Draft Jan 00 THE ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF Undaria pinnatifida: A Critical Assessment and Summary of the Literature 6 May 1999 Paul R Dean. BSc, Dip Sci, MSc (Dist). In todays world, Scientific advice is often used to make decisions that have strong and wide ranging repercussions. If this advice is poor or inaccurate the results of the decisions can be costly. While writing my masters thesis on the eco-physiology of the seaweed Undaria pinnatifida (Harvey) Suringar, I encountered many articles on the ecological effects of the introduction of this seaweed. Many of the conclusions of these articles were contradictory. This report is my endeavour to sort out the facts and provide a basis for a scientific assessment. The Ecological Effects of Undaria pinnatifida Draft Jan 00 INTRODUCTION Over the last decade a number of studies and reports on the ecological effects of the introduced seaweed Undaria pinnatifida and surveys of U. pinnatifida that make statements about it’s ecological effects have been conducted. Many of these reports and surveys derive conclusions that are different and opposing to each other. This makes it difficult to quickly assess what the true ecological effects of U. pinnatifida are. To my knowledge no one has examined the findings of all these reports and scrutinised the scientific methods used, or for literature surveys the accuracy and range of references examined. This is the objective of this report. Twenty articles making statements on the ecological effects of Undaria pinnatifida dated up until May 1998 were found (Table 1). It is the information provided by these that I am critically assessing so that a scientifically valid picture of the ecological effects of U. pinnatifida may be attained. Of the twenty articles making statements about the ecological effects, four were pure literature searches with no fieldwork or experimental component. Fourteen had some form of biological survey work (usually performed by SCUBA) ranging from very minor surveys to compliment a literature search, to large scale surveys of U. pinnatifida distribution, with none of the surveys having any experimental component. The remaining two articles had experimental work examining the ecological effects of U. pinnatifida. The main body of this report is divided into 3 sections. The 1st section briefly explains the basic attributes, as determined by prominent ecologists, that an ecological study on competitive interactions must possess to be of scientific value. The 2nd section is large, and progresses through all twenty articles, examining the findings and opinions contained within the articles, and critically assessing the articles validity in respect of the methods used and the attributes discussed in section 1. The 3rd and final section combines the results from section 2 and provides an assessment of Undaria pinnatifida’s ecological impact based on these results and further scientific literature. 1 The Ecological Effects of Undaria pinnatifida Draft Jan 00 Table 1. Articles examined. Houghton, C., Lawrence, B., Lettink, M., Numata, M. 1997: Environmental Lit impact assessment: ecological and economic impacts of Undaria pinnatifida in New Zealand. Project for Diploma in Wildlife Management, Zoology Department, University of Otago, New Zealand. Parsons, M J. 1995: Status of the introduced brown seaweed Undaria in New Lit Zealand. Conservation Advisory Science Notes No 112. Department of Conservation, Wellington, New Zealand. Rueness, J. 1989: Sargassum muticum and other introduced Japanese Lit macroalgae: Biological pollution of European coasts. Marine Pollution Bulletin Vol 20, no 4: 173-176 Walker, D I., Kendrick, G A. 1998: Threats to macroalgal diversity: marine Lit habitat destruction and fragmentation, pollution and introduced species. Botanica Marina 41: 105-112 Battershill, C., Miller, K., and Cole, R. 1998: The understorey of marine Sur invasions. Seafood New Zealand, March 1998, pp 31-33 Brown, M T. and Lamare, M D. 1994: The distribution of Undaria pinnatifida Sur (Harvey) Suringer within Timaru Harbour, New Zealand. Japanese Journal of Phycology 42: 63-70 Casas, G N. and Piriz, M L. 1996: Surveys of Undaria pinnatifida Sur (Laminariales, Phaeophyta) in Golfo Nuevo, Argentina. Hydrobiologia 326/327: 213-215 Castric-Fey, A., Girard, A., and L’Hardy-Halos, M Th. 1993: The distribution Sur of Undaria pinnatifida (Phaeophyceae, Laminariales) on the coast of St Malo (Brittany, France). Botanica Marina 36: 351-358 Fletcher, R L., Manfredi, C. 1995: The occurrence of Undaria pinnatifida Sur (Phaeophyceae, Laminariales) on the south coast of England. Botanica Marina 38: 355-358 Floc’h, J Y., Pajot, R., and Wallentinus, I. 1991: The Japanese brown alga Sur Undaria pinnatifida on the coast of France and its possible establishment in European waters. Journal du Conseil. Conseil International Pour l’Eploration 2 The Ecological Effects of Undaria pinnatifida Draft Jan 00 de la Mer. 47: 379-390 Hay, C H. 1990: The dispersal of sporophytes of Undaria pinnatifida by coastal Sur shipping in New Zealand, and implications for further dispersal of Undaria in France. British Phycological Journal 25: 301-313 Hay, C H. 1990/1991: Ecological implications of the adventive kelp Undaria Sur pinnatifida. DOC Science Project Summaries 1990/1991. Conservation Estate Management and Advocacy, Science, and Research Internal Report No 119, pgs 11-12 Hay, C H. and Luckens, P A. 1987: The Asian kelp Undaria pinnatifida Sur (Phaeophyta: Laminariales) found in a New Zealand harbour. New Zealand Journal of Botany 25: 329-332 Hay, C H. and Villouta, E. 1993: Seasonality of the adventive Asian kelp Sur Undaria pinnatifida in New Zealand. Botanica Marina 36: 461-476 Miller, K., Cole, R., and Battershill, C. 1997: Marine invasions: the spread of Sur the introduced Asian alga, Undaria, in New Zealand waters. Water & Atmosphere 5(2): 8-9 Sanderson, J C. 1990: A preliminary survey of the distribution of the introduced Sur macroalga, Undaria pinnatifida (Harvey) Suringer on the east coast of Tasmania, Australia. Botanica Marina 33: 153-157 Sanderson, J C. and Barrett, N. 1989: A survey of the distribution of the Sur introduced japanese macroalga Undaria pinnatifida (Harvey) Suringer in Tasmania, December 1988. Department of Sea Fisheries, Tasmania, Australia, Technical Report 38 Stuart, M D. 1997: The seasonal ecophysiology of Undaria pinnatifida (Harvey) Sur Suringar in Otago Harbour, New Zealand. PhD thesis, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. Floc’h, J Y., Pajot, R., and Mouret, V. 1996: Undaria pinnatifida Exp (Laminariales, Phaeophyta) 12 years after its introduction into the Atlantic Ocean. Hydrobiologia 326/327: 217-222 Russell, L. 1997: Community ecology and nutrient ecophysiology of Undaria Exp pinnatifida (Harvey Suringar) in Otago Harbour. BSc (Hons) dissertation, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. 3 The Ecological Effects of Undaria pinnatifida Draft Jan 00 SECTION 1. