FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST Melanoma Taskforce FOI request into NHS care for patients with melanoma Name: Elizabeth J C Stewart _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ Position: Consultant Dermatologist and MDT skin cancer lead ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of NHS Acute Trust: Wrightington Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________________________ Name of FOI Lead: Natalie Robinson __________________________________________________________________ Email: / _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ Please return your completed response to the Melanoma Taskforce secretariat: Daniel Cambers Melanoma Taskforce Secretariat c/o Insight Public Affairs 52 Grosvenor Gardens London SW1W 0AU Email: Tel: 020 7824 1857 Fax: 020 7824 1851 Page 1 of 10 Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the Melanoma Taskforce is writing to Strategic Health Authorities (SHAs), NHS Acute Trusts and Cancer Networks to request the following information: SECTION ONE Adherence to Melanoma Patient Pathways 1) Does your Trust have its own standard clinical pathway for the diagnosis, management and treatment of patients with melanoma? Place an X in one box. If the answer is yes, please go to question 4. Yes X No 2) Does your Trust have any plans to introduce a standard clinical pathway for melanoma? (Place an X in one box) Yes No 3) Does your Trust follow the published melanoma patient pathway of another Trust, SHA or cancer network? (Place an X in one box) Yes No If yes, please provide further details __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Page 2 of 10 __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 4) Is the Trust’s pathway publicly available? If so, please state below where the pathway can be found. Yes No X Whilst the Trust do not currently publish the melanoma pathway it is aligned to the Network approved pathway which is present on the Network website, additionally all pathways are included in the Trust Skin Operational Policy submitted to Peer Review via CQuINS 5) When was your melanoma patient pathway first published? N/A 6) When was the pathway last updated? September 2011 7) Which of the following sources or other pieces of guidance, if any, were referred to in the construction of the pathway? Place an X in each box that is applicable. British Association of Dermatologists, ‘Revised UK Guidelines for the Management of Cutaneous Melanoma 2010’ X European Society for Medical Oncology, ‘Melanoma: Clinical practice guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up’, 2010 NHS Map of Medicine NICE CGSTIM ‘Improving Outcomes for People with Skin Tumours Including Melanoma’, 2010 Royal College of Physicians, ‘The Prevention, Diagnosis, Referral and Management of Melanoma of the Skin’, 2007 None of the above Other(s), please state Merseyside & Cheshire Cancer Network X X Page 3 of 10 8) Do you carry out regular audits to ensure that the pathway is being followed? (Place an X in one box) Yes X No 9) If so, when was the last audit carried out? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 10) What were the levels of adherence to the pathway shown by the most recent audit? Please provide as much detail as possible. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ SECTION TWO Patient Care in Melanoma Section two of the survey is split into five short sections. Please answer all questions that are applicable to your Trust. PART ONE: DIAGNOSIS AND REFERRAL 11) How many GPs with a Special Interest in Dermatology practice within your Trust? One but she has no role in skin cancer diagnosis and management ________________________________________________________________________ 12) What training in melanoma does your Trust encourage GPs to undertake? Please tick all boxes that are applicable. Continuous Professional Development (CPD) courses Online training courses Page 4 of 10 X No courses offered / encouragement Please provide any further explanatory information No specific training recommendations are made to the GPs. As MDT lead I communicate with the few GPs in our area who have excised an unexpected melanoma (There were 2 cases in 2010 out of a total of 72 primary melanoma diagnoses, both unexpected diagnoses). We have no GP skin cancer surgery in this area ie GPs knowingly excising skin cancers. This is an agreement with the local PCT and the GPs have been in favour of this. Our referral proforma has recently been updated in a bid to help GPs differentiate the MM from the benign moles. This is just being introduced to the GPs and the impact on 2 week referrals will be audited. The department runs a teaching session three times/yr (Teach and Treat). This is an evening session, open to all GPs and practice nurses and very popular. We cover various skin lesions and rashes in the session using unscreened patients and skin lumps and bumps including benign naevi and the differential from malignant melanoma comes up in the discussion most sessions PART TWO: MELANOMA MANAGEMENT 13) Does your Trust have a Specialist Skin Multidisciplinary Team (SSMDT)? (Place an X in one box) If the answer is no, please go to question 15. Yes No X 14) Which of the following professionals are represented on your SSMDT? Please place an X in the box for all those that apply. Dermatologist Plastic Surgeon Clinical Oncologist Medical Oncologist Melanoma Specialist Nurse Pathologist Page 5 of 10 Radiologist Other 15) How many melanoma nurse specialists currently practice within your Trust? We have one skin cancer nurse specialist. Her job is to support all patients with skin cancer, not just the patients with malignant melanoma. _____________________________________________________________________________ 16) Does your Trust undertake Sentinel Node Biopsy? (Place an X in one box) Yes X No If the answer is no, please describe why your Trust does not use Sentinel Node Biopsy. The plastic surgery service is provided as an outreach service from Whiston Hospital (St Helens and Knowsley NHS Trust). The sentinel lymph node service is based at Whiston hospital where the in-patient beds and diagnostic facilities are. Patients who should be offered sentinel lymph node biopsy are referred to the sentinel lymph node team at Whiston and seen by the relevant consultant team in clinic. Such patients are discussed at the LSMDT. Whiston Hospital hosts the SSMDT and patients are discussed there post surgery. 