ROCKY FORD CURRICULUM GUIDE SUBJECT: Social Studies GRADE: 7 Standard and Grade Level Expectation Evidence Outcome Geography 1. Use geographic tools to gather data and make geographic inferences and predictions. Geography 1. Use geographic tools to gather data and make geographic inferences and predictions. History 1. Seek and evaluate multiple historical sources with different points of view to investigate a historical question and to formulate and defend a thesis with evidence. Civics 1. Compare how b. Describe the characteristics and distribution of physical systems, cultural patterns and economic interdependence to make predictions. Topics to include but not limited to environmental issues and cultural diffusion. We will describe the characteristics of (physical systems, cultural patterns, and economic interdependence) to make predictions. Application c. Collect and analyze data to make geographic inferences and predictions regarding the Eastern Hemisphere. We will collect data to make geographic inferences and predictions regarding the Eastern Hemisphere. Analysis We willl determine the interdependence of people around the world during significant eras or events. Synthesis a. Determine and explain the interdependence of people around the world during significant eras or events. Student-Friendly Learning Objectives Level of Thinking Synthesis Synthesis TIMELINE: 4th Quarter Resource Correlation Academic Vocabulary My World Geography: Eastern Hemisphere. Pearson. (Maps) Fertile Crescent My World Geography: Eastern Hemisphere. Pearson. (Maps) Israel Rain Shadow Syria Dead Sea My World Geography: Eastern Hemisphere. Pearson. Crusades Anti-Semitism Zionism Prophet a. Compare the definition of citizen in various © Learning Keys, 800.927.0478, We will compare the definiton of citizen in Application Synthesis My World Geography: Eastern Hemisphere. Parliamentary Democracy Page 1 ROCKY FORD CURRICULUM GUIDE SUBJECT: Social Studies Standard and Grade Level Expectation Evidence Outcome various nations define the rights, responsibilities, and roles of citizens. Economics 1. Supply and demand influence price and profit in a market economy. governments. Geography 1. Use geographic tools to gather data and make geographic inferences and predictions. History 1. Seek and evaluate multiple historical sources with different points of view to investigate a historical question and to formulate and defend a thesis d. Ask and answer questions after examining geographic sources. GRADE: 7 Student-Friendly Learning Objectives Level of Thinking various governments. TIMELINE: 4th Quarter Resource Correlation Pearson. (Chapter 10) Academic Vocabulary Autocracy Hereditary Monarch f. Demonstrate how supply and demand determine equilibrium price and quantity. Knowledge We will demonstrate how supply and demand to determine equilibrium price and quantity. We will ask and answer questions after examining geographic sources. Analysis My World Geography: Eastern Hemisphere. Pearson. Capital Economics Fearon Standard of Living My World Geography: Eastern Hemisphere. Pearson. (Maps) Iran Per Capita Turkey Strait Plateau b. Analyze historical sources for accuracy and point of view while formulating historical questions. Sources to include but not limited to art, artifacts, eyewitness accounts, letters and diaries, artifacts, real or simulated historical sites, charts, graphs, diagrams, and written texts. © Learning Keys, 800.927.0478, We will analyze historical sources for accuracy while formulating historical questions. Describe My World Geography: Eastern Hemisphere. Pearson. Armenian Genocide Ottoman Empire Shah Hagia Sophia Ayatollah Page 2 ROCKY FORD CURRICULUM GUIDE SUBJECT: Social Studies Standard and Grade Level Expectation with evidence. Civics 1. Compare how various nations define the rights, responsibilities, and roles of citizens. Economics 2. The distribution of resources influences economic production and individual choices. Geography 2. Regions have different issues and perspectives. Geography 1. Use geographic tools to gather data and make geographic inferences and predictions. Evidence Outcome b. List the responsibilities of citizens in various governments. GRADE: 7 Student-Friendly Learning Objectives We will list the responsibilities of citizens in various governments. Level of Thinking Application TIMELINE: 4th Quarter Resource Correlation My World Geography: Eastern Hemisphere. Pearson. Academic Vocabulary Majlis Clerics Coup c. Compare and contrast the relative value and different uses of several types of resources. c. Construct maps using fundamental principles to identify key information and analyze regional issues and perspectives in the Eastern Hemisphere. b. Describe the characteristics and distribution of physical systems, cultural patterns and economic interdependence to make predictions. Topics to include but not limited to environmental issues and cultural diffusion. © Learning Keys, 800.927.0478, We will compare the relatice value and different uses of several types of resources. We will construct maps using fundamental principles to identify key information. Knowledge Knowledge My World Geography: Eastern Hemisphere. Pearson. Occupation Economics Fearon European Union My World Geography: Eastern Hemisphere. Pearson. (Maps) Himalayas Industry China Japan We