Latest Freeman Manuscripts (by Subject) Date of Last Revision: 4 Sept 2013 Group Headings AA-AZ. Reviews BA-BO. Chaos and nonlinear dynamics CA-CS. Intentionality and Meaning DA-DU. Mathematical and Engineering Models. EA-EN. Human EEG. FA-FV. Field Theory. GA-GD. Scholarpedia HA-HU. 80th Birthday Festschrift A. Reviews AA. The olfactory system: odor detection and classification. Chapter in: Frontiers in Biology, Volume 3. Intelligent Systems. Part II Brain Components as Elements of Intelligent Function (2001). Pages 509-526. New York: Academic Press. First published in Italian as: "Il sistemo olfattivo: rilevamento e classificazione degli odori" Vol. III, Parte Seconda: Organizzazioni di systemi intelligenti. Sezzione III: Parti del Cervello e Funzioni Intelligenti, pp. 477-494. Frontiere della Vita. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana. Fondata da Giovanni Treccani, Roma 1999. AB. Chaotic oscillations and the genesis of meaning in cerebral cortex. In: Buzsaki G, Llinás R, Singer W, Berthoz A, Christen Y (eds.) Temporal Coding in the Brain". Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1994, pp 13-37. with J. M. Barrie AC. Characteristics of the synchronization of brain activity imposed by finite conduction velocities of axons. Special Issue on Synchronization, Kurths J (ed.) International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (2000) 10: 2307-2322. AD. Three centuries of category errors in studies of the neural basis of consciousness and intentionality. Neural Networks (1997) 10: 1175-1183. AE. Introductory article on 'Brain'. Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, Vol. 3, pp.30-32, 8th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1997. AF. Mesoscopic neurodynamics: from neuron to brain. J. Physiol. (Paris), 2000, 94: 303-322. AG. Making Sense of Brain Waves: The Most Baffling Frontier in Neuroscience. In: Biocomputing. Eds: P Parelus, J Principe, S Rajasekaran. New York: Kluver, 2001. Chapter 3, Pages 33-55. AH. Bridging the Gaps Between Neuron, Brain and Behavior with Neurodynamics. Lecture: Jean Piaget Society Symposium, Berkeley, CA, May 31 - June 2, 2001: “Using systemic accounts to close the gap between biology and psychology” AI. Biocomplexity: Adaptive behavior in complex stochastic dynamical systems. BioSystems (2001) 59: 109-123. With Robert Kozma and Paul Werbos. AJ. Brain science on ethics: The neurobiology of making choices. International Neural Network Society Newsletter (2002) 115: 3-4. AK. Neurodynamic models of brain in psychiatry. Neuropsychopharmacology (2003) 28, S1: 54-63. AL. The wave packet: An action potential for the 21st century. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience (2003) 2: 3-30. AM. Evidence from human scalp EEG of global chaotic itinerancy. Chaos (2003) 13(3): 1067-1077 (015303CHA, American Institute of Physics, Special Issue) AN. A neurobiological theory of meaning in perception. Part 1. Information and meaning in nonconvergent and nonlocal brain dynamics. AM. Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos (2003) 13: 2493-2511. AO. A neurobiological theory of meaning in perception. Part 2. Spatial patterns of phase in gamma EEGs from primary sensory cortices reveal the dynamics of mesoscopic wave packets. Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos (2003) 13: 2513-2535. AP. A neurobiological theory of meaning in perception. Part 3. Multiple cortical areas synchronize without loss of local autonomy. Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos (2003) 13: 2845-2856. With Gyöngyi Gaál & Rebecka Jornten. AQ. A neurobiological theory of meaning in perception. Part 4. Multicortical patterns of amplitude modulation in gamma EEG. Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos (2003): 2857-2866. With Brian C Burke. AR. A neurobiological theory of meaning in perception. Part 5. Multicortical patterns of phase modulation in gamma EEG. Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos (2003) 13: 2867-2887. With Linda J Rogers. AS. How and why brains create meaning from sensory information. Intern J Bifurc Chaos 14: 513-530 (2004). AT. Book Review: Alzheimer: The Life of a Physician and the Career of a Disease. Konrad Maurer and Ulrike Maurer; translated by Neil Levi with Alastair Burns. New York, Columbia University Press, 2002, 270 pp. AU. NDN, volume transmission, and self-organization in brain dynamics. J Integrative Neuroscience 4 (4): 407-421 (2005). AV. Definitions of state variables and state space for brain-computer interface. Part 1. Multiple hierarchical levels of brain function. Cognitive Neurodynamics 1(1): 13-14 (2006). AW. Definitions of state variables and state space for brain-computer interface. Part 2. Extraction and classification of feature vectors. Cognitive Neurodynamics 1(2): 85-96 (2007). AX. The place of 'codes' in nonlinear neurodynamics. Invited article. Chapter 28 in: Progress in Brain Research, “Computational Neuroscience”, Kalaska J, Cisek P, Drew T (eds.) Amsterdam NL: Elsevier BV, pp. 451-466 (2007). AY. Indirect biological measures of consciousness from field studies of brains as dynamical systems. Neural Networks 20: 1021-2031 (2007). AZ. Three types of state transition underlying perception. Chapter 1- in: “Consciousness Transitions: Phylogenetic, Ontogenetic and Physiological Aspects.” Liljenstrom H, Åhrem P (eds.) Amsterdam NL: Elsevier BV, pp. 235-251 (2007). AZA. The emergence of mind and emotion in the evolution of neocortex. Riv Psichiatr. 46 (5-6): 281-7 (2011). doi: 10.1708/1009.10972. AZB. Aperiodic phase re-setting in scalp EEG of beta-gamma oscillations by state transitions at alpha-theta rates. Hum Brain Mapp. 19(4): 248-72, 2003. With B.C. Burke and M.D. Holmes. AZC. Performance of intelligent systems governed by internally generated goals. Chapter 3 in: "Theories of the Cerebral Cortex". Hecht-Nielsen RC, McKenna T (eds.) New York: Academic Press, pp. 65-84 (2003). AZD. Self-organizing brain dynamics and movement goals. Chapter 14, in: Davids K, Bennett S, Newell K (eds.) Variability in the Movement System: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Champagne IL: Human Kinetics Inc, pp. 251269 (2005). AZE. Derivation of EEG information from rates of change in order parameter and free energy dissipation. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 6: 4499-502, 2004. AZF. Metastability, instability, and state transition in neocortex. Neural Netw. 18 (56): 497-504, 2005. With M.D. Holmes. AZG. Three Centuries of Category Errors in Studies of the Neural Basis of Consciousness and Intentionality. Neural Netw. 10(7): 1175-1183, 1997. B. Chaos and nonlinear dynamics BA. Noise-induced first-order phase transitions in chaotic brain activity. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 1999, 9: 2215-2218. BB. Brains create macroscopic order from microscopic disorder by neurodynamics in perception. Chapter 7 in: Århem P, Blomberg C, Liljenström H (eds.) Disorder versus Order in Brain Function. Essays in Theoretical Neurobiology. