TRUST POLICY FOR THE SAFE LABELLING AND DILUTION OF VINCRISTINE AND OTHER VINCA ALKALOIDS – ONCOLOGY AND HAEMATOLOGY AND PAEDIATRIC DEPARTMENTS Version 6 Name of responsible (ratifying) committee Formulary and Medicines Group Date ratified 17th January 2014 Document Manager (job title) Senior Directorate Pharmacist for Oncology / Haematology Date issued 09th April 2014 Review date January 2016 Electronic location Corporate Clinical Policies Related Procedural Documents Cytotoxic drug management for adults in oncology and haematology Trust policy for Intrathecal chemotherapy in adults – Oncology and Haematology Departments Key Words (to aid with searching) Vinca alkaloids; Safe labelling; dilution; Vincristine, Vinblastine, Vindesine, Vinorelbine; mini-bags; Cancer; Patient safety; Safety measures; Drug administration; Adults; Nurses; Medical staff; Pharmacists; Regulations Version Tracking Version 6 Date Ratified Brief Summary of Changes Author Change to updated format. No changes to contents of document Catrin Watkinson TRUST POLICY FOR THE SAFE LABELLING AND DILUTION OF VINCRISTINE AND OTHER VINCA ALKALOIDS – ONCOLOGY AND HAEMATOLOGY AND PAEDIATRIC DEPARTMENTS: Issue Number 6 Issue Date 09/04/2014 (Review date: January 2016 (unless requirements change) Page 1 of 8 CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE......................................................................................................... INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................ PURPOSE ..................................................................................................................................... SCOPE .......................................................................................................................................... DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................ DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................ PROCESS ..................................................................................................................................... TRAINING REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................ REFERENCES AND ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTATION .............................................................. MONITORING COMPLIANCE WITH, AND THE EFFECTIVENESS OF, PROCEDURAL DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................................................ TRUST POLICY FOR THE SAFE LABELLING AND DILUTION OF VINCRISTINE AND OTHER VINCA ALKALOIDS – ONCOLOGY AND HAEMATOLOGY AND PAEDIATRIC DEPARTMENTS: Issue Number 6 Issue Date 09/04/2014 (Review date: January 2016 (unless requirements change) Page 2 of 8 QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE This policy must be followed in full when developing or reviewing and amending Trust procedural documents. For quick reference the guide below is a summary of actions required. This does not negate the need for the document author and others involved in the process to be aware of and follow the detail of this policy. The quick reference can take the form of a list or a flow chart, if the latter would more easily explain the key issues within the body of the document 1. There have been reports of fatal and serious incidents from hospitals outside the UK in which doses of vinca alkaloids intended for intravenous administration have been have been given by the intrathecal (spinal) route in error. These include cases where doses had been diluted to 10 and 20ml in syringes. 2. The World Health Organisation (WHO) therefore issued guidance recommending doses of vinca alkaloids should be prepared and administered in intravenous 50ml mini-bags to further minimise the risk of wrong route errors. This led to the issuing of the Rapid Response Report NPSA/2008/RRR004 – using vinca alkaloids in minibags. 3. When vinca alkaloids are prescribed, dispensed or administered in adult and adolescent units doses in syringes should no longer be used 4. The prescribed dose should be supplied from the Pharmacy Manufacturing Unit ready to administer in a 50ml minibag of sodium chloride 0.9% 5. The following warning “For intravenous Use Only - Fatal if administered by other routes” should be on the label of every vinca alkaloid product. 6. In addition the minibag itself should also be placed inside a yellow vinca alkaloid warning bag. 7. When vincristine is used in a Paediatric unit and the patient is over 10 years the pharmacy will dilute the prescribed dose to a maximum concentration of 0.1mg/ml and dispense it in (as a minimum) a 20ml syringe. For intravenous vinblastine, vindesine or vinorelbine the prescribed dose will be diluted to a minimum of 20mls. If these patients were on an adolescent unit then syringes must not be used and minibags must be used instead. Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust does not have an adolescent unit. 8. In a Paediatric unit where the patient is under 10 years of age intravenous vincristine, vinblastine, vindesine or vinorebine will be diluted to a minimum volume of 10ml. TRUST POLICY FOR THE SAFE LABELLING AND DILUTION OF VINCRISTINE AND OTHER VINCA ALKALOIDS – ONCOLOGY AND HAEMATOLOGY AND PAEDIATRIC DEPARTMENTS: Issue Number 6 Issue Date 09/04/2014 (Review date: January 2016 (unless requirements change) Page 3 of 8 1. INTRODUCTION This document is produced in response to the updated National Guidance on the safe administration of intrathecal chemotherapy, Dept of Health HSC 2008/001 issued 11 August 2008 and the National Patient Safety Agency Rapid Response Report on using Vinca Alkaloid minibags NPSA/2008/RRR004. This updated guidance replaces HSC 2003/010. This guidance was designed to achieve the Government target to reduce the number of patients dying or being paralyzed by mal-administered spinal injections to zero by the end of 2001 (Summary Para 2 HSC 2003/010). It is a requirement of this guidance that there is a policy for the safe labeling and dilution of vincristine and other vinca alkaloids and this should be separate from the Intrathecal Chemotherapy Policy. Previous guidance to the NHS in England and Wales was to dilute doses of vinca alkaloids to 10ml or greater in a syringe in order to reduce the risk of wrong route errors. However, this guidance has been updated following the learning incidents in other countries. This guidance applies to all healthcare organizations irrespective of whether they also administer intrathecal chemotherapy. It does not apply to children and teenagers being treated in a paediatric unit where minibags are not recommended to administer vinca alkaloids. (Para 3 RRR04). 2. PURPOSE This policy is designed to ensure the safe labeling and dilution of vinca alkaloids in Portsmouth NHS Trust patients. 3. SCOPE This is a Trust Policy, which applies to all Portsmouth Hospitals’ clinical, nursing and pharmacy staff, particularly those working in Haematology, Oncology, Paediatrics and Pharmacy Directorates. It applies primarily to the treatment of adults but includes provisions for the treatment of children. This policy complements the Portsmouth Hospitals Policy for Intrathecal Chemotherapy in Adults – Oncology and Haematology Departments. It applies to the labeling and dilution of vinca alkaloids (vincristine, vinblastine, vindesine and vinorelbine) - the intravenous chemotherapy drugs that, if injected intrathecally can cause paralysis and death. If other intravenous alkaloids become available, they will be deemed to be covered by the policy. TRUST POLICY FOR THE SAFE LABELLING AND DILUTION OF VINCRISTINE AND OTHER VINCA ALKALOIDS – ONCOLOGY AND HAEMATOLOGY AND PAEDIATRIC DEPARTMENTS: Issue Number 6 Issue Date 09/04/2014 (Review date: January 2016 (unless requirements change) Page 4 of 8 4. DEFINITIONS 4.1 Portsmouth Hospitals Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust 4.2 The Trust Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust 4.3 ST3 Specialist Registrar 4.4 Junior ST Junior Doctor (ST1, ST2, FT1, FT2) 4.5 CSF Cerebrospinal fluid 4.6 Guidance in HSC2008/001 National guidance provided in Health Service Circular HSC 2008/001 Updated National Guidance on the Safe Administration of Intrathecal Chemotherapy (August 2008). 4.7 Vinca Alkaloids The following drugs are included in the definition vincristine, vinblastine, vindesine and vinorelbine 5. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust provides an intrathecal chemotherapy service therefore the Chief Executive has overall responsibility for compliance with Guidance in HSC 2008/0001. The Chief Pharmacist is accountable to the Chief Executive ensuring compliance with this policy and that the relevant pharmacy staff are aware of its contents. The releasing officer is responsible for ensuring that vinca alkaloids are labeled and diluted in accordance with this policy in the dispensing process. 6. PROCESS 6.1 Overall Responsibility 6.1.1 Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust provides an intrathecal chemotherapy service therefore the Chief Executive has overall responsibility for compliance with Guidance in HSC 2008/0001. 6.1.2. The Chief Pharmacist is accountable to the Chief Executive ensuring compliance with this policy and that the relevant pharmacy staff are aware of its contents. The releasing officer is responsible for ensuring that vinca alkaloids are labelled and diluted in accordance with this policy in the dispensing process. 6.2 Document Availability and Control 6.2.1 This Policy will be maintained on the Clinical Policy section of the Trust’s TRUST POLICY FOR THE SAFE LABELLING AND DILUTION OF VINCRISTINE AND OTHER VINCA ALKALOIDS – ONCOLOGY AND HAEMATOLOGY AND PAEDIATRIC DEPARTMENTS: Issue Number 6 Issue Date 09/04/2014 (Review date: January 2016 (unless requirements change) Page 5 of 8 intranet website. This will be the only controlled copy of the policy. Paper copies of the policy may be made but they will only be controlled copies on the day that they are printed. 