1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Developing an Index to Measure Urban Heat Island Effect Using Satellite Land Skin Temperature and Land Cover Observations Menglin S. Jin* Department of Meteorology and Climate Science, San José State University Accepted by J. of Climate February 2012 * Corresponding author Dr. Menglin S. Jin, Jin@met.sjsu.edu 1 1 ABSTRACT 2 A new index of calculating the intensity of urban heat island effects (UHI) for a city 3 using satellite skin temperature and land cover observations is recommended. UHI, the 4 temperature difference between urban and rural regions, is traditionally identified from 5 the 2-m surface air temperatures (i.e., the screen-level temperature, T2m) measured at a 6 pair of weather stations sited in urban and rural locations, respectively. However, such 7 screen-level UHI is affected by location, distance, and geographic conditions of the pair 8 of weather stations. For example, choosing a different pair of rural and city sites leads to 9 a different UHI intensity for the same city, due to the high heterogeneity of the urban 10 surface temperature. To avoid such uncertainty, satellite-observed surface skin 11 temperature measurements (i.e., skin level, Tskin) is recommended to record UHI, known 12 as skin-level UHI or UHIskin. This new index has advantages of high spatial resolution 13 and aerial coverage to better record UHI intensity than T2m. An assessment of skin-level 14 UHI from 10-years of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 15 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) observations reveals that 16 skin-level UHI has a strong UHI signal during day and night. In addition, there are 17 significant diurnal and seasonal variations in skin-level UHI. Furthermore, the skin-level 18 UHI is stronger during the day and summer (July) than during nighttime and winter, 19 respectively. This new index is important for more uniformly assessing UHIs over cities 20 around the globe. Nevertheless, whether the seasonality and diurnal variations revealed in 21 this work using skin-level UHI index is valid over desert cities, such as Phoenix, needs to 22 be examined. 23 2 1 2 1. Introduction Urban heat island effects (UHI) are defined by temperatures in urban regions 3 exceeding those in surrounding rural regions. Traditionally, the UHI is quantified as the 4 difference between the 2-m surface air temperature (T2m) of a screen-level weather station 5 (e.g., a World Meteorological Organization site) located in an urban region and T2m for a 6 nearby rural weather station. First reported by Howard (1833), the UHI has been studied 7 for decades (Landsberg 1970, Oke 1982, Arnfield 2003, Yow 2007, Jin and Shepherd 8 2008, Zhou and Shepherd 2009). There are two key features associated with this screen- 9 level UHI: (1) urban T2m is higher than rural T2m; and (2) the UHI is maximum at night or 10 during early morning, and thus the UHI has been called a “nocturnal phenomenon” (Oke 11 1982). The general explanation of this nighttime phenomenon is that buildings and roads 12 store heat during the daytime and at nighttime, these surfaces emit heat back to 13 atmosphere, increasing the 2-m air temperature (Grimmond and Oke 1999). 14 15 16 New observations from satellite remote sensing should be helpful to advance our understanding of the UHI because: a. Traditional UHI studies use T2m observations from one or a few sites over urban 17 and surrounding rural regions (hereafter referred as UHI2m or screen-level UHI in 18 this paper). The micro-thermal properties of a city vary with the complex surface 19 structure, creating extreme heterogeneity in T2m. Therefore using one site to 20 represent the city temperature is generally problematic; 21 b. The surrounding areas of a city can have different land cover types. For example, 22 there are four different types of land cover (mixed forest, open shrubland, 23 croplands, savanna) around Beijing, China. Even though WMO sites are required 3 1 to be sited over short grass (Maidment 1992), the different surrounding land 2 covers lead to different T2m measurements. Therefore, a rural station may not 3 accurately represent the surrounding rural temperature for different types of land 4 cover. 