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN To attain scientifically valid data on competitive interactions well designed manipulative experiments must be carried out (Connell 1975, Underwood and Denley 1984, Wiens 1984). These experiments must be manipulative and not “natural experiments” (Underwood 1986). There is general agreement among ecologists that “natural experiments” are of little or no value in examining processes such as competition, as the nature of these studies makes it likely that non-competitive interactions are the cause of the differences observed (Underwood 1986). “Natural experiments” are studies where an area where a supposed competitor is naturally absent is compared to an area where the supposed competitor is present, and conclusions drawn from the differences observed. The type of measurements made of the experimental sites to quantify the effects of competition also affect the validity of the data. Schiel and Foster (1986) conclude that questions concerning the recruitment and longevity of a species and change in size composition of algal communities can only be addressed by enumerating individuals. I.e. the number of individuals in the study site has to be assessed; standing crop measurements e.g. biomass and percent cover estimates can not be used for any consideration of the population biology or demography of algal species and therefore have little use in assessing interactions (Schiel and Foster 1986). The commonest method used to detect the effects of one algal species on another is the removal of canopies, with observations on the subsequent recruitment of each species (Schiel 1990). This manipulative experiment mimics the natural clearances by storms or grazing. The enumeration of individuals is highly important in these canopy clearance experiments as it would otherwise be unclear whether new recruitment has occurred or if small juveniles already present have grown to replace the canopy (Schiel and Foster 1986). Replication and controls are also important factors in the design of a valid experiment (Kingsford 1998). This is especially important where dealing with seaweeds, as seaweed stands show great natural variation both spatially and temporally (Choat and Schiel 1982, Dayton 1985, Schiel and Foster 1986, Schiel 1988, Foster 1990). 4 The Ecological Effects of Undaria pinnatifida Draft Jan 00 SECTION 2. SUMMARIES OF PREVIOUS WORK LITERATURE SURVEYS The use of information from pure literature searches must be used with caution. The validity of the conclusions in literature searches must be assessed by examining the variety, quality, and number of references used to back up their conclusions and the accuracy with which statements from these references have been reported. Unfortunately literature searches can not provide any new basic facts about the topic examined, but can identify areas where there appear to be contradicting results and further research is needed. The findings of the four literature surveys along with a critical assessment of the articles follows. Houghton et al. (1997) In their Environmental Impact Assessment report, Houghton et al. (1997) concluded that Undaria pinnatifida had many characteristics of an invasive species and would dramatically alter the marine ecosystem having a predominantly negative effect. They also state that Undaria has a window from May - September in which it may recruit into disturbed patches while other large brown seaweeds can not. A check of this article shows that it is of extremely poor quality. Containing a number of erroneous references to back up the conclusions in which the referred to articles do not support the statements of Houghton et al. (1997) or do not even cover the subject being discussed. These erroneous references are: Pg 7 “Colonisation is extremely aggressive in high disturbance and erosion prone areas (Miller et al. 1997)”, Miller et al. (1997) does not suggest this; Pg 11, Figure 4 of Houghton et al. (1997) is attributed to be after the data presented in Hay and Villouta (1993), but the length representation shown does not at all follow the seasonal changes found in Wellington, Timaru, or Oamaru by Hay and Villouta (1993); Pg 22 “Undaria is able to colonise disturbed areas (McShane et al. 1996)”, the 5 The Ecological Effects of Undaria pinnatifida Draft Jan 00 article McShane et al. (1996) does not even mention Undaria; Pg 24 “Indigenous fauna potentially affected include chitons, limpets, snails, and small molluscan grazers in cobbled areas (Creese 1988)”, Creese (1988) does not say these invertebrates are potentially affected, Houghton et al. (1997) suggest this. Houghton et al. (1997) also state, without reference, that paua settle in “coralline barrens” and that Undaria invades coralline barrens, hence will lessen the settlement of paua. This is in complete contrast to the experimental literature discussed later in section 3. The presentation of conclusions from the articles in the bibliography appeared to be highly biased. Six of the articles examined by the authors concluded that Undaria would not have detrimental environmental effects; Hay 1990/1991, Floc’h et al. 1991, Hay and Villouta 1993, Brown and Lamare 1994, Parsons 1995, Floc’h et al. 1996. Of these six only one was reported in the text, Brown and Lamare (1994). Houghton et al. (1997) stated that the conclusions reached by Brown and Lamare (1994) were incorrect. From communication with the authors it was found that the report was part of the course work for a 4th year Diploma Course and that the authors did not have a Marine botany or Marine ecology background. Parsons (1995) The conclusions reached by the Department of Conservation report Parsons (1995) were: Undaria will become part of the natural community of marine organisms, and will not displace any other species completely. Since the initial introduction of the sporophyte, plants of Undaria have become part of the natural community of algae and marine animals in nearby habitats, successfully maintaining themselves without excluding any particular native species. Although Undaria will compete for space with the algae in this community it does not to date seem to have occupied any natural communities to the exclusion of other species. Undaria plants are more fragile than tough native brown algal species such as 6 The Ecological Effects of Undaria pinnatifida Draft Jan 00 Carpophyllum. Suggesting that Undaria would not readily grow in the conditions favoured by Carpophyllum. Drift is not likely to be a factor in the spread of Undaria in New Zealand. The DoC report by Parsons (1995) was a large scale survey with 27 cited references and 40 additional references in a separate bibliography. A check of all references found no misquotation of references. The conclusions of the report were supported by and based on correctly quoted references. Rueness (1989) Rueness (1989) only mentions Undaria briefly (2 paragraphs) and says that Undaria may be potentially harmful. The four references used were all correctly quoted. Walker and Kendrick (1998) Walker and Kendrick (1998) in their section on Undaria suggests that there is a high probability of Undaria colonising the temperate shores of Australia, and there may be a resulting change in community structure and food webs as a result. The section in Walker and Kendrick (1998) on Undaria is of a low standard. The other sections in Walker and Kendrick (1998) were not critically assessed and have