MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES VERBAL LINGUISTIC 1. Read a book, novel 2. Read a poem, essay 3. Read a short story, play 4. Communicate and share ideas 5. Discuss or debate 6. Explain a concept 7. Give a speech, impromptu 8. Tell a story, tall tale 9. Tell jokes, puns, riddles 10. Compare and contrast 11. Create a slogan 12. Do a crossword puzzle 13. Do creative writing 14. Do descriptive writing 15. Keep a journal or diary 16. Make a word web 17. Use the writing process 18. Write a biography 19. Write a book report 20. Write a letter 21. Write a narrative 22. Write an autobiography 23. Write a newspaper article 24. Write a persuasive paper 25. Write a play or skit 26. Write a poem 27. Write a research report 28. Write a speech 29. Write instructions 30. Learn a second language 31. Learn vocabulary words 32. Practice grammar, spelling LOGICAL/MATHEMATICAL 1. Analyze data 2. Apply information 3. Brainstorm ideas 4. Classify and categorize 5. Compare and contrast 6. Conduct an experiment 7. Decipher codes 8. Discover patterns, trends 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Evaluate ideas Formulate hypothesis List or organize facts Make associations Make predictions Outline material Play pattern game Sequence events Solve logic problems Synthesize ideas Test hypotheses Use abstract symbols Use deductive/inductive thinking Use graphic organizers Build answers Calculate probability Do calculations Make a graph Play number games Solve math problems Solve story problems Use calculator, compass Use math manipulatives Use spreadsheet software Write an equation Write a proof VISUAL/SPATIAL 1. Create a collage, montage 2. Create a pattern, texture 3. Design a brochure, logo 4. Design or decorate clothes 5. Design postcard, stamps 6. Draw a design 7. Draw a scene from story/math problem 8. Illustrate a book 9. Make a mobile 10. Make a poster 11. Make a sculpture 12. Make puppets 13. Make visual aids 14. Paint or draw 15. Play with colors The Center for Effective Learning / Summer Institute, July 18-21, 2010 • 253-815-8800 • 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Practice perspective, shading, coloring Take photographs Use painting or drawing software Do guided imagery Fantasize or visualize Imagine or pretend Mind map Watch films, videos Build or draw 3D Chart a route Estimate size, distance Make or read a map Play with geometric shapes Use page layout software Use graphic organizers MUSICAL/RHYTHMIC 1. Compose a melody 2. Copy sounds and melodies 3. Create a musical collage 4. Hum, clap, click, bang, snap in tune 5. Write a song, poem, jingle 6. Play an instrument solo 7. Play as a class 8. Play as a team, band 9. Sing a duo, trio, quartet 10. Sing a solo, as a class 11. Evaluate music 12. Learn about instruments 13. Learn to read notes, symbols, expressions 14. Learn sensitivity to sound, rhythmic patterns 15. Listen to music of different times, genres, cultures 16. Study or report on a musician, instrument, era 17. Use music software 18. Change the words to a song, jingle, rap 19. Interpret lyrical meanings 20. Listen to curriculum music songs 21. Listen to music, background music 22. Write or sing a song including facts about topic BODILY/KINESTHETIC 1. Act out a role 2. Act out a word, concept 3. Choreograph or perform a dance, movement, sequence 4. Depict concepts with movement, formations 5. Do a task without talking 6. Learn sign language 7. Perform a pantomime 8. Perform a skit or play 9. Play charades 10. Use physical gestures 11. Assemble/disassemble appliances, machines 12. Dissect plants, animals 13. Play computer or video games requiring hand-eye coordination or fine motor skills 14. Use tools 15. Hop, skip, jump, run 16. Play sports 17. Stretch, do yoga 18. Work out, jump rope 19. Build a model 20. Create projects 21. Create props and crafts 22. Do math with manipulatives 23. Do science experiments 24. Explore learning materials 25. Put together a puzzle 26. Touch or feel parts 27. Visit places NATURALIST 1. Go to a zoo, farm, aquarium, forest 2. Observe natural phenomena 3. Observe plants, stars, comments, space 4. Take a nature hike, camp 5. Visit the ocean, tide pool 6. Visit a river, lake, park 7. Watch nature videos 8. List characteristics 9. Record changes, developmental stages 10. Record color, size, form, function The Center for Effective Learning / Summer Institute, July 18-21, 2010 • 253-815-8800 • 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Use a log or journal Classify by color, size, form, function Devise classification system Learn taxonomy system, names Sort & categorize nonnatural items: buttons, pasta, nuts, bolts Use graphic organizers Capture nature with photographs Care for classroom pet Collect specimens Grow flowers, vegetables Plant a tree INTERPERSONAL 1. Debate an issue 2. Discuss with a partner 3. Do a team presentation 4. Do teambuilding & class building 5. Establish team goals 6. Interview each other 7. Make a team project 8. Paraphrase each other 9. Practice active listening 10. Practice constructive criticism 11. Practice taking turns 12. Process interactions 13. Share with others 14. Take role of another 15. Tutor a classmate 16. Use roles 17. Work on communication skills 18. Write a collaborative paper or report 19. Practice compromising 20. Practice mediation skills 21. Reach consensus 22. Role-play 23. Solve problems as a team 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Solve real or simulated conflicts Assign roles or tasks Mediate conflicts Motivate others Plan an event INTRAPERSONAL 1. Keep a “To Do” list 2. Make an action plan 3. Prioritize items 4. Set goals and work on achieving goals 5. Describe feelings about topic, situation 6. Keep a daily log or diary 7. List priorities 8. Make a journal entry 9. Meditate 10. Observe mood changes 11. Read silently 12. Record, analyze dreams 13. Reflect on learning 14. Relate content to personal experiences 15. Think about actions 16. Think about thinking 17. Weigh alternatives 18. Work independently 19. Write about thinking 20. Write about actions 21. Write about wants/needs 22. Write an autobiography 23. Write personal poetry 24. Choose between alternatives 25. Defend a position 26. Express likes, dislikes 27. Respond to hypothetical ethical dilemmas 28. Take a stance 29. Write ethical code, roles of conduct The Center for Effective Learning / Summer Institute, July 18-21, 2010 • 253-815-8800 •