1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Appendix 1. Search string used in Web of Science to identify articles related to each taxonomic group and diseases within each taxonomic group. All searches were performed on the titles of articles only to avoid temporal biases in searching efficacy as a function of abstract availability. Initial searches were conducted individually for each taxonomic group and subsequently combined with the disease search string using the ‘AND’ function within Web of Science Advanced Search. When search strings included more than 50 terms, we used the ‘OR’ function to combine multiple smaller searches. The exclusion terms were included in a separate search, which was then combined using specific functions (e.g., #1 and #2 NOT #3 to combined searches 1 and 2 while excluding search 3). Subsequent refinements were conducted by document type and by subject area (see Appendix 2). Search String Disease Amphibians Crayfishes Molluscs Fishes Terms included TI=(disease* OR pathog* OR infect* OR prevalence OR parasit* OR bacteri* OR virus* OR viral OR fung* OR myco* OR nematod* OR trematod* OR cestod* OR ectoparasit* OR acanthoceph* OR protist* OR protozoa* OR (mass and mortalit*) OR dieoff* OR epidem* OR epizoot* OR helminth* OR chytrid* OR myxozoa* OR oomycet* OR vibrio* OR microsporid* OR bloom* OR noninfectious OR HABs*) TI=(amphib* OR frog* OR toad* OR tadpole* OR anura* OR urodel* OR caudat* OR caecilian* OR salamander* OR Arthroleptis* OR Leptopelis* OR Ischnocnema OR Ansonia OR Atelopus OR Bufo OR Melanophryniscus OR Centrolene OR Hyalinobatrachium OR Nymphargus OR Telmatobius OR Craugastor OR Cycloramphus OR Allobates OR Ameerega OR Dendrobates OR Hyloxalus OR Eleutherodactylus OR Gastrotheca OR Dendropsophus OR Hyla OR Hyloscirtus OR Hypsiboas OR Plectrohyla OR Scinax OR Litoria OR Nyctimystes OR Phyllomedusa OR Afrixalus OR Hyperolius OR Physalaemus OR Leptodactylus OR Xenophrys OR Cophixalus OR Oreophryne OR Xenorhina OR Microhyla OR Uperoleia OR Xenopus OR Platymantis OR Fejervarya OR Limnonectes OR Boophis OR Gephyromantis OR Mantidactylus OR Phrynobatrachus OR Ptychadena OR Amolops OR Rana OR Philautus OR Rhacophorus OR Polypedates OR Pristimantis OR Ambystoma OR Hynobius OR Bolitoglossa OR Eurycea OR Oedipina OR Pseudoeurycea OR Plethodon OR Caecilia OR Ichthyophis OR Gymnophion*) TI=(crayfish* OR crawdad* OR Procambarus OR Orconectes OR Cambarus OR Astacus OR Cherax OR Pacifastacus OR Aegla OR Cambarellus OR Austropotamobius OR Paranephrops OR Astacopsis) TI=(Unionoid* OR veneroid* Basommatorph* OR pulmonat* OR prosobranch* OR Neritid* OR Viviparid* OR Ampullariid* OR Valvatid* OR Hydrobiid* OR Bithyniid* OR Pomatiopsid* OR Thiarid* OR Melanopsid* OR Pleurocerid* OR Lymnaeid* OR Physid* OR Planorb* OR Latiid* OR Chilinid* OR Sphaeriid* OR Corbiculid* OR Dreissenid* OR Etheriid* OR Hyriid* OR Irinid* OR Margaritiferid* OR Mutelid* OR Mycetopodid* OR Unionid* OR Unionacea OR Ampullaria OR Pomacea OR Melanoides OR Helisoma OR Viviparus OR Physa OR Lymnaea OR Stagnicola OR Radix OR Bithynia OR Physella OR Gyraulus OR Menetus OR Aplexa OR Pseudosuccinea OR Acella OR Biomphalaria OR Bulinus OR Bulimnea OR Cipangopaludina OR Campeloma OR Bellamya OR Marisa OR Pila OR Valvata OR Hydrobia OR Potamopyrgus OR Amnicola OR Thiara OR Tarebia OR Oncomelania OR Corbicula OR Dreissena OR Pisidium OR Sphaerium) TI=(sunfish OR sturgeon OR chiselmouth OR mullet OR dace OR shad OR alewife OR cichlid* OR bass OR cavefish OR bullhead* OR catfish OR bowfin* OR darter* OR perch OR stickleback* OR minnow* OR (gar and (alligator OR fish)) OR carp OR goldfish OR snakehead OR murrel* OR cisco* OR gourami* OR whitefish OR Reptiles chub OR springfish OR pupfish OR roach*) NOT TI=(sea bass OR surfperch OR marine* OR ocean* OR saltwater OR cell* OR coast* OR estuar* OR lagoon OR sea OR intertid* OR gulf OR Pacific OR Atlantic OR experiment* OR aquacultur* OR phylogen* OR hatcher* OR pike* OR mosquitofish OR gambusia OR smelt OR trout* OR salmon OR salmonid OR paddlefish OR crappie* OR platyfish OR danio* OR