Guru Tegh Bahadur Institute of Technology Fourth Semester - EEE Course Name: Power System – I Course Code: ETEE – 206 Question Bank 1. Ferranti effect on long lines is experienced b. 0.375 when it is c. 1.33 a. Lightly loaded d. None b. On full load at unity pf 6. The maximum demand of a consumer is c. On full load at 0.8pf lag 2kW and his daily energy consumption is 20 d. In all these cases units. His load factor is: 2. The presence of earth in case of overhead a. 10% lines: b. 41.6% a. Increases the capacitance c. 50% b. Increases the inductance d. None c. Decreases the capacitance d. Decreases the inductance 3. For an existing ac transmission line, the 7. Sheaths are used in cables to a. Provide proper insulation b. Provide mechanical strength string efficiency is 80%. Now if DC voltage c. Prevent ingress of moisture is supplied for the same set-up, the string d. None efficiency will be: 8. Corona loss is less when the shape of the a. 80% conductor b. More than 80% a. Circular c. Less than 80% b. Flat d. 100% c. Ovel 4. The leakage resistance of a 50km long cable is 1MΩ. For a 100km long cable, it will d. Independent of shape 9. The sending end voltage of a feeder with be: reactance 0.2pu is 1.2pu. If the reactive a. 1MΩ power supplied at the reciving end of the b. 2MΩ feeder is 0.3pu, the approximate voltage c. 0.66MΩ drop in the feeder is d. None a. 0.2pu 5. The connected load of a consumer is 2kW b. 0.06pu and his maximum demand is 1.5kW. The c. 0.05pu load factor of the consumer is d. 0.072pu a. 0.75 Faculty: Harshpreet Kaur 10. The capacitance of a 3-core cable between b. 1.088pu any two conductors with sheath earthed is c. 1.116pu 2µF. The capacitance per phase will be d. None a. 1 µF 16. The impedance of a circuit is given by b. 4 µF z=3+j4, its conductance is given by: c. 0.667 µF a. 1/3 d. 1.414 µF b. 3/5 11. Three insulating materials with same maximum working stress and permittivity 2.5, 3.0, 4.0 are used in single core cable. c. 3/25 d. 4/5 17. In a circuit, the voltage and current are The location of the materials with respect to given by v= 10+j5 and i=6+j4. The circuit is the core of the cable is a. Inductive a. 2.5, 3.0, 4.0 b. Capacitive b. 3.0, 2.5, 4.0 c. Resistive c. 4.0, 3.0, 2.5 d. Any of above d. 4.0, 2.5, 3.0 12. A transmission line of 210km length has 18. The power in the above question circuit is a. 60W certain values of parameters A, B, C, D. If b. 20W the length is made 100km, thus parameter c. 80W is d. 70W a. A increases, B decreases b. A decreases, B also decreases c. A and B both increase d. A decreases, B increases 13. In the above question 19. The reactive power in the above problem is a. 70Vars b. 60vars a. C increases, D decreases c. 10vars b. C and D both decrease’ d. -10vars c. C and D both increase d. C decreases, D increases 14. The voltage and current in a circuit are 20. A 100km transmission line is designed for a nominal voltage of 132kV and consists of one conductor per phase. The line given by v = 10sin(wt-π/6), i=10sin(wt+ π/6). reactance is 0.726Ω/km. The static The power consumed is given as transmission capacity of the line, in MW a. 100W would be: b. 50W a. 132 c. 86.6W b. 240 d. 25W c. 416 15. A 60Hz 320km lossless line has sending end voltage 1.0pu. The reciving end voltage on no load is d. 720 21. The per unit impedance of a circuit element is 0.15. If the base kV and base MVA are a. 1.1pu Faculty: Harshpreet Kaur halved, then the new value of per unit impedance of the circuit element will be d. 0.6lag 27. The impedance of a generator is 0.2pu on a a. 0.075 base value of 11kV, 50MVA. The b. 0.15 impedance value for a base value of 22kV, c. 0.30 150MVA is d. 0.60 a. 0.15pu 22. If the effect of earth is taken into account, b. 0.2pu then the capacitance of line to ground c. 0.3pu a. Decreases d. 2.4pu b. Increases 28. For a transmission line with resistance R, c. Remains unaltered reactance X, and negligible capacitance, the d. Becomes infinite transmission constant A is 23. A 66kV string insulator having five discs and a. 0 the earth to disc capacitance ratio of 0.1. b. 1 The string efficiency will be c. R+jX a. 89% d. R+X b. 75% 29. A short transmission line having its line c. 67% impedance angle as θ, delivering a given d. 55% power at the receiving end at a lagging pf 24. Corona loss can be reduced by the use of angle of Φ. Which of the following hollow conductor, because conditions gives maximum regulation: a. The current density is reduced a. Φ = θ/2 b. The eddy current in the conductor is b. Φ – θ = π/2 eliminated c. For a given cross-section, the radius of the conductor is increased d. Of better ventilation of the conductor 25. Transmission lines are transposed to c. Φ = θ d. Φ + θ = π/2 30. In the above question which of the following gives zero regulation? a. Φ – θ = π/2 a. Reduce copper loss b. Φ = θ b. Reduce skin effect c. Φ + θ = π/2 c. Prevent interference with telephone