not been commented on. The major problem was misquotation, where possibilities talked about by the authors Walker and Kendrick (1998) reference are presented as scientific fact by Walker and Kendrick (1998): Pg 108 “Once established it has proven impossible to eradicate (Hay 1990, Sanderson 1990)”, Hay (1990) and Sanderson (1990) do not report on any attempts to eradicate Undaria as attempts to eradicate Undaria have only occurred from 1997 onwards; Pg 108 “Undaria grows faster than the grazing rates of the urchins (Sanderson and Barrett 1989)”, Sanderson and Barrett (1989) state that one reason Undaria may be plentiful is that it may grow faster that the grazing rates of the urchins, although no 7 The Ecological Effects of Undaria pinnatifida Draft Jan 00 experiments have been performed to examine this. This section on Undaria in Walker and Kendrick (1998) appears to be based on a very small literature survey (total of 6 references) with 2/3 rds of citations coming from Sanderson and Barrett (1989). BIOLOGICAL SURVEYS Biological surveys are able to provide us with a range of facts about an organism, i.e. where it is found, the conditions that it has been found in, and how many there are. But can not tell us why they are found where they are or about their interactions with other organisms. The findings of the fourteen surveys, the opinions of the authors, and a critical assessment of the articles follows. Battershill et al. (1998) Battershill et al. (1988) suggests that Undaria is displacing Carpophyllum spp’s from a rocky edge of Wellington Harbour. Also suggested is that the sub canopy is substantially changed by the presence of Undaria. This is based on the examinations of five 1 m2 quadrates in three densities of Undaria at two sites Battershill et al. (1998) is a small-scale semi quantitative survey of the distribution of Undaria and other marine species in Wellington Harbour and the Marlborough Sounds. This study is a classic example of a “natural experiment”. The authors must have recognised this and have included a one-sentence caveat in their article explaining that nothing can be shown by a study of this design. Their “evidence” for Undaria displacing Carpophyllum is that there are separate patches of Undaria and Carpophyllum and that the denser the Undaria the less Carpophyllum is found, and visa-versa. The densities in this study were not measured but were only estimated by those in the field (R Cole pers. com.). The use of % cover when examining the algal abundance is another serious mistake in this 8 The Ecological Effects of Undaria pinnatifida Draft Jan 00 study, as the actual no of individuals should have been used, as explained in section one. Many of the changes to the sub canopy species that Battershill et al. (1998) say occur in Wellington Harbour are not evident from their figures. Figure 3, pg 33 does not show a significant change (=0.05) in the % cover of Lithothamnion or encrusting coralline algae in December or in March from outside to inside of patches. The % cover of turfing algal species also does not show a significant change (=0.05) from outside to inside or low to dense in December, or from outside to inside in March. The only change that is statistically significant is the increase in solitary ascidians. The poor quality of the experimental design of this study is concerning as it was carried out by NIWA staff who should know more about experimental design than what has been shown in this study (one of the authors has recently co-edited a book on Marine experimental design). No misquotation of references was found. Brown and Lamare (1994) Brown and Lamare (1994) performed a large-scale 7 month survey of Undaria in Timaru Harbour. The following facts can be taken from Brown and Lamare’s survey. Rocks in the harbour of 3-5 cm dia or smaller had no growth of Undaria, where as rocks from 5-10 cm dia did have growth of Undaria. Maximum depth plants were found down too was 5m. At 5m depth the light level was 100 E with a surface PFD of 1100 E per m2. I.e. over 90% of the light was attenuated at this depth. There was suitable substrate below this depth. Larger plants were at the more exposed Harbour sites. Exposure was measured with plaster balls. The sporophytes disappeared by late summer. Brown and Lamare (1994) also concluded that Undaria colonises disturbed substrata like an opportunist, but lacks other attributes associated with opportunists such as several generations per year, high fecundity and high net primary productivity. They also feel that 9 The Ecological Effects of Undaria pinnatifida Draft Jan 00 a low competitive ability of the species is implied by its low abundance among large seaweeds, although it could possibly compete with the fucalean seaweeds, Sargassum, Cystophora, and Carpophyllum. No misquotation of references was found and statements not based on the surveys results were backed up by appropriate references. Casas and Piriz (1996) Casas and Piriz (1996) surveyed wharfs and ports of Puerto Madryn, Argentina, from 1992 and stated that they found that Undaria attached to substrates not covered by native seaweeds, and one of these substrata were ascidians. No misquotation of references was found and statements not based on the surveys results were backed up by appropriate references. Castric- Fey et al. (1993) The conclusions Castric-Fey et al. (1993) made were that Undaria pinnatifida will become introduced into indigenous settlements without generating major problems to the environment. Undaria behaves relatively non aggressively against the native flora, but may compete with Sargassum polysacharides for similar habitats. Castric-Fey et al. (1993) appears to be a large scale survey of the coast of St Malo, France. Unfortunately the methods used are not well documented so an in depth critical appraisal is hard to perform. The measurements in the survey were of numbers of algae per meter squared, which is the suggested measurement to use (see section one). No misquotation of references was found and statements not based on the surveys results were backed up by appropriate references. Fletcher and Manfredi (1995) Fletcher and Manfredi (1995) make the conclusion that Undaria possesses a number of biological features that might give it a competitive edge over some of the native North 10 The Ecological Effects of Undaria pinnatifida Draft Jan 00 Atlantic laminarians and may impose significant long-term effects. These are: It is an opportunistic species and can rapidly colonise new/disturbed substrata and artificial/floating structures. It can form dense vigorous stands that form a thick canopy over the subordinate biota. It can occupy a wide range of shores varying in exposure. It has an extensive vertical distribution, low tide to 15 (18) m depth in suitably clear water. It has an extended period of spore formation and release. Fletcher and Manfredi (1995) performed a small-scale qualitative survey to report the presence of Undaria in Britain for the first time. This was complemented by a medium sized literature search. No misquotation of references was found and statements not based on the surveys results were backed up by appropriate references. Floc’h et al. (1991) Floc’h et al. (1991) concluded