gudgeon* OR tarpon* OR redfin* OR rasbora* OR bitterling* OR grayling OR (tetra and fish) OR sawfish OR astyanax OR pearlfish OR corydora* OR knifefish OR pirhana* OR characin* OR acara* OR archerfish* OR ladyfish OR galaxias OR blackfish OR grunter* OR flagtail* OR rainbowfish* OR topminnow* OR labeo* OR bluegill OR yellowfish OR squeaker* OR (river AND stingray) OR shad OR lamprey* OR mogurnda* OR tandan* OR goldeye OR hardyhead* OR Cyprinid* OR Centrarchid* OR Lepisosteid* OR Acipenserid* OR Polyodontid* OR Ictalurid* OR Osmerid* OR Catostomid* OR Esocid* OR Percid* OR Anabantid* OR Callichthyid* OR Characid* OR Cichlid* OR Cyprinodontid* OR Gasteroplecid* OR Poecili*d* OR Scatophagid* OR Toxotid*) Turtles: TI=((Snapping and turtle*) or (Softshell and turtle*) or (soft-shell and turtle*) or (Box and turtle*) or (Mud and turtle*) or (Painted and turtle*) or (Map and turtle*) or (Musk and turtle*) or (River and turtle*) or (Snakeneck and turtle*) or (snake-neck and turtle*) or (Pignosed and turtle*) or (pig-nosed and turtle*) or (Sideneck and turtle*) or Chelid* or Pelomedusid* or Podocnemidid* or Carettochelyid* or Chelyrdrid* or Dermatemydid* or Emydid* or Geoemydid* or Kinosternid* or Platysternid* or Trionychid* OR (side-neck and turtle*) or (Spotted and turtle*) or (Water and turtle*) or Chelodina or Elseya or Elusor or Emydura or Macrochelodina or Pseudemydura or Rheodytes or Acanthochelys or Chelus or Hydromedusa or Mesoclemmys or Phrynops or Platemys or Rhinemys or Pelomedusa or Pelusios or Erymnochelys or Peltocephalus or Podocnemis or Carettochelys or Chelydra or Macrochelys or Dermatemys or Actinemys or Chrysemys or Clemmys or Deirochelys or Emydoidea or Emys or Glyptemys or Graptemys or Malaclemys or Pseudemys or Terrapene or Trachemys or Batagur or Callagur or Chinemys or Cuora or Cyclemys or Geoclemys or Geoemyda or Hardella or Heosemys or Hieremys or Kachuga or Leucocephalon or Malayemys or Mauremys or Melanochelys or Morenia or Notochelys or Ocadia or Orlitia or Pangshura or Pyxidea or Rhinoclemmys or Sacalia or Siebenrockiella or Claudius or Kinosternon or Staurotypus or Sternotherus or Platysternon or Amyda or Apalone or Aspideretes or Chitra or Cyclanorbis or Cycloderma or Dogania or Lissemys or Nilssonia or Oscaria or Palea or Pelochelys or Pelodiscus or Rafetus or Trionyx) Snakes: TI=((Water and snake*) or Watersnake or (Wart and Snake*) or (File and Snake*) or Anaconda* or Keelback* or (Small-eyed and Snake*) or (Stream and Snake*) or (Queen and Snake*) or (Garter and Snake*) or (Swamp and Snake*) or (Crayfish and Snake*) or (Water and Cobra*) or (Guinea and Bockadam*) or (Pond and Snake*) or (Tentacle and Snake*) or (Water and Moccasin*) or Cottonmouth or Copperhead or Acrochordus or Grayia or Afronatrix or Atretium or Hydrablabes or Hydraethiops or Limnophis or Natrix or Nerodia or Opisthotropis or Parahelicops or Seminatrix or Sinonatrix or Xenochrophis or Farancia or Gomesophis or Helicops or Helophis or Hydrodynastes or Hydromorphus or Pseudoeryx or Sordellina or Tetranorhinus or Thermophis or Lycodonomorphus or Boulengerina or Cantoria or Cerberus or Enhydris or Erpeton or Heurnia or Homalopsis or Agkistrodon or Eunectes) Lizards: TI=((Helmeted and lizard*) or (Casque-headed and lizard*) or (Earless and Monitor*) or (Casque-Headed and Iguana*) or (Diving and Skink*) or (Green and Basilisk*) or (Brown and Basilisk*) or Corytophanid* or Lanthanotid* or Basiliscus or Lanthanotus) Mammals Birds Exclusion terms† 9 Alligators: TI=(alligator* or crocodile* or caiman* or gharial* or Melanosuchus or Palaeosuchus or Crocodylus or Osteolaemus or Gavialis or Tomistoma) TI=(nutria* or coypu* or ragondin* or castorino* or muskrat* or musquash* or (river and otter*) or (neotropical and otter*) or (common and otter*) or (fish and otter*) or (canadian and otter*) or (canada and otter*) or (eurasian and otter*) or (old and world and otter*) or (hairy-nosed and otter*) or nipponkawauso* or (coated and otter*) or (speckle-throated and otter*) or hutia or mink or (European polecat*) or (water vole*) or (Crimson-nosed