Effective 8-20-07 TENURE AND PROMOTION CRITERIA COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND PROFESSIONAL STUDIES Revised AUGUST 2007 Revised JULY 2004 Revised MAY 2003 Revised AUGUST 2002 TENURE AND PROMOTION REVIEW Policy Handbook Committee (2006-2007) Dr. Donna Cobb, Assistant Dean Dr. Chalon Anderson, Psychology Dr. Lola Davis, Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Jennifer Endicott, Professional Teacher Education Dr. Darla Fent, Kinesiology and Health Studies Dr. Scott McLaughlin, Special Services Dr. Dana Owens, Advanced Professional Studies Dr. Tana Stufflebean, Human Environmental Sciences Dr. Shari Villani, Occupational and Technology Education 2 GENERAL STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES FOR TENURE AND PROMOTION CONSIDERATION AT ALL LEVELS For all tenure and promotion levels, the faculty member will adhere to all departmental, college and university policies, roles and responsibilities, and will exhibit professional integrity. For all tenure and promotion levels, the following percentage weights will be applied: Teaching - 60 percent Scholarly/Creative Productivity – 20 percent Service – 20 percent In regard to the lists of activities within categories, a single, specific activity may NOT be counted in more than one category. Although an activity may fit in two or more categories, a single, specific activity can only be counted once. For example, if a person serving on a curriculum committee prepares a special report, the report cannot be counted in both the “Scholarly/Creative Productivity” category and simultaneously in the “Community and Professional Service” category, even though it may fit in both. The one specific activity cannot be counted in two categories and cannot be counted twice. Additional activities in a category may be counted for credit as long as the minimum standards as described in the category are met. If three different categories of activities are required from a list, the minimum requirement must first be met within each category, even though additional activities within a category were completed. For example, if a person publishes two articles during the review period, both articles would be counted. Continuous service on a committee from year to year counts as a separate activity for each year served. For tenure and promotion purposes, scholarly presentations and publications are academic works that are professional and/or research based and is directly related to one’s role at the University of Central Oklahoma. Scholarly presentations are those presentations that are made at professional meetings. For example, presentations at annual conferences of professional associations would be counted. In-service presentations would NOT be counted as scholarly presentations (these would be counted as community service activities). Professional/Scholarly publications are those research or scholarly manuscripts published in peer-reviewed professional journals, books, or chapters in books. For example, manuscripts based on research or scholarly work that are published in a university journal, in a state or national association journal, or in a professional journal, such as journals listed in the Current Index to Journals in Education. Articles that provide department, college, university, or community information or service are not considered research or scholarly publications even though published in a peer-reviewed professional/scholarly journal. Information articles published in non peer-reviewed newsletters are also not considered professional publications. For tenure and promotion purposes, service activities include only activities where one’s service is professionally related to one’s role at the University of Central Oklahoma. One example would be a counselor or psychologist assisting an organization in the development of suicide 3 prevention activities or assisting the organization in their work with clients who have some psychological issue. Another example would be a faculty member providing in-service training to teachers, administrators, counselors, or psychometrists. Not included would be service activities for organizations such as parent-teacher organizations, churches, or other community organizations not related to one’s professional role at the University of Central Oklahoma. Also not included would be hobby, recreational or unrelated activities. In addition, compensated private practice activities cannot be counted as service for tenure or promotion. DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED FOR TENURE AND PROMOTION AT ALL LEVELS For all tenure and promotion levels, the faculty member being considered will submit, by the designated due date, a current curriculum vita or dossier containing the stipulated information in a notebook format. The curriculum vita/dossier should be typed using Times New Roman, 12point font. The curriculum vita/dossier should include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The individual faculty member’s name The tenure and/or promotion category for which the person is being considered A presentation of all criteria listed under the respective area of tenure and/or promotion that has been completed by the candidate during the tenure/promotion period (as defined within each section) A