Module Theme: Infectious Disease Rabies Webquest

Module Theme: Infectious Disease
Rabies Webquest
Student Name: ___________________________
Teacher: ________________________________
Date: ___________ Period: _________________
Rabies Webquest Activity
1. Work in a group created by your teacher
2. Take notes on each web site, book, magazine, or other resource that you use.
Be sure to focus on the information you need for this assignment.
3. Answer the following questions as a group. Write the answers on page of
notebook paper. Use complete sentences when writing your answers.
 Why does your community need to develop an action plan right
 What species of animals interact in this ecosystem and need to be
considered? Why?
 What preventive measures can private citizens in your area take?
 What preventive measures can your local government take? Which of
these should be given the highest priority? Why?
4. For each recommendation, identify your information sources.
© Partnership for Environmental Education and Rural Health (
College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University
Funding support from SEPA (, National Center for Research Resources, National Institutes of Health
Resource Websites:
You will create a Power Point Presentation outlining your recommendations that could be
presented at a City Council Meeting.
You will need to create one Power Point slide per question that you answered. Each slide will
need to include a graphic or picture that pertains to that slide. A title slide with at least one
graphic or picture should also be included.
© Partnership for Environmental Education and Rural Health (
College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University
Funding support from SEPA (, National Center for Research Resources, National Institutes of Health
Points Possible
Slide One:
Title Slide
 Includes Title of Report
 Includes Names of group members
 Includes class period
 Includes at least one graphic or picture
_______/20 pts
Slide Two:
_______/20 pts
Why does your community need to develop an action plan right away?
 Includes answer to the question
 Includes one graphic or picture
 Includes reference for resource materials
Slide Three:
What species of animals interact in the ecosystem and need to be considered? Why?
_______/20 pts
 Includes answer to the question
 Includes one graphic or picture
 Includes reference for resource materials
Slide Four:
What preventive measures can private citizens in your area take?
 Includes answer to the question
 Includes one graphic or picture
 Includes reference for resource materials
Slide Five:
What preventive measures can your local government take?
Which of these should be given the highest priority? Why?
 Includes answer to the question
 Includes one graphic or picture
 Includes reference for resource materials
_______/20 pts
_______/20 pts
Total Points: ________
© Partnership for Environmental Education and Rural Health (
College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University
Funding support from SEPA (, National Center for Research Resources, National Institutes of Health