5 Simply put, the magnitude of UHI2m depends on the locations of the city and rural 6 observations, complicating the assessment of the spatio-temporal attributes of UHI, and 7 making it impossible to compare UHI of one city to another. 8 The UHI has also been detected using relatively high-resolution satellite observations 9 of the land surface skin temperature (Tskin) (Voogt and Oke 1997, Jin et al. 2005). Tskin is 10 generally reported as higher in urban areas than in surrounding regions. However, a 11 desert city such as Phoenix, AZ may be observed as colder than the rural surroundings 12 (Jin et al. 2005). This skin-level UHI (or UHIskin) is an important concept because Tskin 13 has a different magnitude and physical meaning than T2m (Jin 2004, Jin and Dickinson 14 2010). Therefore, high resolution and high spatial coverage satellite data leads to a more 15 objective method to assess UHI, and thus can be comparable to all global cities. 16 2. Data 17 The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Moderate 18 Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS, King et al. 2003) remotely sensed data 19 is used as a prototype to study UHIskin. The MODIS instrument is currently deployed on 20 NASA’s Terra and Aqua satellites; however the UHIskin can be calculated from other 21 satellite observations as well. 22 23 Skin temperature (Tskin) is measured in 7 solar and 3 thermal spectral bands of MODIS at 10:30 LT and 22:30 LT (Terra), and 13:30 LT and 1:30 LT (Aqua) daily. Each 4 1 pixel has ~1 km resolution at nadir (Wan and Dozier 1996, Wan and Li 2008). The 2 measurements used in this study have been rescaled to a 5 km resolution (or so called 3 0.05° latitude/longitude MODIS resolution) and averaged to monthly values. Only 4 measured values with quality flags attesting to the absence of clouds are used. 5 Corresponding land cover data (Friedl et al. 2002) is used to identify urban and rural 6 pixels. All MODIS data used here is collection version 5. 7 8 3. Methodology 9 Radiometric Tskin retrieved by satellite-based instruments is derived from the 10 longwave radiation emitted from the underlying surface within an instantaneous field of 11 view (FOV), after corrections for atmospheric and surface emissivity effects (Parate et al. 12 1995, Jin and Dickinson 1999, 2000). The advantages of satellite Tskin measurements 13 include high spatial resolution, large aerial coverage, and high quality. First we define 14 UHIskin = Tskinu – Tskin, lc r Eq. (1), 15 where UHIskin is the “skin-level” UHI, Tskinu is the skin temperature averaged from all 16 urban pixels for a given region, and Tskinr is the skin temperature averaged from all rural 17 pixels in the region for a specific land cover (lc stands for land cover). Since rural areas 18 often have different land cover, UHI depends on which rural land cover is selected for 19 comparison with urban areas. Normally, to be consistent with UHI2m, cropland is selected 20 when available as the land cover for comparing with the urban area. However, for some 21 cities, there is no cropland nearby and thus one needs to make it clear what land cover is 22 used in the UHIskin calculation. 5 1 Note that as defined in Eq. (1), UHIskin is an area-averaged index. This study 2 chooses a 0.6°x0.6° grid box, partly because this size includes an adequate number of 3 pixels, and partly because other size boxes show a similar UHI signal. This area-averaged 4 index reduces the uncertainty caused by urban surface heterogeneity since UHIskin can 5 examine all urban Tskin within an area. Note that other box sizes are also analyzed, 6 specifically, boxes of size 0.5°x0.5°, 0.8°x0.8°, 1.0°x1.0°, and 2.0°x2.0°. The features are 7 very similar and thus only results from the 0.6°x0.6° box are presented in this paper. 