Maeda et al. Supplementary Figure Legends Supplementary Fig. 1 a, The protein expression levels of introduced oncogenes were comparable in WT and Zbtb7-/- MEFs (described in Fig 1a and 1b). Western blot analyses were carried out with the indicated antibodies. b, The protein expression levels of introduced oncogenes in MEFs (described in Fig 1c and 1d) were shown. Exogenous Pokemon protein showed higher molecular weight due to FLAG tag. c, Pokemon antagonizes Myc-induced cellular apoptosis. Rat1 MycErTM cells were infected with either pWZL empty vector or pWZL-FLAG Pokemon vector. After 24h serum starvation, cells were treated with 4-Hydroxytamoxifen (4-OHT) in 0.1% serum containing medium. Apoptotic cells were counted by trypan blue exclusion method on the indicated days. The Pokemon expression levels are also shown (right). Supplementary Fig. 2 a, Schematic representation of CASTing procedure. In vitro translated FLAG-tagged Pokemon was incubated with a degenerate oligonucleotide pool (binding reaction). Pokemon/oligonucleotide complexes were precipitated with anti-FLAG antibody-conjugated beads. After extensive washing, binding oligonucleotides were eluted from beads, amplified by PCR, sub-cloned into plasmids and subsequently sequenced. b, Alignment of individual Pokemon oligonucleotide binding sequences identified from the CAST analysis. The color code represents the percentage of conserved sequence among pulled-down selected oligos. c, EMSA performed with a radio-labeled Pokemon binding sequence containing oligo-probe. Wheat extracts containing in vitro translated Pokemon (Pok+), or wheat extracts without Pokemon (Pok-), were incubated with radio-labeled POK probes (see also e in this figure). Non-labeled POK oligos were used as cold competitors. d, Transrepression assays performed in 293T cells transfected with increasing amounts of Pokemon expression vector and a luciferase reporter plasmid (3POKBB-Luc) that contains three artificial Pokemon binding sites. The y-axis represents fold activation of reporter normalized by a dual-luciferase system. Pokemon expression level is shown in lower panel. e, Schematic representation of mutated oligos used as probes or cold competitors in EMSA assay. Two to five bases were replaced with thymine residues (shown in blue) and utilized in EMSA to identify the core sequence for Pokemon binding. f, EMSA was performed with radio-labeled POK, POK m1 and POK m2 probes with or without in vitro translated Pokemon. POK m1 probe did not bind with in vitro translated Pokemon, indicating the core sequence for Pokemon binding is located within the mutated sequence in POK m1 oligo. g, EMSA was further performed to identify the core sequence of Pokemon binding site utilizing the mutated oligos as cold competitors (POK, m3, m4, m5 and m6). The oligo m4 (and m6) failed to compete with radio-labeled POK probe, which indicates that the two cytosine residues mutated in the m4 oligo are indispensable for Pokemon binding. Supplementary Fig. 3 a, Schematic representation of mouse p19Arf and human p14ARF promoters. Mouse (left) and human (right) ARF promoter sequences [500 bp upstream the transcription start site (+1)] are shown. Putative binding sites for DMP1 (orange), E2F1 [blue; (+) and (–) indicates sense and antisense, respectively], Sp-1 (purple) and TBX2/3 (green) are indicated. Pokemon putative binding sites are highlighted in red characters. Promoter sequences included in the luciferase reporter constructs utilized in our studies are indicated in purple (mouse) and orange (human) circles. Arrows represents the primer sets that were utilized for the ChIP assays. b, Pokemon transcriptional repression depends on both POZ and Zinc finger DNA binding domains. Transrepression assays in NIH3T3 cells transfected with vectors encoding Pokemon deletion mutants along with a mouse p19Arf luciferase based reporter (top left). Expression levels of each Pokemon mutant were examined by Western blot (top right). Schematic representation of Pokemon mutants is also shown (bottom). c, Schematic representation of the mutated mouse p19Arf luciferase reporters. d, Pokemon antagonizes E2F1-dependent ARF transactivation/de-repression. E2F1 expression vector and the p19Arf luciferase reporter were transfected in NIH3T3 cells along with increasing amounts of Pokemon expression vector. e, Real-Time PCR analysis for quantification of p19Arf mRNA in serially passaged MEFs. MEFs were prepared from three independent littermates. PCR reactions were performed in duplicate and the