Wildlife Option Coursework Requirements - 2005-2007 Catalog 39 Total Credits Required Courses A ECL 371 A ECL 451 BIOL 313/GEN 320 BIOL 366 MATH 160, 165, or 181 17 credits Ecological Methods and Analyses Wildlife Management Principles of Genetics Plant Systematics Calculus Elective Restricted Electives Zoology A ECL 515 A ECL 531 A ECL 551 BIOL 315 BIOL 354/354L EEOB 507 ENT 370 Wildlife Biology A ECL 362 A ECL 363 A ECL 364 Policy, Administration and Law C R P 491 ENV S 293 ENV S 482 NREM 385/585 NREM 450X NREM 532 Botany AGRON 317 BIOL 355 BIOL 356 BIOL 454 BIOL 456 BIOL 474 EEOB 564 Additional Restricted Electives: A ECL/ENT 425 A ECL 455 BIOL 381 BIOL 472 NREM 301 AGRON 154 AGRON 260 AGRON 334 AST 324 AST 425 ECON 380 ENSCI 408 FOR 302 FOR 454 FOR 460 NREM 345 NREM 390 NREM 407/ENV S 407 NREM 446 NREM 460 NREM 465 A minimum of 22 credits Select 6 credits from list below: Ecology of Freshwater Invertebrates Conservation Biology Wildlife Behavioral Ecology Biological Evolution Animal Behavior/Lab in Animal Behavior Advanced Animal Behavior Insect Biology Select 2 credits from list below: Natural History of Reptiles & Amphibians Natural History of Birds Natural History of Mammals Select 6 credits from list below: Environmental Law & Planning Environmental Planning Environmental Politics & Policies Natural Resource Policy History of Wildlife Conservation Human Dimensions of Natural Resource Management Select 5 credits from list below: Principles of Weed Science Plants and People Dendrology Plant Anatomy Principles of Mycology Plant Ecology Wetland Ecology If needed, select additional credits from list below: Aquatic Insects International Wildlife Issues Environmental Systems Community Ecology Forest Ecology & Soils Fundamentals of Soil Science Soils and Environmental Quality Forage Crop Management Soil & Water Conservation Management Impacts of Agriculture on Water Quality Environmental and Resource Economics GIS & Natural Resources Management Silviculture Forest Practicum Agroforestry Systems Nat. Res. Photogrammetry & GIS Fire Ecology & Management Watershed Management Integrating GPS & GIS for Nat. Res. Management Controversies in Renewable Resource Management Landscape Change & Conservation 3 cr 3 cr 3 cr 4 cr 4 cr 3 cr 3 cr 3 cr 3 cr 3-4 cr 3 cr 3 cr 1 cr 1 cr 1 cr 3 cr 3 cr 3 cr 3 cr 3 cr 3 cr 3 cr 3 cr 4 cr 4 cr 3 cr 3 cr 3 cr 3 cr 3 cr 4 cr 3 cr 4 cr 3 cr 3 cr 3 cr 3 cr 2 cr 3 cr 3 cr 3 cr 3 cr 3 cr 2-3 cr 3 cr 4 cr 3 cr 3 cr 3 cr Suggested Sequence of Courses Wildlife Option* Freshman Year Biol 211 Biol 211L NREM 110 Engl 104 Math 140 Chem 163 Chem 163L Principles of Biology Prin. of Biology Lab. Orientation in NREM Composition I College Algebra** General Chemistry General Chemistry Lab. 3 1 R 3 3 4 1 15 Biol 212 Biol 212L NREM 120 Engl 105 Math 142 Chem 164 Lib 160 Principles of Biology Prin. of Biology Lab. Intro. Renew. Resources Composition II Trig. & Analytic Geom.** General Chemistry Library Instruction 3 1 3 3 3 3 .5 16.5 Sophomore Year A Ecl 365 Vertebrate Biology NREM 211 Careers in Nat. Res A Ecl 312 Ecology Math Calculus Elective Ethics/Humanities/Social Science Elective 4 1 4 4 3 16 Chem 231 Elem. Organic Chem. Chem 231L Lab. Organic Chem. Stat 101/104 Statistics Sp Cm 212 Fund. of Public Speaking Communications Elective Ethics/Humanities/Social Science Elective 3 1 3-4 3 3 3 16-17 Junior Year*** Phys 106 Physics Common Exper. Biol 313/Gen 320 Restricted Electives Ethics/Humanities/Social Science Elective 4 3 6-8 3 16-18 A Ecl 371 Ecological Methods Communications Elective Restricted Elective Ethics/Humanities/Social Science Elective Biol 366 Plant Systematics 3 3 3-4 3 4 16-17 Senior Year*** A Ecl 451 Wildlife Management Restricted Elective Wildlife Biology Elective Ethics/Humanities/Social Science Elective Free Elective(s) 3 3-4 1 3 4-7 14-18 Restricted Electives Free Elective Wildlife Biology Elective 9-11 3-4 1 13-16 * To complete degree program in 4 years students must maintain an average of 16 credits per semester. ** Math 149 (Precalculus Mathematics) may be substituted for Math 140 and142, providing ISU Math placement guidelines are met. *** In scheduling coursework, students should pay particular attention to courses with limited offerings (e.g., offered only on alternate years) and to course sequences (i.e., where a course serves as a prerequisite for another course). It is critical that students take A ECL 371 spring semester of the junior year and A ECL 451 fall semester of the senior year. Revised 05/05