8 9 Deployed on polar orbiting satellite platforms, Terra observes a given area twice-perday (10:30 AM and 10:30 PM) and Aqua also observes the same area twice-per-day (1:30 10 PM and 1:30 AM). Therefore, for a specific area, four Tskin observations are available 11 daily under clear-sky conditions. With such a data set, the diurnal, seasonal, and inter- 12 annual variations of skin-level UHI are examined in this study. 13 14 4. Results 15 a. UHIskin vs. Land Cover 16 Sixteen land cover types are remotely sensed by MODIS to reveal surface physical 17 features, even for highly heterogeneous land surfaces (See Table 1). The land covers of 18 Beijing, New York City (NYC), and their surrounding areas are determined from the 19 0.05° latitude/longitude MODIS-observed land cover dataset (Figure 1a and 1b). The 20 urban land covers for Beijing and NYC are the red color mapped areas (LC = 13, urban); 21 however, note that the surrounding environments of these two large cities are not similar. 22 NYC is a coastal location (LC= 0) with the surrounding inland regions covered by 23 deciduous Broadleaf Forest (LC=4). By comparison, the area north of Beijing is a 6 1 mountainous region with land cover including mixed forest (LC=5); other surrounding 2 regions include cropland (LC=12), open shrubland (LC=7) and Savannas (LC=9). These 3 differences suggest that, although both Beijing and NYC are large cities at similar 4 latitudes, the UHI may be different for the two cities, due to differences in surrounding 5 land cover and distance from coast. 6 In July 2008, the central high building regions of Beijing have a monthly mean Tskin 7 above 308 K (Fig. 1c). This is significantly higher than the surrounding non-urban 8 regions where the cropland-dominated landscape has Tskin values in the 302-304 K range. 9 The forests north of Beijing have Tskin as low as 298–300 K. This 4-8 K monthly average 10 difference between a city and rural region suggests a significant energy need for air 11 conditioning in the city. By comparison, NYC (Fig. 1d) also has a maximum monthly 12 mean Tskin above 308 K, while the non-urban area Tskin is as low as 300-302 K. The Terra 13 daytime observations (10:30 AM) used here confirm that the daytime UHIskin is 14 significant for both Beijing and NYC. 15 The area-averaged Tskin indicates a significant UHI for both Beijing and NYC (Figure 16 2). For July 2008, within a 0.6°x0.6° box over Beijing (39.7-40.3°N, 116.1-116.7°E), 17 urban-pixel-averaged Tskin is higher than other land-cover-averaged Tskin. In this box, 18 57.4% of pixels are urban cover (LC=13), about 30.1% are cropland (LC=12), 8.2% are 19 Savannas (LC=9), and 6.7% is mixed forest. Open shurbland (LC=7) also exists but with 20 very small percentage. The mean value of Tskin is about 306 K for urban-pixel-averaged 21 Beijing, 304.4 K for cropland, 303.2 K for Savanna, 300.6 K for open shrubland, and 300 22 K for mixed forest, respectively. 7 1 The area surrounding NYC is different than that around Beijing. Generally, water and 2 mixed forest areas are next to the 0.6°x0.6° box for NYC urban areas (40.5°-41.1°N, 3 73.8°-74.4°W, Fig. 2c). In July 2008, the monthly mean Tskin is 304.5 K for NYC and 4 299.2 K for the mixed forest; thus UHIskin is about 5.5 K. The same analyses are also 5 conducted at other box sizes, i.e., 0.5°x0.5°, 0.8°x0.8°, 1.0°x1.0°, and 2.0°x2.0°, and 6 similar UHIskin features are observed (not shown). 7 b. Diurnal Variation of UHI 8 The diurnal variation of skin-level UHI is significant for Beijing (Fig. 3), with a 9 larger UHI signal observed during the daytime than the nighttime. At night, both 10:30 10 PM (Terra nighttime) and 1:30 AM (Aqua nighttime) observations of Tskin are similar, 11 with a peak Tskin value over central urban regions (around 116.3-116.4 °E) of about 297 12 K and about 294.5 K over cropland (116.6-117.4 °E). Therefore, the UHIskin effect is 13 roughly a 2.5 K difference between urban land cover and cropland at night. During the 14 day, both 1:30 PM (Aqua daytime) and 10:30 AM (Terra daytime) urban Tskin is higher 15 than