: When two ethical principles demand opposite results in the same situation, this is an
ethical conflict. Solving ethical conflicts may require establishing a hierarchy or priority of ethical principles,
or examining the situation through another ethical system.
Ethical Gray Area: Gray areas are situations and problems that don't fit neatly into any existing mode of
ethical analysis. In some cases, there may even be a dispute regarding whether ethics is involved.
Reciprocity: The ethical system embodied by The Golden Rule, and given slightly different form in other
religions and philosophies. It is a straight-forward way of judging conduct affecting others by putting
oneself in the position of those affected. Reciprocity should always be available in any ethical analysis, but
it is frequently too simple to be helpful in complex ethical situations with multiple competing interests.
Absolutism: Absolutist systems do not permit any exception to certain ethical principles. The champion of
all absolutists, philosopher Emmanuel Kant, declared that the ethical act was one that the doer was willing
to have stand as a universal principle.
One principle of absolutism is that human beings can never be harmed for any objective, no matter how
otherwise worthwhile. Absolutism has the advantage of making tough ethical calls seem easy, and the
disadvantage of making debate impossible. One sees absolutism reflected today in the controversies over
war, torture, abortion, cloning, and capital punishment.
Utilitarianism: Utilitarianism accepts the existence of ethical conflicts and the legitimacy of some ethical
dilemmas, and proposes ethical analysis based on the question, "Which act will result in the greatest good
for the greatest number of people?' It entails the balancing of greater and lesser goods, and is useful for
unraveling complex ethical problems. Its drawback, or trap, is that utilitarianism can slide into "The ends
justify the means" without some application of absolutist and reciprocity principles.
The Gödel Incompleteness Principle: Czech-born mathematician Kurt Gödel proved that at the margins
of any large logical system, such as arithmetic, or conceptual construct, such as Newtonian physics,
problems would arise that could not be solved without going outside the system itself. If the system were
enlarged to include these problems' solution, it would lose its integrity as a system. Hence all systems
must be incomplete. In ethical terms, Gödel's liberating discovery means that no one ethical system will
work for every problem, and that the fact that such a system does not solve a particular problem does not
mean the system is invalid.
Cognitive Dissonance: Cognitive dissonance is a psychological phenomenon first identified by Leon
Festinger. It occurs when there is a discrepancy between what a person believes, knows and values, and
persuasive information that calls these into question. The discrepancy causes psychological discomfort,
and the mind adjusts to reduce the discrepancy. In ethics, cognitive dissonance is important in its ability to
alter values, such as when an admired celebrity embraces behavior that his or her admirers deplore. Their
dissonance will often result in changing their attitudes toward the behavior. Dissonance also leads to
rationalizations of unethical conduct, as when the appeal and potential benefits of a large amount of
money makes unethical actions to acquire it seem less objectionable than if they were applied to smaller