curriculum vita/dossier organized in the same order as is presented and listed in the respective tenure and/or promotion category in this “Tenure and Promotion Criteria” document. Use the same headings with the activities listed under each heading in the same order as presented in this document. Curriculum Vitae/Dossiers not assembled according to CEPS guidelines will not be reviewed by the CEPS Tenure/Promotion Review Committees. For any activity that is listed for tenure and/or promotion, if faculty load credit was given for the activity, identify the amount of credit that was given. For example: Professional Sequence Curriculum Coordinator (one-hour credit per semester). For pre-tenure review and post-tenure review, by September 15, the faculty member will submit to his/her department chair a complete, current curriculum vita following the guidelines specified above. If additional clarification which may include documentation is requested at any level of review, the respective chair of the appropriate committee will request the documentation/information from the faculty member being reviewed. 4 PROMOTION STANDARDS FOR CEPS FACULTY MEMBERS WITH ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITIES Administrative loads averaging a total of six semester hours or less during the fall and spring semesters Faculty members who hold administrative roles (such as, department chairs, grant managers, faculty enhancement) that average a total of six-semester hours or less during the fall and spring semesters, will be expected to meet the same tenure and promotion criteria as faculty members who have full-time teaching responsibilities. Administrative loads averaging a total of more than six semester hours during the fall and spring semesters with measurable teaching assignments Faculty members who hold administrative roles that average a combined total of more than six semester hours during the fall and spring semesters, but who teach assigned courses during the fall or spring semesters will be evaluated using a slightly modified set of criteria. The teaching criterion will be divided equally between teaching and administration. The modified evaluation design is as follows: Teaching - 30 percent Administration – 30 percent Scholarly/Creative Productivity – 20 percent Service – 20 percent The “Teaching,” “Scholarly/Creative Productivity,” and “Service” categories will be evaluated using the same criteria as is used for all other faculty. The administration criterion for those with administrative responsibilities that average a combined total of more than six semester hours during the fall and spring semesters will be evaluated through the use of some valid, reliable method. For the department chair role, an instrument will need to be developed by the College of Education and Professional Studies or the University of Central Oklahoma. Faculty members within the respective chair’s department will complete the evaluation instrument, rating the chair’s administrative performance. The administration criterion for faculty members assigned grant management activities will be evaluated by: (1) the faculty member submitting verification of the faculty assignment load given for the activity; (2) provision of a description of the grant responsibilities; and (3) completion of an evaluation by the next line administrator above the person administering the grant in regard to his/her performance in managing the grant. Administrative loads averaging a total of more than six semester hours during the fall and spring semesters without a measurable teaching assignment Tenure and promotion consideration for faculty members, who hold full-time administrative roles, where the faculty member does not have a measurable teaching assignment (i.e. where valid student evaluations and peer observation/evaluations cannot be completed) during the fall 5 or spring semesters, will be determined by the Dean of the College of Education and Professional Studies. PRE-TENURE REVIEW Pre-tenure review occurs during the fall semester of the third year of full-time tenure track employment in a faculty position. All stipulated activities completed since initial full-time employment by the University of Central Oklahoma up to September 15 of the pre-tenure review year shall be considered for pre-tenure review. On September 15 a current curriculum vita/dossier, following the guidelines in this document, must be submitted to the faculty member’s respective department chair (see section E 3.1.b of the Tenure and Promotion Sections, Amended Faculty Handbook 2006). Two peer observations of classroom performance will be completed each year. The College of Education and Professional Studies “Observation Document for Peer Observation” will be used as the instrument for peer observation. All peer observers must be tenured faculty members and members of the same department as the faculty member being observed. One peer observer will be the respective department chair and one observer will be selected by the faculty member being reviewed. The observer and the faculty member being observed will jointly determine the time and date of the observation. Teaching (60%; Pre-Tenure Review) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. List annual goals as submitted since initial full-time