that of the surrounding cropland (difference exceeding 4.5 K). Note that even for the 16 same land cover type, Tskin can vary by several degrees. For example, for Terra daytime 17 (10:30 AM), the difference over cropland ranges from 305.0 K at 116.6 °E to 300.0 K at 18 117.4 °E. Therefore, a difference of 5 K can be induced for UHIskin simply because of the 19 Tskin difference over the same cropland cover. At 116.0°E, land cover is mixed forest and 20 Tskin is 302.5 K at 1:30 PM while Tskin of the urban regions is 310.8 K. Similarly, at 10:30 21 AM, Tskin for the urban land cover is 307.5 K, while Tskin over mixed forest at 116.0 °E is 22 300.6 K, which is a UHIskin effect of 7K for forest land cover. More importantly, this 23 cross-section display of Tskin over urban and nearby land cover suggests that an area- 8 1 averaged signal of UHI might be most proper, because Tskin can be different for the same 2 city and for the same surrounding land cover. 3 4 5 c. Seasonality of UHI In all seasons, along the latitude of 40 °N and from 116-118°E longitude, urban 6 Tskin for Beijing is higher than that of all other land covers (Fig. 4a). Specifically, in July 7 2007 monthly mean Tskin peaks at 308.5 K over the central urban region (~116.3°E), 8 while for the mixed forest regions (116.0°E) it is 300.0 K, and for nearby Savannas 9 (~116.8°E) it is 301.5 K. The cropland monthly mean Tskin is in the range of 300.0-302.0 10 K, which is lower than urban regions but higher than mixed forest (116.0°E). 11 In April, the monthly mean Tskin is much lower than in August but higher than in 12 October or January. The differences between April and October are about 2 K for mixed 13 forest (116.0°E) and 5-7 K for cropland or urban regions. In January, all land covers 14 experience lower monthly mean Tskin, mainly due to the low surface insolation in winter. 15 More importantly, the winter UHIskin is not as evident as it is in other seasons. For 16 example, the monthly averaged Tskin for the urban pixels at 116.3-116.5°E is 276.4 K, 17 while for the Savannas (116.8-116.9 °E) it is 276 K. The Tskin for the cropland at 117.3°E 18 and 117.7°E is above 275 K. More specifically, from 116.3°E to 117.0°E, there is little 19 difference in Tskin, although land cover types are urban (LC=13), cropland (LC=12), and 20 Savanna (LC=9). Therefore, the winter UHI is not as evident as in other seasons, at least 21 for this specific city. In fact, the sign is sometimes opposite (so-called urban cooling), 22 meaning that the rural region can be warmer than certain parts of the city. This “urban 23 cool island” phenomenon warrants further study. 9 1 Similar to Beijing, New York City has a clear seasonal UHI signal (Fig. 4b). 2 Terra daytime (10:30 AM) observations show that in July, Tskin peaks at 302.0-304.0 K 3 for urban regions and 296.0-298.0 K for deciduous broadleaf forest (LC=4, around 4 74.5°W). This 6 K difference is comparable with that of Beijing. Furthermore, the UHI is 5 evident in other seasons, although the magnitude is less than that of July. Specifically, the 6 UHI between urban and deciduous broadleaf forest (LC=4) is 3 K for April (295 K urban 7 vs. 292 K forest), 2 K for October (288 K urban vs. 286 K forest), and 2 K for January 8 (274 K urban vs. 272 K forest). In this case, UHI is significant even in winter. 9 10 11 e. Inter-annual Variations of UHI Inter-annual variation of UHI is evident. For example, in July 2007, Beijing (Fig. 12 4a) is warmer than in July 2008, while surface cropland areas (116-118°E) are colder 13 than in 2008. This leads to a larger UHIskin in July 2007 than in July 2008. Nevertheless, 14 although July 2007 has a relatively higher temperature, the overall pattern does not 15 change. This suggests that the UHI is evident even though it has inter-annual variations. 