Fellowship Application Form 2015

children and young adults with crohns and colitis
Parkgate House, 356 West Barnes Lane,
Motspur Park, Surrey KT3 6NB
Tel: 020 8949 6209
website: www.cicra.org
e-mail: support@cicra.org
Reg.Charity Nos 278212 & SC040700
Paediatric Gastroenterology Research Fellowship
Guidance Notes
Applications are invited from Paediatric Gastroenterology Units in the UK with suitable facilities
for clinical and scientific research to carry out the training and supervision of a named Research
Fellow in Paediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis).
An honorary contract from the local Health Authority or Trust will be required for the clinical
aspect of the Fellowship.
The supervisor and/or Head of Department should submit the application including full details of
the proposed project and clinical training. CICRA will award the Fellowship to the application in
which the highest quality research is effectively integrated with state of the art clinical training in
paediatric IBD. This Fellowship offers a paediatrician in training the opportunity to develop an
academic interest in IBD and obtain a higher degree, while developing clinical skills that will
support the management of children with IBD in the future.
Applications should be made by the proposed Supervisor and/or Head of Department and
sent electronically to applications@cicra.org by 12 noon Friday 16th October 2015.
All pages of the application must be collated as one PDF document and clearly titled with the
applicants name and institution. Receipt of applications will be acknowledged, but if the
application is not in the correct format it will not be considered for funding.
CICRA will award funding for either a two or three-year term and salary will be according to the
appropriate NHS scale. The grade will be as a Specialist Registrar (Sp.R) and will be
dependent on the appointee’s previous position. National increments, NIC and superannuation
will be paid by CICRA. An additional small grant for consumables may be considered at the
discretion of the CICRA trustees.
All applications will undergo independent peer review. Shortlisted Fellowship candidates will be
invited to an interview in London.
Not more than one CICRA Research Fellowship can be held by an institution at any one time.
Any queries relating to the submission of an application must be referred in the first instance to
the CICRA Grants Administrator at the above address who will liaise with the CICRA Trustee(s).
responsible for grants. Applicants must not contact a member of the CICRA Awards Advisory
Panel to discuss any aspect of an application or the decision reached.
CICRA Research Fellowship Sept 2013
children and young adults with crohns and colitis
Parkgate House, 356 West Barnes Lane,
Motspur Park, Surrey KT3 6NB
Tel: 020 8949 6209
website: www.cicra.org
e-mail: support@cicra.org
Reg.Charity Nos 278212 & SC040700
Conditions of Acceptance
In accordance with the Charity Commission’s and principles governing the funding of medical
research by charities, grants made by CICRA are conditional upon the following:
An annual report on both the clinical and scientific aspects of the project will be required
by CICRA from the Supervisor. Once the Fellowship project has been concluded, a
comprehensive report summarising all aspects of the Fellowship must be submitted to
CICRA for their Trustees and medical advisors.
One short report per year (300 – 500 words) in lay language, will be required for
inclusion in the annual CICRA Newsletter.
Once the Fellowship has been concluded and a degree awarded, a comprehensive
report summarising all aspects of the research must be submitted to CICRA and its
medical advisors (maximum 1000 words). A bound copy of any thesis must also be
forwarded to CICRA.
The Fellow and/or Supervisor may be asked to attend the CICRA annual meeting to give
a short presentation on the project.
Any papers published as a result of the Fellowship must acknowledge the support of
Crohns in Childhood Research Association. Copies of published papers resulting
from the Fellowship must be sent to the CICRA office soon after publication. Any media
interest resulting from the project and its conclusions should be discussed in advance
with CICRA and CICRA’s role should be included in any resultant media contact.
CICRA accepts that Intellectual Property Rights are held by the Institution carrying out
the research. However, if the research is funded solely by CICRA, there is an
expectation that some of the financial benefit of any commercial proceeds would be
shared with CICRA, who must be kept informed.
Upon granting the award Full Terms & Conditions will be sent and must be signed by all
concerned. Please note that failure to fulfil these grant conditions may result in immediate
termination of the grant and/or jeopardise future grant applications.
CICRA Research Fellowship Sept 2013
children and young adults with crohns and colitis
Parkgate House, 356 West Barnes Lane,
Motspur Park, Surrey KT3 6NB
Tel: 020 8949 6209
website: www.cicra.org
e-mail: support@cicra.org
Reg.Charity Nos 278212 & SC040700
Application Form
A. Proposed Project Background
A1. Title of proposed project
A2. Brief summary of project in lay terms (maximum of 150 words)
A3.Has this project been submitted elsewhere/previously for funding?