6.3 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.4 6.4.1 6.4.2 6.4.3 Labelling on vinca alkaloids Work instruction WI – PO11 “Labelling and Bagging” and WI – Q002 “Aseptic release” state the appropriate bag and checks for vinca alkaloids. For vinca alkaloids labels will have the patient name, name of the product, route of administration and a warning as follows: “For intravenous use only – fatal if administered by other routes.” Negative labelling (i.e. Not for …………use.”) will not be used. Pharmacy chemotherapy batch documents will specify the labelling required for each vinca alkaloid. After completion of labelling and packaging the finished product will then be placed inside the specific yellow bag marked for vinca alkaloid use only. This will specifically differentiate the products from all others produced by the Pharmacy Manufacturing Unit. Dilution of vinca alkaloids When vinca alkaloids are prescribed or administered in adult or adolescent units, doses in syringes should not be used. The prescribed dose should be supplied from the hospital pharmacy manufacturing unit in a 50ml minibag of sodium chloride 0.9%. For patients being treated on the paediatric unit over the age of 10 years, the pharmacy will dilute the volume of intravenous vincristine to a maximum concentration of 0.1mg/ml and dispense it in (as a minimum) a 20ml syringe. For patients over 10 years the pharmacy will dilute the volume of intravenous vinblastine, vindesine or vinorelbine to a minimum volume of 20ml. If these patients were being treated on an adolescent unit then syringes must not be used and minibags must be used instead as per adult guidelines – See 6.4.1. Currently Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust does not have an adolescent unit. For patients under the age of 10 years intravenous vincristine, vinblastine, vindesine or vinorelbine will be diluted to a minimum volume of 10ml. Pharmacy chemotherapy batch documents specify the dilutions required for each vinca alkaloid. 7. TRAINING REQUIREMENTS Staff being trained in the Prescribing, Dispensing, Administration and Checking of intravenous chemotherapy will be made aware of this policy and the need for compliance with it. 8. REFERENCES AND ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTATION Updated National Guidance on the safe administration of Intrathecal Chemotherapy, Dept of Health HSC 2008/001 11th October 2008. NPSA/2008/RRR004 – National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) rapid response report using Vinca Alkaloid Minibags (Adult/Adolescent Units) which can be found at TRUST POLICY FOR THE SAFE LABELLING AND DILUTION OF VINCRISTINE AND OTHER VINCA ALKALOIDS – ONCOLOGY AND HAEMATOLOGY AND PAEDIATRIC DEPARTMENTS: Issue Number 6 Issue Date 09/04/2014 (Review date: January 2016 (unless requirements change) Page 6 of 8 PHPSWIO14D Work Instruction – Pharmacy Dispensing PHPSWI016D Work Instruction – Dispensing Injectable Cytotoxic Medicines Could add the NPSA 2009/PSA 004A 9. EQUALITY IMPACT STATEMENT Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust is committed to ensuring that, as far as is reasonably practicable, the way we provide services to the public and the way we treat our staff reflects their individual needs and does not discriminate against individuals or groups on any grounds. This policy has been assessed accordingly Our values are the core of what Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust is and what we cherish. They are beliefs that manifest in the behaviours our employees display in the workplace. Our Values were developed after listening to our staff. They bring the Trust closer to its vision to be the best hospital, providing the best care by the best people and ensure that our patients are at the centre of all we do. We are committed to promoting a culture founded on these values which form the ‘heart’ of our Trust: Respect and dignity Quality of care Working together No waste This policy should be read and implemented with the Trust Values in mind at all times. TRUST POLICY FOR THE SAFE LABELLING AND DILUTION OF VINCRISTINE AND OTHER VINCA ALKALOIDS – ONCOLOGY AND HAEMATOLOGY AND PAEDIATRIC DEPARTMENTS: Issue Number 6 Issue Date 09/04/2014 (Review date: January 2016 (unless requirements change) Page 7 of 8 1. MONITORING COMPLIANCE WITH PROCEDURAL DOCUMENTS Minimum requirement to be monitored Lead Compliance with Labelling and Dilution of all vinca alkaloids Pharmacy Manufacturing Quality Assurance manager Tool Ecternal Audit MHRA Frequency of Report of Compliance Bi-annually Reporting arrangements Policy audit report to: Chief Pharmacist Lead(s) for acting on Recommendations Pharmacy Manufacturing Quality Assurance Manager This document will be monitored to ensure it is effective and to assurance compliance. The effectiveness in practice of all procedural documents should be routinely monitored (audited) to ensure the document objectives are being achieved. The process for how the monitoring will be performed should be included in the procedural document, using the template above. The details of the monitoring to be considered include: The aspects of the procedural document to be monitored: identify standards or key performance indicators (KPIs); The lead for ensuring the audit is undertaken The tool to be used for monitoring e.g. spot checks, observation audit, data collection; Frequency of the monitoring e.g. quarterly, annually; The reporting arrangements i.e. the committee or group who will be responsible for receiving the results and taking action as required. In most circumstances this will be the committee which ratified the document. The template for the policy audit report can be found on the Trust Intranet Trust Intranet -> Policies -> Policy Documentation The lead(s) for acting on any recommendations necessary. TRUST POLICY FOR THE SAFE LABELLING AND DILUTION OF VINCRISTINE AND OTHER VINCA ALKALOIDS – ONCOLOGY AND HAEMATOLOGY AND PAEDIATRIC DEPARTMENTS: Issue Number 6 Issue Date 09/04/2014 (Review date: January 2016 (unless requirements change) Page 8 of 8