POPSICLE HEAT TRANSFER - I-4CorridorElementaryScience

SC.4.P.11.1 Recognize that heat flows from a hot object to a cold object and that heat flow may cause
materials to change temperature.
SC.4.P.10.2 Investigate and describe that energy has the ability to cause motion or create change.
SC.4.P.10.1 Observe and describe some basic forms of energy, including light, heat, sound, electrical,
and the energy of motion.
SC.4.P.8.2 Identify properties and common uses of water in each of its states.
SC.4.N.1.1 Raise questions about the natural world, use appropriate reference materials that support
understanding to obtain information (identifying the source), conduct both individual and team
investigations through free exploration and systematic investigations, and generate appropriate
explanations based on those explorations.
SC.4.N.1.2 Compare the observations made by different groups using multiple tools and seek
reasons to explain the differences across groups.
Where does the coldness from the popsicle go as it melts?
Energy in the form of light, heat (thermal energy), electricity, and magnetism is abstract and difficult to
define simply and accurately. A simple scientific definition is, “Energy is the ability to do work.” In other
words, you can use energy to bring about certain changes in systems or their surroundings. According
to Paige Keeley (Uncovering Student Ideas in Science, Vol. 2), the term energy is one vocabulary
word that students should begin to understand before having experiences with it in labs.
Coldness is not a lack of heat. Heat is in everything - heat is the movement of molecules. Unless you
have absolute zero, there is always some movement of molecules in matter. Temperature measures
heat. Items that we consider cold have less heat energy than objects that we consider hot. When
possible, heat transfers between objects until equilibrium of temperature is reached.
There is not a need to focus on the vocabulary of convection, conduction, and radiation- they will
connect this in the higher grades. Teachers should use the terms properly and model them during
experiences. This will allow students with a stronger conceptual understanding to begin connecting
what it happening to these terms. Students should have various experiences in each of those methods
of heat transfer and should be able to describe the phenomenon but should not be required to
memorize the vocabulary words.
According to Paige Keeley (Uncovering Student Ideas in Science, Vol. 2), elementary students will
likely not be able to fully understand heat transfer. This is a concept that will continue to develop as
they get into middle and high school. Students in elementary school should be able to understand and
explain that heat moves from one place to another, which they can observe when doing activities in
Per student
science notebook
Grade 4, Big Idea 11
Orange County Public Schools June 2010
Per pair of students/group
Per class
1 freezer pop
enough frozen pops for every child
1 16 oz. plastic cup filled with
room temp. water
2 thermometers
large Styrofoam cup (big enough for the popsicle to fit in almost completely)
paper towels
Always follow OCPS science safety guidelines. Advise students to handle the thermometers with care
as they are made with glass and chemicals.
 Purchase 6-inch long freezer pops, if possible, instead of longer ones.
 Since the focus is on the concept of heat transfer and not reading thermometers, using digital
thermometers will allow students to focus on what is happening in the activity without being
sidetracked by improperly reading thermometers. So, if possible, use digital thermometers. If
not, be prepared to check the temperature measurements and to carefully monitor correct
thermometer readings by students.
 Be careful not to project human feelings on the heat - heat does not “want” to move.
1. Ask students to write the key question in their science notebook, to write any preliminary
thoughts, and to discuss the key question with a partner or their group.
2. Regroup and host a brief discussion on student current ideas to help identify misconceptions
and preliminary knowledge.
3. Show students the liquid freezer pops. Discuss that freezer pops are in a solid state and are
usually eaten this way. Ask students what they could do to change the freezer pops to a
different state.
1. Organize students into pairs. Provide each pair with a frozen popsicle, large Styrofoam cup,
and two thermometers.
2. Ask students to cut open the popsicle and nestle it in the Styrofoam cup without spilling.
3. Have students place a thermometer inside the popsicle and on the inside edge of the
Styrofoam cup (as far away from the popsicle as possible)
4. Have students begin collecting data on temperature from both locations every minute for the
next 15 minutes. Students should practice collecting data in a chart similar to the one below:
Observations of Temperature Changes Between Popsicle and Air
Air in Cup
Time Temperature
5. Once data have been collected, call the class together and have each group report out their
claims with a focus on the key question. Guide students into making a claim and supporting it
with evidence from the data collected.