employment in the “Teaching” area. Describe what you did to effectively meet and teach assigned classes. Maintain current syllabi that reflect department criteria and adhere to stated standards/objectives established in syllabi. Maintain accurate class records and timely submission of assigned grades. Complete a minimum of one (1) additional teaching activity. Teaching activities include the following: a. Demonstrate curricular innovation through changing pedagogy (i.e., instructional strategies, new methods of teaching, or assessments) b. Develop a new course/preparation c. Describe major changes made to course content or methods d. Conduct Professional Enhancement presentations, defined as in-service and workshops for the university or other constituent groups. The mean of the mean scores on the University of Central Oklahoma student evaluations during the tenure track review period will be 2.85 or higher. A faculty member may request that student evaluations be completed during a fall or spring semester, even when not scheduled by the College of Education and Professional Studies. All student evaluation administration guidelines would still apply. Attend a minimum of one professional enhancement activity each year. Provide title, presenter, and date. Teacher Education Faculty must complete a minimum of ten hours of common school experience each academic year. 6 Scholarly/Creative Productivity (20%; Pre-Tenure Review) 1. 2. List annual goals as submitted since initial employment for the “Scholarly/Creative Productivity” area. Complete a minimum of two (2) additional scholarly/creative activities. Scholarly/creative activities include the following: a. Present and/or submit for review at a peer reviewed professional/scholarly meeting (international, national, regional, state or local). b. Present and/or submit to present at a professional/scholarly meeting (international, national, regional, state, or local). c. Publish and/or submit for review in a specified peer/juried/refereed scholarly publication of a book, book chapter(s), an article in a professional journal (including electronic), or professional association publication, or other (with explanation included). d. Publish and/or submit for review in a scholarly publication of a book, book chapter(s), an article in a professional journal (including electronic), or professional association publication, or other (with explanation included). e. Serve on a scholarly journal review board or edit a book or professional journal. f. Direct or serve on a research or thesis committee. g. Complete certification requirements or credentials related to one’s teaching or content area(s). h. Develop new skills or knowledge through attendance at a professional conference, seminar, workshop, or meeting. i. Direct a Service Learning project. j. Participate in a grant writing activity including a grant review and/or grant management (identify the amount of load credit given each semester for grant productivity). k. Design and/or supervise a creative project or program related to one’s professional role at UCO. l. Assist in conducting course, curriculum, and/or program reviews and/or prepare special reports. m. Assist in the development of curriculum, accreditation and/or assessment instruments for recognized national, state, local and/or community organizations. n. Involve students in scholarly/research activities. Community and Professional Service (20%; University Service; Pre-Tenure Review) 1. 2. List annual goals as submitted since initial full-time employment in the “Community and Professional Service” area. Complete a minimum of two (2) additional service activities. Service activities include the following: a. Service to the program by membership and contribution to a program-level committee. b. Service to the department by membership and contribution to a department-level committee. 7 c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. Service to the college by membership and/or contribution to a college-level committee or activity. Service to the university by membership and/or contribution to a university-level committee or activity Professional service to the community that is directly related to one’s role at the university. Service to a professional organization (active membership, committee work, board membership, officer, or sponsor). Judge academic activities or assisting with student contests. Student retention, recruitment, enrichment or enhancement activities. Manage special projects related to your discipline that are not in load. Serve as a curriculum/course coordinator (identify the amount of load credit given each semester). Student advisement, practicum supervision, and/or internship supervision that is above load. TENURE REVIEW Tenure review occurs during the fall semester of the fifth year of full-time tenure track employment at the University of Central Oklahoma in a faculty position. If approved, tenure becomes effective for full-time faculty members at the beginning of the fall semester of the sixth year of full-time tenure track employment (see section 2.3 of the Tenure and Promotion Sections, Amended Faculty Handbook 2006; and, section E 5 of the Tenure and Promotion Appendix, Amended Faculty Handbook 2006) All stipulated activities for tenure review must have