COPSS Minutes 8/22/06
Katy Carlson, Mike Feyder, Carter Calhoun, Peter Gravett, Lonna Calhoun, Raymond
Olsen, LAFD, Larry Fiori, LAFD, Kevin McCloskey, Port Police, George Thompson, LCDR
Nik Samonte, USCG, Bernadette Dupre, Jim Pitman, Jan Olsen, Rosa Arcadia, DONE,
George Cumming, Tom Villiger, John Stammerich, NWSPNC, Bev Pitman, Etta, Storm,
Lucia Moreno-Linares, WNC, Mercedes Prado, Michael A. Jackson
Meeting Facilitator: Mike Feyder
Minutes Approved: Minutes were approved after corrections to the titles of three participants, Chuck Hawley added to Present, and Port Berth 188 changed to 118.
Meeting Structure: Mike suggested that future meetings begin with reports from the
1st and 2nd responders who are present and then followed by a Task Force Report.
Task Force Report: The group met twice since the last meeting and tasks were assigned and these tasks include: formulating a budget, developing by-laws, obtaining letters of support, recruiting potential board members, begin exploring potential funders, work on the official Not For Profit (NPO) application, update the business plan, determine insurance requirements/costs, prepare articles of incorporation, and explore office possibilities. In response to questions at the meeting, it was clarified that neighborhood councils cannot fund costs related to starting a not for profit organization.
Also, forming an NPO is the best decision for raising private and public funds and it is anticipated that more funds will be needed than could be provided by neighborhood councils. The Task Force, through Carter Calhoun, has developed a new Web site
Meeting with Deputy Mayor: Peter Gravett and Lonna Calhoun met with Deputy LA
Mayor Maurice Suh, Homeland Security & Public Safety. Deputy Suh was impressed with
COPSS and noted that COPSS is ahead of other neighborhood councils in the City. He supports the goal towards an NPO and said he would help with funding resources including the possibility of Homeland Security funds. He will select a representative to be a link to COPSS. He was very encouraged by the outstanding participation of 1st responders on COPSS. He asked Lonna to give presentations to other groups working on emergency planning in the City.
Recommendations by Tom Villiger: Tom recommended that the COPSS move forward to create visibility and action to the broader community. He suggested that for the September COPSS's meeting all members bring emergency preparedness brochures, flyers, preparedness training info, examples of model emergency preparedness kits, check lists, and other resource info. A portion of the Sept meeting should be devoted to forming two groups of participants with one group focusing on selecting the best resource materials (i.e. top three brochures, E-Kits, flyers, trainings, etc.). The second group would work on developing the content and strategies for Neighborhood
Presentations. If the groups are not able to complete their tasks at this meeting,
subsequent subcommittees could complete the work for submission to COPSS at a later meeting. The goal will be to finalize resource materials and presentation content so that trial test presentations could be held in selected neighborhoods in the Harbor area.
Recommendation of Peter Gravitt: Peter suggested that we arrange for a guest speaker at future COPSS meetings....these speakers could focus on a variety of issues related to emergency preparedness.
Ist Responder Reports: Port of LA Homeland Security working with other 1st responders on emergency evacuation options (options based on the type of emergency). The Area Maritime Security Committee has a lead role in testing system options for evacuation. The Coast Guard reported that they will actually host a Table
Top Evacuation Exercise on September 21st. The program will utilize the various evacuation plans of 1s responders (police, fire, etc.). The Coast Guard is formulating the (unannounced) emergency test situations. The purpose of the test is to identify shortcomings of the various systems and continue to work on fixing them. Also, a major goal is to continue working on a unified command system. Port Police reported they have been working with marina associations in the Harbor area on emergency preparedness. Wilmington is ahead of San Pedro on emergency preparations and in the selection of block captains. Port Police and other 1st responders have been doing joint dives two times per month and this has improved their skills and working relationships.
LAFD said they will have lead responsibility if there is a hazardous/toxic emergency.
Also, the LAFD have 50 phone lines and are adding 40 more to use in contacting businesses, homes, etc. in an emergency. They are also working on identifying seniors and the disabled in case of an emergency. Mike Feyder and Lonna Calhoun urged 1st responders to keep COPSS updated on their emergency preparedness activities so that appropriate current information can be shared with the community via the COPSS outreach initiatives. It was also suggested that it will be valuable to have more community representatives on the Area Maritime Security Committee.
CERT Report: Jan Olsen reported that CERT had a booth at Taste of San Pedro and
Music By the Sea. There was a lot of interest....and many brochures were distributed. It seems there is more interest this year in emergency preparedness than last year. CERT
Training begins tonight in Torrance for seven weeks. The Port of LA (George Cummings) reported that they do not have a new class on CERT right now because of lack of participants.
LA Neighborhood Council Emergency Preparedness Planning Task Force:
Chuck Hawley reported that this group is putting together an emergency preparedness template and are examining some of the same issues as COPSS including the points raised earlier by Tom Villiger. There are 30 Councils out of 89 that are involved on this
Task Force. He said there will be a CERT competition on September 9 & 10th at the LA
Convention Center. Mr. Hawley reported that DWP has a Special Needs Awareness
Program to identify homes where special assistance is required....perhaps this information could be shared with lst responders or letters could be sent to these SNAP homes requesting their approval to be a on an emergency notification list.
Mr. Pitman: He expressed concern that there is a rumor that anyone can buy a radio and begin Ham radio communications without a license. He said this is not true and he invited folks to visit the Ham Radio Office at the Maritime Museum.
Other Comments: Rosa Arcadia of DONE passed out a flyer on the City of LA 15th
Annual Emergency Preparedness Fairs...Sept 9, 16, 23, 30 in various LA locations. John
Stammreich of the Northwest SPNC suggested that COPSS and neighborhood councils have emergency preparedness events around 9/11. John will also encourage NC's to get involved with CERT. Harbor Gateway South reported they are sponsoring their 5th
CERT class. Lonna reported that a recent San Pedro meeting featured Congresswoman
Jane Harmon praising the Team Safe-T school program of emergency preparedness.
Lonna will be attending the August 23rd meeting of the AMSC and their agenda will include the formation of a Shoreside Stakeholder Subcommittee. Long Beach will host an
Emergency Preparedness Event on 9/11.