Grade 4, Big Idea 11
Orange County Public Schools June 2010
1. Discuss:
 How did the properties of the freezer pops change? (The freezer pops changed from a
solid to a liquid.)
 What caused the freezer pops to change state? (Energy must be added to the solid
popsicle to make it melt. This energy was the heat energy in the air, which was warmer
than the popsicle.)
 Was there a change in the temperature of the air in the cup? (The temperature of the air in
the cup begins to decrease because it is losing heat to the cold popsicle. This cools the air
in the cup.)
 Why did the temperature change occur? (As the freezer pop melted, the temperature
dropped. The heat in the cup was causing the popsicle to melt because the hotter air was
touching the popsicle and transferring into it. This process continued until equilibrium of
temperature was met.)
 What role did energy have in this experience? (Heat energy caused a change in
temperature between both the popsicle and the air in the cup.)
 Did all groups have the same results? Why or why not?
2. Have students respond to the key questions in their science notebooks. Remind students that they
should provide evidence for all claims made.
1. Allow students to eat their own popsicle and tell them to think about the heat energy transfer as
they eat it.
2. Watch Bill Nye the Science Guy video “Heat”.
3. Fill one zipper-type plastic bag with warm water and one with cold water. Place a thermometer
in each bag and note the temperature. Put both bags together so that they are touching each
other. Ask students to predict any temperature changes that may occur in this system in which
the hot and cold water interact, but do not mix. Use student thoughts to identify misconceptions
prior to the next lab.
This is too soon in this Big Idea to assess on conceptual understanding. If assessment is needed at
this time, assess student ability to accurately collect data and to write claims with evidence in their
Grade 4, Big Idea 11
Orange County Public Schools June 2010
SC.4.P.11.1 Recognize that heat flows from a hot object to a cold object and that heat flow may cause
materials to change temperature.
SC.4.P.10.2 Investigate and describe that energy has the ability to cause motion or create change.
SC.4.P.10.1 Observe and describe some basic forms of energy, including light, heat, sound, electrical,
and the energy of motion.
SC.4.N.1.1 Raise questions about the natural world, use appropriate reference materials that support
understanding to obtain information (identifying the source), conduct both individual and team
investigations through free exploration and systematic investigations, and generate appropriate
explanations based on those explorations.
SC.4.N.1.2 Compare the observations made by different groups using multiple tools and seek
reasons to explain the differences across groups.
What happens when a baggie of cold liquid touches a baggie of warm liquid?
Energy in the form of light, heat (thermal energy), electricity, and magnetism is abstract and difficult to
define simply and accurately. A simple scientific definition is, “Energy is the ability to do work.” In other
words, you can use energy to bring about certain changes in systems or their surroundings. According
to Paige Keeley (Uncovering Student Ideas in Science, Vol. 2), the term energy is one vocabulary
word that students should begin to understand before having experiences with it in labs.
Coldness is not a lack of heat. Heat is in everything- heat is the movement of molecules. Unless you
have absolute zero, there is always some movement of molecules in matter. Temperature measures
heat. Items that we consider cold have less heat energy than objects that we consider hot. When
possible, heat transfers between objects until equilibrium of temperature is reached.
There is not a need to focus on the vocabulary of convection, conduction, and radiation- they will
connect this in the higher grades. Teachers should use the terms properly and model them during
experiences. This will allow students with a stronger conceptual understanding to begin connecting
what it happening to these terms. Students should have various experiences in each of those methods
of heat transfer and should be able to describe the phenomenon but should not be required to
memorize the vocabulary words.
According to Paige Keeley (Uncovering Student Ideas in Science, Vol. 2), elementary students will
likely not be able to fully understand heat transfer. This is a concept that will continue to develop as
they get into middle and high school. Students in elementary school should be able to understand and
explain that heat moves from one place to another, which they can observe when doing activities in
Per student
science notebook
Grade 4, Big Idea 11
Orange County Public Schools June 2010
Per pair of students/group
1 small Ziploc baggie of very cold water
1 small Ziploc baggie of warm water
plastic container to place the baggies in
Per class
coffee pot
carafe of iced water
Paige Keeley’s book Uncovering Student
Ideas in Science, Vol. 2
2 thermometers
paper towels
 Always follow OCPS science safety guidelines.
