The temperature of the disc of gas that spirals into a black hole can

Probe Result
First on the Scene!
Probe Result
The Hole Truth!
Our probe is the first to reach the Our probe flew over the disc,
back and we can see the black hole at
pictures, but the probe reports the center. The black hole looks
that it can’t see a black hole. like a ball, but our probe says it
We think the black hole is hiding is a real hole in space!
in the middle of that swirling disc
of gas.
Probe Result
Heavyweight Champion!
Probe Result
Birth Announcement!
Our probe has just weighed the Our probe confirms that this
black hole. It has calculated that black hole is all that is left of a
the black hole has more mass giant star that died in a huge
than our Sun but squeezed into explosion called a supernova.
a much smaller volume.
Probe Result
The Big Squeeze!
Probe Result
Ghost Story!
Our probe found out that the Our probe discovers that the
black hole is very very dense - black hole isn’t a solid object. It
as dense as if the whole Earth is like the ghost of a star, made
were squeezed down to the size of nothing but gravity!
of a marble!
Probe Result
No Way Out!
Probe Result
Warps and All!
Our probe says it doesn’t want to Our
fall into the black hole, because galaxies wherever it looks in
once inside, nothing, not even space. But when the black hole
light, can get back out!
moves in front of them, they all
look weird and twisted!
Probe Result
Time flies. Not!
Probe Result
Pasta La Vista, Baby!
The closer to the black hole the Our space probe refuses to fly
probe gets, the slower its clock into the black hole.
ticks. The probe says the clock complaining
It is
batteries are okay, therefore stretching and squeezing and
time itself must be slowing down says the worst is yet to come!
near the black hole.
Probe Result
If you can’t take the heat…
Probe Result
Missing in Action!
Our probe took a dive into the Our probe detected powerful
hot gas spiraling around the magnetic fields around the black
black hole, but the gas was just hole. We sent it down for a
too hot. Our probe got fried by x- closer look, but it blew up!
Probe Result
Let’s Jet!
Probe Result
The Smoking Gun!
Our probe has discovered a Our probe examines the gas
powerful jet of gas shooting feeding the black hole. Without
away from the black hole at the gas, there would be no
almost the speed of light!
It glowing disc, nor any jets. The
suspects there is another jet just black hole would have been
like this one on the other side.
Probe Result
Guess who’s coming to dinner?
almost undetectable!
Probe Result
One Way Street!
Our probe just saw the black Our probe thinks this black hole
hole eat a star! The star got too may be a gateway, or wormhole,
close and the gravity of the black into another part of our universe,
hole tore the star apart. This is or even to a different universe
not a safe place to be!
altogether. It says we can risk
the journey, if we don’t mind it
being torn, melted, irradiated
and squashed out of existence.
Probe Result
One in a Million!
Probe Result
Million Solar Baby!
Our probe says that this is only Our probe says the black hole
one of a dozen black holes to be we’re orbiting is just like most of
discovered in our galaxy, but the other black holes in the
there may be another million universe, but if we want to see
waiting to be found, so we need something really impressive, we
to hurry up!
should take a look at the giant
black hole at the center of our
Probe Result
X marks the spot!
Probe Result
The More the Merrier!
Our probe turned its attention to Our probe is comparing the
the giant black hole at the center black holes in our galaxy to the
of the galaxy. It couldn’t see the black holes in other galaxies. It
black hole, but it did notice lots seems normal for a galaxy to
of stars swarming around the have many small black holes
spot where the black hole is scattered throughout them, as
well as a monster black hole at
the center.