that Undaria does not seem to be very competitive, and the fact that it is often found in small numbers among large seaweeds or sessile macrofauna in other studies implies a low competitive ability. Floc’h et al. (1991) was a large scale survey of the French coast which used the correct methods of individual numbers and size classes to measure the abundance of seaweeds over an approximately two year period. An extensive literature search was also evident in this paper. No misquotation of references was found and statements not based on the surveys results were backed up by appropriate references. Hay (1990) The main finding of this article is that Undaria is most likely transported on the hulls of vessels between New Zealand ports for hundreds of kilometres. In the discussion a small 11 The Ecological Effects of Undaria pinnatifida Draft Jan 00 mention of Undaria’s competitiveness is made. Hay (1990) says that Undaria has three biological features that may help its competitive ability: Ability to colonise new or disturbed substrates. The possibility that there are Undaria propagules in the water of Wellington year round. Ability to colonise floating or suspended objects. Hay (1990) is a small qualitative though wide ranging (New Zealand to France) survey combined with a literature search and research on vessel movements between New Zealand wharves so that an idea of the movement of Undaria is attained. No misquotation of references was found and statements not based on the surveys results were backed up by appropriate references, although mention was made of unpublished experimental results. Hay 1990/1991 DoC Science Project Summaries Hay 1990/1991 DoC Science Project Summaries is a short report on C. Hay’s investigation into the ecological implications of the adventive kelp Undaria pinnatifida for the Department of Conservation Science and Research Division. As this report was a summary it is not possible to evaluate the methods and conclusions obtained. The interim conclusions in this summary were that Undaria: Was one of up to 20 seaweeds introduced by shipping. Does not appear particularly aggressive. Is mostly found in areas where there is little native seaweed growth. Effects on the native flora will become apparent when it spreads. Behaves like a weed colonising recently bared rock. Is unlikely to invade established beds of Carpophyllum, Cystophora, or Lessonia, but if it does colonise bare patches other seaweeds could be excluded for a long time. Probably has beneficial effects on animals, i.e. the production of blade material coated with microbes is possibly a new source of food for filter feeders. There are also signs that paua and sea slugs concentrate in areas where Undaria is abundant. 12 The Ecological Effects of Undaria pinnatifida Draft Jan 00 Will probably increase species diversity in areas like the Marlborough Sounds where there is naturally little seaweed. Hay and Luckens (1987) Hay and Luckens (1987) say that Undaria pinnatifida may compete for light and space with large native brown seaweeds such as Carpophyllum and Cystophora. This study is a small-scale qualitative survey of Wellington Harbour reporting the presence of U. pinnatifida in the southern hemisphere for the first time. No misquotation of references was found and statements not based on the surveys results were backed up by appropriate references. Hay and Villouta (1993) Hay and Villouta (1993) showed that Undaria grew rapidly in winter with a large die off in late summer in Wellington, Timaru and Oamaru Harbours. Hay and Villouta (1993) say that by shading and covering much of the substrate Undaria is potentially able to exclude smaller seaweeds e.g. Ulva and Codium. However they found a very high diversity of native seaweeds growing among Undaria, even in spring when the biomass of Undaria was highest. They also say that Undaria appears to colonise bare areas where there is little competition from perennial brown seaweeds, and that there is no obvious sign of Undaria displacing Carpophyllum maschalocarpum or Carpophyllum flexuosum in Wellington Harbour. It is mentioned that Undaria may be able to invade areas of perennial kelp that are cleared by storms, grazing, abrasion by gravel or sand, and perhaps by pollution in summer or autumn. In areas cleared in winter Undaria would have to compete with the native seaweeds, although Undaria may have a faster growth rate than some seaweeds. However if the native seaweeds survive until summer they may be advantaged by the autumnal decline of Undaria. They also mentioned unpublished experiments by C H Hay that are said to show the presence of zoospores in Wellington Harbour water column through out the year. 13 The Ecological Effects of Undaria pinnatifida Draft Jan 00 Hay and Villouta (1993) performed a large-scale survey of Wellington, Timaru, and Oamaru Harbours. Sampling was conducted at various times from late 1987 until late 1992. Not enough information is provided in this paper to assess the unpublished experiment. No misquotation of references was found and statements not based on the surveys results were backed up by appropriate references, although mention was made of unpublished experimental results. Miller et al. (1997) This article shows that the distribution of Undaria in Wellington Harbour has increased from 1989 to 1997. Also shown is that Undaria is present in the Marlborough Sounds. Miller et al. (1997) says that there is a possibility Undaria is competing for space with native species. Miller et al. (1997) is a small article in the in-house NIWA magazine ‘Water and Atmosphere’. No misquotation of references was found. Sanderson (1990) Sanderson (1990) is basically a brief description of the report Sanderson and Barrett (1989). Reiterating the fact that Undaria was most prevalent on rocky reefs that normally support few macroalgae such as urchin barrens. Sanderson (1990) stated that it was the authors opinion that the introduction of Undaria will have a long term impact, and an assessment of these possible impacts is required. No misquotation of references was found and statements not based on the surveys results were backed up by appropriate references. Sanderson and Barrett (1989) Sanderson and Barrett (1989) found that the cover of Undaria was patchy and that where 14 The Ecological Effects of Undaria pinnatifida Draft Jan 00 there was an abundance of native vegetation there were only isolated individuals of Undaria. Undaria growth in high water movement areas was restricted due to the more prolific growth of native macroalgae. Sanderson and Barrett (1989) concluded that Undaria will affect similar annual macrophytes that occupy the same ecological niche e.g. Ulva, Cladophora, Polysiphonia and Ectocarpus. Sanderson and Barrett (1989) also feel that there may be an effect on some perennial algae. The rapid growth and canopy forming ability of Undaria may cut out some of these species at an establishment phase. They also say that Macrocystis occupies a similar ecological niche and could possibly be threatened by Undaria. In Tasmania Undaria grows to a depth of 12 m where small red algae are found. Undaria could compete with and shade these algae. Sanderson and Barrett (1989) was a