rat) or (swamp rat) or (water opossum*) or desman or (thick-tailed opossum*) or (fishing bat*) or (aquatic tenrec*) or (web-footed tenrec*) or playtpus or (marsh rat) or (crab-eating rat) or (fish-eating rat) or (waterside rat) or (bufeo and gris) or (bufeo and negro) or marshbuck* or sitatunga* or (water chevrotain) or waterbuck* or lechwes or puku or ornithorhynchus or chironectes or Lutreolina or limnogale or desmana or galemys or arvicola or Holochilus or Nectomys or Amphinectomys or Anotomys or Chibchanomys or Ichthyomys or Neusticomys or rheomys or neusticomys or bibimys or hydromys or parahydromys or crossomys or baiyankamys or parahydromys or crossomys or nilopegamys or colomys or malacomys or pelomys or hydrochaeris or neofiber or mesocapromys or Thryonomys or neovison or elaphurus or hydropotes or blastocerus or hexaprotodon or hyemoschus or sotalia or (plata and dolphin*) or baji or hippopotamus* or nihonkawauso* or (african and manatee*) or (dwarf and manatee*) or capybara* or (Ladoga and seal*) or (Saimaa and seal*) or (otter and shrew*) or (spotted* and otter*) or (giant and otter*) or (baikal and seal*) or nerpa* or (ringed and seal*) or (river and dolphin*) or baiji or ((amazonian or amazon) and manatee*) or bhulan* or boto or castorid* or myocastorid* or platanistid* or iniid* or pontoporiid* or lipotid* or hippopotamid* or trichechid* or Myocastor or Ondatra or Lontra or Lutra or Hydrictis or Lutrogale or Pteronura or Aonyx or Platanista or Pontoporia or Lipotes or platanista or trichechus or hydroxhoerus or Mesocapromys or Potamogale or Micropotamogale or Chimarrogale or Neomys or Nectogale or (Mustela and vison)) TI=(Duck or Ducks or Geese or Goose or Waterfowl or waterbird* or Screamer* or Plover* or Lapwing* or Jacana* or Stilt* or Avocet* or Snipe* or Sandpiper* or Heron* or Egret* or Bittern or bitterns or Stork* or Hamerkop* or Ibis* or Spoonbill* or Hoatzin* or Crane or cranes or Finfoot* or Gallinule* or Coot or coots or Dipper* or Anhinga* or Pelican* or Cormorant* or Shag* or Grebe* or Anatid* or Anhimid* or Charadriid* or Jacanid* or Recurvirostrid* or Rostratulid* or Scolopacid* or Ardeid* or Balaenicipitid* or Ciconiid* or Scopid* or Threskiornithid* or Opisthocomid* or Loon* or Limpkin* or Gaviid* or Aramid* or Gruid* or Heliornithid* or Rallid* or Cinclid* or Anhingid* or Pelecanid* or Phalacrocoracid* or Podicipedid*) NOT TI= (marine* OR ocean* OR saltwater OR cell* OR coast* OR estuar* OR lagoon OR sea OR intertid* OR gulf OR offshore OR Pacific OR Atlantic OR experiment* OR aquacultur* OR phylogen* OR hatcher* OR surf* OR bean*) †Additional or alternative exclusion terms were used on some searches depending on the particular taxon. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Appendix 2. Refinements of Web of Science searches on the basis of article types and subject areas. We selected article types likely to present data on disease-related observations, rather than reviews, editorials or commentaries. These categories were consistent for all searches. For subject areas, we sought to identify topic areas for each group that would help to exclude accounts of marine taxa, cellular or biochemical studies, aquacultural or agricultural research, or laboratory experiments. While the subject areas were similar for all searches, some differences occurred in cases where a particular subject area was not represented in the overall search (and therefore omitted from here) or when it yielded articles outside our selection criteria. For example, ‘oceanography’ generated numerous marine records in the fish and mollusc searches but not in the crayfish search. Taxonomic group Article types Subject areas Amphibians ARTICLE OR MEETING ABSTRACT OR PROCEEDINGS PAPER OR NOTE Crayfishes ARTICLE OR MEETING ABSTRACT OR PROCEEDINGS PAPER OR NOTE Molluscs ARTICLE OR MEETING ABSTRACT OR PROCEEDINGS PAPER OR NOTE Fishes ARTICLE OR MEETING ABSTRACT OR PROCEEDINGS PAPER OR NOTE Birds ARTICLE OR LETTER OR MEETING ABSTRACT OR NOTE ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES OR PARASITOLOGY