will describe the characteristics of (physical systems, cultural patterns, and economic interdependence) to make predictions. Knowledge My World Geography: Eastern Hemisphere. Pearson. (Maps) Landlocked Steppe Irrigate Temperate Page 3 ROCKY FORD CURRICULUM GUIDE SUBJECT: Social Studies Standard and Grade Level Expectation History 2. The historical eras, individuals, groups, ideas and themes within regions of the Eastern Hemisphere and their relationships with one another. Civics 1. Compare how various nations define the rights, responsibilities, and roles of citizens. Economics: 2. The distribution of resources influences economic production and individual choices Civics 1. Compare how various nations define the rights, Evidence Outcome GRADE: 7 Student-Friendly Learning Objectives Level of Thinking a. Explain how people interact and are interconnected over key periods or eras in history in the Eastern Hemisphere. We will explain how people interact over key periods or eras in history in the Eastern Hemisphere. Analysis Synthesis c. Define the roles of citizens in various governments. We will define the roles of citizens in various governments. Knowledge TIMELINE: 4th Quarter Resource Correlation My World Geography: Eastern Hemisphere. Pearson. Academic Vocabulary Silk Road Mt. Everest Genghis Khan My World Geography: Eastern Hemisphere. Pearson. One-Child Policy Consucianism Command Economy f. Explain the role of taxes in economic production and distribution of resources. I We will explain the role of taxes in economic production. Comprehension My World Geography: Eastern Hemisphere. Pearson. We will explain the role of taxes in distributions of resources. d. Give national and international examples of ethics and quality in government policies and practices. © Learning Keys, 800.927.0478, We will give international examples of ethics and quality in government politicies and practices. Water Shortage Economic Growth Economics Fearon Knowledge My World Geography: Eastern Hemisphere. Pearson. Income tax Innovation Literacy Page 4 ROCKY FORD CURRICULUM GUIDE SUBJECT: Social Studies Standard and Grade Level Expectation Evidence Outcome GRADE: 7 Student-Friendly Learning Objectives Level of Thinking TIMELINE: 4th Quarter Resource Correlation Education Reform responsibilities, and roles of citizens. Geography 2. Regions have different issues and perspectives. Geography 2. Regions have different issues and perspectives. History 2. The historical eras, individuals, groups, ideas and themes within regions of the Eastern Hemisphere and their relationships with one another. History 2. The historical eras, individuals, groups, ideas and themes within Academic Vocabulary a. Classify data to construct thematic maps and make inferences. Application We will classify data to construct thematic maps and make inferences. My World Geography: Eastern Hemisphere. Pearson. (Maps) c. Construct maps using fundamental principles to identify key information and analyze regional issues and perspectives in the Eastern Hemisphere. b. Determine and explain the historical context of key people, events, and ideas over time and include the examination of different perspectives from people involved. We will analyze regional issues and perspectives in the Eastern Hemisphere by constructing maps. Knowledge My World Geography: Eastern Hemisphere. Pearson. We will determine the historical context of (key people, events, and ideas) over time. Knowledge e. Describe the history, interactions, and contributions of various peoples and cultures that have lived in or migrated to the Eastern Hemisphere. Topics to include but not limited to world religions, the © Learning Keys, 800.927.0478, South Asia India Afghanistan Indian subcontinent Flood Plain My World Geography: Eastern Hemisphere. Pearson. Himalayas Buddhism Hinduism Caste System We will describe the (history, interactions, and contributions) of various peoples and cultures that have lived in or migrated to the Eastern Hemisphere. Application My World Geography: Eastern Hemisphere. Pearson. Mughal Empire Gandhi Civil War Page 5 ROCKY FORD CURRICULUM GUIDE SUBJECT: Social Studies Standard and Grade Level Expectation Evidence Outcome Silk Road, East/West contact regions of the and settlement patterns. Eastern Hemisphere and their relationships with one another. B. Evaluate how various Civics: nations interact, resolve 2. Different forms of their differences, and government and cooperate. M international organizations and their influence in the world community Economics 2. The distribution of resources influences economic production and individual choices. c. Compare and contrast the relative value and different uses of several types of resources. © Learning Keys, 800.927.0478, GRADE: 7 Student-Friendly Learning Objectives Level of Thinking TIMELINE: 4th Quarter Resource Correlation Academic Vocabulary Nonviolent Protest Evaluation We will evaluate how various nations interact. My World Geography: Eastern Hemisphere. Pearson. Secular Democracy Parliament We will evaluate how various nations resolve their differences. We will evaluate how various nations cooperate. We will compare the relatice value and different uses of several types of resources. Legislature Analysis My World Geography: Eastern Hemisphere. Pearson. Outsourcing Imports Exports Page 6