01.C.D.294 THE FIFE COUNCIL – CENTRAL AREA DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE - KIRKCALDY. 15th May, 2001 10.30 a.m. - 10.55 a.m. PRESENT: Councillors W. Aitken (Chair), D. J. Alexander, G. A. Allan, W. Brand, J. B. Farmer, F. Grant, W. Kay, G. Leslie, J. W. MacDougall, D. Rougvie, A. M. Thomson and A. M. Watters. ATTENDING: Team Leader, Development Control, Team Leader, Plans, Policy and Implementation, Team Leader, Transportation, P. Milne, Roads Area Engineer, Solicitor, M. McLean and Committee Administrator, E. Cowan. APOLOGIES: Councillors I. Beveridge, M. F. Coyne, A. Paterson and A. W. Patey. MINUTES 322. MINUTE OF PREVIOUS MEETING The Minute of the Central Area Development Committee held on 17th April, 2001 was submitted. Decision The Committee accepted the Minute as a correct record. BUILDING CONTROL 323. BUILDING WARRANTS GRANTED UNDER DELEGATED POWERS The Committee considered list of Building Warrants approved under delegated powers during the period 6th April to 2nd May, 2001. Decision The Committee noted the list of applications. ROADS AND TRANSPORTATION 324. CONSTRUCTION CONSENTS The Committee considered report dated 4th May, 2001 by the Roads Construction Consent Team Leader (Report No. 865) advising of an application for construction consent received since 17th April, 2001 and an application which had recently been approved under delegated powers. Decision The Committee noted the report. PLANNING 325. KIRKCALDY AREA LOCAL PLAN - The Committee considered report dated 1st May, 2001 by the Area Planning Manager (Report No. 866) advising of proposed responses to representations made to the Kirkcaldy Area Consultative Local Plan. The Team Leader, Plans, Policy and Implementation, expanded upon the report and recommended that three changes to the responses contained in the appendix attached to the report be made as follows:(i)/ 01.C.D.295 (i) Section D: Transport (Ref. No. 29) - Retain principle of proposed relief road from Burntisland Port, however, clarify that this does not imply a commitment for this development. (ii) Section F: Community Facilities (Ref. No. 41) - Possibility of Community facility incorporated within the proposed Primary School at Chapel. (iii) Section F: Community Facilities (Ref. No. 42, first paragraph) - This is not a Local Plan issue. Decision Following discussion, the Committee (i) approved the proposed responses to the representations made to the Draft Kirkcaldy Area Local Plan with the amendments as indicated above and (ii) agreed that the Finalised Plan be presented to Committee for consideration at its meeting on 12th June,2001. 326. SITE VISITS The Committee considered report dated 18th April, 2001 by the Area Law and Administration Manager (Report No. 867) advising of site visits carried out by the Committee on 17th April, 2001. Decision The report was noted. 327. PLANNING APPLICATIONS APPROVED UNDER DELEGATED POWERS The Committee considered list of planning applications which had been approved by the Area Planning Manager in exercise of delegated powers during the period 2nd to 27th April, 2001. Decision The report was noted. 328. PLANNING APPLICATIONS FOR DETERMINATION The Committee considered applications for planning permission under the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 as detailed in Report No. 868. Decision The Committee determined the applications as follows: REFERENCE: 01/00450/CFULL SITE ADDRESS: Housing Site, Glovers Court, Kinghorn. PROPOSAL : Erection of 2 dwellinghouses. APPLICANT: Paul Dow Joinery, 69 Cromwell Road, Burntisland. DECISION: Approved subject to the conditions recommended for this application in Report No. 868. REFERENCE: 00/03040/COPP/ 01.C.D.296 REFERENCE: 00/03040/COPP SITE ADDRESS: Housing Site, The Henge, Glenrothes. PROPOSAL : Outline planning permission for 10 residential plots, formation of new road and erection of boundary fence on vacant land. APPLICANT: Sneddon Developments (Fife) Ltd., 35 Peploe Drive, Pitcairn, Glenrothes. DECISION: Refused for the reasons recommended for this application in Report No. 868. REFERENCE: 00/03465/CFULL SITE ADDRESS: Retail Store, Flemington Road, Queensway Industrial Estate, Glenrothes. PROPOSAL : Erection of building for retail (Class I) and assembly and leisure (Class II) uses and associated engineering works. APPLICANT: County Properties Ltd., 56 George Street, Edinburgh. DECISION: Continued at the request of the applicant. REFERENCE: 01/00187/CFULL SITE ADDRESS: Housing Site, Cadham Road, Glenrothes. PROPOSAL : Erection of 139 dwellinghouses and domestic garages, formation of 11 residential plots, formation of access roads and formation of play area. APPLICANT: Abbotshall Homes Ltd., 5 Oswald Court, Kirkcaldy. DECISION: Approved subject to the conditions recommended for this application in Report No. 868 with the undernoted amended Condtion 26. Condition 26 A footway 2 metres wide shall be provided along the south edge of the carriageway of Cadham Road to the west of the site to finish adjacent to and across the road from the existing footpath on the north side of the carriageway in accordance with the current Fife Council Roads and Transportation Development Guidelines. REFERENCE: 01/00205/CFULL/ 01.C.D.297 REFERENCE: 01/00205/CFULL SITE ADDRESS: East Fife Football Club, Harbour View, Methil Docks, Methil. PROPOSAL : Use of car park for the purposes of an open air retail