Clinical Laboratory Science Program Selection into Clinical Year Reference Form To the Applicant: Complete the upper portion of this form and send it to the person who has agreed to provide evaluation. Student name and address ----------------APPLICANT MUST NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE ---------------To the Evaluator: The student named above is applying for selection into the clinical year of the Clinical Laboratory Sciences Program at The University of West Florida. Your evaluation of the applicant will assist the Selection Committee in identifying students who are qualified to complete the Clinical Laboratory Sciences Program. Under Florida law, this reference form will become part of the student's application and must be made available to the student, parent or guardian upon request. Your assistance with this important process is greatly appreciated. Please complete your evaluation by February 21 (alternately June 17 ) and submit it to 1. How long, how well and in what capacity have you known the applicant? 2. Please indicate, if applicable, the class rank of the applicant: 3. Are there any special reasons why you think the applicant would be a good Clinical Laboratory Scientist? If so, explain. 1 4. Please highlight one box in each row which most accurately describes your evaluation of the applicant according to the attributes listed in the left column. I. Industry: Willingness to work II. Thoroughness: Accuracy, carefulness, exactness Lazy, little or no effort III. Manual dexterity: Ability to perform manual techniques Very awkward, unable to perform manual techniques satisfactorily No initiative, seldom originates any work, follows others IV. Initiative, intellectual curiosity, originality, willingness to attempt new ideas V. Reliability: dependability, honesty, responsibility VI. Cooperation: ability to work with others, adaptable, tactful, agreeable VII. Communication skills: Ability to transmit knowledge orally and in writing VIII. Emotional Control: poise, moodiness, temperament, timidity, emotionalism IX. Intellectual capacity: Intelligence, natural ability to succeed in academic effort X. Prospect as Clinical Laboratory student XI. Recommendation Careless, work always incomplete Often unreliable, irresponsible Disagreeable, antagonistic, unable to work with others Ineffective, unable to transmit information Very poor control of emotion, little self confidence Very slow to learn Should not attempt Clinical LabSciences Program Not recommended Seldom completes required work Work sometimes completed, usually inaccurate and carelessly done Awkward, able to perform manual techniques satisfactorily with extra practice Sometimes shows initiative and willingness to attempt new ideas Ordinarily does required work Unable to evaluate Work generally completed, reasonably accurate Works regularly, occasionally does extra work Careful work, accurate, completed on time Performs manual techniques well, occasional problem Performs manual techniques exceptionally well Unable to evaluate Often initiates new ideas and projects Marked ability to think, plan out, carry out new ideas/projects Unable to evaluate Varies, sometimes unreliable, irresponsible Slow to respond, unwilling to help, but improve with mentoring Frequent difficulty transmitting information Has to be prompted, reliable on most occasions Tends to be agreeable and willing to help Very reliable and responsible Unable to evaluate Does well in team work, agreeable Unable to evaluate Adequate, usually able to transmit information Effective, no difficulty transmitting information Unable to evaluate Moderately well balanced, occasionally loses self control, moderate self confidence Needs to make extra effort to keep up Well balanced, poised, good control of emotions, usually confident Unusual poise and self confidence Unable to evaluate Average intelligence Above average intelligence, quick to grasp subject Unable to evaluate Will have some difficulty Should have average success Should do well, above average Unable to evaluate Recommended with reservations Recommended Strongly recommended Unable to evaluate Unable to evaluate 2 5. Do you know of any circumstances which would make it inadvisable for the applicant to enter the field of clinical laboratory science? If yes, please explain. 6. Additional comments: Please provide the following information about yourself. Name Title Institution Address Phone email _____________________________________ Signature * __________________________ Date *Electronic signature is accepted when document is emailed as an attachment from an official email address. 3