Name________________________________________ Decade/Topic_________________________________ Class _____ Date_______/15 American Cultural History Research Paper Rubric (Doc. 3) Research Paper Introduction/ Thesis Content Understanding/ Analysis Support/ Accuracy of Evidence Grammar/ Expression Organization Conclusion Citations Inadequate 20-25 Points Needs Improvement 26-30 Acceptable 31-35 Excellent 36-40 -insufficient background and unclear argument -does not define the purpose of the communication -few ideas and inferences -limited connections -partially developed background and argument -does not clearly define the purpose of the communication -little or no support -information is historically inaccurate -check quality of sources -some questions unanswered -some information is historically inaccurate -check quality of sources developed background and argument -defines the purpose of the communication -is explorable and grounded in inquiry -developed ideas and inferences -adequate connections between evidence and thesis -most questions fully answered using good detail -good coverage of topics -mostly historically accurate evidence from a variety of reliable sources -well-developed background and argument -clearly defines the purpose of the communication -is insightful, explorable and grounded in inquiry -well developed ideas and inferences beyond the concrete -multiple sources integrated connecting evidence to thesis -all questions fully answered using excellent detail -excellent coverage of topics -historically accurate, critical evidence from a wide variety of essential sources 16-17 18-20 -some ideas and inferences -loose connections between evidence and thesis 10-12 13-15 -inconsistent grammar -poor proofreading -poorly written -grammatical errors -better proofreading needed -writing needs improvement -ideas need better development both logically and hierarchically -little development and separation of ideas, unorganized structure -does not restate main ideas nor include any “afterthought.” -few sources used -mostly unreliable sources -partially restates main ideas and includes minimal “afterthought.” -limited sources used -many unreliable sources -citation errors /40 /40 /40 -few grammatical errors -proofread -acceptable written expression -consistently proper grammar -excellent proofreading -well-written /20 -ideas develop somewhat logically or hierarchically depending on their importance to the work. - restates main ideas and includes some “afterthought.” -ideas develop logically and hierarchically depending on their importance to the work. /20 -required amount of sources -mostly reliable sources -some citation errors -creatively restates main ideas and includes effective “afterthought.” -excellent amount of sources -accurate sources -properly cited Total /20 /20 Presentation Clarity Creative Effort Accuracy of Information Content Knowledge Length Organization/ Preparation Handout/ Outline Inadequate 7-8 Needs Improvement 9-11 -information, audio, video, or images are difficult to understand -poor communication -poor selection and delivery of a variety of images/audio/visual -lack of effort -no creative ideas -information was off topic and not relevant -most facts need to be checked -little understanding of topics -cannot answer questions/confused -much longer/shorter than allotted time -no balance between presenters/material -very unorganized -little time spent on preparation -information, audio, video, or images are somewhat understandable, but not fully clear -limited selection and delivery of a variety of images/audio/visual -minimal effort -few creative ideas -some information was inaccurate and relevant -facts need to be checked -missing information -minimal understanding of topics -answers simple questions 4 6 -missing majority of historical content -poor connection Acceptable 12-13 -information, audio, video, and images are clear and understandable -good communication -adequate selection and delivery of a variety of images/audio/visual -good creative effort -some original ideas -information was mostly accurate and relevant -good use of sources -covers necessary information -students are comfortable with information -understands topics -answers most questions -slightly longer/shorter than -stayed with in time frame allotted time -good balance between -some balance between presenters/material presenters/material -loosely organized -mostly well-organized -some time spent on -sufficient time spent preparing preparation -missing good amount of essential historical content -somewhat relevant 8 -covers most essential historical content - relevant to presentation Excellent 14-15 -information, audio, video, or images are clear and effective -easy to understand and follow -excellent communication -outstanding selection and delivery of a variety of images/audio/visual -unquestionable effort -original, creative ideas -information was clearly accurate and relevant -excellent use of quality sources -excellent reflection of topic -students demonstrate full knowledge of topic by answering questions with authority and elaboration -effective use of full allotted time -excellent balance between presenters/material -excellent organization -great deal of time spent preparing Draft I Draft II Draft III 60(30) handwritten/typed notes only handwritten/typed notes only incomplete 36(72) 43(86) typed, partially completed, typed, mostly completed, footnoted typed, partially completed, typed, mostly completed, footnoted footnoted typed, partially complete, typed, mostly completed, footnoted footnoted /15 /15 /15 /15 /15 /15 10 -covers all essential historical content clear connection Final Draft Total Paper Drafts Points /10 /200 50(100) typed, completed, footnoted typed, completed, footnoted typed, completed, excellent format, footnoted /100Q /50T /50T