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2000, pp. 205-219. BC. Analysis of spatial patterns of phase in neocortical gamma EEGs in rabbit. Journal of Neurophysiology 84: 1266-1278 (2000). Freeman WJ & Barrie JM. BD. A proposed name for aperiodic brain activity: stochastic chaos. Neural Networks (2000) 13: 11-13. BE. Spatial spectral analysis of human electrocorticograms including the alpha and gamma bands. With Linda J Rogers, Mark D Holmes and Daniel L Silbergeld. Methods in Neuroscience 95: 111-121, 2000. BF. Statistical evaluation of clusters derived by nonlinear mapping of EEG spatial patterns. Journal of Neuroscience Methods (1999) 90: 87-95. Barrie JM, Holcmann D & Freeman WJ BG. Neurodynamics in auditory cortex during category learning. Ohl FW, Scheich H, Freeman WJ (2005) Ch. 8 in: König R, Heil P, Budinger E, Scheich H (eds.) The Auditory Cortex — A Synthesis of Human and Animal Research. Mahwah NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc. pp. 429-444. BH. Change in pattern of ongoing cortical activity with auditory category learning. Nature (2001) 412: 733-736. Ohl FW, Scheich H & Freeman WJ. BI. Fine temporal resolution of analytic phase reveals episodic synchronization by state transitions in gamma EEG. J. Neurophysiol. (2002) 87: 937-945. With Linda J Rogers. BJ. Simulating cortical background activity at rest with filtered noise. J Integr Neurosci 7(3): 337-344 (2008). With S O’Nuillain and J Rodriguez. BK. Simulated power spectral density (PSD) of background electrocorticogram (ECoG). Cognitive Neurodynamics 3(1): 97-103 (2009). With J Zhai. <> BL. Deep analysis of perception through dynamic structures that emerge in cortical activity from self-regulated noise. Cognitive Neurodynamics 3(1): 105-11 (2009). BM. Fine temporal resolution of analytic phase reveals episodic synchronization by state transitions in gamma EEGs. J Neurophysiol. 87(2): 937-45, 2002. With L. J. Rogers. BN. Adaptation of the generalized Carnot cycle to describe thermodynamics of cerebral cortex. In: Proc IEEE World Congr Comp Intell WCCI/IJCNN 2012 Brisbane QLD. Australia 10-15 June 2012 IEEE Press, pp. 3229-3236.With R. Kozma and G. Vitiello. BO. Thermodynamic model of criticality in the cortex based on EEG/ECOG data. Chapter in: Plenz, D., Niebur, E (eds), Criticality in Neural Systems, Bethesda: John Wiley & Sons, 2012. With R. Kozma and M Puljic. BR. Response dynamics of entorhinal cortex in awake, anesthetized and bulbotomized rats. Brain Research (2001) 911:193-202. .Ahrens KF & Freeman WJ. C. Intentionality and Meaning CA. Brain training. Framtider International (1996) 6: 23-27. CB. Consciousness, Intentionality, and Causality. Journal of Consciousness Studies (1999) 6: 143-172. CC. Comparison of brain models for active vs. passive perception. Information Sciences (1999) 116: 97-107. CD. A neurobiological interpretation of semiotics: meaning, representation, and information. Information Sciences (2000) 124: 93-102. CE. Emotion is essential to all intentional behaviors. Chapter 8 in: Lewis MD, Granic I (eds.). "Emotion, Development, and Self-Organization". Cambridge U.K.: Cambridge University Press (2000). pp. 209-235. CF. Brain Dynamics: Brain Chaos and Intentionality. Chapter 10b in: "Integrative Neuroscience. Bringing Together Biological, Psychological and Clinical Models of the Human Brain" Gordon, E. (ed.) Sydney Australia: Harwood Academic Publ., 2000, pp. 163-171. CG. A neurobiological role of music in social bonding. Chapter 22 in "The Origins of Music". Wallin N, Merker B, and Brown S (eds.). Cambridge MA: MIT Press ,2000, pp. 411-424. CH. Perception of time and causation through the kinesthesia of intentional action. Cognitive Processing (2000) 1: 18-34. Perception of time and causation through the kinesthesia of intentional action. Integrative Psychological & Behavioral Science (2008) 42(2): 137-143. CI. The neurodynamics of intentionality in animal brains may provide a basis for constructing devices that are capable of intelligent behavior. Essay prepared for a "Workshop on Metrics for Intelligence" in a program for "Development of Criteria for Machine Intelligence" at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg MD, 14-16 August 2000 CJ. W.Grey Walter: Biographical Essay. Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science(2003) 4: 537-539. CK. Neurohumoral brain dynamics of social group formation: Implications for autism. In: Carter CS, Lederhendler II, Kirkpatrick B. "The Integrative Neurobiology of Affiliation." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1997, 807: 501-503. CL. Nonlinear dynamics of intentionality. Journal of Mind and Behavior (1997) 18: 291-304. CM. Bidirectional processing in the olfactory-limbic axis during olfactory behavior. Behavioral Neuroscience (1998) 112: 541-553. Kay LM & Freeman WJ. CN. Osmetic ontogenesis or olfaction becomes you: The neurodynamic, intentional self and its affinities with the Foucaultian/Butlerian Subject. Configurations (2001) 9: 509-541. Jennifer Hosek & Walter J Freeman. CO. William James on consciousness, revisited. Chaos & Complexity Letters (2004) 1:17-42. CP. A neurobiological model of perception: Considerations for tranference. J Psychoanalytic Psychology 24(4): 623-640 (2007). Pincus D, Freeman WJ, & Modell A. CQ. Perception of time and causation through the kinesthesia of intentional action. Integrative Psychological & Behavioral Science 42(2): 137-143 (2008). CR. Nonlinear dynamics and intention according to Aquinas. Mind and Matter 6(2): 207-234 (2009). DOI: 10.1063/1.2979694 CS Understanding Perception Through Neural ‘Codes.’ IEEE Trans. Biomed. Engin. 58 (7): 1884-1890 (2011). DOI: TBME00851-2010.R1 D. Mathematical and Engineering Models. DA. Taming chaos: Stabilization of aperiodic attractors by noise. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems (1997) 44: 989-996. Freeman WJ, Chang H-J, Burke BC, Rose PA & Badler J DB. Optimization of olfactory model in software to give 1/f power spectra reveals numerical instabilities in solutions governed by aperiodic (chaotic) attractors. Neural Networks (1998) 11: 449-466. Chang H-J, Freeman WJ & Burke BC DC. Biologically modeled noise stabilizing neurodynamics for pattern recognition. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (1998) 8: 321-345. Chang H-J & Freeman WJ. DD. Local homeostasis stabilizes a model of the olfactory system globally in respect to perturbations by input during pattern classification. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (1999) 8: 2107-2123. Chang H-J, & Freeman WJ. DE. Chaotic Resonance: Methods and applications for robust classification of noisy and variable patterns. Kozma, R. and Freeman, W.J. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 11(6): 1607-1629 (2001). DF. Design and implementation of a biologically realistic olfactory cortex in analog VLSI. Proceedings IEEE (2001) 89: 1030-1051. .Principe, J.C., Tavares, V.G., Harris, J.G. & Freeman, W.J. DG. A study on a Bionic Pattern Classifier Based on Olfactory Neural System. Int. J. Bifurcation Chaos., 16, 2425-2434 (2006). Li, X., Li, G., Wang, L., Freeman, W. J. DH. Tea Classification Based on Artificial Olfaction Using Bionic Olfactory Neural Networks. In: Wang, J., Yi, Z., Zurada, J. M., et al. (ed) Advances in Neural