 Be careful with hot water.
 Place water with ice in a large container briefly before this experiment. Pour only the cold liquid
into the baggie. Do not place ice cubes in the baggie.
 Heat water in a coffee pot first thing in the morning and allow it to partially cool before putting it
in the baggie. Do not place boiling water in a baggie, it will melt the baggie.
 The container should be as small as possible to allow the baggies to touch and to still remain
 Since the focus is on the concept of heat transfer and not reading thermometers, using digital
thermometers will allow students to focus on what is happening in the activity without being
sidetracked by improperly reading thermometers. So, if possible, use digital thermometers. If
not, be prepared to check the temperature measurements and to carefully monitor correct
thermometer readings by students. Digital thermometers that are used on fish tanks can be
purchased from pet stores for about $5 each. These would be great for this experiment
because you can attach it to each baggie and watch the change without worrying about spilling
 Be careful not to project human feelings on the heat - heat does not “want” to move.
1. Show students the baggie set-up: both baggies touching each other placed securely in a
plastic container.
2. Ask students to write the key question in their science notebook, to write any preliminary
thoughts, and to discuss the key question with a partner or their group.
3. Regroup and host a brief discussion on student current ideas to help identify misconceptions
and preliminary knowledge.
4. Provide students with the probe entitled “Ice –Cold Lemonade” from page 77 of Uncovering
Student Ideas in Science, Vol. 2. If possible, project it on the board and allow student partners
to discuss their claims.
5. Have student groups report out ideas from the probe. Use this information when making
decisions for student conceptual understanding throughout the experiment.
1. Organize students into pairs. Provide each pair with the materials to set up the experiment.
2. If you are not using sticky thermometers, ask students to barely open the baggies and nestle
a thermometer in each without spilling.
3. Have students begin collecting data on temperature from both baggies every minute for the
next 20 minutes. Students should practice collecting data in a chart similar to the one below:
Grade 4, Big Idea 11
Orange County Public Schools June 2010
Observations of Temperature Changes when Baggies Touch
Colder Baggie
Warmer Baggie
Time Temperature
4. Once data have been collected, call the class together and have each group report out their
claims with a focus on the key question. Guide students into making a claim and supporting it
with evidence from the data collected.
1. Discuss:
 Was there a change in the temperature of the baggies? What did you observe?
 Why did the temperature change occur? (The temperature of the water in the colder cup
begins to increase because the warmer water in the warmer baggie is transferring heat
energy to the colder baggie. This process continued until equilibrium of temperature was
 What role did energy have in this experience? (Heat energy caused a change in
temperature between both the baggies.)
 Did all groups get the same results? Why or why not?
2. Have students respond to the key questions in their science notebooks. Remind students that they
should provide evidence for all claims made.
1. Watch Bill Nye the Science Guy video “Heat”.
2. Complete the same experiment but seal the baggies in a plastic container and also take the
temperature of the container as the heat transfer takes place.
3. Complete the same experiment with other types of liquids that can be cooled and warmed
such as vinegar. Be wary of your liquid selection so that you do not pick a liquid that releases
toxic gases when heated.
 Review notebook entries using the rubric.
 Provide the “Ice-Cold Lemonade” prompt to students again and have students explain their
thinking now. This should not be a graded activity and should be used as an instructional
guide for future labs.
Grade 4, Big Idea 11
Orange County Public Schools June 2010
SC.4.P.11.1 Recognize that heat flows from a hot object to a cold object and that heat flow may cause
materials to change temperature.
SC.4.P.10.2 Investigate and describe that energy has the ability to cause motion or create change.
SC.4.P.10.1 Observe and describe some basic forms of energy, including light, heat, sound, electrical,
and the energy of motion.
SC.4.N.1.1 Raise questions about the natural world, use appropriate reference materials that support
understanding to obtain information (identifying the source), conduct both individual and team
investigations through free exploration and systematic investigations, and generate appropriate
explanations based on those explorations.
SC.4.N.1.2 Compare the observations made by different groups using multiple tools and seek
reasons to explain the differences across groups.
How does the temperature change when hot and cold water are mixed?
Where does the heat in hot water go as it cools?