market. APPLICANT: Kirkcaldy Indoor Market, 234-242 High Street, Kirkcaldy. DECISION: Continued to enable the Committee to visit the site. (Additional objection lodged - Report No. 879). REFERENCE: 01/00306/CFULL SITE ADDRESS: Glendaruel, Star, Glenrothes. PROPOSAL : Change of use from agricultural land to form private garden ground. APPLICANT: Dr. and Mrs N. C. Hyndman, Glendaruel, East End, Star. DECISION: Approved subject to the conditions recommended for this application in Report No. 868. REFERENCE: 01/00492/CLBC SITE ADDRESS: Thornton Parish Church, Station Road, Thornton. PROPOSAL : Listed Building Consent for demolition of listed building. APPLICANT: Mr. J. Blyth per Design 29, 29 St. Clair Street, Kirkcaldy. DECISION: The Committee (i) approved the application subject to the conditions recommended in Report No. 868 and (ii) noted that the application would require to be referred to Historic Scotland. REFERENCE: 01/00576/CFULL SITE ADDRESS: Woodbank Opencast Coal Site, Woodbank Farm, Windygates. PROPOSAL : Excavation of coal by opencast mining and rehabilitation of unrestored land. APPLICANT: I. & H. Brown Limited, P.O. Box 51, Dunkeld Road, Perth. DECISION: Approved subject to the conditions recommended for this application in Report No. 868. REFERENCE: 01/00604/CFULL/ 01.C.D.298 REFERENCE: 01/00604/CFULL SITE ADDRESS: Plot 2, Baintown, Leven. PROPOSAL : Erection of dwellinghouse and double domestic garage. APPLICANT: Mr. and Mrs J. Paragreen, c/o Fraser W. Smart, Architect, A1, West Burnmill. DECISION: Approved subject to the conditions recommended for this application in Report No. 868. REFERENCE: 01/00607/CFULL SITE ADDRESS: Housing Site, The Henge, Glenrothes. PROPOSAL : Erection of 8 dwellinghouses and domestic garages and formation of associated access road. APPLICANT: Sneddon Developments (Fife) Ltd., 35 Peploe Drive, Pitcairn, Glenrothes. DECISION: The Committee (i) approved the application subject to the conditions recommended in Report No. 868 and (ii) noted it would be referred, if necessary, to the Scottish Executive in terms of the Town and Country Planning (Notification of Applications) (Scotland) Direction 1997 for final approval. REFERENCE: 01/00640/COPP SITE ADDRESS: Plot 1, Fleming Way, Burntisland. PROPOSAL : Outline planning permission for erection of a single storey dwellinghouse and associated access road. APPLICANT: Better Building Ltd., P.O. Box 14303, Burntisland. DECISION: Noted that the application had been withdrawn. REFERENCE: 01/00651/CFULL SITE ADDRESS: Linnwood Hall, Leven. PROPOSAL : Change of use and alterations to residential institution (Class 8) to form 9 flats, demolition of 2 dwellinghouses, change of use of stable building and gatehouse to form 3 dwellings, erection of 24 dwellinghouses and associated car parking. APPLICANT: Persimmon City Developments, 95 Morrison Street, Glasgow. DECISION:/ 01.C.D.299 DECISION: The Committee (i) approved the application subject to the conditions recommended in Report No. 868 and also subject to the applicant entering into an Agreement under Section 75 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 and (ii) noted that the application would require to be referred to the Scottish Executive in terms of the Town and Country Planning (Notification of Applications) (Scotland) Direction 1997 for final approval. REFERENCE: 01/00653/CLBC SITE ADDRESS: Linnwood Hall, Leven. PROPOSAL : Listed Building Consent for alterations to listed buildings including installation of replacement windows, extensions and internal alterations. APPLICANT: Persimmon City Developments Ltd., 95 Morrison Street, Glasgow. DECISION: The Committee (i) approved the application subject to the conditions recommended in Report No. 868 and (ii) noted that the application would require to be referred to Historic Scotland. REFERENCE: 01/00690/CFULL SITE ADDRESS: Plot 75, Foresters Grove, Glenrothes. PROPOSAL : Erection of 2 storey dwellinghouse with integral double domestic garage. APPLICANT: Mr. and Mrs Davidson, 2 Townsend Place, Kirkcaldy. DECISION: Approved subject to the conditions recommended for this application in Report No. 868. REFERENCE: 01/00700/CCLE SITE ADDRESS: 72 Lady Nina Square, Coaltown of Balgonie, Glenrothes. PROPOSAL : Certificate of Lawfulness for the operation of a private hire taxi business. APPLICANT: Thomas H. Clunie, 72 Lady Nina Square, Coaltown of Balgonie, Glenrothes. DECISION: Approved the application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for the operation of a private hire taxi business. REFERENCE: 01/00736/CFULL/ 01.C.D.300 REFERENCE: 01/00736/CFULL SITE ADDRESS: 3 Scott Path, Glenrothes. PROPOSAL : Porch extension to flat. APPLICANT: Mr. S. Dodd, 3 Scott Path, Glenrothes. DECISION: Approved subject to the conditions recommended for this application in Report No. 868. REFERENCE: 01/00744/CFULL SITE ADDRESS: 4 Glen Roy Place, Kirkcaldy. PROPOSAL : Installation of decking (in retrospect) APPLICANT: Mr. Brian Greer, 4 Glen Roy Place, Kirkcaldy. DECISION: Approved subject to the conditions recommended for this application in Report No. 868. REFERENCE: 01/00890/CFULL SITE ADDRESS: 8 Braeview Place, Star, Glenrothes. PROPOSAL : Extension to form first floor accommodation. APPLICANT: Mr. and Mrs G. Wallace, 8 Braeview Place, Star, Glenrothes. DECISION: Approved subject to the conditions recommended for this application in Report No. 868.