Child Study/RTI Problem Solving Team Student Referral Whitesville Central School Referral Information Student: DOB: Grade: Home: Parent: Work: Classroom Teacher: Referral Date: Referring Person: I. Parent Contact Have you explained the concern in detail to the parents? a. If not, please do so before completing this form b. If you have, what was the parents’ response to this concern? Please describe below. c. Prior to the CST meeting, the referring teacher MUST conduct the parent interview via telephone. This will continue to help build the parent/school relationship and gain additional parent support. Parent Interview forms can be obtained from the office. II. Social Is the concern social? If so, have you contacted the school counselor? a. If not, please do so before continuing with this form? b. If you have, what interventions were tried and how successful were they? Child Study/RTI Problem Solving Team Student Referral Whitesville Central School III. Strengths Please list the student’s strengths: IV. Areas of Concern Please circle the area of concern and check any specifics that apply: Reading: Writing: Math: Behavior: ___Phonemic Awareness ___ Sentence Structure ___Number and Numeration ___ Distractibility ___ Hyperactivity ___Phonics ___ Topic Focus ___Operations ___Comprehension ___ Paragraph Structure ___Measurement ___ Peer Relationships ___Patterns/Functions ___ Emotionality ___ Essay Structure ___Estimation/Prediction ___ Off-Task Behavior ___ Organization ___Problem Solving ___ Organization ___ Sequencing of Thought ___Modeling/Multiple Representation (charts, graphs) ___ Avoidance ___Fluency ___ Grammar ___Vocabulary ___ Main Idea/Supporting Details ___ Aggression ___ Bullying ___ Attention (lack of/seeking) ___ Motivation ___ Defiance/ Noncompliance Child Study/RTI Problem Solving Team Student Referral Whitesville Central School V. Concern Please describe the exact nature of your concern: VI. Goals What are your ultimate goals for this student? VII. Grades Please indicate the student’s current grades/levels in each of the following areas: Math: Science: Reading: AIMS WEB: Writing: Social Studies: STAR Reading Level: Leveled Reader: below on above Child Study/RTI Problem Solving Team Student Referral Whitesville Central School VIII. Academic (Tier 1) If the concern is academic, what strategies have you tried, and how long did you implement the strategy? How successful were they? ***Please provide Universal/Tier II documentation form with time frame and include student work samples as well. Strategy: Implementation of time frame (days, weeks, months): Assessment of strategy (student work, rubrics, documentation logs, etc.): IX. Social Please indicate whether the student matches the following descriptions: Respectful Courteous Cooperative Friendly Able to make and share friends Able to follow directions Able to follow rules Easily swayed by peers Neat in appearance Neat with school work Self-confident Self-controlled Works independently Willing to ask for help Displays appropriate emotions Demonstrates “common sense” Social Concerns: Accepts consequences Self-motivated Willing to participate Child Study/RTI Problem Solving Team Student Referral Whitesville Central School X. Other Academic and Behavioral Strategies (Tier I) Please indicate the interventions, which have been implemented and describe their effectiveness. Strategy Effectiveness Sent a note home to the parent(s). Spoke to parent(s) on the phone. Held a parent conference. Explained concerns with the student. Gave the student extra help. Change the student’s seat. Adapted materials. Reduced the number of homework items. Used the highlighter to identify key words or phrases. Provided a peer tutor. Adapted tests. Student followed along at his/her seat while the test was read orally. Gave more frequent quizzes. Allowed more time to take quizzes. Allowed to answer quiz/test orally. Established and posted classroom rules. The parent signed homework assignments. Conferred with Reading/Math Specialist . Implemented a behavior management plan. Consulted the school counselor. __ other . XI. Services Please indicate any consistent services the student currently receives: Service Provider Service Speech OT/PT Counseling /21st Century RtI Reading Big Brother, Big Sister AIS Math ___ Peer Works __ other Provider XII. Additional Information Has the student ever been retained? Y N If yes, at which grade? How many days has the student been absent this year?