
Anna Sfard – selected publications
Sfard, A. & McClain, K., Eds. (2002). Learning tools: Perspectives on the role of designed artifacts in mathematics
learning. Mahwah, NJ: Laurence Erlbaum Associates [also publishes as special issue of Journal of
Learning Sciences, 11(2,3).]
Kieran, C., Forman, E., and Sfard, A., Eds. (2003). Learning discourse: Bridging the individual and the social:
discursive approaches to research in mathematics education. Dodrecht, TheNetherlands: Kluwer
Academic Press [also published as the special issue of Educational Studies in Mathematics, 46(1-3)]
Sfard, A. & Kieran, C. (2001). Cognition as communication: Rethinking learning-by-talking through multi-faceted
analysis of students’ mathematical interactions. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 8(1), 42-76.
Sfard, A. (2001a). On the gains and dilemmas of calling different things the same name. Quarterly of Cognitive
Science, 1(3/4), 359-388.
Sfard, A. ( 2001b). Learning mathematics as developing a discourse. In R. Speiser, C. Maher, C. Walter (Eds),
Proceedings of 21st Conference of PME-NA (pp. 23-44). Columbus, Ohio: Clearing House for Science,
mathematics, and Environmental Education
Sfard, A. (2001c). Communicating to learn or learning to communicate? Mathematics education in quest for new answers to
old questions. (Book review). Zenralblatt fur Didiaktik Mathematik / International Reviews on Mathematical
Education, 33(1), 1-9.
Sfard, A. (2001d). There is More to Discourse than Meets the Ears: Learning from mathematical communication
things that we have not known before. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 46(1/3), 13-57.
Sfard, A., Forman, E. & Kieran, K. (2001). Learning discourse: Sociocultural approaches to research in
mathematics education. Educational Studies in Mathematics. 46(1/3), 1-12.
Sfard, A. (2002) The interplay of intimations and implementations: Generating new discourse with new symbolic
tools. The Journal of Learning Sciences , 11(2,3), 319-358. (go through
and read first).
Sfard, A., & Kay McClain, Eds. (2002). Analyzing tools: Perspectives on the Role of Designed Artifacts in
Mathematics Learning. Journal for Learning Sciences 11(2&3), 153-161.
Sfard, A. (2003). Balancing the unbalanceable: The NCTM Standards in the light of theories of learning
mathematics. In J. Kilpatrick, Martin, G., & Schifter, D. (Eds.), A Research Companion for NCTM
Standards (pp. 353-392). Reston, VA: National Council for Teachers of Mathematics.
Ben-Yehuda, M., Lavy, I., Linchevski, L., Sfard, A. (2005), Doing wrong with words or What bars students’
access to arithmetical discourses. The Journal for Research in Mathemtics Education, 36(3), 176 – 247.
Sfard, A. & Lavi, I. (2005). Why cannot children see as the same what grownups cannot see as different? – early
numerical thinking revisited. Cognition and Instruction, 23(2), 237-309.
Sfard, A. & Prusak, A. (2005). Telling identities: In search of an analytic tool for investigating learning as a
culturally shaped activity. Educational Researcher, 34(4), 14-22.
Anna Sfard – selected publications
Sfard, A. (in press, a). What changes when learning goes to school: The communicational version, the case of
mathematics. To appear in European Journal of School
Sfard, A. (in press, b). Challenging discourse. A commentary. To appear in A. Chronaki & I. Christiansen (Eds.),
Challenging Perpsectives on Mathematics Classroom. Communication. London: Information Age
Sfard, A. (in press, c). What could be more practical than good research? On mutual relations between research and
practice of mathematics education. To appear in Educational Studies in Mathematics.
Sfard, A. (in press, d). Discourse in flux - Commentary to Cognition in flux by Geoffrey Saxe. To appear in Mind,
Culture, and Activity.
Sfard, A. (in press, e). Essential dialogue. Review essay on “Dialogicality and social representations” by Ivana
Markova. To appear in Human Development.