been completed since initial full-time employment by the University of Central Oklahoma, which includes the pre-tenure period. Verifiable activities that have been or will be completed during the academic year of tenure review may also be counted as described below. If a faculty member is applying for tenure and for promotion to associate professor concurrently, the faculty member must submit only one curriculum vita/dossier. The curriculum vita/dossier should follow the guidelines for promotion to associate professor. Only activities since promotion or appointment to assistant professor can be counted toward promotion to associate professor. If a faculty member was hired at the rank of assistant professor, this stipulation would effectively have no impact on what could be included in one’s dossier. Verifiable activities that will be completed during the academic year of tenure and associate professor review, but AFTER the curriculum vita/dossier is submitted may be included. If the activities are included in the tenure/associate professor curriculum vita/dossier, the activities CANNOT be included in the curriculum vita/dossier presented for consideration for promotion to the rank of professor. Activities can be counted only toward promotion to either associate professor or professor. 8 Teaching (60%; Tenure Review) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. List annual goals as submitted since last formal review in the “Teaching” area. Describe what you did to effectively meet and teach assigned classes. Maintain current syllabi that reflect department criteria and adhere to stated standards/objectives established in syllabi. Maintain accurate class records and timely submission of assigned grades. The mean of the mean scores on the University of Central Oklahoma student evaluations during the tenure track review period, which includes the pre-tenure track period, will be 2.85 or higher. A faculty member may request that student evaluations be completed during a fall or spring semester, even when not scheduled by the College of Education and Professional Studies. All student evaluation administration guidelines would still apply. Attend a minimum of two professional enhancement activities each year. Provide title, presenter, and date. Complete a minimum of three (3) different teaching activities from the following list: a. Demonstrate curricular innovation through changing pedagogy (i.e. instructional strategies, new methods of teaching, or assessments). b. Develop a new course/preparation. c. Describe major changes made to course content or methods. d. Provide opportunities for students to learn in alternative formats. e. Conduct an independent study or a directed reading. Provide name of independent study, semester, and year. f. Supervise research or teaching assistant(s). Describe what was done and when. g. Supervise graduate assistant(s). h. Incorporate appropriate technology in the classroom. i. Supervise practicum and/or internship students (above load). j. Conduct Professional Enhancement presentations defined as in-service and workshops to the university or other constituent groups. Teacher Education Faculty must complete a minimum of ten hours of common school experience each academic year. Scholarly/Creative Productivity (20%; Tenure Review) 1. 2. List annual goals submitted since last formal review for the “Scholarly/Creative Productivity” area. Complete a minimum of four (4) scholarly/creative activities from at least three (3) different categories below. Scholarly/creative activities include the following: a. Present and/or submit for review at a peer reviewed professional/scholarly meeting (international, national, regional, state or local). b. Present and/or submit to present at a professional/scholarly meeting (international, national, regional, state, or local). c. Publish and/or submit for review in a specified peer/juried/refereed scholarly publication of a book, book chapter(s), an article in a professional journal (including electronic), or professional association publication, or other (with explanation included). 9 d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. Publish and/or submit for review in a scholarly publication of a book, book chapter(s), an article in a professional journal (including electronic), or professional association publication, or other (with explanation included). Direct or serve on a research or thesis committee. Complete certification requirements or credentials related to one’s teaching or content area(s). Develop new skills or knowledge through attendance at a professional conference, seminar, workshop, or meeting. Direct a Service Learning project. Participate in a grant writing activity including a grant review and/or grant management (identify the amount of load credit given each semester for grant productivity). Design and/or supervise a creative project or program related to one’s professional role at UCO. Assist in conducting course, curriculum, and/or program reviews and/or prepare special reports. Assist in the development of curriculum, accreditation and/or assessment instruments for recognized national, state, local and/or community organizations. Involve students in scholarly/research activities. Community and Professional Service (20%; Tenure Review) 1. 