large scale survey of Tasmanian waters over a one year time period together with a comprehensive literature search. A small laboratory experiment on zoospore settlement was also conducted, but none of the resulting gametophytes produced sexual structures. A good question that Sanderson and Barrett (1989) bring up is will urchin numbers increase with the presence of Undaria, then when the Undaria dies off will they eat other algae? One statement made, that Undaria cover of the ocean floor often exceeded 100% in some sites, made me question how over 100% cover can be obtained. No misquotation of references was found and statements not based on the surveys results were backed up by appropriate references. Stuart (1997) Stuart (1997) states that Undaria dispersal is mainly by humans, e.g. boat hulls etc. Undaria may become a problematic fouling organism on mussel and salmon aquaculture structures, and that Undaria may colonise substrata in regions of clear water and low densities of native seaweeds. Further findings of Stuart (1997) are that in sheltered shallow waters with poor water clarity, the vertical distribution of U. pinnatifida is limited from MLW to 5.5-7 m (Hay and Luckens 1987, Brown and Lamare 1994) and would be confined to depths occupied by fucalean seaweeds such as Carpophyllum spp, Sargassum spp, and Cystophora spp. In 15 The Ecological Effects of Undaria pinnatifida Draft Jan 00 regions of shallow water and strong tidal current, U. pinnatifida would occur with Macrocystis pyrifera as is already apparent at Aquarium point in Otago Harbour. At wave exposed sites the vertical distribution of U. pinnatifida is depressed 6-12+m (Sanderson and Barrett 1989) and would place U. pinnatifida within a zone inhabited by Ecklonia radiata, M. pyrifiera, Carpophyllum spp, and Sargassum spp. At various sites about New Zealand U. pinnatifida may also cohabit with Lessonia spp e.g. L. variegata. Several authors have suggested that U. pinnatifida may compete with other large laminarian and fucalean kelps. But U. pinnatifida is more likely to compete with seaweeds occupying a similar ecological niche such as annual or ephemeral seaweeds. Competition between U. pinnatifida and understory seaweeds for substrata, nutrients, and light may represent the major impact on indigenous benthic communities. Stuart (1997) also states that the higher PFD requirements for gametogenesis and gametophyte growth in Undaria pinnatifida would limit the recruitment to areas which have been cleared of competitors and to unstable environments where new substratum is always available for colonisation. Based on his findings and the findings of other researchers (Suto 1950, Saito 1956 , Vadas et al. 1992 , Arakawa and Morinaga 1994), Stuart (1997) also states that at his study site the duration of successful spore settlement and germination only occurs from December to March. If U. pinnatifida gametophytes were present under a seaweed canopy and were not removed with the canopy during an event resulting in the clearance of the seaweed canopy from May-September, when other large brown seaweeds do not recruit, U. pinnatifida would be the only seaweed to recruit in to the patch. Regular grazing of patches within a stable stand of perennial kelps may allow U. pinnatifida and other ephemeral seaweeds to invade and persist in a seaweed community. However successful colonisation of cleared substratum by U. pinnatifida depends on its ability to out compete other colonising seaweeds. Evidence from Venice Lagoon Italy, and Port Philip Bay Australia suggests that U. pinnatifida may have a competitive advantage in disturbed eutrophic environments. Stuart (1997) also says that no experimental manipulation has been used to examine the impact of Undaria pinnatifida on native seaweed communities, and such an approach would be beneficial. Stuart (1997) missed Floc’h et al. (1996) and the results from Russell (1997), both of which were manipulative experiments. 16 The Ecological Effects of Undaria pinnatifida Draft Jan 00 Stuart (1997) is a PhD thesis on Undaria eco-physiology, with a section inferring ecological possibilities. No misquotation of references was found and statements not based on the surveys results were backed up by appropriate references. Unfortunately Stuart (1997) did not include the paper Floc’h et al. (1996), that showed the results of a long term manipulative experiment on Undaria’s ecological effects. This paper would appear to be an important reference for inclusion in the ecological effects section of the thesis. MANIPULATIVE EXPERIMENTS The last two articles are manipulative experiments performed to examine the ecological effects of Undaria pinnatifida on native seaweeds. It is these manipulative experiments that are likely to show what is actually occurring in the marine environment. Floc’h et al. (1996) Floc’h et al. (1996) performed a large-scale long term manipulative experiment to investigate the competitive ability of Undaria. The experiment started in June 1988 at Ushant Island, Brittany, France. Ushant Island was a site where Undaria is cultivated on a seaweed farm. In 1987 a survey found 20,000 mature Undaria plants growing on the seaweed farm, a nearby (50 m away) mussel farm and the rocky bottom beneath the seaweed and mussel farms. Three 50 m long transects were chosen in the bay of Lampaul, Ushant Island, between approx 100 m and 1 km away from the seaweed farm. Along each of these transects were two lanes 10 m apart, one was untouched with a thick forest of kelps and the other had the rocky bottom denuded by the removal of all the kelps in a 2 m wide strip along the lane. Sporophylls from near the Undaria seaweed farm site were harvested and after checking that they were mature and able to release spores in great quantities were placed in nets attached every 0.5 m to 50 m long ropes which were placed along each lane of each transect. Hence a total of 600 sporophylls were placed on the 17 The Ecological Effects of Undaria pinnatifida Draft Jan 00 bottom, 100 attached to each of the six 50 m ropes. Each transect had one end at +1.5 m (the low water mark of neap tide) and the other end at 15 m below the low water mark of spring tide. Every 2 months from June 1988 until June 1989 the two lanes in each of the three transects were examined for the settlement of Undaria sporophytes. After June 1989 the transects were examined once a year in spring until 1993. Three control sites in the Bay of Lampaul with no Undaria were also monitored at the same times as the transects. The results of this study showed that after removal of the kelp canopy the denuded lanes became clearer due to the disappearance of the algae that were previously protected by the shade of the kelps. In Autumn 1988 20 Undaria plants were found growing in the transects. These were all in a denuded lane, and of these, 15 were attached to the rope holding the sporophylls and 5 to the rocky bottom close to the rope. In June 1989 one year after starting the experiment no Undaria plants were found in any of the transects, while Undaria from the same sporophyll source was still abundant on the mussel farm nearby. After five years in 1993 the denuded areas had recovered and showed no discernible difference between the flora in the denuded and non denuded areas. In 1993 a total of 26 Undaria sporophytes were again found in the experimental transects, in both the denuded and non denuded lanes. Of these 17 were found in the region +1.5 m to 0 m above low water spring. 