Chapter 3: Chemical and Biological Properties of Soil

Chapter 3: Chemical and Biological Properties of Soil
1) What does Cation Exchange Capacity mean?
2) What is meant by the term “soil colloids”?
3) How do negative charges arise on the surface of the soil colloids?
4) How is soil pH defined?
5) What is the optimum pH for the growth of plants?
6) How can one modify the pH of the soil?
7) How does lime neutralise the soil pH?
8) How does soil pH influence biological process such as plant and crop growth?
9) How is soil pH measured?
10) Name three micro and three macro soil organisms.
11) What is meant by soil humus?
12) What is meant by soil biomass?
13) Why are organisms such as bacteria and fungi a necessary part of soil organisms?
14) What is meant by the term degradation of soil organic matter?
15) In soil how does organic matter differ to inorganic matter?
16) Using a labelled diagram, explain the process of the Carbon Cycle.
17) How would you demonstrate Cation Exchange?