
Hendrickson High School 2015-2016
Ms. Barker
Voicemail: 512-594-1251
Tutorial Hours:
Jill Barker
Anya Dalkin
Annette Greene
Tuesday 8:15 – 8:50, Wednesday 4:15 – 4:45
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:15 – 8:50
Thursday 8:15 – 8:50, Monday 4:15 – 4:45
70% Major Grades: Test, Projects & Quiz
One Assessment: Concept based assessment
Student ID
Soh Cah Toa
Due: 4/6/2014
Max: 100
Law of sines
Due: 4/6/2014
Max: 100
Law of cosines
Due: 4/6/2014
Max: 100
Angle of Elevation
Due: 4/6/2014
Max: 100
Total Exam
Max: 100
11111 A
Student A
Total Exam Average
Max: 100
If a student retested
Max: 70
30% Minor Grades: Weekly quizzes, Assignments & Daily Work
Course Description:
Throughout this course, we will be surveying functions and analyzing their behavior. Topics will include
polynomial, rational, logarithmic, exponential, trigonometric, polar, and parametric functions as well as
limits, sequences and series. Projects will be assigned periodically.
Course Objectives:
By the end of this course, students will be able to identify and analyze functions when given graphs,
equations, and models. A major emphasis of the course is on trigonometric functions, equations, and
graphs. Students will also be prepared to continue their mathematical career by applying pre-calculus
topics to calculus and other higher level mathematics classes.
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Format and Procedures:
1. Class attendance is mandatory. If you do miss a class, it is your responsibility to make up the
material and make sure your work is turned in on time. If you have a special circumstance that
may interfere with your regular attendance, please discuss it with me.
2. The teacher and administrators will handle tardy procedures in accordance with school
guidelines. If you are tardy, you are responsible for turning in any assignments that are due
once you have returned to class. Being tardy is not a valid excuse for not turning in assignments
on time or missing an assessment.
3. If you miss a test, you are responsible for making arrangements to take the test within two class
meetings. If the student is absent on the day of the review, they are still responsible to take
the test on the assigned day.
4. Major Grades: Students scoring below “70” on a major assessment (i.e. tests and projects) shall
be allowed to redo the assignment after completing all prerequisite work. The higher grade
with a maximum of “70,” shall be recorded. The prerequisite work will include corrections on
the test/project the student failed. Redoing a major assessment should be completed before
the next scheduled major assessment.
5. If you are absent the day a project is due, it is due the day you return to class.
6. Quiz: Students scoring below “70” on a quiz shall be allowed to correct and analyze mistakes on
the quiz. Once the quiz has been accurately corrected a maximum of “70,” shall be recorded.
Corrections and analysis must be completed before the next major assessment it given.
7. Homework Policy: Homework will be assigned daily. Weekly assignments will be over the
homework problems, and homework can be used.
8. Conduct:
a. Be on time and prepared for class to begin.
b. Be respectful to yourself and others.
c. Be responsible for your actions and lessons.
Course Requirements:
1. Requested Supplies: Graphing Calculator (highly encouraged), 4 pack AAA batteries,
4-pack expo dry erase markers multi-color.
2. Required Supplies: pencils, paper, binder (3 ring binder, 1 ½ inch) and spiral/
composition book.
3. Required Text: John A Carter, Gilbert J. Cueves, Roger Day, Carol Malloy, et al., PreCalculus. Austin, TX: McGraw Hill Education, 2016.
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Hendrickson High School 2015-2016
Academic Integrity:
Each student in this course is expected to abide by the Pflugerville ISD Code of Conduct and
Student Handbook with regards to Academic Integrity. Any work submitted by a student in this
course for academic credit will be the student’s own work unless otherwise specifically directed
by the teacher.
Pre-Calculus Curriculum at a Glance
Polynomial, Linear, and Square Root
Conceptual Understanding
All functions have a parent. Even and odd functions involve symmetry. Functions can be
represented by graphs, tables
and symbols. Transformations involve vertical and horizontal
shifting, stretching and compression. The number of roots of a polynomial function is related to its
degree. Some functions require restrictions on their domain.
Polynomial and Rational Functions
A function can be continuous at some points and not at others. A function is generally said to be
discontinuous if there is any point of discontinuity. When determining domain and range of a
rational function, restrictions (causing such things as vertical asymptotes and holes) may need to be
considered. Patterns in end behavior of rational functions can be used to quickly sketch graphs of
functions or to quickly identify characteristics
of rational functions from graphs. Rational functions may have a limit and may not.
Exponential and logarithmic functions
Begin Trigonometric Functions
Trigonometric functions
Exponential and logarithmic functions are
inverses. Exponential and logarithmic functions exhibit
asymptotic behavior. Properties of exponents and logarithms are related and can be used to
simplify expressions and solve equations.
The “Unit Circle” is circle with radius of one unit that is a tool used in understanding trigonometric
ratios of angles found in right triangles. Angle measures can be expressed in degrees or
in radians. Pythagorean Theorem and trigonometric ratios can be used to find distances/lengths of
the sides of right triangles, and trig ratios can also be used to find angle measures of a triangle.
Trigonometric functions have unique and recognizable graphs.
Trigonometric functions can be used to model real world situations such as amplitude and
frequency of sound waves and the movement of pendulums and Ferris wheels. Trigonometric
functions are periodic.
Trigonometric functions cont.
Trigonometric identities can be used to simplify expressions and solve equations
Vectors are used to model situations involving two or more quantities. Vectors can be represented
multiple ways.
Conics model many real world situations. A parametric set of equations determines when an object
will be at a specific location. Polar equations simplify conic equations.
Polar and Parametrics (with some conics)
Conics model many real world situations. A parametric set of equations determines when an object
will be at a specific location. Polar equations simplify conic equations.
Sequences and series
Sequences are patterns that relate the term number to the term itself, or relate one term to the next.
Series are sums of sequences. Some series converge and some diverge.
The limit of a function can be determined by calculating the value of a function for x-values that
are very close to a given x-value. There are a variety of techniques such as dividing out,
rationalizing, and graphical techniques to evaluate and approximate limits. Limits can also be
found by studying the behavior of different parts of a function as x increases or decreases without
bound. Limits can be used to find expected values of functions.
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Pre-Calculus Class Contract (2015 – 2016)
 I have read and agree to the terms of the class syllabus.
 I will give 100% effort in this class – including class work, homework, and any other activities the class is
asked to do.
 I will respect each classmate by putting people up rather than putting people down, and listening carefully
to everyone. I will choose not to bully anyone in any way, such as yelling, pushing, touching, judging, or
 Whatever is said in this room will stay in this room, so that this is a safe place to make mistakes and learn
from them.
 I realize that I will be challenged in this class and it is my choice to accept the challenge.
 I acknowledge and will strive to meet the class expectations, and I will follow all class and school rules.
 I acknowledge and will accept the consequences if I fail to meet the class expectations or class and school
Student Printed Name
Student’s Best contact (phone or email)
Student Signature
I have read and understand the course requirements and procedures for Pre-Calculus. To acknowledge
receipt of this information, please complete and have your student return this form to his/her teacher. Also,
email your student’s teacher with your student’s full name and class period in the subject line, your full
name in the body of the email and have the student return it to their teacher by Friday, August 28th.
Parent/Guardian Signature
Parent/Guardian Printed Name:
Parent/Guardian Phone Contact
Home: ______________________________________
Work: ______________________________________
Cell: _______________________________________
Email: ______________________________________
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