Last Statement – I have Pedagogical Flow Map

Last Statement – Iron and nickel
You Start- A layer in Earth’s mantle in which convection occurs among soft rock.
I have- Asthenosphere
Who has- The type of heat transfer you feel when standing near a fire.
I have- radiation
Who has- the idea that at one point in Earth’s history, the continents were once
connected and later moved and separated into their present locations.
I have- Continental Drift
Who has- The feature that is created by sea-floor spreading.
I have- Mid-Ocean Ridge
Who has- A deep depression in the ocean floor caused by the subduction of one plate
under a lesser dense plate.
I have- Deep-Ocean Trench
Who has- A section of the lithosphere that slowly moves over the asthenosphere,
carrying pieces of oceanic or continental crust.
I have- Plate
Who has- The boundary in which two plates are coming together.
I have- Convergent boundary
Who has- The layer in Earth’s core that is liquid, has convection currents, and creates
Earth’s magnetic field.
I have- Outer core
Who has- A piece of indirect evidence from Earthquakes used by scientists to
determine Earth’s layers
I have- Seismic Waves
Who has- The solid layer in Earth that is the densest and under the most pressure.
I have- Inner Core
Who has- The rigid, uppermost part of the mantle that includes the crust.
I have- Lithosphere
Who has- The process where warmer, less dense liquid rises and the cooler, more
dense liquid sinks.
I have- Convection currents
Who has- The dense, dark rock type that forms the oceanic crust.
I have- Basalt
Who has- The name given to the arrangement of the continents 300 million years ago,
when they were all connected together.
I have- Pangaea
Who has- The process of a denser plate going below a less dense plate, when 2 plates
come together
I have- Subduction
Who has- The solid rock layer found in Earth that is divided into 3 smaller layers.
I have- The Mantle
Who has- This type of crust is thicker, less dense, and made of granite.
I have- Continental crust
Who has- The boundary where two plates are moving away from each other causing
new crust to form.
I have- Divergent boudary
Who has- The type of heat transfer when particles are in contact with each other,
transferring heat.
I have- Conduction
Who has- The scientist who first came up with the Continental Drift Theory.
I have- Alfred Wegener
Who has- The type of force that builds up land features, for example mountains.
I have- constructive
Who has- The type of boundary where two plates slide next to each other, causing
I have- Transform boundary
Who has- The process in which two oceanic plates are moving away from each other
creating new sea-floor.
I have- Sea-Floor Spreading
Who has- The type of force the wears away land features
I have- Destructive
Who has- Evidence on the sea-floor that documents the reversal of Earth’s magnetic
poles and supports sea-floor spreading
I have- Magnetic Stripes
Who has- The theory that pieces of Earth’s lithosphere are in slow, constant motion,
driven by convection currents in the mantle.
I have- Plate Tectonics
Who has- This forms as a result of two continental plates diverging.
I have- Rift Valley
Who has- The less dense type of rock that makes up continental crust.
I have- Granite
Who has- An ancient organism that has been preserved in rock
I have- Fossil
Who has- The force that pulls all objects to the center of the Earth
I have- Gravity
Who has- The two main elements that make up Earth’s core
I haveWho hasI haveWho hasI haveWho has-