Energy in the form of light, heat (thermal energy), electricity, and magnetism is abstract and difficult to
define simply and accurately. A simple scientific definition is, “Energy is the ability to do work.” In other
words, you can use energy to bring about certain changes in systems or their surroundings. According
to Paige Keeley (Uncovering Student Ideas in Science, Vol. 2), the term energy is one vocabulary
word that students should begin to understand before having experiences with it in labs.
Coldness is not a lack of heat. Heat is in everything- heat is the movement of molecules. Unless you
have absolute zero, there is always some movement of molecules in matter. Temperature measures
heat. Items that we consider cold have less heat energy than objects that we consider hot. When
possible, heat transfers between objects until equilibrium of temperature is reached.
There is not a need to focus on the vocabulary of convection, conduction, and radiation - they will
connect this in the higher grades. Teachers should use the terms properly and model them during
experiences. This will allow students with a stronger conceptual understanding to begin connecting
what it happening to these terms. Students should have various experiences in each of those methods
of heat transfer and should be able to describe the phenomenon but should not be required to
memorize the vocabulary words.
According to Paige Keeley (Uncovering Student Ideas in Science, Vol. 2), elementary students will
likely not be able to fully understand heat transfer. This is a concept that will continue to develop as
they get into middle and high school. Students in elementary school should be able to understand and
explain that heat moves from one place to another, which they can observe when doing activities in
Per student
science notebook
Grade 4, Big Idea 11
Orange County Public Schools June 2010
Per pair of students/group
3 Styrofoam cups
1 large Ziploc baggie
3 thermometers
paper towels
Per class
coffee pot or access to very hot water
carafe of ice water
2 thermometers
Paige Keeley’s book Uncovering Student
Ideas in Science, Vol. 2
 Always follow OCPS science safety guidelines.
 Be careful with hot water.
 Since the focus is on the concept of heat transfer and not reading thermometers, using digital
thermometers will allow students to focus on what is happening in the activity without being
sidetracked by improperly reading thermometers. So, if possible, use digital thermometers. If
not, be prepared to check the temperature measurements and to carefully monitor correct
thermometer readings by students.
 Be careful not to project human feelings on the heat - heat does not “want” to move.
1. Ask students to write the key questions in their science notebook, to write any preliminary
thoughts, and to discuss the key question with a partner or their group.
2. Regroup and host a brief discussion on student current ideas to help identify misconceptions
and preliminary knowledge.
3. Provide students with the probe entitled “Mixing Water” from page 83 of Uncovering Student
Ideas in Science, Vol. 2. If possible, project it on the board and allow student partners to
discuss their claims.
4. Have student groups report out ideas from the probe. Use this information when making
decisions for student conceptual understanding throughout the experiment.
Ice water temperature:
1. Organize students into pairs or groups.
Provide each with three Styrofoam cups. Tell Hot water temperature:
them that they will be getting some hot
Temp. of Mixed Water
water from your hot water source (coffee
pot?) and cold water from your cold water
source (carafe of ice water?).
2. Prior to passing out materials, take the
temperature of both the hot water source
and the cold water source. Record the data
on the board and have students note the
data in their notebook. A sample data chart is shown to the right.
3. Have student groups collect 50 mL each of cold water (without cubes of ice) and hot water in
separate Styrofoam cups and return to their groups.
4. Have students place a thermometer inside the empty cup.
5. Have students carefully pour both cold and hot liquids into the empty cup and take the
temperature after 30 seconds.
6. Have students continue collecting data on temperature every minute for the next 15 minutes.
7. Once data have been collected, call the class together and have each group report out their
claims with a focus on the first key question- How does the temperature change when hot
Grade 4, Big Idea 11
Orange County Public Schools June 2010
and cold water are mixed?
8. . Guide students into making a claim and supporting it with evidence from the data collected.
1. Discuss:
 How did the properties of the mixed water differ from the two original sources? (They were all
water of different temperatures. The mixed water should have had an original temperature
similar to the average of the two originals.)
 Why did the temperature change occur? (The heat from the hot water moved to an area of
colder temperature and increased the temperature of the cold water. This process continued
until equilibrium of temperature was met.)
 What role did energy have in this experience? (Heat energy caused a change in temperature
of the new, mixed liquid.)