OR EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY OR PATHOLOGY OR FISHERIES OR BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION OR BIOLOGY OR IMMUNOLOGY OR INFECTIOUS DISEASES OR LIMNOLOGY OR MARINE & FRESHWATER BIOLOGY OR MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES OR ECOLOGY OR MYCOLOGY OR VETERINARY SCIENCES OR WATER RESOURCES OR ZOOLOGY ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES OR PARASITOLOGY OR FISHERIES OR BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION OR IMMUNOLOGY OR BIOLOGY OR INFECTIOUS DISEASES OR LIMNOLOGY OR MARINE & FRESHWATER BIOLOGY OR MICROBIOLOGY OR MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES OR MYCOLOGY OR ECOLOGY OR VETERINARY SCIENCES OR OCEANOGRAPHY OR VIROLOGY OR WATER RESOURCES OR ZOOLOGY PARASITOLOGY OR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES OR EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY OR ZOOLOGY OR MICROBIOLOGY OR TROPICAL MEDICINE OR LIMNOLOGY OR VETERINARY SCIENCES OR FISHERIES OR MARINE & FRESHWATER BIOLOGY OR TOXICOLOGY OR PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH OR INFECTIOUS DISEASES OR ECOLOGY OR IMMUNOLOGY OR PATHOLOGY OR BIOLOGY OR AGRICULTURE, DAIRY & ANIMAL SCIENCE OR MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES OR VIROLOGY OR BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION OR WATER RESOURCES FISHERIES OR MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES OR MYCOLOGY OR BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION OR IMMUNOLOGY OR PARASITOLOGY OR BIOLOGY OR INFECTIOUS DISEASES OR PATHOLOGY OR LIMNOLOGY OR ECOLOGY OR MARINE & FRESHWATER BIOLOGY OR VIROLOGY OR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES OR WATER RESOURCES OR EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY OR MICROSCOPY OR ZOOLOGY ORNITHOLOGY OR ECOLOGY OR ZOOLOGY OR PATHOLOGY OR VETERINARY SCIENCES OR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES OR AGRICULTURE, DAIRY & ANIMAL OR PROCEEDINGS PAPER 18 19 20 Reptiles ARTICLE OR LETTER OR MEETING ABSTRACT OR NOTE OR PROCEEDINGS PAPER Mammals ARTICLE OR MEETING ABSTRACT OR NOTE OR PROCEEDINGS PAPER OR LETTER SCIENCE OR INFECTIOUS DISEASES OR LIMNOLOGY OR BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION OR PHYSIOLOGY OR BIOLOGY OR MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES OR TOXICOLOGY OR VIROLOGY OR PARASITOLOGY OR MYCOLOGY OR MARINE & FRESHWATER BIOLOGY OR ANATOMY & MORPHOLOGY OR ENTOMOLOGY OR MICROBIOLOGY OR WATER RESOURCES OR IMMUNOLOGY OR TROPICAL MEDICINE OR MICROSCOPY OR PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH OR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES OR FISHERIES OR EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY OR FORESTRY ZOOLOGY OR ECOLOGY OR MICROBIOLOGY OR PHYSIOLOGY OR TROPICAL MEDICINE OR ENTOMOLOGY OR BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES OR BIOLOGY OR MICROSCOPY OR MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES OR VETERINARY SCIENCES OR PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH OR BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION OR IMMUNOLOGY OR OCEANOGRAPHY OR PATHOLOGY OR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES OR WATER RESOURCES OR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES OR INFECTIOUS DISEASES OR PARASITOLOGY OR LIMNOLOGY OR FORESTRY OR VIROLOGY OR EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY OR FISHERIES OR MARINE & FRESHWATER BIOLOGY PARASITOLOGY OR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES OR EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY OR ZOOLOGY OR MICROBIOLOGY OR TROPICAL MEDICINE OR LIMNOLOGY OR VETERINARY SCIENCES OR FISHERIES OR MARINE & FRESHWATER BIOLOGY OR TOXICOLOGY OR PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH OR INFECTIOUS DISEASES OR ECOLOGY OR IMMUNOLOGY OR PATHOLOGY OR BIOLOGY OR AGRICULTURE, DAIRY & ANIMAL SCIENCE OR MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES OR VIROLOGY OR BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION OR WATER RESOURCES