17) For what purposes does your Trust use Sentinel Node Biopsy? (Place an X in all boxes that apply) As a prognostic tool in a defined subset of patients As part of ongoing research In order to provide continued practice to maintain clinical skills PART THREE: MELANOMA TREATMENT 18) Which of the following potential melanoma treatments are available within your Trust? For each, please state whether the treatment is fully funded by the Trust, available through Individual Funding Requests (IFR), available via the Cancer Drugs Fund (CDF) or through clinical trials. Treatment Fully Funded by Trust Funded via IFR Funded via CDF Available only in clinical trials Not available Page 6 of 10 Bevacizumab X Carmustine X Cisplatin X Dacarbazine X Interferon-alpha X Interleukin-2 X Ipilimumab X Tamoxifen X Vemurafenib X Vinblastine X All Chemotherapy undertaken at Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology Please use the table below to provide details of any other treatments not listed above Treatment Fully Funded by Trust Funded via IFR Funded via CDF Available only in clinical trials Not available 19) Are patients routinely made aware of clinical trials taking place that may be appropriate for them? Place an X in one of the boxes below Yes No Currently no trials open for patients with Stage 1A disease. Other patients are referred to Page 7 of 10 Whiston where trial entry is discussed 20) Are patients routinely made aware of clinical trials that may be appropriate for them that are taking place in another Trust? Place an X in one of the boxes below Yes No We do not routinely discuss trial entry with a patient who has just heard that the lesion they have had removed is a significant skin cancer which needs further surgery as we feel this is inappropriate. As detailed above, patients are invited to participate in trials at Whiston (oncology service from Clatterbridge Hospital) X PART FOUR: END OF LIFE AND PALLIATIVE MELANOMA CARE 21) Which of the following factors might lead the Trust to consider referring patients to specialist palliative care services? Place an X in all boxes below that are applicable. Complex symptom management issues X Difficulties in adjusting to the diagnosis or disease progression X Psychological and family issues - such as communication problems within the family Spiritual issues - such as the challenging of belief system/faith/cultural values as a result of the cancer Other (please provide further details below) X X We do not deal with advanced disease on a regular basis. Most patients who present with a skin primary and are found to have higher stage disease (usually +ve nodes) remain under SSMDT FU. There have been over the years just a few patients presenting with unexpected advanced disease requiring intervention from the palliative care team. They have been referred by the clinician involved in their care without direct involvement of the Skin MDT. As LSMDT lead, I have been aware of this decision but have Page 8 of 10 not become involved clinically. None of the above 22) What proportion of patients within your Trust decided against receiving treatment for Stage IV melanoma in the last year for which data is available? n/a PART FIVE: PATIENT EXPERIENCE & INFORMATION 23) What sources of advice and information does your Trust use to provide information to patients about how to self-examine for signs of melanoma or metastases? Please tick all boxes that apply NHS Choices National Cancer Action Team Cancer Research UK Macmillan Cancer Support X British Association of Dermatologists X None of the above Other (please state and provide further detail below) 24) At which of the following stages does your Trust provide reassurance and psychological counselling routinely for melanoma patients? Primary presentation Referral Diagnosis X Management X Page 9 of 10 Progression to advance disease Palliative and end of life care Every stage No stage Support is provided by the clinicians involved in the patient’s care, including the Skin cancer nurse specialist . SECTION THREE: Additional Information 25) Please indicate which of the following you believe would improve care for patients with melanoma. Please place an X in all boxes that you think apply More money and resources Better information and data A comprehensive and standard clinical pathway X Commissioning Support / Guidance None of the above Other (please state and provide further details below) Care is provided best where the clinicians from GP to dermatologist to specialist surgeon work together in the best interests of the patient. Communication and team working are the key to providing good care whatever the clinical problem. One size never fits all and local teams should be able to draw on local resources. Commissioners need to understand this when looking at services. Services need to be able to provide the data to show their service works and delivers good clinical care with excellent patient satisfaction. Page 10 of 10