Hampshire Shared Lives Scheme Policy and Procedure 27 Shared Lives Guidance Medication 1. Introduction The Hampshire Shared Lives Scheme enables each person to take responsibility for their own medication wherever possible. However if this is not possible we will ensure that Shared Lives Carers understand the principles behind the safe handling of medication, as well as the Scheme’s procedures for the control, administration, recording, safe keeping, handling and disposal of medicines. Training will be provided. 2. How will this happen? Shared Lives Carers will receive training in the administration, safe-handling and recording of medication, as well as storage of medication and safe disposal. In advance of any Shared Lives arrangement being made with a Shared Lives Carer, full information will be made available regarding medication taken by the person they are to support. If the Shared Lives Carer is to undertake or assist with any medical procedure the person requires, specific training will be given by a competent medical professional and the Shared Lives Carer’s competence to undertake the required role will be verified and documented by that professional. Full information regarding an individual’s medication and any medical procedures they require will be recorded in their Service User Plan. If a person has been self-medicating prior to entering into a Shared Lives arrangement, it is good practice to re-assess the person’s ability to continue to self-medicate. Agreement will need to be reached on the Service User’s and Carers’ areas of responsibility including: Safe storage and handling of medication Disposal of medication Reporting side effects of medication Attendance at medication reviews Reporting any failure or refusal to take medication Incidents of overdose Use of over the counter and homeopathic remedies (effects on prescribed medication) Support will always be available to the Service User who is able to self-medicate in order to promote their independence. This information will be recorded in the Service User Plan and risk assessments. Information about a person’s medication should always be treated as confidential. Wherever possible permission to share information with others should always be sought from the person. June 2014 Hampshire Shared Lives Scheme Policy and Procedure 27 If there are any concerns regarding a Service User’s medication information and advice must always be sought from: GP Pharmacy Community Psychiatric Nurse Care Plan/Risk Assessment Care Manager/Care Worker And information recorded on medication sheets The person’s dignity and privacy and preferences will be respected when they are given or taking medicines. The person has a right to give or withhold consent for any medical treatment or examinations. Shared Lives Carer(s) understand that they cannot do this on any person’s behalf and nor can anyone else. Shared Lives Carers must communicate with all appropriate parties. If the person is unable to make decisions or give informed consent themselves, this will be discussed with a person’s doctor or dentist (and the person’s representative, when appropriate) to agree a way forward that is within the law and in the person’s best interests. In these situations we will follow guidance and relevant legislation including: June 2014 The Mental Capacity Act 2005 Code of Practice Best Interest Decisions Community Treatment Orders Advanced Statements