 Why did the mixed liquid have a different temperature than both original temperatures?
 Where do you think the heat energy from the hot water went?
2. Ask student groups to write in their science notebooks a brief reflection of what happened and why
they think this happened.
3. Have students respond to the probe again.
1. Ask: Where do you think the heat energy from the hot water went? (some was released into
the air)
2. Begin the experiment again by:
a. Providing each with three Styrofoam cups. Tell them that they will be getting some hot
water from your hot water source (coffee pot?) and cold water from your cold water
source (carafe of ice water?).
b. Prior to passing out materials, take the temperature of both the hot water source and
the cold water source. Record the data on the board and have students note the data in
their notebook. A sample data chart is shown to the right.
c. Have student groups collect 50 mL each of cold water (without cubes of ice) and hot
water in separate Styrofoam cups and return to their groups.
d. Have students place a thermometer inside the empty cup.
e. Have students carefully pour both cold and hot liquids into the empty cup and place the
thermometer inside.
3. Next, have students seal the cup in a large baggie. There should be a thermometer in the
Ice water temperature:________________
Hot water temperature: _________________
Temperature of Mixed Water
Temperature of Air in Baggie
cup AND in the baggie.
4. Have students continue collecting data on temperature in both the cup and the baggie every
minute for the next 15 minutes.
5. Once data have been collected, call the class together and have each group report out their
claims with a focus on the second key question- Where does the heat in hot water go as it
6. Guide students into making a claim and supporting it with evidence from the data collected.
Grade 4, Big Idea 11
Orange County Public Schools June 2010
3. Discuss:
 Where did you think the heat energy from the hot water go? (Some went into the cold water
and warmed it. Some went into the air and warmed that.)
 What role did energy have in this experience? (Heat energy caused a change in
temperature of the new, mixed liquid and the air.)
4. Have students respond to the key questions in their science notebooks. Remind students that they
should provide evidence for all claims made.
Review notebook entries using the rubric.
Grade 4, Big Idea 11
Orange County Public Schools June 2010
SC.4.P.11.1 Recognize that heat flows from a hot object to a cold object and that heat flow may cause
materials to change temperature.
The student:
 investigates how the flow of heat from a hot object to a cold object causes a change of
temperature in both objects.
SC.4.P.10.1 Observe and describe some basic forms of energy, including light, heat, sound, electrical,
and the energy of motion.
SC.4.P.10.2 Investigate and describe that energy has the ability to cause motion or create change.
SC.4.N.1.1 Raise questions about the natural world, use appropriate reference materials that support
understanding to obtain information (identifying the source), conduct both individual and team
investigations through free exploration and systematic investigations, and generate appropriate
explanations based on those explorations.
SC.4.N.1.4 Attempt reasonable answers to scientific questions and cite evidence in support.
How does heat energy travel?
Heat is the name given to the energy that is transferred from one object to another by virtue of the
difference in their temperatures. Whenever two samples of matter having different temperatures come
into contact, energy is transferred from the one of higher temperature to the one of lower temperature
until both have the same temperature.
The flow of heat through a substance from areas of higher temperature to areas of lower temperature
is called conduction. Conduction can be explained by the kinetic energy of atoms within the material.
Heat causes the atoms to vibrate more rapidly. These atoms vibrate against nearby atoms, which do
the same until the kinetic energy moves throughout the object. The faster the atoms vibrate, the
warmer the object becomes.
Metals, such as silver and copper, are best among common metals in conducting heat. A list of
common substances in the order of their ability to conduct heat is shown. They are listed from the first,
being the most efficient conductor of heat, to the last, being the least efficient conductor of heat:
copper, gold, iron, glass, brick, water, nylon, wood (oak), concrete, wool, air.
Per group
2 cans the same height
clock or timer
2 sheets of heavy-duty aluminum foil
(about 24 cm x 30 cm each)
1 piece of foil to wrap around the candle
1 votive candle
10 chocolate chips
paper towels
water (to use as a fire extinguisher)
Grade 4, Big Idea 11
Orange County Public Schools June 2010
Per student
The Heat is On activity sheet
safety goggles
Graham Crackers
Hershey Bar
Always follow OCPS science safety guidelines. Use caution when handling an open flame. An adult
should always be supervising an open flame. Have a container of water, fire extinguisher, or fire
blanket nearby.