relative amount of p19Arf mRNA is shown together with standard deviation. f, Pokemon is not capable of repressing mouse p16Ink4a promoter activity. Transrepression assays were performed in NIH3T3 cells. Increasing amounts of Pokemon expression vector were transfected along with mouse p16Ink4a luciferase reporters. Expression control is also shown (bottom). g, p53 up-regulation in Zbtb7-/- (Null) MEFs. Western blot analysis of p53 expression in various preparations of WT and Zbtb7-/- MEFs. Normalization of p53 protein levels over Hsp90 is also shown (bottom). Supplementary Fig. 4 a, Detection of transgenic and total Pokemon expression by RT-PCR in splenocytes from two wild type controls (Cont.1, Cont. 2) and from F1 animals of three independent lckE-Pokemon founder lines (numbers 16, 21 and 26). Primers used were either specific for the transgenic FLAG-Pokemon or for both transgenic and endogenous (total) Pokemon. Control reactions incubated without Reverse Transcriptase (RT) were included. RT-PCR for a housekeeping gene, hprt, is also shown. b, Monoclonal anti-POKEMON 13E9 antibody produces specific staining for Pokemon. Immunohistochemical Pokemon staining of 13.5 d.p.c fetal liver (FL) cells are shown. Pokemon shows strong and specific nuclear staining only in Zbtb7+/+ FL cells but not Zbtb7-/- FL cells. c, Sections of an lckE-Pokemon thymic lymphoma immunostained with antibodies to Pokemon and TdT (x400 magnification). d, Western blot for total Pokemon on lysates from thymocytes of 4 wild type control mice and cells from 4 independent lckE-Pokemon thymic lymphomas. Specificity of the Pokemon antibody is demonstrated by the lack of a signal from lysate of Zbtb7-/- MEFs. Hsp90 is shown as a loading control. Supplementary Fig. 5 Pokemon expression in normal human and mouse lymphoid organs. a, Immunohistochemical staining of normal human thymus for POKEMON, CD3 and AE1:AE3 (at low power x40 (inset) and at high power x400 magnifications). The arrows indicate medullary epithelial cells and Hassle’s corpuscles, which are highly positive for POKEMON and AE1:AE3 but negative for CD3. b, Immunohistochemical staining of normal/reactive human tonsil for POKEMON at x40, x100 and x400 magnifications. Pokemon is expressed in squamous epithelium and germinal center lymphocytes. The arrows indicate germinal centers (GCs). c, Immunohistochemical staining of normal mouse spleen for Pokemon and CD3 (at x40, x100 and x400 magnifications). Pokemon is mainly expressed in the white pulp germinal centers, which are negative for CD3. d, Immunohistochemical staining of normal mouse thymus for Pokemon and CD3 (at x40, x100 and x400 magnifications). Supplementary Fig. 6 a, POKEMON expression in human T cell lymphomas. The table shows a summary of T cell lymphoma TMA. Pictures of two POKEMON positive lymphoblastic lymphoma cases are shown. Abbreviations: ALCL; Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, AIL; Angioimmunoblastic lymphoma, LBL; Lymphoblastic lymphoma, PTCL; Peripheral T cell lymphoma. b, POKEMON expression in human B cell lymphomas. The table shows a summary of B cell lymphoma TMA. Pictures of two POKEMON positive CLL cases are also shown. Abbreviations: DLBCL; Diffuse large B cell lymphoma, FL; Follicular Lymphoma, MZL; Marginal zone lymphoma, SLL/CLL; Small cell lymphocytic lymphoma/Chronic lymphocytic lymphoma, MCL; Mantle cell lymphoma. c, Kaplan-Meier curves of overall survival (OS) in DLBCL cases stratified according to the indicated markers. Case numbers (n) are also indicated. A log-rank test was used to calculate P-values. The Age (>60), IPI (3 and 4), AA stage (3 and 4) and BCL2 positivity were predictive of worse prognosis. Abbreviations (see also Supplementary tables): IPI; International Prognostic Index, AA stage; Ann Arbor Stage. d, POKEMON is highly expressed in BCL6 positive lymphomas. Bar graphs show the percentage of POKEMON positivity among BCL6 positive lymphoma samples. Colors indicate levels of POKEMON expression. e, The protein expression levels of introduced oncogenes in MEFs (described in Fig. 5d) were comparable in WT and Zbtb7-/- MEFs. Western blot analyses were carried out with the indicated antibodies. f, The expression levels of p14ARF mRNA in 37 DLBCL cases. Cases were stratified according to relative POKEMON mRNA levels (POKEMONmRNA/PBGDmRNA). Relative POKEMON mRNA levels ranged from 0.45 to 13.5 in this cohort and the cases with POKEMON mRNA levels higher than 5.5 were classified into High group. P-value was generated by a Welch two sample t-test.