Networks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3972, 343-348, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York (2006). Yang, X., Fu, J., Lou, Z., Wang, L., Li, G., Freeman, W. J. DI. Face Recognition Using a Neural Network Simulating Olfactory Systems. In: Wang, J., Yi, Z., Zurada, J. M., et al. (ed) Advances in Neural Networks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3972, 93-97, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York (2006). Li, G., Zhang, J., Wang, Y., Freeman, W. J. DJ. A pattern recognition method for electronic noses based on an olfactory neural network. Sensors and Actuators B 125: 489-497 (2007). Fu J, Li G, Qin Y, Freeeman WJ. DK. Application of novel chaotic neural network on Mandarin digital speech recognition. Fuzzy Systems Conference, 2007. FUZZ-IEEE 2007-08-27. ISSN: 1098-7584 page(s): 1-5 DOI:10.1109/FUZZY.2007.4295337. Zhang J, Li G, Freeman WJ. DM. The KIV model - nonlinear spatio-temporal dynamics of the primordial vertebrate forebrain. Neurocomputing (2003) 52: 819-826. Robert Kozma, Walter J Freeman, Peter Erdí. DN. Neuropercolation: A random cellular automata approach to spatio-temporal neurodynamics. Cellular Automata, Proceedings. 3305, pp. 435-443 (2004). R Kozma, M Puljic, P Balister, B Bollobas, and Walter J. Freeman III. DO. Phase transitions in the neuropercolation model of neural populations with mixed local and non-local interactions. Biol. Cybern. 2005, 92: 367-379. Kozma R, Puljic M, Balister P, Bollabás B, Freeman WJ. DP. Computational Aspects of Cognition and Consciousness in Intelligent Devices. IEEE Computational Intelligence 2(3): 53-64 (2007). Kozma R, Aghazarian H, Huntsherger T, Tunstel E, & Freeman WJ. DQ. Intermittent spatio-temporal de-synchro-nization and sequenced synchrony in ECoG signals. Chaos18: 037131 (2008). Special Issue: Synchronization in Complex Networks, Suykens J, Osipov G (eds). Kozma R, & Freeman WJ. DOI: 10.1063/1.2979694� 10.1063/1.2979694 DR. Implementing intentional robotics principles using SSR2K platform. Advanced Robotics 22(12): 1309-1327 (2008). Kozma R, Huntsberger T, Aghazarian H, Tunstel E, Ilin R, & Freeman WJ. DS. The neurobiological infrastructure of natural computing: Intentionality. J New Math Natural Computing (NMNC) 5(1): 19-29 (2009). Special Issue on: “Neurodynamics and Cognition” in Recognition of W J Freeman (March 2009 issue) Kozma R, Caulfield HJ (eds.) DT. The KIV model of intentional dynamics and decision making. Neural Networks 22(3): 277-285 (April 2009). Kozma R, & Freeman WJ. doi:10.1016/j.neunet.2009.03.019 DU. Chapter 7. Scale-free cortical planar networks. Handbook of Large-Scale Random Networks. Series: Bolyai Mathematical Studies, Vol. 18. Bollobás B, Kozma R, Miklös D (Eds.) New York: Springer (2009). Freeman WJ, Kozma R, Bollobás B, & Ballister P. DV. Attractor density models with application to analyzing the stability of biological neural networks. Computational Science -- ICCS 2001, Proceedings Pt 2. 2074, pp. 231-234 (2001). C Storm and Walter J. Freeman III. DW. Power spectral density changes and language lateralization during covert object naming tasks measured with high-density EEG recordings. Epilepsy Behav. 14 (1): 54-9, 2009. With C. Ramon, M. Holmes, M. Gratkowski, K.J. Eriksen, and J. Haueisen. DX. Optimization of olfactory model in software to give 1/f power spectra reveals numerical instabilities in solutions governed by aperiodic (chaotic) attractors. Neural Netw. 11(3): 449-466, 1998. With B.C. Burke and H.J. Chang. DY. Spatial navigation model based on chaotic attractor networks. Conn. Sci. 16(1): 1-19, 2004. With H. Voicu, R. Kozma, and D. Wong. DZ. Comparative analysis of temporal dynamics of EEG and phase synchronization of EEG to localize epileptic sites from high density scalp EEG interictal recordings. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2008: 4548-50, 2008. With C. Ramon, M.D. Holmes, R. McElroy, and E. Rezvanian. DZA. Synchronized minima in ECoG power at frequencies between beta-gamma oscillations disclose cortical singularities in cognition. J Neurosci Neuroengin 1: 111, 2012. With R. Kozma and J. J. J. Davis. DZB. Neuropercolation: A Random Cellular Automata Approach to SpatioTemporal Neurodynamics. Ch. in: Lecture Notes in Computer, 2004. Science: With R. Kozma, M. PuljiC, P. Balister, and B. Bollobas. E. Human EEG. EA. Spatio-temporal correlations in human gamma band electrocorticograms. Electroencephalography and clinical Neurophysiology (1996) 98: 89-102. Menon V, Freeman WJ, Cutillo BA, Desmond JE, Ward MF, Bressler SL, Laxer KD, Barbaro NM, Gevins AS EB. Spatial spectral analysis of human electrocorticograms including the alpha and gamma bands. Journal of Neuroscience Methods (2000) 95: 111-121. Freeman WJ, Rogers LJ, Holmes MD, Silbergeld DL. EC. Spatial patterns of gamma activity and fMRI. Powerpoint Tutorial, Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2002, Sendai, Japan. ED. Spatial spectra of scalp EEG and EMG from awake humans. Clinical Neurophysiology (2003) 114: 1055-1060. With Brian C Burke, Mark D Holmes & Sampsa Vanhatalo. EE. Aperiodic phase re-setting in scalp EEG of beta-gamma oscillations by state transitions at alpha-theta rates. Human Brain Mapping (2003) 19(4):248-272. With Brian C Burke & Mark D Holmes. EF. Application of Hilbert transform to scalp EEG containing EMG. Human Brain Mapping. 19, pp. 248-272 (2003). Walter J. Freeman III, Brian C. Burke, and M D. Holmes. EG. Dynamics of human neocortex that optimizes its stability and flexibility. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 21:1-21 (2006). With Mark D Holmes, G Alexander West and Sampsa Vanhatalo EH. Metastability, instability, and state transition in neocortex. With Mark D Holmes. Neural Networks. EI. A cinematographic hypothesis of cortical dynamics in perception. In: Karakas S, Basar E (eds.) Intern. J. Psychophysiology 60(2): 149-161 (2006). EJ. Fine spatiotemporal structure of phase in human intracranial EEG. Clin. Neurophysiol. 117, 6, 2006, pp 1228-1243 (2006). Freeman WJ, Holmes MD, West GA, & Vanhatalo S. EK. Topography, independent component analysis, and dipole source analysis of movement related potentials. Cognitive Neurodynamics 1: 327340 (2007). Pockett S, Whalen S, McPhail AVH, & Freeman WJ. http://DOI 10.1007/s 11571-007-9024y EL. EEG synchrony during a perceptual-cognitive task: Widespread phase synchrony at all frequencies. Clin Neurophysiol 120: 695-708 (2009). Pockett S, Bold GEJ, & Freeman WJ. doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2008.12.044 Electr J Theor Physics 4: 1-18. EM. Combining fMRI with EEG and MEG in order to relate patterns of brain activity to cognition. Intern J Psychophysiol 73(1):43-52 (2009). Freeman WJ, Ahlfors SP, & Menon V. EN. Brain neural activity patterns yielding numbers are operators, not representations. Commentary pp. 336-337 in: Kadosh RC, Walsh V (2009) Numerical representation in the parietal lobes: Abstract or not abstract? Behavioral Brain Science 32: 313-372 (2009). Freeman WJ, Kozma R. EO. Similarities between simulated spatial spectra of scalp EEG, EG and Structural MRI. Brain Topography 1573-6792 (2009). Ramon C, Freeman WJ, Holmes J, Ishimaru A, Haueisen J, Schimpf PH, Rezcanian E. doi:10.1007/s10548009-0104-7 EP. Analysis of early hypoxia EEG based on a novel chaotic neural network. Neural information Processing, Pt 1, Proceedings. 