2. List annual goals submitted since last formal review in the “Community and Professional Service” area. Complete a minimum of four (4) additional service activities from at least three (3) different categories below. Service activities include the following: a. Service to the program by membership and contribution to a program-level committee. b. Service to the department by membership and contribution to a department-level committee. c. Service to the college by membership and/or contribution to a college-level committee or activity. d. Service to the university by membership and/or contribution to a university-level committee or activity e. Professional service to the community that is directly related to one’s role at the university. f. Service to a professional organization (active membership, committee work, board membership, officer, or sponsor) that is related to one’s role at UCO. g. Judge academic activities or assisting with student contests. h. Student retention, recruitment, enrichment, or enhancement activities. i. Manage special projects that are not in load. j. Serve as a curriculum coordinator (identify the amount of load credit given each semester). k. Student advisement, practicum supervision, and/or internship supervision that is above load. 10 PROMOTION TO THE RANK OF ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Review for promotion to the rank of associate professor, according to UCO policy, occurs during the fall semester of the fifth year of full-time service for faculty members at the rank of assistant professor. Promotion to the rank of associate professor, if approved, becomes effective at the beginning of the fall semester of the sixth year of full-time service. The faculty member must have held the rank of assistant professor for at least four (4) whole years and must have been employed by the University of Central Oklahoma for a minimum of five (5) whole years before the promotion can be granted (see section 8.2.2 of the Tenure and Promotion Sections, Amended Faculty Handbook, 2006). All stipulated activities for review for promotion to the rank of associate professor must have been completed since promotion or appointment to the rank of assistant professor. Verifiable activities that have been or will be completed during the academic year of promotion review may also be counted as described below. If a faculty member is applying concurrently for tenure and promotion to associate professor, the faculty member must submit only one curriculum vita/dossier following the promotion criteria. Activities completed prior to the submission of the curriculum vita/dossier during the fall semester of the associate professor review period must be included in the dossier. Verifiable activities that will be completed during the academic year of tenure review and associate professor review, but AFTER the dossier is submitted may be included in the dossier. If the activities are included in the tenure/associate professor dossier, those specific activities CANNOT be included in the dossier presented for future promotion consideration to the rank of professor. Activities can only be counted toward one promotion (associate professor or professor). Teaching (60%; Promotion to Associate Professor) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. List annual goals submitted since last formal review in the “Teaching” area. Describe what you did to effectively meet and teach assigned classes. Maintain current syllabi that reflect department criteria and adhere to stated standards/objectives established in syllabi. Maintain accurate class records and timely submission of assigned grades. The mean of the mean scores on the University of Central Oklahoma student evaluations during the tenure track review period, which includes the pre-tenure track period, will be 2.85 or higher. A faculty member may request that student evaluations be completed during a fall or spring semester, even when not scheduled by the College of Education and Professional Studies. All student evaluation administration guidelines would still apply. Attend a minimum of two professional enhancement activities each year. Provide title, presenter, and date. 11 7. 8. Complete a minimum of three (3) different teaching categories from the following list: a. Demonstrate curricular innovation through changing pedagogy (i.e. instructional strategies, new methods of teaching, or assessments). b. Develop a new course/preparation. c. Describe major changes made to course content or methods. d. Provide opportunities for students to learn in alternative formats. e. Conduct an independent study or a directed reading. Provide independent study name, semester, and year. f. Supervise research or teaching assistant(s). Describe what was done and date. g. Supervise graduate assistant(s). h. Incorporate appropriate technology in the classroom. i. Supervise practicum and/or internship students (above load). j. Conduct Professional Enhancement presentations defined as in-service and workshops to the university or other constituent groups. Teacher Education Faculty must complete a minimum of ten hours of common school experience each academic year. Scholarly/Creative Productivity (20%; Promotion to Associate Professor) 1. 