16 17 f. Statistical Analysis 18 Because the observations have a 10-year duration, a statistical approach is helpful 19 to reveal the significance of UHI for all months from April 2000-December 2008 (total of 20 105 samples). The boxplot (Fig. 5a, Wilks 1995), or box-and-whisker plot, identifies the 21 five important statistics on this time series (April 2000-December 2010): the 75th 22 percentile, the 25th percentile, the 50th percentile (or median), and the maximum and 23 minimum values. Beijing Tskin is higher than that of surrounding land covers for all five 10 1 statistics. The median Tskin of the Beijing region is 297.5 K, higher than any of the other 2 four land covers (mixed forest, open shrubland, Savannas, and cropland). More 3 importantly, Beijing has the highest Tskin, above 312.0 K. In addition, the 75th percentile 4 of Tskin is 304.6 K, higher than for the other land covers. This implies that the urban area 5 is a possible place for extreme heat waves to occur due to UHI mechanisms. 6 7 A similar boxplot (Fig. 5b) is produced for New York City (Fig. 5b), and the same 8 conclusion is observed, namely, the mean difference between NYC and the surrounding 9 forest being 3.75 K. NYC is hotter than the forest for all five statistics: maximum, 75th 10 percentile, median, mean, 25th percentile, and minimum. As a result, the UHI is evident 11 for NYC. 12 13 A T-test (not shown) is also used to examine the statistical significance of the 14 UHI signal and it proves that, statistically, Beijing and NYC are hotter than the 15 surrounding regions over the entire year with 95% confidence. 16 17 18 5. Discussion The UHI is evident from the radiative surface skin temperature field. There is 19 clear diurnal variation in UHIskin, with larger UHI intensity during daytime than during 20 nighttime. There is also a seasonal variation in UHIskin, with a larger signal in summer 21 than in winter. This seasonal variation corresponds to the seasonality of solar radiation, 22 the vegetation growing cycle, and rainfall or soil moisture content. 11 1 UHIskin maximizes during the daytime. Therefore, we should not consider UHI 2 exclusively a “nighttime phenomenon” anymore. Jin et al. (2005) suggested the possible 3 physical mechanisms responsible for a stronger daytime UHI. The albedo is reduced in 4 urban regions, partly due to urban canopy effect and partly due to new materials used in 5 urban roads and buildings; consequently, more solar radiation is absorbed at the surface 6 to warm it. In addition, surface emissivity is reduced because of the new materials used in 7 the urban surface, leading to less longwave radiation leaving the surface. As a result, 8 daytime UHI is stronger than that nighttime. Furthermore, urban regions reduce soil 9 moisture and vegetation coverage, which further change the solar radiation redistribution 10 in terms of latent and sensible heat fluxes (e.g, Bowen ratio), and thus increases surface 11 temperature. MODIS provides albedo data (Shaff et al. 2003), emissivity data (Jin and 12 Liang 2006), and vegetation data (Myneni et al. 1995), which can be further used to 13 address these mechanisms. 14 Why is it that from T2m data, the maximum UHI occurs at night as other scientists 15 have reported (Oke 1982), but from satellite Tskin data, UHI occurs at both day and night? 16 Previous and current work using Tskin shows an even larger UHI signal during daytime 17 than nighttime (Jin et al. 2005). Several hypotheses are proposed here for such a 18 difference: First, Tskin and T2m are two different physical variables representing the heat 19 transport from the ground to the near surface (Jin and Dickinson 2002, Jin and Dickinson 20 2010). Tskin has a fast response to surface insolation while T2m is not as sensitive to 21 disturbance in surface insolation (Jin and Dickinson 2010). During the daytime, Tskin 22 increases very quickly and then heats up the 2-m air layer. Second, at nighttime, the 23 boundary layer is stable and heat is trapped in the warm near-surface air layer. Therefore 12 1 the UHI signal can be detected at T2m. During the daytime, convection is strong and thus 2 the UHI is not very evident at the 2-m air layer. Third, uncertainty exists in the traditional 3 T2m index. For example, UHI