EFPSA European Summer School - Cross

EFPSA European Summer School 2013 supervisor’s application form
Dear ESS Supervisor candidates,
Thank you for your interest in being part of EFPSA's European Summer School (ESS) 2013. This
year’s theme is Psychology and Well-Being Research.
We are looking for reliable, enthusiastic, self-motivated and organised individuals to be ESS
Research Supervisors. As a supervisor, you will lead a group of around six motivated and talented
students in a cross-cultural research group. Under your expertise and direction, you and your group
will set about work on a research project of your choosing. Work would be carried during and after
the ESS, and with backing of the Junior Researcher Programme team, with an aim to publish in
scientific journals. The only necessity we require, besides your motivation for such work, you must
be a PhD student (at least in your second year) or have a doctoral qualification in Psychology1.
If you are interested in this opportunity then please complete the following application form. We
would like to highlight that being an ESS Research Supervisor, your contribution throughout the
upcoming 13 months is required, not only for the week in Belgium. If you are ready for this
challenge, please return your application to Marike Deutz, ESS Research Officer
(summerschool@efpsa.org), by 22 February, 2013. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to
interview on Sunday, 3 March.
Please carefully first read the supervisors information pack. If you have any queries, please do not
hesitate to contact the EFPSA ESS team.
Best of luck and we are looking forward to receiving your application.
Kind Regards,
The ESS Team
You must have completed research training in psychology and be currently completing (or recently
completed) a PhD in psychology.
ESS supervisor’s commitment form
Naturally, we aim to recruit the most dedicated and suitably experienced Ph.D.’s and post-docs to
join us. For this reason we clearly outline the expectations that supervisors are expected to fulfil
throughout their involvement with the ESS and JRP. Please read them carefully and ensure you are
willing to commit yourself to the position before applying by placing your initials after each line.
Prior to submitting, please confirm the following
I have read the information pack in whole
My department has an ethical committee to which I may submit my project for
I am a PhD student in second year or later, or a postdoctoral researcher
I am aware that I will not receive any financial remuneration as a Supervisor apart
from room, board and travel support
I am aware that neither EFPSA or any organisers associated with the ESS take
ethical, scientific or other responsibility for research activities post-ESS
If accepted as ESS supervisor I will commit to
attend the ESS from July 13 to July 21 2013
supervise, direct and support a group of six psychology students conducting a
cross-cultural research project through to its completion (generally 13 months)
plan for and run research group sessions during the summer school
supply methodological and technical expertise on the research project from the
continue work on the study after the ESS: oversee data collection and analysis
ensure the research project culminates in a written dissemination
provide a methodology paper to JEPS
book travel within two weeks of being notified of my selection
get ethical review of my project within my current department
ESS supervisor’s application form
Part A: Your personal details
1. General information
Date of Birth
2. Previous education
Name master study
Describe your
research training in
3. Employment details
Year of PhD or PostDoc project
Project title
Field of expertise
Ph.D. obtained
End date of contract
If you will complete
your PhD course
before September
2014, do you have any
postdoctoral plans?
Part B: Research proposal.
1. Research proposal
Note: You may notice that we request relatively short texts for your application. Please follow the
stated limits or we will be unable to judge your application fairly. Everyone is held to the same
criteria, so you are advised to include only the most relevant information – ignoring these
guidelines will reduce your chances of being selected.
1a. Title of the proposal:
1b. Summary of the proposed research (max 75 words)
Please provide a summary of the proposed research. Be aware that, if selected, this text may be used on our
website to promote the event.
1c. Research topic and approach (max 550 words)
Please provide a description of the research topic (well-being should be a central aspect). State the research
question and the relevance of the proposed research. If it fits one of the primary research topics described in the
information pack, please state this here. Describe possible research design and methodologies, the population
and strategies for recruitment and possible instruments. Describe how the students in your team can be involved
in the research design and process, how the research can be conducted within the project’s limits concerning
time (around 12 months), and finances (the project should be able to run under the assumption of no funding).
Feel free to use headings in this section but be aware that these do are considered part of your word count. Be
aware that, if selected, this text may also be sent to students in your research group.
2. Motivation (max 250 words)
State your ambition to hold a position as supervisor of EFPSA European Summer School and what type of
experience in research or leadership, as well as personal qualities, make you suitable for the position.
Once you have completed all steps outlined above, please submit (1) your CV; and (2) the supervisor
application form as PDFs. Make sure you have carefully read the supervisor information pack
before sending your application.
Please save your CV as SUPERVISOR_SURNAME_CV and your application as
SUPERVISOR_SURNAME_APP. The email which accompanies your application will be
considered as your cover letter but you are also welcome to attach this in PDF form using a similar
format for the file name.
Send both PDFs to us at summerschool@efpsa.org.
All questions AND completed applications should be directed to the ESS team at
Your data will remain confidential and will only be used for selecting the new supervisors of
Good luck with your applications.
Kind regards,
The ESS team