4232, pp. 11-18 (2006). M Hu, J J. Li, G Li, and Walter J. Freeman III. EQ Detecting stable phase structures in EEG signals to classify brain activity amplitude patterns. J. Zhejiang Univ. (Sci. A) 10(10): 1483-1491. With Y Ruiz, G Li, and E Gonzalez. ER Behavioral states may be associated with distinct spatial patterns in electrocorticogram. Cognitive Neurodynamics 5(1): 55-66. With H. Panagiotides, M.D. Holmes, and D. Pantazis. ES A new approach to detect and study spatial–temporal intracranial EEG frames. Digital Signal Processing With 22(1): 133-139. With Y. Ruiz , G. Li, and E. González ET. Locating spatial patterns of waveforms during sensory perception in scalp EEG. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE, pp.2531-2534, Aug. 28 2012-Sept. 1 2012 doi: 10.1109/EMBC.2012.6346479. wITH A. J. Brockmeier, M. Kh Hazrati, L. Li, and J. C. Principe. EU. Controversies in epilepsy: debates held during the Fourth International Workshop on Seizure Prediction. Epilepsy Behav. 19 (1): 4-16, 2010. With M.G. Frei, H.P. Zaveri, S. Arthurs, G.K. Bergey, C.C. Jouny, K. Lehnertz, J. Gotman, I. Osorio, T.I. Netoff, J. Jefferys, G. Worrell, Mle V. Quyen, S.J. Schiff, and F. Mormann. EV. Spatial patterning of the neonatal EEG suggests a need for high number of electrodes. NeuroImaging 68: 229-235. Doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2012.11.062, 2013. With M. Odabee, C. Ramon, P. Colditz, and S. Vanhatalo. EW. The use of codes to connect mental and material aspects of brain function: comment on: "Natural world physical, brain operational, and mind phenomenal space-time" by A.A. Fingelkurts, A.A. Fingelkurts and C.F.H. Neves. Phys Life Rev 7 (2): 260-1, 2010. EX. A method to study global spatial patterns related to sensory perception in scalp EEG. J. Neurosci. Methods. 19: 110-8, 2010. With Y. Ruiz, S. Pockett, E. Gonzalez, and G. Li. F. Field Theory. FA. A field-theoretic approach to understanding scale-free neocortical dynamics. Biol. Cybern. 2005, 92/6: 350-359. FB. Origin, structure, and role of background EEG activity. Part 1. Analytic amplitude.. Clinical Neurophysiology 2004a, 115: 2077-2088. FC. Origin, structure, and role of background EEG activity. Part 2. Analytic phase. Clinical Neurophysiology 2004b, 115: 2089-2107. FD. Origin, structure, and role of background EEG activity. Part 3. Neural frame classification. Clinical Neurophysiology 2005a, 116 (5): 1118-1129. FE. Origin, structure, and role of background EEG activity. Part 4. Neural frame simulation. Clinical Neurophysiology 117(3): 572-589 (2006). FF. Nonlinear brain dynamics as macroscopic manifestation of underlying many-body field dynamics. Physics of Life Reviews 3: 93-118 (2006). Freeman WJ, & Vitiello G FG. Proposed cortical "shutter" mechanism in cinematographic perception. Chapter in: Neurodynamics of Cognition and Consciousness, Perlovsky L, Kozma R (eds.) Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, pp. 11-38 (2007). FH. The dissipative quantum model of brain and laboratory observations. Chapter in: Licata I, Sakaji A (eds.) Physics of Emergence and Organization. Hackensack NJ: World Scientific, pp. 233-251(2008). Freeman WJ, & Vitiello G Electr J Theor Physics 4: 1-18. FI. Proposed renormalization group analysis of nonlinear brain dynamics at criticality. Ch. 27 in: Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics ICCN 2007 (R. Wang et al. eds.). Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 147-158 (2008). Freeman WJ, & Cao Y. FJ. Dissipation and spontaneous symmetry breaking in brain dynamics. J Physics A: Math, Theory 41 – 304042 (17 pp) (2008). Freeman WJ, & Vitiello G. doi:10.1088/1751-8113/41/30/304042. FK. A pseudo-equilibrium thermodynamic model of information processing in nonlinear brain dynamics. Neural Networks 21: 257-265 (2008). FL. Dissipative neurodynamics in perception forms cortical patterns that are stabilized by vortices. J. Physics Conf Series 174 – 012011 (24pp.) (2009). Freeman WJ, & Vitiello G. FP. Vortices in brain activity: Their mechanism and significance for perception. Neural Networks 22(5-6): 491-501 (2009). doi:10.1016/j.neunet.2009.06.050. FR Evidence for a Spatiotemporal Singularity in Percept Formation by Cerebral Cortex. W. Freeman In: Adv. Cogn. Neurodyn. (II): Proc. 2nd Intl. Conf. Cogn. Neurodyn. (eds. Wang R, GuF), Springer: 585-596 (2009). FS Vortices in Brain Waves. W. Freeman and G. Vitiello. Intl. J. of Modern Physics B 24(17): 3269-3295 (2010). FT Cortical phase transitions, nonequilibrium thermodynamics and the timedependent Ginzburg-Landau equation. W. Freeman, R. Livi, M. Obinata and G. Vitiello. Intl J of Modern Physics B 26(6): 1250035-1250064 (2012). FU Adaptation of the generalized Carnot cycle to describe thermodynamics of cerebral cortex. W. Freeman, R. Kozma and G. Vitiello. (IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Australia; IEEE Press: Brisbane, 2012; 3229-3236 (2012). FV Dissipation of 'dark energy' by cortex in knowledge retrieval. Physics of Life Reviews, on-line. A. Capolupo, W. Freeman and G. Vitiello (2013) DOI: 10.1016/j.plrev.2013.01.001 FW Thermodynamic Model of Criticality in the Cortex Based on EEG/ECOG Data. (2013) R. Kozma, M. Puljic, and W. Freeman. Criticality in Neural Systems 20 Apr 2012 NIH, Betheseda, MD. (Eds.) Plenz, D., Niebur, E. Bethesda: John Wiley & Sons, G. Scholarpedia GA. Scale-free neocortical dynamics. Encyclopedia for Computational Neuroscience, Izhikevich E (ed.) [2007]. GB. Hilbert transform for brain waves. Entry for Encyclopedia for Computational Neuroscience, Izhikevich E (ed.) [2007]. brain_waves GC. Intentionality. Entry for Encyclopedia for Computational Neuroscience, Izhikevich E (ed.) [2007]. GD. Freeman K-set. Scholarpedia, 3(2): 3238 [2008]. With H Erwin. GE. Freeman’s Mass Action. Encyclopedia for Computational Neuroscience, Izhikevich E (ed.) [2009]. With R Kozma.’s_Mass_Action GF Freeman’s Mass Action. Scholarpedia 5(1): 8040. With R. Kozma. H. 80th Birthday Symposium HA. Neurodynamic Correlates of Higher Cognition and Consciousness – Editorial. New Math. And Nat. Computation. 5(1): 1-6 (2009). By R. Kozma and H. J. Caulfield. HB. Some New Horizons In Recording the EEG. New Math. And Nat. Computation. 5(1): 7-18 (2009). By K. H. Pribram. HC. The Neurobiological Infrastructure of Natural Computing: Intentionality. 5(1): 19-30 (2009). By W. J. Freeman. HD. Modeling Consciousness. 5(1): 31-46 (2009). By J.G. Taylor. HE. Large-Scale Cortical Network Coordination: A Proposal for the Neural Substrate of Expectancy. 5(1): 47-60 (2009). By S. L. Bressler and C. G. Richter. HF. Neurodynamics of Category Learning: Towards Understanding the Creation of Meaning in the Brain. 5(1): 61-82 (2009). By M. Deliano and F. W. Ohl. HG. Attractors In Song. 5(1): 83-114 (2009). By K. Friston and S. Kiebel. HI. The Visual System: A “Chicken and Egg” Problem Solved. 5(1): 115-122 (2009). By A. R. Parker and H. J. Caulfield. HJ. 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