T2m heavily depends on the locations of the rural and urban 4 weather stations, and thus may miss the maximum UHI signal. Further research is needed 5 to examine these hypotheses. Furthermore, Shen and Leptoukh (2011) show that the 6 largest differences between T2m and Tskin occur at daytime over barren areas. Therefore, 7 simply using T2m may miss the important signal of the UHI. 8 9 10 11 The UHIskin provides additional information to complement the traditional T2m screen-level UHI. Nevertheless, we cannot ignore screen level UHI nor try to replace the latter with the former because: a. Skin-level and screen-level have different UHI intensities, which reflect the skin- 12 surface and near-surface atmosphere interactions. Both UHI definitions are 13 important in calculating the surface energy budget; 14 15 16 b. Screen-level UHI has a long climatological record which is essential for the study of the change in UHI related to city growth; c. Skin temperature has the advantage of broader coverage; but is only available for 17 clear days (Jin and Dickinson 2010) and therefore, skin-level UHI may not fully 18 represent heat intensity during all sky conditions. It would be instructive to assess 19 the skin-level UHI for all sky conditions (clear and cloud sky) but that is currently 20 not possible, via thermal infrared remote sensing, due to the lack of satellite Tskin 21 observations for cloudy skies. 13 1 In conclusion, both screen-level and skin-level UHIs are important for a complete 2 understanding of urban heat distribution, local and regional circulation, and water and 3 heat cycles. 4 5 Acknowledgments. This work is funded by NSF GEO/ATM/LARS/Climate and Large- 6 scale Dynamics Program (Award Number: 0855480) and NASA Precipitation Program 7 Grant number NNX10AH65G. 8 14 1 REFERENCE 2 Arnfield, A. J. 2003: Two Decades of urban climate research: A review of turbulence, 3 exchanges of energy and water, and the urban heat island. Int. J. Climatology, 4 23:1-26. 5 Friedl, M. A., D. K. McIver, J. C. Hodges, Y. Zhang, D. Muchoney, A. H. Strahler, C.E. 6 Woodcock, S. Gopal, A. Schneider, A. Cooper, A. Baccini, F. 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Natural Hazards. 10.1007/s11069-009-9406-z, 30 pp. 7 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 CAPTIONS 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Figure 5: Box-plot based on April 2000 to December 2008 skin temperature observations over the 0.6°x0.6° selected box of (a) Beijing and surrounding land cover regions and (b) New York City (NYC). Total 105 monthly values are examined. The top of the box represents the 75th percentile, the bottom of the box represents the 25th percentile, and the line in the middle represents the 50th percentile (i.e., median). The whiskers (the lines that extend out the top and bottom of the box) represent the highest and lowest values that are not outliers or extreme values (Wilks 1995). Figure 1: (a) Land cover of Beijing (BJ) and (b) New York City (NYC) based on MODIS observation of July 2007. Land cover type is given in Table 1. Land cover type = 13 is urban (the red color). Beijing and New York City are marked. (c) Spatial observations of land skin temperature (Tskin) for Beijing and (d) New York City for July 2008. The unit is K, and the data is monthly observations from MODIS Terra at 10:30 AM. Figure 2: Land cover and skin temperature averaged for a 0.6°x 0.6° box over Beijing and New York City. (a) and (b) are land cover percentage for Beijing and New York City, respectively. Land cover 13 is urban (see Table 1). The 0.6°x 0.6° box is (39.7 – 40.3°N, 116.1-116.7°E) for Beijing and (40.5-41.1°N, 73.8-74.4°W) for New York City. (c) and (d) are the 0.6°x 0.6° box-averaged land surface skin temperature for Beijing and New York City, respectively. In (d), Land cover =0 means ocean, and thus there is no skin temperature value for ocean from MODIS land surface products. Tskin is observed from Terra data at 10:30 AM. Figure 3: Monthly mean skin temperature in July 2008 for Beijing