4. Ask for parents or other adult volunteers to help supervise groups while they are using open
5. All loose clothing and hair should be secured, and students should wear safety goggles.
Hold up some Graham Crackers, marshmallows, and Hershey chocolate squares. Ask: How is heat
energy related to these three foods? Those students who have eaten S’mores will, at this point, want
to tell you that they have done so. Tell students you will be returning to the question after the activity.
(Heat radiated from the campfire to a marshmallow held above it on a stick. The hot marshmallow was
placed on a chocolate square that was on a Graham Cracker square. Through conduction, the
chocolate was heated and melted.)
Have students discuss the key question and record their initial thinking in their science notebooks.
1. Distribute student materials.
2. Have students put on their safety goggles and make sure all loose clothing and hair have been
3. Students should fold one piece of foil in half four times. They should bend the ends of the foil
down about 2 centimeters and hook the ends over the tops of the two cans to create a bridge.
4. Next, students should evenly place five chocolate chips along the foil bridge.
5. Students should wrap foil around the candle to create a cylinder.
6. Place the candle in the center under the bridge.
7. Have students refer to the activity sheet, Trial #1. They should predict the order in which they
think the chips will melt.
8. Have students number the chips on the diagram to show the predicted melting pattern.
9. Students should predict the total melting time of the chips and write that time on the activity
sheet in the space provided. (Total melting time is the time needed for the last chip to start
10. One student should volunteer to be the timer. That student will watch the clock and call out the
time when group members report that the last chip has melted.
11. The adult helper should light the candle while students record the starting time.
12. Have students observe the chips as they melt, paying attention to the order in which they melt
and how their physical properties change. They should continue to observe the chips until the
last one is melted. (They may need to use a toothpick to gently touch the chips to check for
13. Students should record the ending time on the activity sheet while the adult safely extinguishes
the candle.
14. Have students discard the used foil bridge.
15. Next students will record the actual melting pattern and the actual total melting time on the
Grade 4, Big Idea 11
Orange County Public Schools June 2010
activity sheet for Trial #1.
16. Have students discuss with their groups how the closeness to the flame affected the chips and
write their responses on the activity sheet.
17. Ask students to share some of their responses with the class.
18. Students should use the remaining sheet of foil to fold another bridge, once again evenly
placing 5 chips along the bridge.
19. This time, place the candle at the far left under the bridge.
20. Have students refer to the activity sheet, Trial #2. They should predict the order in which they
think the chips will melt and number them that way on the activity sheet.
21. They should again predict the total melting time and record it on the activity sheet.
22. The adult helper should light the candle while students record the starting time on the activity
23. The student timer will need to watch the clock carefully. Group members will observe and call
out as each chip melts. The timer will need to report the amount of time that has passed so
students can draw a chip on the timeline to show the time it took for each chip to melt.
24. Students will record the actual melting pattern on the activity sheet while the adult helper safely
extinguishes the candle.
25. Students should clean up their work areas.
What caused the chocolate chips to melt? (heat energy from the candle)
The heat from the candle never touched the chocolate chips, so how did it heat them? (Heat radiated
from the candle to the foil. Vibrating atoms bumped other atoms and the heat energy traveled along
the foil bridge by means of conduction.)
What melting pattern did you observe when the candle was in the middle? (The chip right above the
flame melted first and then the two chips beside the middle one melted, followed by the outer two
What melting pattern did you observe when the candle was placed to the far left? (The chip under the
flame melted first and then the chips melted in order from left to right.)
Why did those melting patterns occur? (Heat energy travels outward from the area closest to the heat
Did the heat energy travel from warm to cool or from cool to warm? How do you know? (The
conduction of heat through a solid will always be from a warmer object to a cooler one, which was the
pattern that occurred in both trials.)
Use what you learned to describe how heat energy enables us to enjoy S’mores. (Heat radiates from
a campfire to a marshmallow held above it on a stick. The hot marshmallow is placed on a chocolate
square that is lying on a Graham Cracker. Through conduction, the chocolate is heated and melted.)
Have students revisit the key question and record their conclusions in their science notebooks.
