Republic of Latvia Cabinet Regulation No. 343 Adopted 3 May 2011

Republic of Latvia
Regulation No. 343
Adopted 3 May 2011
Regulations for Keeping and Updating the Register of
Administrators of Residential Houses
Issued pursuant to Section 18, Paragraph five
of the Law On Administration of Residential Houses
I. General Provisions
1. This Regulation prescribes the procedures for keeping and updating the Register of
Administrators of Residential Houses (hereinafter – Register), the documents to be submitted
to the Register and the deadlines for submitting them, as well as the official responsible for
keeping the Register.
2. The Register of administrators shall be kept and updated by the Ministry of Economics.
The official responsible for keeping the Register shall be appointed by the State Secretary of
the Ministry of Economics.
3. The manager of the Register shall be the Ministry of Economics.
4. The information indicated in the Law On Administration of Residential Houses shall be
entered in the Register, observing the requirements of the regulatory enactments regarding the
protection of the data of natural persons.
5. The manager of the Register shall provide the opportunity for anyone to electronically
obtain data regarding administrators of residential houses free of charge, observing the
requirements of the regulatory enactments regarding the protection of the data of natural
persons. The website address for the relevant informative services shall be indicated in the
Public Service Catalogue supervised by the State Regional Development Agency.
II. Information and Documents to be Submitted for Registration
6. During registration in the Register for the first time a person who complies with the
requirements specified for an administrator in the Law On Administration of Residential
Houses and has entered into an administration contract with the owner of the residential
house, a society established by the owners or an association, which administers the residential
house on the basis of a decision of the community of apartment owners, or a person who
wants to offer services of an administrator (hereinafter – administrator), shall submit the
following to the Ministry of Economics:
6.1. a submission for registration in the Register (Annex 1);
6.2. a document, which certifies the qualifications of the administrator or the
employees thereof (certified copy).
Translation © 2011 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)
7. The administrator has a duty to inform the Ministry of Economics regarding changes in the
information entered in the Register within one month from the time when the changes were
8. If information entered in the Register has changed, the administrator shall submit a
submission to the Ministry of Economics, completing the sections, which concern the
information to be updated, as well as, if necessary, documents certifying the changes.
9. The Ministry of Economics is entitled to request the administrator to submit documents,
which certify the veracity of the information indicated in the submission.
III. Procedures for Keeping and Updating the Register
10. An administrator shall be registered or information submitted shall be updated, if the
submission submitted by the administrator has been completely filled in and the information
indicated therein is true.
11. The Ministry of Economics shall, within one month from the date when the submitted
information was registered or updated in the Register, inform the administrator in writing
regarding registration or updating of the submitted information in the Register.
12. If the Ministry of Economics determines that the submission submitted by the
administrator has not been fully completed or the information indicated therein is false, the
Ministry of Economics shall inform the administrator in writing that making of the entry is
being postponed for a month from the date when the submission was received, and shall
indicate the documents to be submitted.
13. If the administrator does not submit the specified documents to the Ministry of Economics
within the time period referred to Paragraph 12 of this Regulation, the Ministry of Economics
shall not make the relevant entry in the Register.
14. The administrator, which is registered in the Register, but no longer provides or offers
services of administration, shall submit a submission to the Ministry of Economics regarding
exclusion from the Register (Annex 2).
15. If the administrator is excluded from the Register, the Ministry of Economics shall insert
the information included in the Register regarding the relevant administrator into the archive
database of the Register.
16. The information entered in the Register database shall be kept permanently by the
Ministry of Economics, but the information in the archive database of the Register – for 10
years after inclusion of the relevant information in the archive database of the Register. At the
end of the storage period the Ministry of Economics shall delete the information included in
the archive database of the Register.
Translation © 2011 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)
IV. Closing Provision
17. Associations or societies of apartment owners, which are registered in the Register, shall
submit information regarding administration contracts, which must be drawn up in writing by
31 December 2011, by 1 May 2012.
Prime Minister
V. Dombrovskis
Minister for Economics
A. Kampars
Translation © 2011 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)
Annex 1
Cabinet Regulation No. 343
3 May 2011
Submission for Registration in the Register of Administrators of Residential Houses
Registration for the first time [ ]
Update of information [ ]
(mark the appropriate with an “x”)
(given name, surname (for a natural person) or name (for a legal person) of the administrator)
(personal identity number (for a natural person)
or registration number (for a legal person), telephone, e-mail)
Preferred means of further communication:
using postal services [ ]
using electronic communications [ ]
(mark the appropriate with an “x”)
The address of the administrator for further
communication (need not be indicated if the
corresponds with the declared place of
residence or legal address)
Types of services offered by the administrator
The territory where services are provided
Qualifications of the administrator or
qualifications of the employees of the
Information regarding administration contracts entered into
The validity period of
the administration
Address of the residential house
(given name, surname)
Minister for Economics
A. Kampars
The details of the document “signature” and “date” shall not be completed if the electronic document has been
prepared in conformity with the regulatory enactments regarding drawing up of electronic documents.
Translation © 2011 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)
Annex 2
Cabinet Regulation No. 343
3 May 2011
Submission Regarding Exclusion from the Register
of Administrators of Residential Houses
I hereby request to be excluded from the Register of Administrators of Residential Houses
(given name, surname (for a natural person) or name (for a legal person) of the administrator)
(personal identity number (for a natural person) or registration number (for a legal person))
Justification of exclusion
Date of exclusion*
(given name, surname)
Minister for Economics
A. Kampars
Preferable exclusion date.
The details of the document “signature” and “date” shall not be completed if the electronic document has been
drawn up in conformity with the regulatory enactments regarding drawing up of electronic documents.
Translation © 2011 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)