19 of the sporophytes were in the transect approximately 100 m away from the seaweed farm and only 2 sporophytes in the transect approximately 1 km away from the seaweed farm. The findings of Floc’h et al. (1996) were that Saccorhiza polyschides was the most opportunistic alga to settle on the denuded areas and it appears that Undaria is less competitive vis-à-vis the native kelps. Floc’h et al. (1996) say that this hypothesis is enhanced by the fact that Undaria propagation from the seaweed farm occurred better in the Himanthalia zone (Low Water Spring (LWS) to Low Water Neap (LWN)) than in the kelp zone along the transects as well as the control sites. Floc’h et al. (1996) state that whatever the reasons, the above observations lead to the conclusion that the new species did not supersede the indigenous species and Undaria seems to have a preference for artificial structures. This manipulative experiment follows the guidelines for examining competitve interactions 18 The Ecological Effects of Undaria pinnatifida Draft Jan 00 as set out in section one, and the results were followed for a long time (five years). The examination of clearances during different seasons would have been an informative addition to the experiment. The canopy clearance for this experiment was only carried out during one season (the time of natural Undaria reproduction in the northern hemisphere), and to be completely sure the results are applicable to the rest of the year, clearances and spore seeding should also be carried out during the other three seasons. Although this may require the use of laboratory grown spores or gametophytes to distribute when the natural populations are not reproducing. Russell (1997) The results of Russell (1997) showed that removal of Undaria had no significant effect on the community composition or relative abundance of prominent species. These results suggest that Undaria may be exploiting an unfilled niche in Otago Harbour. Russell (1997) states that the results of this experiment are tentative due to the high variability both spatially and temporally of seaweed species, and to provide conclusive data would require more than the five replicates used in this study. The sub canopy community consisted of a number of red and green sheet and filamentous macroalgal species, and a number of marine invertebrates, primarily anthozoans and sponges. A species list showing the two green and seven red seaweeds examined in this study and the invertebrates is provided by Russell (1997) and is included in this report (Appendix 1). Russell (1997) performed an experiment examining the effect on the sub canopy biota of removing the Undaria canopy on wharf piles at a site in Otago Harbour. A total of fifteen 0.5 x 0.5 m quadrats were studied on ten piles. Five piles had Undaria removed each month from quadrates at 1 m depth. Five piles did not have Undaria removed from quadrates at 1 m depth. A further five piles did not have Undaria removed from quadrates at 2 m depth to enable the examination of depth differences. The percent cover of the species on the piles was recorded each month for twenty weeks starting in May. 19 The Ecological Effects of Undaria pinnatifida Draft Jan 00 One problem with this study was that percent cover was used instead of numbers of individuals of each species. This was explained in the text as being used due to the inability of determining distinct individuals of some of the species studied while underwater, and due to the time constraints of diving in cold water. The question, is the Undaria canopy affecting the understory biota, was actively investigated in this experiment with an appropriate experimental design (forgiving the constraints discussed by the author). The author also recognises the necessity for high numbers of replication when working with seaweeds due to their naturally large spatial and temporal variation. 20 The Ecological Effects of Undaria pinnatifida Draft Jan 00 SECTION 3. DISCUSSION Competitive Interactions and Colonisation COMPETITION Undaria pinnatifida does not appear to compete with or detrimentally affect other native seaweeds. The experimental results from France and New Zealand both support this conclusion. Stuart (1997) states that the main area of competition is likely to be between Undaria and its understorey of annual or ephemeral seaweeds. The results of Russell (1997) showed that the Undaria canopy did not affect the native understorey seaweeds or fauna. The results of Floc’h et al. (1996) showed that in France Undaria was not competitive against the native French seaweeds and was pushed into a narrow band just above LWS. The temperature range of the French coast is very similar to that of the South Island of New Zealand, 5-18°C (J Jillet pers. Com., Desprez et al.1991), but the composition of the seaweed community is different. In the Northern Hemisphere the dominant seaweeds are laminarians where as in the Southern Hemisphere fucalean seaweeds are more abundant (Schiel and Foster 1986). Laminarian seaweeds have a greater reproductive potential than fucalean seaweeds. But due to the fucalean germlings advanced development, greater size and higher survival rates, fucalean seaweeds are likely to produce more viable recruits than laminarian seaweeds (Schiel 1988). Calculations in Schiel (1988) show the fucalean seaweed Sargassum sinclairii producing approximately 100 adult recruits per m2 per year, compared to the laminarian seaweed Laminaria longicruris producing approximately 1 adult recruit per m2 per year. As Undaria was shown to be out competed in France by laminarian seaweeds, it is logical to suggest Undaria would have less chance at competing with native Southern Hemisphere seaweeds that have a higher proportion of fucaleans which are likely to have more competitive reproductive propagals than the Northern Hemisphere laminarians. A few authors also state that Undaria may compete with the laminarian Macrocystis pyrifera, (Houghton et al. 1997, Walker and Kendrick 1998, Sanderson and Barrett 1989, 21 The Ecological Effects of Undaria pinnatifida Draft Jan 00 Stuart 1997) although none have suggested mechanisms by which Undaria would outcompete Macrocystis. I do not feel this is a likely scenario due to the much larger size Macrocystis attains (20m, Adams 1994) compared to Undaria (1-2m, Adams 1994), and the much greater frond growth rate Macrocystis has (7-13 cm d-1 , Zimmerman and Kremer 1984) compared to Undaria (0.9cm d-1, Dean 1998). Also of interest is that a similar growth rate to Undaria is obtained by the fucalean Sargassum sinclairii (10 mm d-1, Schiel 1990). COLONISATION One condition under which some authors (Stuart 1997, Hay 1990, Fletcher and Manfredi 1995) feel Undaria may compete with other seaweeds is in the race to recolonise substrata that has been cleared. Floc’h et al. (1996) showed that Undaria was not competitive in the recolonisation of cleared areas in France. Houghton et al. (1997) and