Have students brainstorm both negative and positive examples of ways heat is conducted through
materials in their daily lives (e.g., hot pavement burns bare feet; hot chocolate heats the sides of a
ceramic mug and they can’t hold it; items in the oven require a pot holder in order to be lifted off oven
racks; a heating pad warms and soothes sore muscles).
Teacher observation and completion of student notebook entries. Evaluate science notebooks using
the rubric.
Grade 4, Big Idea 11
Orange County Public Schools June 2010
Student Scientists________________________________________ Date _____________________
The Heat is On
Trial #1
Number the chips to show the melting pattern.
Predicted Melting Pattern
Actual Melting Pattern
Predicted total melting time: ____
Actual total melting time: ____
Starting time: ____________
Ending time: ___________
Trial #2
Number the chips to show the melting pattern.
Predicted Melting Pattern
Actual Melting Pattern
Predicted total melting time: ____
Actual total melting time: ____
Starting time: ____________
Ending time: ___________
Draw chips on the timeline to show when each started to melt in Trial #2.
Melting Time in Minutes
Grade 4, Big Idea 11
Orange County Public Schools June 2010
SC.4.P.11.1 Recognize that heat flows from a hot object to a cold object and that heat flow may cause
materials to change temperature.
The student:
 investigates how the flow of heat from a hot object to a cold object causes a change of
temperature in both objects.
SC.4.P.11.2 Identify common materials that conduct heat well or poorly.
The student:
 experiments to discover that some materials conduct heat much better than others.
 classifies materials that conduct heat well or poorly.
SC.4.P.10.1 Observe and describe some basic forms of energy, including light, heat, sound, electrical,
and the energy of motion.
SC.4.P.10.2 Investigate and describe that energy has the ability to cause motion or create change.
SC.4.N.1.1 Raise questions about the natural world, use appropriate reference materials that support
understanding to obtain information (identifying the source), conduct both individual and team
investigations through free exploration and systematic investigations, and generate appropriate
explanations based on those explorations.
SC.4.N.1.4 Attempt reasonable answers to scientific questions and cite evidence in support.
SC.4.N.1.5 Compare the methods and results of investigations done by other classmates.
Which metal conducts heat the fastest?
The transfer of heat through a solid is called conduction. Heat always moves from warmer objects to
cooler objects until both objects have the same temperature.
Conduction is the flow of heat through a substance from areas of higher temperatures to areas of
lower temperatures. Conduction involves the transfer of energy from atom to atom. Conduction can be
explained by the kinetic energy of atoms within the material. Heat causes the atoms to vibrate more
rapidly. These atoms vibrate against nearby atoms, which do the same until the kinetic energy moves
throughout the object. The faster the atoms vibrate, the warmer the object becomes.
Conductors, metals such as silver and copper, are best among common metals in conducting heat.
Aluminum, then iron, follows silver and copper in order of heat conducting properties.
Per group
safety goggles (1 pair per student)
1 candle
2 spring-type clothespins
1 solid aluminum rod
1 solid brass rod
1 solid copper rod
2 large trays
1 box of safety matches
1 clock or timer
Always follow OCPS science safety guidelines. Use caution when handling an open flame. An adult
Grade 4, Big Idea 11
Orange County Public Schools June 2010
should always supervise an open flame. Have a container of water, fire extinguisher, or fire blanket
1. Caution students about open flames, hot metals and the safe use of matches.
2. Ask for parents or other adult volunteers to help supervise groups while they are using open
3. All loose clothing and hair should be secured, and students should wear safety goggles.
4. Rods can be obtained at local hardware stores or ordered from science supply companies.
5. To save class time, you can also prepare the rods with the drips of wax ahead of time.
Ask students if they have ever played the game, Hot Potato. Ask: How could you pass a hot potato to
someone in such a way that would cause no discomfort? Discuss the various ways in which they
could protect their hands. Explain that some materials conduct heat better than others.
Today we will be testing the conductivity of different metals: copper, brass, and aluminum. Hold up
three metal rods: aluminum, brass, and copper. Ask: Which metal rod do you think will conduct heat
the best? Why? Allow students to examine these metals and discuss common uses for them if they
are not familiar. Have students record initial thinking about the key question in science notebooks.
