COLLEGE OF SAN MATEO N211 CULTURE AND ETHNICITY STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: Mastery of the content in this unit will enable the student to: Define the term culture. Differentiate between the terms culture, race, and ethnicity. Describe cultural and ethnic characteristics that influence health care. Identify the factors that affect the interaction of the nurse and the client in terms of culturally different health care values. 5. Define the term “subculture” and list four major subcultures in the United States. 6. Describe transcultural nursing and the characteristics of culturally sensitive care. 7. Discuss specific nursing techniques for providing culturally sensitive care in the health care setting. 1. 2. 3. 4. DEFINE THE FOLLOWING TERMS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Culture Ethnicity Ethnocentrism Acculturation Race Stereotyping Yin and Yang Subculture Transcultural Nursing Culture Shock Assimilation CONTENT The content for today will be the presentation by students of their culture and ethnicity awareness assignments to the class members in post conference at the hospital. N211 CULTURE & ETHNICITY AWARENESS ASSIGNMENT STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: After completing this assignment, the student will Identify their own cultural background or that of a patient from a culture other than their own. 2. Use the Internet to identify the health beliefs and practices which are unique to this culture in its traditional form before it was assimilated into American culture. 3. Develop patient care strategies for nurses to use in the health care setting as a guide to provide culturally sensitive care for the identified ethnic group. 1. ASSIGNMENT: 1. Determine which culture you wish to research from your own ethnic background. If you come from a multicultural background, try to choose a culture whose beliefs vary from traditional American culture. 2. Use the Internet to research the health beliefs and practices of this culture. Save the printouts that you receive as you download this information to include with your report. 3. Using the questions which follow this assignment, formulate a 2-3 page guide to your culture that an RN could use as a reference to provide culturally sensitive care to a member of this ethnic group. GRADING CRITERIA: Total Points = 5 1. Internet printouts attached ------------------ 1 point 2. The guide covers each of five areas --- .5 points per area --- total = 2.5 points 3. The guide suggests appropriate nursing interventions for each of the five areas. 1 point 4. The cultural guide is typed, has a title page and a bibliography and is 2 to 3 pages in length and utilizes correct grammar and spelling ------------------------------ 0.5 points N211 GUIDELINES FOR CULTURAL RESEARCH I. RELIGION A. Describe the religious beliefs of the ethnic group which you have chosen. B. Identify the relevance that these religious beliefs have upon health care. C. Describe two nursing interventions that take religious issues into account. II. HEALING BELIEFS AND PRACTICES A. How is pain and suffering viewed by people of this ethnic group? B. What role do cultural healers play for people of this ethnic group? C. What special practices does this cultural group have around the areas of death and dying? D. Give two ways that nurses can use this information in the care of a patient from this ethnic group. III. FAMILY LIFE PROCESSES A. What is the common structure of the family in this ethnic group? (patriarchal, matriarchal) B. What is the role of elders in this family structure? C. If a member of this ethnic group was hospitalized, how would the family handle it? D. Give two ways to approach the family as a nurse needing to provide health related information. IV. COMMUNICATION A. Describe the cultural norms around the area of personal space for this ethnic group. B. How does the client using their native language communicate verbally and nonverbally? For example, describe the use of eye contact, gesturing, touching, etc. C. How would members of this ethnic group interact with people from the same culture; with those of another culture; with those in the health professions? D. Give two approaches that the nurse could try to use when needing to communicate with a person of this ethnicity. V. DIET A. Describe the significance of food for members of this ethnic group. For example, are certain foods eaten at times of the birth of a new child? B. What are some favorite foods of this culture and how are they impacted by hospitalization? C. Give two examples of how the RN can encourage healthy eating yet also respect cultural preferences. For each of the above areas, identify appropriate nursing interventions to deal with the specific issues raised by the cultural considerations of the culture being analyzed. For example, some cultures would not allow a male nurse to examine a female patient so the charge nurse should be aware of this cultural issue when making assignments.