breakthrough cambridge lesson planning template - BT-Philly-Math

All handouts and written material were included in the
lesson plan
All necessary materials were listed in the lesson plan
Lists all the task to be completed by the teacher that are necessary to be
fully prepared for the lesson
The agenda was listed with appropriate time allotment
Popsicle name sticks
PEMDAS worksheets
Your Preparation:
Write PEMDAS and problems on board
Have construction papers with problems written on
them for the relay races
Agenda with times:
Do now: 10 min
Review: 3 min
Examples: 7 min
Structured Practice: 10 min
Guided Practice: 10 min
HW and wrap up: 5 min
Possible extra time: review properties, field
questions on integers, practice using integers
in pemdas problems
*Do Now:
Look at review sheet of integer operations
Today you will be able to…use the order of operations to solve problems and
Proving Behavior: By…
Completing a PEMDAS worksheet
Purpose: We are doing this because…
It will prepare students to solve equations
Do Now:
Activates relevant prior knowledge for today’s lesson or
Reviews a skill students have mastered that is a pre-requisite for today’s lesson or
Serves as a check for understanding for a skill students need to know for today’s lesson
Manageable and relevant to the topic of study
Proving behavior:
Correlates with the objective and
Overt action
Manageable for the time allotted
Explains why this lesson matters in a way that students can connect to and justify
TEACHING (may be less or more than six steps)
Written clearly and make sense
Process are manageable for the time allotted for this lesson
Say, See, Do Teaching
“Say”s are appropriate teacher directed statements that further student learning
“See”s are appropriate think alouds, steps in the VIP, modeling, visual examples that further student learning, and varied
“Do”s are appropriate student actions that match the Say and the See and are varied
Step 1
Reviewing PEMDAS
Say: Today we will review the order of operations. Who remembers the steps of pemdas?
See: PEMDAS is written on the board. Students volunteer the steps of pemdas.
* Do: Students will recite the steps of pemdas in unison.
Step 2
Say: Now I will show you an example of PEMDAS on the board.
Step 3
Big Example
See: Problem solved on the board with teacher talk aloud. (4 + 2)2 – 2 * 3
* Do: Copy the problem and steps in their notebook.
Say: Look how we can solve a super long problem using PEMDAS. If we just follow the steps and stay organized, we can solve the
See: 4 * {8 – {3 * 2)}2 * -5 - 3
Do: Popsicle stick pick for students to say the next step. Students will complete each step on white boards and hold up for teacher
check before moving to next step.
*Structured Practice (3-4 additional examples led by teacher with gradually quickening pace, helping
students approach automaticity by manipulating, time, materials, group size)
Time: 6 min
Group: Class split
in two groups
Time: 4 min
Group Size: Class
split into two groups
Structured Practice
Provides 2-3 effective examples that enable teacher to gradually release responsibility by quickening
pace, changing materials, or manipulating group size
Students get to practice entire process
Example 1: In teams, play Order of Operations relay race. Introduce game procedure. Each person does one step of the simplification
then passes the marker to the next person.
Example 2: Play another round of the relay race, but this time the team cannot assist the student at the board while they are
completing their step.
*Guided Practice (the proving behavior of the objective monitored by teacher)
Assignment: 10 problem practice worksheet on PEMDAS
Is the proving behavior of the objective
Criteria for Mastery:
Students will answer at least 8/10 problems questions correctly on
guided practice sheet.
Criteria for Mastery:
Rigorous and achievable based on the lesson
PEMDAS worksheet
Matches the skill level of the teaching and guided practice for the day (does not present anything new)
Manageable in terms of length and materials required
*Closure: Everyone chants the steps of PEMDAS
Last check for understanding or students summarizes the learning
Overt- active participation
*Active Participation is required by all students at the same time.
Visual Instruction Plan
VIP (if applicable)
Includes a title
Lists the steps in the process
Appropriate depth and length for the skill level
Appropriate visual cues that further student understanding of the step