2. List annual goals submitted since last formal review for the “Scholarly/Creative Productivity” area. Complete a minimum of four (4) scholarly/creative activities from at least three (3) different categories below. Scholarly/creative activities include the following: a. Present and/or submit for review at a peer reviewed professional/scholarly meeting (international, national, regional, state or local). b. Present and/or submit to present at a professional/scholarly meeting (international, national, regional, state, or local). c. Publish and/or submit for review in a specified peer/juried/refereed scholarly publication of a book, book chapter(s), an article in a professional journal (including electronic), or professional association publication, or other (with explanation included). d. Publish and/or submit for review in a scholarly publication of a book, book chapter(s), an article in a professional journal (including electronic), or professional association publication, or other (with explanation included). e. Direct or serve on a research or thesis committee. f. Complete certification requirements or credentials related to one’s teaching or content area(s). g. Develop new skills or knowledge through attendance at a professional conference, seminar, workshop, or meeting. h. Direct a Service Learning project. i. Participate in a grant writing activity including a grant review and/or grant management (identify the amount of load credit given each semester for grant productivity). j. Design and/or supervise a creative project or program related to one’s professional role at UCO. 12 k. l. m. Assist in conducting course, curriculum, and/or program reviews and/or prepare special reports. Assist in the development of curriculum, accreditation and/or assessment instruments for recognized national, state, local and/or community organizations. Involve students in scholarly/research activities. Community and Professional Service (20%; Promotion to Associate Professor) 1. 2. List annual goals submitted since last formal review in the “Community and Professional Service” area. Complete a minimum of four (4) additional service activities from at least three (3) different categories below. Service activities include the following: a. Service to the program by membership and contribution to a program-level committee. b. Service to the department by membership and contribution to a department-level committee. c. Service to the college by membership and/or contribution to a college-level committee or activity. d. Service to the university by membership and/or contribution to a university-level committee or activity e. Professional service to the community that is directly related to one’s role at the university. f. Service to a professional organization (active membership, committee work, board membership, officer, or sponsor). g. Judge academic activities or assisting with student contests. h. Student retention, recruitment, enrichment or enhancement activities. i. Manage special projects that are not in load. j. Service as a curriculum coordinator (identify the amount of load credit given each semester). k. Student advisement, practicum supervision, and/or internship supervision that is above load. PROMOTION TO THE RANK OF PROFESSOR Review for promotion to the rank of professor occurs during the fall semester of the fourth year of full-time service as an associate professor. Promotion to the rank of professor, if approved, becomes effective at the beginning of the fall semester of the fifth year of full-time service after promotion to associate professor. The faculty member must have held the rank of associate professor for at least four (4) whole years and must have been employed by UCO for a minimum of eight (8) whole years before the promotion can become effective (see section 8.2.3of the Tenure and Promotion Sections, Amended Faculty Handbook, 2006). All stipulated activities for review for promotion to the rank of professor must have been completed since submission of the curriculum vita/dossier for promotion to associate professor. 13 Verifiable activities that are accepted or will be completed during the fall and spring semesters of the academic year of review for promotion to the rank of professor, but AFTER the curriculum vita/dossier is submitted may be included. Activities that were submitted in the dossier for consideration for promotion to the rank of associate professor CANNOT be included in the dossier for consideration for promotion to the rank of professor. Activities can only be counted toward one promotion, associate professor or professor. If they were already counted for associate professor promotion, they cannot be presented in the dossier for promotion to the rank of professor. Teaching (60%; Promotion to Professor) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. List three-year (or annual if required) goals submitted in the “Teaching” area. Describe what you did to effectively meet and teach assigned classes. Maintain current syllabi that reflect department criteria and adhere to stated standards/objectives established in syllabi. Maintain accurate class records and timely submission of assigned grades. The mean of the mean scores on the University of Central Oklahoma student evaluations during the tenure track review period, which includes the