GPA(1)_____ APPLICATION FOR SCHOOL YEAR 2012-2013 Date ____________ GPA(2)_____ “COX EDUCATIONAL FUND” ____I have attached to my application a certified transcript of high school grades with final grade point average. ____I have attached to my application an acceptance letter from college. ____I am in college and have attached my grades from the last semester showing my cumulative GPA. Name _______________________________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________________ Birthdate ____________________ Age ________ Phone _____________________________________ Father’s Name ____________________________ Address ___________________________________ Mother’s Name ___________________________ Address ____________________________________ Occupation of Father _______________________ Mother ___________________________________ Name and occupation of spouse, if married _______________________________________________ Taxable Income for Family $___________________________________________________________ How many people are depending upon the above income for at least ½ of their support? _________ High School _____________________________ Graduation Date _____________________________ Are you in college? _______________________ What year have you completed? ________________ LIST FINANCIAL AID Amount applied for Received 1. __________________________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________________________________________ What other financial obligations do you have? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Name and address of school you want to attend ____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ What course of study do you wish to pursue? ______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 2012-2013 COX EDUCATIONAL FUND – 2 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION List high school activities (clubs, sports, leadership, etc.). If already in college, list college activities. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ List any awards won in high school, college, or other organizations. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ What is your prime ambition for the future? ______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ I affirm that I will use my funds I receive from “The Cox Educational Fund” for the continuance of my education. At the end of each semester, I will furnish a copy of my grades. _______________________________________ Applicant’s Signature Approved by Cox Scholarship Committee _________________________ Denied by Cox Scholarship Committee _________________________ COX EDUCATIONAL FUND SCHOLARSHIP GUIDE The following guidelines for the award of scholarship funds: The will of A. M. Cox, founder of this scholarship fund, states in pertinent part as follows: “. . . for the education of worthy girls and boys of Harrison County desiring an education, but who lack the means of accomplishing their desire.” In determining “worthy,” we consider (1) scholarship, (2) leadership, (3) character, and (4) need, with no quality being more important or given any more weight than any other. 1. All scholarships shall be awarded on an annual basis, and shall be for only one academic year. EACH APPLICANT SHALL REAPPLY ANNUALLY. 2. The Scholarship Committee will make disbursement of scholarship funds only after receipt of official notification of acceptance from the college or other school of the student’s choice. 3. All payments of scholarship funds will be made directly to the school. 4. If for any reason a student receiving a scholarship award drops out of his/her school, and if, as a result, the school refunds any of the monies previously paid to it, such monies shall be repaid to the Cox Educational Fund. 5. The recipient of a scholarship award must meet the standards for academic qualifications set by the school which he/she is attending, must carry the minimum number of hours to be considered a full-time student, and must maintain a “C” or 2.0 point cumulative average under a 4.0 grade point system. 6. The student’s record must be reviewed either on a semester or quarterly basis depending upon the school calendar. In order that a scholarship award be continued, the student’s scholarship record and his/her record on campus must be satisfactory in the opinion of the Scholarship Committee. If the committee determines that the record of the scholarship recipient is such that he/she will not successfully complete the requirements for graduation, the Committee may terminate the scholarship award for such a student. 7. The Scholarship Committee may supplement these reports by direct communication with the registrar or student counselor or other appropriate officials of the school. 8. THE SCHOLARSHIP GRANT WILL BE TERMINATED IF THE STUDENT FAILS TO NOTIFY THE SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEEE AT THE END OF EACH SEMESTER. 9. Application must be complete for student to be considered as an applicant. RETURN SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION BY MAY 1st