Stuart (1997) state that in New Zealand there is a time period from May to September when large brown seaweeds are not recruiting while Undaria may possibly be able to recruit. Undaria would then be the only seaweed to colonise patches cleared during this time period. This statement may be misleading as if seaweeds other than large browns are included, at least seven other seaweeds could colonise bare patches during this window (see Appendix 2 for seaweeds found settled on the lines of a seaweed test farm in Otago Harbour between May and September 1997). There are two mechanisms by which Undaria could recruit during this window. The first is by the normal settlement of zoospores into the bare patches with the subsequent development and fertilisation of the gametophytes. The second unexamined mechanism is by the possible settlement of zoospores under the canopy of other seaweeds with subsequent vegetative growth of the gametophytes until the clearance of the canopy. With development then able to continue due to the greater light levels reaching the substrate. The ability of Undaria to release spores in great number during this window is at present a question that has not been directly addressed. Hay and Villouta (1993) mention an unpublished experiment that shows the presence of Undaria zoospores in the Wellington Harbour water column through out the year. As the success of colonising bare patches 22 The Ecological Effects of Undaria pinnatifida Draft Jan 00 during this window would be highly dependent on the number of spores present in the water column, the number of spores present during this period needs to be quantified to determine the probability of Undaria colonising bare patches in this window. Unfortunately Hay and Villouta (1993) make no mention of spore numbers found through out the year. A rough comparison of the possible number of spores that would be available inside and outside of the May - September window can be made by examining the development of the sporophylls (reproductive structures) of Undaria. Stuart (1997) measured the dry weight of the ten largest sporophylls from his study site each month. This showed that over the period May - September the average sporophyll dry weight was around 4.4 g. While in October when the sporophylls are mature, outside of the window, the average weight was around 16 g. Hence the possible number of spores released during the period May- September is much less than outside of this period. Stuart (1997) also states that based on his findings and the findings of other researchers (Suto 1950, Saito 1956 , Vadas et al. 1992 , Arakawa and Morinaga 1994), that at his study site the duration of successful spore settlement and germination only occurs from December to March, which is outside of the May - September window discussed. Hence it does not appear likely that Undaria will be able to colonise bare patches due to zoospore release and settlement during this May - September window. The possibility of algal colonisation by waiting under the canopy as a gametophyte for a clearance in the canopy has not been strongly investigated (Schiel 1985). If the zoospores managed to settle under a canopy and develop in to gametophytes, they would have to survive grazing by sea urchins, gastropods and micro-crustaceans (Schiel and Foster 1986), smothering and abrasion by silt or sand (Devinny and Volse 1978), and resist the clearance phenomenon that removed the canopy. The time period they would need to survive under the canopy would be three to ten months, assuming the zoospores successfully settled in the period December - March. The probability of surviving under the canopy for this time period appears slim. Although until experiments to examine the survival of gametophytes under these conditions are performed it is impossible to determine the likely hood of this occurring. Effects on Fauna The literature would suggest that the settlement of paua would be increased by the presence of the kelp Undaria, and that the notion of Houghton et al. (1997) that Undaria would 23 The Ecological Effects of Undaria pinnatifida Draft Jan 00 inhibit paua settlement by overcrowding coralline algae is completely against findings presented in the literature. McShane et al. (1988) concluded that the presence of kelp slows water motion allowing more paua (which have a limited swimming rate and can not settle in high velocity water motion) to settle, the more kelp present the greater the settlement of paua. Kaspar and Mountfort (1995) have shown that in the natural New Zealand environment, GABA (settlement inducing chemical produced by some coralline algae) is not likely to play a significant role in Haliotis (paua) settlement. Naylor and McShane (1997) have also shown that predators like polychaete worms that live in the coralline algae eat many settling larvae, greatly lowering the number of paua that survive in coralline algae. Observation of the size of holdfasts of Undaria and native seaweeds shows that many native seaweeds have holdfasts much more damaging and larger than those of Undaria. The holdfasts of Undaria are small enough to be pulled off by hand, where as the holdfasts of individuals of Macrocystis, Ecklonia and Durvillaea may cover an area 10 – 20 times greater than an Undaria holdfast, and prove nearly impossible to remove (Pers. obs.). Undaria may also provide a source of food for paua, snails, kina (sea urchins), mussels, sea cucumbers, mud snails and esturine fauna (Roberts et al. 1997, Fletcher and Farrell 1999). Undaria has also been found to be the prefered diet of many paua species (Floreto, Teshima, and Ishikawa 1996; Floreto, Teshima, and Koshio 1996). Battershill et al. (1998) found large numbers of green lipped mussels, blue mussels, kina (sea urchins), and whelks under Undaria patches in the Marlborough Sounds. Manipulative experiments need to be performed to find out whether Undaria settles around these species or these species are attracted to Undaria cover after Undaria settlement. Battershill et al. (1998) shows an increase in solitary ascidians under patches of Undaria in Wellington Harbour. This is interesting as Casas and Piriz (1996) found Undaria attached to substrata not covered by native seaweeds, one of these substrata were ascidians. Hence it is likely that Undaria settles on ascidians which other native seaweeds do not settle on. Therefore it is likely that this ability of Undaria to settle on ascidians is the reason why large numbers of ascidians can be found under the Undaria patches of Battershill et al. (1998). This highlights the point made by Underwood (1986) that “natural experiments” make it likely that non competitive interactions are the cause of the differences observed (see section one). Further Research 24 The Ecological Effects of Undaria pinnatifida Draft Jan 00 Fletcher and Manfredi (1995) listed a number of features of Undaria that might provide it with a competitive advantage over other seaweeds. A good addition to this article would have been if Fletcher and Manfredi (1995) explained how these features would assist Undaria out compete specific examples of native seaweed, as the literature shows other seaweeds in the region also posses a number of these