pre-tenure track period, will be 2.85 or higher. A faculty member may request that student evaluations be completed during a fall or spring semester, even when not scheduled by the College of Education and Professional Studies. All student evaluation administration guidelines would still apply. Attend a minimum of two professional enhancement activities each year. Provide title, presenter, and date. Complete a minimum of four (4) different teaching activities from the following list: a. Demonstrate curricular innovation through changing pedagogy (i.e. instructional strategies, new methods of teaching or assessments). b. Develop a new course/preparation. c. Describe major changes made to course content or methods. d. Provide opportunities for students to learn in alternative formats. e. Conduct an independent study or a directed reading. Provide independent study course name, semester, and year. f. Supervise research or teaching assistant(s). Describe what was done and date. g. Supervise graduate assistant(s). h. Incorporate appropriate technology in the classroom. i. Supervise practicum and/or internship students (above load). j. Conduct Professional Enhancement presentations defined as in-service and workshops to the university or other constituent groups. Teacher Education Faculty must complete a minimum of ten hours of common school experience each academic year. Scholarly/Creative Productivity (20%; Promotion to Professor) 1. List three-year (or annual if required) goals submitted in the “Scholarly/Creative Productivity” area. 14 2. Complete a minimum of five (5) scholarly/creative activities from at least three (3) different categories below. Scholarly/creative activities include the following: a. Present and/or submit for review at a peer reviewed professional/scholarly meeting (international, national, regional, state or local). b. Present and/or submit to present at a professional/scholarly meeting (international, national, regional, state, or local). c. Publish and/or submit for review in a specified peer/juried/refereed scholarly publication of a book, book chapter(s), an article in a professional journal (including electronic), or professional association publication, or other (with explanation included). d. Publish and/or submit for review in a scholarly publication of a book, book chapter(s), an article in a professional journal (including electronic), or professional association publication, or other (with explanation included). e. Direct or serve on a research or thesis committee. f. Complete certification requirements or credentials related to one’s teaching or content area(s). g. Develop new skills or knowledge through attendance at a professional conference, seminar, workshop, or meeting. h. Direct a Service Learning project. i. Participate in a grant writing activity including a grant review and/or grant management (identify the amount of load credit given each semester for grant productivity). j. Design and/or supervise a creative project or program related to one’s professional role at UCO. k. Assist in conducting course, curriculum, and/or program reviews and/or prepare special reports. l. Assist in the development of curriculum, accreditation and/or assessment instruments for recognized national, state, local and/or community organizations. m. Involve students in scholarly/research activities. Community and Professional Service (20%; Promotion to Professor) 1. 2. List three-year (or annual if required) goals submitted in the “Community and Professional Service” area. Complete a minimum of five (5) additional service activities. A minimum of one service activity must be completed in categories b, c, d, and e. Service activities include the following: a. Service to the program by membership and contribution to a program-level committee. b. Service to the department by membership and contribution to a department-level committee. c. Service to the college by membership and/or contribution to a college-level committee or activity. d. Service to the university by membership and/or contribution to a university-level committee or activity 15 e. f. g. h. i. j. k. Professional service to the community that is directly related to one’s role at the university. Service to a professional organization (active membership, committee work, board membership, officer, or sponsor). Judge academic activities or assisting with student contests. Student retention, recruitment, enrichment or enhancement activities. Manage special projects that are not in load. Service as a curriculum coordinator (identify the amount of load credit given each semester). Student advisement, practicum supervision, and/or internship supervision that is above load. PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL OF A TENURED FACULTY MEMBER The performance appraisal of a tenured faculty member will occur every three years. By May 1 of each year the Dean of the College of Education will notify each faculty member who is subject to the performance appraisal during the fall semester of the next academic year (see section 2.3.5 of the Tenure and Promotion Sections, Amended Faculty Handbook). All stipulated activities for the review of a tenured faculty member must have been completed during the three-year period being reviewed. Teaching (60%; Post-Tenure