observed by Terra daytime (10:30AM), Aqua Daytime (1:30 PM), Terra nighttime (10:30 AM) and Aqua nighttime (10:30 PM), respectively. Land cover type (defined in Table 1) is presented along the longitude 116°E-118°E in dash line. Figure 4a: Monthly mean skin temperature from January, April, July, and October 2008 together with July 2007 for Beijing. Land cover type (defined in Table 1) is also presented along the longitude 116°E-118°E. Data is from Terra MODIS. Figure 4b: Monthly mean skin temperature from January, April, July, and October 2008 together for New York City (NYC). Land cover type (lc_type, defined in Table 1) is also presented along the longitude 75 W – 73.5W. Data is from Terra MODIS. 40 41 42 43 19 1 . a . BJ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 b. NYC 20 c. c. 1 d . 2 3 21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Figure 1: (a) Land cover of Beijing (BJ) and (b) New York City (NYC) based on MODIS observation of July 2007. Land cover type is given in Table 1. Land cover type = 13 is urban (the red color). Beijing and New York City are marked. (c) Spatial observations of land skin temperature (Tskin) for Beijing and (d) New York City for July 2008. The unit is K, and the data is monthly observations from MODIS Terra at 10:30 AM. 22 1 2 3 a. b. c. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 d. Figure 2: Land cover and skin temperature averaged for a 0.6°x 0.6° box over Beijing and New York City. (a) and (b) are land cover percentage for Beijing and New York City, respectively. Land cover 13 is urban (see Table 1). The 0.6°x 0.6° box is (39.7 – 40.3°N, 116.1-116.7°E) for Beijing and (40.5-41.1°N, 73.8-74.4°W) for New York City. (c) and (d) are the 0.6°x 0.6° box-averaged land surface skin temperature for Beijing and New York City, respectively. In (d), land cover =0 means ocean, and thus there is no skin temperature value for ocean from MODIS land surface products. Tskin is observed from Terra data at 10:30 AM. 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Figure 3: Monthly mean skin temperature in July 2008 for Beijing observed by Terra daytime (10:30AM), Aqua Daytime (1:30 PM), Terra nighttime (10:30 AM) and Aqua nighttime (10:30 PM), respectively. Land cover type (defined in Table 1) is presented along the longitude 116°E-118°E in dash line. 24 1 2 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 a . A Figure 4a: Monthly mean skin temperature from January, April, July, and October 2008 together with July 2007 for Beijing. Land cover type (defined in Table 1) is also presented along the longitude 116°E-118°E. Data is from Terra MODIS. 25 1 b. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Figure 4b: Monthly mean skin temperature from January, April, July, and October 2008 together for New York City (NYC). Land cover type (lc_type, defined in Table 1) is also presented along the longitude 75 W – 73.5W. Data is from Terra MODIS. 26 a. 1 2 b. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Figure 5: Box-plot based on April 2000 to December 2008 skin temperature observations over the 0.6°x0.6° selected box of (a) Beijing and surrounding land cover regions and (b) New York City (NYC). Total 105 monthly values are examined. The top of the box represents the 75th percentile, the bottom of the box represents the 25th percentile, and the line in the middle represents the 50th percentile (i.e., median). The whiskers (the lines that extend out the top and bottom of the box) represent the highest and lowest values that are not outliers or extreme values (Wilks 1995). 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 Table 1: MODIS land cover table Land Cover Type (LC) Evergreen Needleleaf Forest 1 Evergreen Broadleaf Forest 2 Deciduous Needleleaf Forest 3 Deciduous Broadleaf Forest 4 Mixed Forest 5 Closed Shrubland 6 Open Shrubland 7 Woody Savannas 8 Savannas 9 Grassland 10 Permanent Wetland 11 Croplands 12 Urban and Built-Up 13 Cropland/Natural Vegetation Mosaic 14 Snow and Ice 15 Barren or Sparsely Vegetated 16 7 8 9 10 28