Yes / No (circle as appropriate). If yes, give decision or likely outcome date
A4. Please attach a detailed description of the project and should cover the following areas:
Background to the proposal
the work to be undertaken, including the hypothesis behind the study,
a brief description of the methods to be employed e.g. study design,
patient/sample numbers and analysis
anticipated project ‘milestones’ (simple flow diagram can be used)
CICRA Research Fellowship Sept 2013
description of the project
description of how the project will significantly advance the body of knowledge of
inflammatory bowel disease, particularly but not exclusively as it affects children and
young adults
list of appropriate references
Ideally this section should be no more than 3 sides of A4 in length, using 1.5 line
spacing and 11 point arial type
B. Proposed Research Fellow – background
B1.Full name including title
B2. Date and place of Birth
B3. Address for correspondence (incl. daytime and home telephone numbers and e-mail)
B4. Professional Qualifications with dates (most recent first)
B5. Prizes and Awards
B6. Publications
B7. Present Position
B8. Career to date
B9. Names and addresses of two professional referees (not connected with project)
CICRA Research Fellowship Sept 2013
C. Sponsoring Institution /Unit background
C1. Name and address of Institution/Department (incl. telephone/fax and email)
C2. Name of Head of Department
C3. Prospective Supervisor
Date of Birth:
Degrees and Diplomas (subject, class, university and dates):
Current post:
Date from:
Title of post:
Principal employer:
Previous Posts held (with dates please list no more than 3 with most recent first):
Recent Grant awards:
Most recent relevant publications (please list no more than 5 and give citation in full):
Relevant Training:
C4. Name, address and details of Clinical Supervisor/Co Applicant
CICRA Research Fellowship Sept 2013
Date of Birth:
Degrees and Diplomas (subject, class, university and dates):
Current post:
Date from:
Title of post:
Principal employer:
Previous Posts held (with dates please list no more than 3 with most recent first):
Recent Grant awards:
Most recent relevant publications (please list no more than 5 and give citation in full):
Relevant Training:
Note: Please Copy/Paste headers from A4 if further Co-applicants and reference as A4a,
et seq
C5. Details of Fellowship Training Programme
Proposed clinical and research training programme (incl. % time in each)
CICRA Research Fellowship Sept 2013
Details of supervision and mentoring arrangements
Full details of clinical and research facilities to be made available
Other training opportunities (including generic and transferable skills)
C6. Previous competitively awarded training fellowships (last 5 years)
C7. Previous experience in paediatric IBD research
C8. Grant details
i) Period for which support sought:
ii) Proposed starting date:
D. Ethical & Regulatory Considerations
D1.. Will the proposed project involve patients/human?
subjects OR patient material/samples?
If Yes, how many patients/subjects will be involved in total?
CICRA Research Fellowship Sept 2013
Please give status of ethical committee approval (ring where appropriate):
Please attach written approval as granted by your Ethics Committee (see note below)
If approval UNNECESSARY, please state why:
Please note that:
If ethics approval is pending at the time of application, funding (although not an award decision
in principle) remains conditional on this being secured and CICRA will not award any Fellowship
until the Trustees are in receipt of a copy of the full transcript of the relevant ethics committees’
written confirmation of approval.
D2. Experiments involving animals
Will the proposed project involve the use of animals?
Does your proposal involve the use of animal tissue?
Do your proposals include procedures to be carried out
on animals in the UK which will require a Home Office
Licence ?
Do your proposals involve the use of animals or animal
tissue outside of the UK?
If Yes to D2 questions above, have personal
and project licences been granted by the Home Office? .
If Yes, please enter licence details here:
If No, please indicate when this is to happen and submit licence details to CICRA.
If animal species to be used: please indicate which species from: Cat, Dogs, Horses and
non-human Primates, Genetically altered animals, and for any other animal(s).
Please indicate here: ……………………………………
Explain why the use of animal(s) is necessary and whether there are other possible
approaches; please include severity of procedures to be used.
A brief justification (attach one size A4 maximum) must be provided outlining the type and
numbers of animals to be used, the source of animals and how they will be transported and
maintained, and evidence that the species chosen is appropriate and that the minimum
number used will give statistically valid results.
Please note that :
CICRA Research Fellowship Sept 2013
a) Licence details must be sent to CICRA before successful applicant’s Institution receives the
CICRA funding.
b) In some cases CICRA may need to seek additional animal related information
from the applicant.
c) CICRA funded research should conform to the 3Rs principles and the National Centre for
Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research ( NC3Rs) Guidelines.
D3. Does the project involve any experiments with genetically
modified organisms or does it involve the use of genetic
manipulation techniques? (If yes, please explain)
D4. Is the proposed research likely to lead to patentable or
commercially exploitable results?
We have read the CICRA Research Training Fellowship application criteria and in the event of a
grant being awarded agree to abide by them and any amendments that may subsequently be
issued. I/we shall be actively engaged in, and in day-to-day control of, the project. CICRA will
be informed as soon as I/we hear the outcome of any other applications for funding for the
proposed project and/or any significant changes to this proposal.
Contact telephone/extension number of
Project Supervisor (Direct Line, if possible) ……..…………………………………
To be signed by:
Name in block
This application should be submitted by/through i) the Head of Department and ii) the officer
who will be responsible for administering any grant that might be awarded. Each should sign
the following declaration:
I confirm that I have read this application and criteria governing the award of a CICRA Research
Training Fellowship and that, if granted, the work will be accommodated and administered in the
(i) Signature of Head of Department
(ii) Signature of Administrative Authority
Director/Finance Officer/Bursar
Registrar/Secretary (delete as appropriate):
CICRA Research Fellowship Sept 2013
Full Name of Above (printed)
Full Name of Above (printed)
Institution Address
Institution Address, telephone number,
and fax number (of department)
CICRA Research Fellowship Sept 2013