1. Have students create a data chart similar to the one below in their notebooks.
2. Distribute materials to groups. Allow students to practice using clothespins as rod holders.
Students may need to use more than one clothespin to support the rods.
3. Have students put on their safety goggles and make sure all loose clothing and hair have been
4. Show students how to drip three bits of melting wax from a burning candle onto each of the
rods to act as heat indicators. The wax drops will melt and fall off as the heat passes under
them and down the rod.
5. Ask adult helpers to light the candles and supervise as groups place the three rods on a tray
and melt wax onto the rods. The drops should be evenly spaced. Have students place the
drops the same distance apart (e.g., one inch apart or 1½ inches apart). Also, be sure you
clarify for students what “drop” means. (Each “drop” may consist of one, two, or three drips of
wax from the candle, but be consistent.) Once these drops are dripped onto the rods, set the
rods aside to cool.
6. Once the wax drops have cooled on the metal rods, students should use clothespins to hold
the rods over burning candles to determine melting times. Decide in advance what “melting”
means. (It is usually determined by when the wax liquefies and rolls under the rod or actually
falls off the rod.)
7. One student in each group should be the timekeeper.
8. Make sure students record on the data chart the predicted melting time, starting time, and the
time that the last wax drop on each rod melts.
Grade 4, Big Idea 11
Orange County Public Schools June 2010
Rod type
1. Compare and discuss the data:
 On which rod did the wax drop the quickest?
 On which rod did the wax drop the slowest?
 How long did it take to melt the wax on the slowest melting rod?
 How long did it take to melt the wax on the fastest melting rod?
 Which metal was the best heat conductor?
 Did all groups produce the same results? Why or why not?
What caused the wax to melt? (heat energy from the candle, conduction through the rod)
The heat from the candle never touched the wax drops, so how did it heat them? (Heat radiated from
the candle to the rod. Vibrating atoms bumped other atoms and the heat energy traveled along the rod
by means of conduction.)
Students should record their conclusions by responding to the key question in their science
2. Have students respond to the key questions in their science notebooks. Remind students that they
should provide evidence for all claims made.
 Have students go home and look through their kitchen cabinets. Ask: What kind of material is
used for making pots and pans? Why do you think so? (Metal. Copper is an excellent
conductor. Some pots and pans have copper-coated bottoms to allow more even heating.)
Teacher observation and completion of student notebook entries. Evaluate science notebooks using
the rubric.
Grade 4, Big Idea 11
Orange County Public Schools June 2010
Science Notebook Rubric
Preliminary Thinking
Data Collection/
6. only includes key
7. no data
8. conclusion only
responds to key question
with no evidence
9. key question is written
in the notebook
10. no evidence or data
used to support
preliminary thinking
(data can be personal
experiences, previous
investigations, or
research information)
11. preliminary thoughts
may not be related to
the key question
12. no observational data
13. data charts, graphs,
and tables are not
accurate or not visually
14. no relevant handouts
or other supplemental
material included
(where applicable)
15. conclusions have limited
explanations and may
not be linked to evidence
16. conclusions do not
connect to the
investigation and may
relate to irrelevant topics
17. no connections are
made to real world
situations or other
investigations completed
in class
above average
18. key question is written
in the notebook
19. limited evidence or
data used to support
preliminary thinking
(data can be personal
experiences, previous
investigations, or
research information)
20. preliminary thoughts
are related to the key
21. limited observational
22. data charts, graphs,
and tables are not
accurate or not visually
23. some relevant
handouts or other
supplemental material
are included (where
24. explains and defends
conclusions using
25. conclusions connect to
the investigation and
refer to some element of
the investigation
26. connections are made to
real world situations or
other investigations
completed in class
27. key question is written
in the notebook
28. uses data as evidence
to make predictions
(data can be personal
experiences, previous
investigations, or
research information)
29. preliminary thoughts
are related to the key
30. observations are
detailed and include
labels where
31. data charts, graphs,
and tables are
accurate and visually
32. all relevant handouts
or other supplemental
material are included
(where applicable)
33. explains and defends
conclusions using
34. conclusions connect to
the investigation and
refer to some element of
the investigation
35. connections are made to
real world situations or
other investigations
completed in class
Grade 4, Big Idea 11
Orange County Public Schools June 2010