d. Φ = θ/2 lines d. Prevent short circuit 26. A single phase transmission line of 31. Bundles conductors in EHV transmission system provide: a. Reduced capacitance impedance j0.8Ω supplies a resistive load of b. Increased capacitance 500A at 300V. The sending end power c. Increased inductance factor is: d. Increased voltage gradient a. Unity 32. The charging current in a transmission line b. 0.8lag increases due to corona effect because c. 0.8lead corona increases Faculty: Harshpreet Kaur a. Line current 37. For a given power delivered, if the working b. Effective line voltage voltage of a distributor line is increased to n c. Power loss in lines times, the cross-sectional area A of the d. Effective conductor diameter distributor line, would be reduced to 33. A power plant has a mximum demand of a. 1/n * A 15MW. The load factor is 50% and the plant b. 1/n2 * A factor is 40%. The operating reserve is: c. 1/2n2 * A a. 3MW d. 1/2n * A b. 3.75MW 38. When bundle conductors are used in place c. 6MW of single conductors, the effective d. 7.5MW inductance and capacitance will respectively 34. Galloping in transmission line conductors a. Increase and decrease arises generally due to b. Decrease and increase a. Asymmetrical layers of ice formation c. Decrease and remain unaffected b. Vortex phenomenon in light winds d. Remain unaffected and increase c. Heavy weight of line conductors d. Adoption of horizontal conductor configurations 35. The per unit impedance of a synchronous 39. For a transmission line with negligible losses, the lagging var delivered at the receiving end, for a given receiving end voltage is directly proportional to the machine is 0.242. If the base voltage is a. square of the line voltage drop increased by 1.1 times, the per unit value b. line voltage drop will be c. line inductive reactance a. 0.266 d. line capacitive reactance b. 0.242 40. The inductance of a three phase c. 0.220 transmission line is 1.2mH/phase/km. If the d. 0.200 spacing of conductors and the radius of the 36. The self inductance of a long cylindrical conductor are doubled, then the inductance conductor due to its internal flux linkages is of the line will be k H/m. If the diameter of the conductor is a. 4.8mH/phase/km doubled, then the self inductance of the b. 1.2mH/phase/km conductor due to its internal flux linkages c. (ln2)*1.2mH/phase/km would be d. (ln4)*1.2mH/phase/km a. 0.5k H/m 41. A 3 phase transmission line of negligible b. K H/m resistance and capacitance has an inductive c. 1.414k H/m reactance of 100Ω/phase. When the d. 4k H/m sending end and receiving end voltages are maintained at 100kV, the maximum power that can be transmitted will be a. 121MW b. 121√3 Faculty: Harshpreet Kaur c. 363MW b. Ellipse d. 363kW c. 42. A string insulator has 4 units. The voltage across the bottom - most unit is 33% of the Parabola d. Circle 46. At slack bus, which of the following are total voltage. Its string efficiency is specified? a. 25% a. IVI, δ b. 33.33% b. P, Q c. 66.7% c. d. 75% d. Q, IVI 43. The design of insulation for systems above P, IVI 47. Ring main distribution is preferred to a 400kV, is based upon radial system because a. Lightening overvoltage a. Voltage drop in the feeder is less b. Switching surges c. System voltage level and supply is more reliable b. Voltage drop is less and power d. System load level 44. A 50Hz 3 phase transmission line of length factor is high c. 100km has a capacitance of 0.03/π, µF per km. It is represented a π model. The shunt more reliable d. Power factor is high and system is admittance at each end of the transmission line will be a. Power factor is high and supply is less expensive 48. For a given base voltage and base volt- 150*10-6 angle 900 mho amperes, the per unit impedance value b. 1o0*10-6 angle 900 mho of an element is x. The per unit c. 50*10-6 angle 900 mho impedance value of this element when d. 106/150 angle 900 mho e. The principal information obtained from the voltage and volt-ampere bases are both doubled will be load flow studies in a power system are: a. 0.5x (i) Magnitude and phase angle of the b. X voltage at each bus, (ii) Reactive and c. real power flow in each line, (iii) Total d. 4x power loss of the network, (iv) Transient 2x 49. In load flow studies of a power system, stability limit of the system a voltage control bus is specified by Choose the correct one: a. P and Q a. i and ii b. P, IVI b. iii and iv c. c. d. Q, IVI I, ii, and iii d. ii and iv IVI, δ 50. The reactance of a generator 45. For fixed sending end and receiving end designated X” is given as 0.25pu based voltages in a transmission system, what on generator’s name plate rating 18kV, is the locus of constant power 500MVA. If the base for calculations is a. Straight line changed to 20kV, 100MVA, the Faculty: Harshpreet Kaur generator reactance X” on new base will be a. 1.025pu b. 0.05pu c. 0.0405pu d. 0.25pu Faculty: Harshpreet Kaur