eProcurement Error Messages and Error Resolution Screen Error Message Resolution Items ERROR: One or more of the vendors is no longer valid and cannot be saved to favorites. This error most commonly occurs when no vendor is selected before attempting to save an item to favorites. Select a valid vendor using the vendor lookup link before clicking Save or Continue to save item to favorites. Items ERROR: A vendor is required in order to submit a requisition. For assistance, please contact Procurement at 322.2911, or click here for a complete listing of the Procurement staff. No vendor has been selected. Use the vendor search to select a vendor. Items ERROR: Commodity Code is required. Items ERROR: Item Description is required. Items ERROR: Quantity is required. Items ERROR: Unit Of Measure is required. Items ERROR: Unit Price is invalid. Items ERROR: Unit Price is required. Distribution ERROR: Account is required. Distribution ERROR: Account must be 5 characters. Distribution ERROR: Account number must be numeric. Distribution ERROR: Center is required. Distribution ERROR: Center # does not have an executor with approval authority No commodity code was selected. Please select the commodity code that best describes the item you are purchasing from the dropdown list. Please enter the item description, then click on Save or Continue. This error most commonly occurs when you select items from your list of favorites. You should enter a quantity, then click Save or Continue. Select the unit of measure for the item you wish to purchase from the drop down list. This error most commonly occurs when you input a dollar sign or a text character in the Unit Price field. Delete the dollar sign or text character, then click Save or Continue. Enter the price charged by the vendor for 1 of the items being purchased, then click Save or Continue. You need to enter the account number, or use the Account/center search link. The account number entered is not 5 digits long. Please enter a 5 digit account number, or use the account/center search link. The account entered contains a character other than a number. Please correct the typographical error. You should enter a center number, or use the account/center search link to view your favorite centers. The center number entered has no one that can approve eProcurement for amount. Distribution ERROR: Center must be 10 characters. Distribution ERROR: Center number must be numeric. Distribution ERROR: 9999999999 is an invalid center. Distribution ERROR: Account 99999 is not valid for use in eProcurement. Distribution ERROR: Center 9999999999 is closed. Distribution ERROR: If slid is selected, slac is required. Distribution ERROR: Total of the distributed amounts must equal the total of the transactions. Please check for typographical errors. If the center was entered correctly, you should contact your department’s administrative area for a correct center number. The center number you entered is not 10 digits long. Please enter a 10 digit center number. If you do not know which center number to use, please contact the administrative area of your department. The Center Number entered contains an invalid character. Enter a 10 digit number into the field. If you do not know which center number to use, please contact the administrative area of your department. The center number entered is not a valid center number in the General Ledger. Please check for typographical errors. If you do not know the correct center number, contact the administrative area of your department. The account number entered is either invalid in the General Ledger or should not be used for eProcurement purchases. Please use the account/center search link on the Distribution page to find the correct account. If you are still unsure of which account to use, please check with the Administrative area of your department. The center number you entered has been closed. Please check for typographical errors, or use a different center number. If you do not know which center number to use, please contact the administrative area of your department. You have selected a Sub Ledger ID from the drop down list, but not entered the Sub Ledger Account number. If you are not entering a requisition that should go into either the Work Order or Accounts Receivable systems, the account should be entered. Otherwise, the slid field should be cleared. Verify that all items have distribution information listed, and that the line item. Please check distributions. Distribution ERROR: Total percentages of distribution lines must equal 100. Header ERROR: Due Date cannot be prior to today's date. Header ERROR: Due Date is required. Header ERROR: Ship To Department is required. Header ERROR: Ship To ID is invalid. Header ERROR: Ship To ID is required. Header ERROR: Ship To Room is required. Requisition Submission Search WARNING: The approvals have changed. Please review and submit again. The search has exceeded the 1,000 row limit. Please refine your search criteria and search again. amounts add up to the total of the item. Correct any out-of-balance lines, then click Save or Continue. Verify that the percentages listed for each line item total 100%. Correct any out-of-balance lines, then click Save or Continue. This normally occurs when a requisition is in saved status, and is submitted more than a week after the initial creation date. The due date must be changed on the Header page before continuing. A due date must be entered on the Header page before continuing. Enter the name of the Department to which the item(s) should be shipped, then click Save or Continue. Enter a valid Ship To ID or use the search functionality to find the Ship To ID for the building to which the item(s) should be delivered. Click Save or Continue. Enter the Ship To ID for the building to which the item(s) should be delivered, or use the search functionality to find the correct Ship To ID, then click on Save or Continue. Enter the room number to which the item(s) should be delivered, then click on Save or Continue. Click on the Edit Distribution button, then click Continue at the bottom of the page. When you are returned to the Requisition page, the new approver(s) should be populated on your requisition. Click the Submit button. The user should reduce the range of existing search criteria and/or add additional search criteria, and submit the search again. Profile ERROR: Account 99999 is not valid for use in eProcurement. Profile ERROR: Account number can be no less than 5 characters. Profile ERROR: Account number must be numeric. Profile ERROR: Center number can be no less than 10 characters. Profile ERROR: Center 9999999999 is closed. Profile ERROR: Center number must be numeric. Profile Profile The account number entered is either invalid in the General Ledger or should not be used for eProcurement purchases. Please use the account/center search link on the Distribution page to find the correct account. If you are still unsure of which account to use, please check with the Administrative area of your department. The account number entered is not 5 digits long. Please enter a 5 digit account number. The account entered contains a character other than a number. Please correct the typographical error. The center number you entered is not 10 digits long. Please enter a 10 digit center number. If you do not know which center number to use, please contact the administrative area of your department. The center number you entered has been closed. Please check for typographical errors, or use a different center number. If you do not know which center number to use, please contact the administrative area of your department. The Center Number entered contains an invalid character. Enter a 10 digit number into the field. If you do not know which center number to use, please contact the administrative area of your department. ERROR: 9999999999 is an invalid center. The center number entered is not a valid center number in the General Ledger. Please check for typographical errors. If you do not know the correct center number, contact the administrative area of your department. ERROR: Ship To ID is invalid. Enter a valid Ship To ID or use the search functionality to find the Ship To ID for the building to which the item(s) should be delivered. Click Save or Continue.