Review) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. List three-year (or annual if required) goals submitted in the “Teaching” area. Describe what you did to effectively meet and teach assigned classes. Maintain current syllabi that reflect department criteria and adhere to stated standards/objectives established in syllabi. Maintain accurate class records and timely submission of assigned grades. The mean of the mean scores on the University of Central Oklahoma student evaluations during the tenure track review period, which includes the pre-tenure track period, will be 2.85 or higher. A faculty member may request that student evaluations be completed during a fall or spring semester, even when not scheduled by the College of Education and Professional Studies. All student evaluation administration guidelines would still apply. Attend a minimum of two professional enhancement activities each year. Provide title, presenter, and date. Complete a minimum of three (3) different teaching categories from the following list: a. Demonstrate curricular innovation through changing pedagogy (i.e. instructional strategies, new methods of teaching). b. Develop a new course/preparation. c. Describe major changes made to course content or methods. d. Provide opportunities for students to learn in alternative formats. e. Conduct an independent study or a directed reading. Provide independent study course name, semester, and year. 16 f. g. h. i. j. 8. Supervise research or teaching assistant(s). Describe what was done and date. Supervise graduate assistant(s). Incorporate appropriate technology in the classroom. Supervise practicum and/or internship students (above load). Conduct Professional Enhancement presentations defined as in-service and workshops to the university or other constituent groups. Teacher Education Faculty must complete a minimum of ten hours of common school experience each academic year. Scholarly/Creative Productivity (20%; Post-Tenure Review) 1. 2. List three-year (or annual if required) goals submitted for the “Scholarly/Creative Productivity” area. Complete a minimum of three (3) additional scholarly/creative activities during the review period (activities may be repeated and counted). Scholarly/creative activities include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Present and/or submit for review at a peer reviewed professional/scholarly meeting (international, national, regional, state or local). b. Present and/or submit to present at a professional/scholarly meeting (international, national, regional, state, or local). c. Publish and/or submit for review in a specified peer/juried/refereed scholarly publication of a book, book chapter(s), an article in a professional journal (including electronic), or professional association publication, or other (with explanation included). d. Publish and/or submit for review in a scholarly publication of a book, book chapter(s), an article in a professional journal (including electronic), or professional association publication, or other (with explanation included). e. Direct or serve on a research or thesis committee. f. Complete certification requirements or credentials related to one’s teaching or content area(s). g. Develop new skills or knowledge through attendance at a professional conference, seminar, workshop, or meeting. h. Direct a Service Learning project. i. Participate in a grant writing activity including a grant review and/or grant management (identify the amount of load credit given each semester for grant productivity). j. Design and/or supervise a creative project or program related to one’s professional role at UCO. k. Assist in conducting course, curriculum, and/or program reviews and/or prepare special reports. l. Assist in the development of curriculum, accreditation and/or assessment instruments for recognized national, state, local and/or community organizations. m. Involve students in scholarly/research activities. 17 Community and Professional Service (20%; Post-Tenure Review) 1. 2. List three-year (or annual if required) goals submitted in the “Community and Professional Service” area. Complete a minimum of four (4) additional service activities. A minimum of one service activity must be completed in categories a, b, c, and d. Service activities include the following: a. Service to the program by membership and contribution to a program-level committee. b. Service to the department by membership and contribution to a department-level committee. c. Service to the college by membership and/or contribution to a college-level committee or activity. d. Service to the university by membership and/or contribution to a university-level committee or activity e. Professional service to the community that is directly related to one’s role at the university. f. Service to a professional organization (active membership, committee work, board membership, officer, or sponsor). g. Judge academic activities or assisting with student contests. h. Student retention, recruitment, enrichment or enhancement activities. i. Manage special projects that are not in load. j. Service as a curriculum coordinator (identify the amount of load credit given each semester). k. Student advisement, practicum supervision, and/or internship supervision that is above load.