features. E.g. Laminaria hyperborea and Saccorhiza polyschides (Castric-Fey et al. 1993). No studies have taken an extensive species by species approach, examining the different habitats, physiology, and recruitment of a wide range of specific species and proposed how competition with Undaria may affect them. Instead there have only been general statements that different groups may be affected due to a list of various reasons. A study examining the specifics of how competition may occur for a wide range of specific seaweed species is likely to show areas where further competition may occur and where manipulative experiments should be performed to determine the extent of competition. The question posed by Sanderson and Barrett (1989), of whether the number of sea urchins would dramatically increase in areas where Undaria flourishes, then start decimating other algae when the Undaria dies off needs investigating. Areas with only a moderate proportion of Undaria biomass are unlikely to be detrimentally affected as any alteration of the seasonal seaweed biomass would be minor. The availability of native algal material to urchins and other grazers already undergoes cyclic seasonal changes with no reported detrimental effect. E.g. in California the availability of algal biomass to grazers is greatest in summer and decreases greatly in winter (Harrold and Reed 1985). Areas where Undaria would make up a large proportion of the algal biomass, e.g. the Marlborough Sounds which has little native macroalgae, may be affected by this phenomenon. The additional grazing that may occur would probably be restricted to near the Undaria patch due to the limited mobility of sea urchins. Strongylocentrotus franciscanus the Californian red sea urchin was found to move 0.80 m per day when looking for food in barren areas (Harrold and Reed 1985). A worthy start to this investigation would be to identify areas where Undaria makes up a large proportion of the algal biomass. Experiments to investigate the effects Undaria has on urchin populations and the subsequent effects on other algae after the summer disappearance of Undaria may be difficult and costly to perform. To be ecologically relevant the effects of predation on the urchins, whether by fish or man, would 25 The Ecological Effects of Undaria pinnatifida Draft Jan 00 also have to be investigated. It is possible that an abundance of grazing urchins could devour the gametophytes and small sporophytes that would make up the next generation of Undaria, leaving a barren patch where the Undaria patch was. A discussion of patch dynamics and algae/herbivore interactions, even a brief study, is beyond the scope of this report, and will not be entered into due to the inherent complexity of the subject which would require extensive research and experimentation. Effects on Salmon and Mussel Farming Stuart (1997) suggests that Undaria may become a problematic fouling organism on mariculture structures. The economic costs of this fouling is likely to be small or negligible for Salmon farms. The main problem faced by Salmon farms is seaweed growth on the cages lowering water flow. Undaria is unlikely to be a problem due to the regular cage cleaning that is already performed to remove the native seaweeds that foul the cages. The worst offenders are the filamentous seaweeds which regrow from fragments left on the cage structure after cleaning (C Harrison pers. com.). The effect Undaria may have on Mussel farms is not as clear. The Cawthron Institute is growing a trial crop of Undaria on Marlborough Mussel Co Mussel farm main lines. A recent article reporting on the research did not mention any detrimental effects of Undaria on the mussels of this farm (Gibbs and Hay 1998). There may be a positive benefit to filter feeders like mussels due to the production of microbe rich detritus (Roberts et al. 1997). Also work by Battershill et al. (1998) showed that under Undaria canopies in the Marlborough Sounds there are dramatically higher densities of Mytilus edulis (blue mussel) and Perna canaliculus (green-lip mussel). These higher densities may be caused by the presence of Undaria, although proper experimental work is required to verify or refute this. Because of the almost neutral buoancy of Undaria, fouling is unlikely to cause the sinking of any marine structures. Measurements have shown that 15 kg of Undaria ( weighed out of the water) has an apparent weight of only 800 g in the water. 26 The Ecological Effects of Undaria pinnatifida Draft Jan 00 SUMMARY Undaria appears to be less competitive than the seaweed flora of New Zealand and France. Experiments have shown Undaria had no observable effects on its understory biota. The timing of zoospore release and the gametophyte life history of Undaria does not appear to offer Undaria advantages over other native seaweeds in the colonisation of bare patches. The effects on fauna are likely to be advantageous. Paua settlement and growth is likely to be enhanced by the presence of Undaria. Areas of little natural algal cover, like the Marlborough Sounds, may be subjected to intense localised grazing pressure for the scarce native algal cover following the annual die off of Undaria. Salmon farms are unlikely to suffer any adverse effects from Undaria. No detrimental effects on Mussel farms have been reported and observations infer possible advantageous interactions. 27 The Ecological Effects of Undaria pinnatifida Draft Jan 00 Appendix 1: Macroalgal and marine invertebrate species in the understory of Russell (1997) Chlorophyta Cladophora feredayi Ulva rigida Rhodophyta Ceramium spp. Grifflesia crassiuscula Mediothamnium lylli Phycodrys quercifolia Rhodymenia leptophylla Sarcodia flabellata Schizocerus dichotoma Marine invertebrates Aplidium phortax Bostryllus leachi Didemnum candidum Dysidea fragilis Pyura pachydermatina Unidentified sponge species 28 The Ecological Effects of Undaria pinnatifida Draft Jan 00 Appendix 2: Seaweeds settled on seaweed test farm lines in Otago Harbour May - September 1997 From “Keeping Seaweed on Seaweed Farms” a report for the Department of Marine Science, University of Otago, By P R Dean 1998. Report available from P Dean (03) 455 0533. Ulva spp. (Most likely stenophylla) Macrocystis pyrifera Porphyra spp. Scytosiphon lomentaria Colpomenia peregrina Punctatia latifolia Filamentous brown Ectocarpus like seaweed, possibly Pilayella littoralis 29 The Ecological Effects of Undaria pinnatifida Draft Jan 00 References Cited: Adams, N M. 1994: Seaweeds of New Zealand: an illustrated guide. Canterbury University Press, Christchurch. Arakawa, H., and Morinaga, T. 1994: Influence of suspended particles on dispersion of brown algal zoospores. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 60(1):61-64 Battershill, C., Miller, K., and Cole, R. 1998: The understorey of marine invasions. Seafood New Zealand, March 1998, pp 31-33 Brown, M T. and Lamare, M D. 1994: The distribution of Undaria pinnatifida (Harvey) Suringer within Timaru Harbour, New Zealand. Japanese Journal of Phycology 42: 63-70 Casas, G N. and Piriz, M L. 1996: Surveys of Undaria pinnatifida (Laminariales, Phaeophyta) in Golfo Nuevo, Argentina. 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